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By: Forsaken Archer
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Apr 28 2010, 9:23 pm Sand Wraith Post #1541


Quote from NudeRaider
Everyone loves Chipper and Fayde.

Not true, there are a ton of people who hate both.

Apr 28 2010, 9:42 pm dumbducky Post #1542

A few questions about the end of open beta (I assume the means the game is going to go on sale):
1)Any advantages to preordering?
2)Will it be sold in stores or online only?

I feel like half of the S2 heroes suck and the other half are good.
Engi-His stun is good, but his turret and l3 seem sort of useless. The nerf to the turret makes it seem like it useless without lots of attack modifiers. The l3 just doesn't do much, although I suppose it does help. And his l4 is useful. On the whole, he only works as a support hero, but there are better heroes at that than him.
FA-A pretty straightforward agi carry.
Chipper-I think he's pretty fun, but he is op as is. His missiles need to be toned down.
Fadye-I haven't actually played as her, so I don't know what to think. Seems kind of scout-ish as noobs just use her to ks.


Apr 28 2010, 11:11 pm l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #1543

Just here for the activity... well not really

Quote from dumbducky
A few questions about the end of open beta (I assume the means the game is going to go on sale):
1)Any advantages to preordering?
2)Will it be sold in stores or online only?
1) Gold Shield. Also, if you pre-ordered before open beta you also get to taunt and something else.
2) It will be online only.

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Apr 28 2010, 11:50 pm Neki Post #1544

Online purchase only sounds really stupid.


Apr 29 2010, 12:12 am Phobos Post #1545

Are you sure about that?

Lol, so I guess that will be it for me. I cannot buy HoN.

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Apr 29 2010, 1:24 am Sand Wraith Post #1546


Quote from name:Taylor Swift
Online purchase only sounds really stupid.

Purposeful, because packaging, transporting, and general marketing of the game to retailers is expensive and unprofitable for the relatively small company of S2.

Apr 29 2010, 4:55 am Decency Post #1547

Quote from dumbducky
Engi-His stun is good, but his turret and l3 seem sort of useless. The nerf to the turret makes it seem like it useless without lots of attack modifiers. The l3 just doesn't do much, although I suppose it does help. And his l4 is useful. On the whole, he only works as a support hero, but there are better heroes at that than him.
Engineer can easily carry:

One of these games is a scrim against a clan, one a 1700+. Engineer's tinker makes towers melt or take forever, +/- 9 armor is huge. His turret after you get a Charged Hammer rips through anything and his ultimate keeps them within range. His stun is 1000 range which is just a joke, the hero is pretty OP.

I think Chipper was fine until they added the SotM upgrade, now he's OP.

Fayde sucks, I've yet to be in a game where one made a difference.


Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Apr 29 2010, 5:28 am by FaZ-.


Apr 29 2010, 2:24 pm Crazed Post #1548


Well, Fayde is really a ganker who feasts upon the agi carries and int heroes early to mid game. I tried playing her like NA in dota and had some success. If you manage to farm a quick codex (at least before the recent changes) you could easily take out a squishy in less than 4-5 seconds and then run away.

I guess at the end of the day Fayde is supposed to slow down the enemy carries and int heroes so that when your carries face off against the enemy carries in the late game, your team will win.


Apr 29 2010, 9:03 pm Decency Post #1549

Of course, that's the point of any ganker. But there's dozens better at it in HoN that can also do other things well.


Apr 29 2010, 10:28 pm Insane Crusader Post #1550

I don't like Fayde. Her stun looks like a failed attempt to make a spell seem new and original (your mini-shadow steps out and attacks you? really?). Then again I like playing mostly with Intelligence based heroes and ranged agility heroes, Witch Slayer being my absolute favourite.


Apr 30 2010, 1:25 am Phobos Post #1551

Are you sure about that?

Defiler is amazing. Nuff said.

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Apr 30 2010, 3:12 am Sand Wraith Post #1552


Stop playing no-stat games and maybe you might improve.

Apr 30 2010, 3:14 am Phobos Post #1553

Are you sure about that?

I do play stats games. I am bad at Succubus, that is it.

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May 1 2010, 2:32 am Phobos Post #1554

Are you sure about that?

Non attentive gameplay ftw.

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May 1 2010, 7:58 am poison_us Post #1555

Back* from the grave

Quote from Phobos
Defiler is amazing.
After my first game with her just now, this. Most definitely this.

May 1 2010, 4:28 pm Phobos Post #1556

Are you sure about that?

Wide and long lasting silence, 350 magic damage nuke with 5 seconds cast delay with wide and long range, spirits that add incredible power to your attacks and allow you to take down any towers AND heal you once they are done, she is just perfect to me.

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May 1 2010, 7:47 pm poison_us Post #1557

Back* from the grave

With her E and ultimate spells maxed out, how many spirits does she put out?

May 1 2010, 8:57 pm Phobos Post #1558

Are you sure about that?

20 spirits.

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May 1 2010, 11:37 pm NudeRaider Post #1559

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

She's still easy target for any Deadwood (or similar nukers) and physical dps carries.

May 2 2010, 12:11 am ForTheSwarm Post #1560

Good Defilers should end the game through pushes before carries can do anything.


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