Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Middle of the Ocean RPG
Middle of the Ocean RPG
Apr 1 2010, 11:49 pm
By: Leeroy_Jenkins
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Apr 1 2010, 11:49 pm Leeroy_Jenkins Post #1

Middle of the Ocean RPG

Here's a neat little 1 player RPG I put together for the SEN Beta Key Mapping Contest. What happens is your ship is taken down by a few enemy aircraft and you get stuck on an island in the middle of the ocean. You find quickly that the island is inhabited with people, and they're willing to help you fix up your ship and send you on your way. That is, after you get the part you need out of the local temple, which, of course, is filled with things you need to fight.

Here are some screenies to glance at...

Well, go play! It'll take up about twenty minutes of your time, and it's worth it! DLDB LINK

EDIT: The DLDB is closed for now and my map is too big to load as an attachment (lol), so please download it here

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Apr 2 2010, 6:27 pm by Leeroy_Jenkins.


Apr 2 2010, 12:57 am Chia-Tyrant Post #2

At first, I thought this would be just another wildly unoriginal "watch your unit kill stuff and cast spells once in a while", featuring eye candy, that are so sheepishly acclaimed as masterpieces.

At length, however, I really took a liking to it. No, not because of the "eye candy" (terrain, flashy things and so on) which most people think is necessary (and, for the dumbest, sufficient) to have a great game.

I loved that it was so masterfully paced. Wandering around without having monsters popping up every so often for most of the game and making conversation with the natives, accompanied by a sumptuous tune, was extremely soothing. I also enjoyed the fact that you did not just re-use the pre-chewed quests that are so often featured in rpgs. That is, most quests had nothing to do with killing stuff and required a certain degree of skill or exploration. However, I think it would have been very appropriate (and almost necessary) to integrate some sort of puzzles into the quests.

There were a few things that annoyed me though. For instance, once you go too deep into the cave, the hydralisks just swarm the area and it becomes practically impossible to fight them. Also, the last boss just felt like a hodge podge; creatures were coming from everywhere at all times and it required no amount of skill on my part. In fact, I just went for the overlord while spamming the lurker spell and using fishes once in a while to keep me alive.

In sum, I really liked this game and it's definitely my favourite entry in the ocean contest so far. Of course, I'm well aware that this is not the best you can do as you've had very little time to make this and did not aim for something revolutionary in the first place.


Apr 2 2010, 3:49 am qPirateKing Post #3

This is the best map I have played in the past who-knows-how-long. If it had been entered into the last stand contest, I would have given it the highest scores hands down. The map itself is quite charming with its music and atmosphere, but there is a lot to appreciate when you look beneath the surface. Whether intentionally or not, the fishing minigame in this map is an exemplar of a well designed game. If you are skilled at the game, you are rewarded handsomely, but, if you are not skilled, you can still 'win.' It's simple, but very sound in its design.

I guess the highest praise that a mapper can give another is to say, "I wish I could make a map like this." That about sums up how I feel about it really. Good luck in the contest!


Apr 2 2010, 4:40 am stickynote Post #4

Will play it tomorrow. I have high expectations now that two people have given good reviews.


Apr 2 2010, 4:57 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #5

Quote from stickynote
Will play it tomorrow. I have high expectations now that two people have given good reviews.
High expectations scare me :fear:


Apr 2 2010, 5:03 am CecilSunkure Post #6

So this is going to count as your final submission for the contest? If so, I'll download it and play it tomorrow when I have some time.


Apr 2 2010, 5:05 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #7

Quote from CecilSunkure
So this is going to count as your final submission for the contest? If so, I'll download it and play it tomorrow when I have some time.
Why as a matter of fact it is


Apr 2 2010, 5:07 am CecilSunkure Post #8

You use Oblivion; disqualification from the contest.
April fools.


Apr 2 2010, 6:06 am SelfPossessed Post #9

I am thoroughly and completely impressed. Very enjoyable, great atmosphere (I <3 the music), and amazing attention to detail. I like killing townies and hearing them scream.

I realize that this was done in a short period of time (only makes me more amazed), but there are a few areas I would love to see added to this.

  • Using Abilities

    For a more combat centric game, movement detection is more fluid. However, given the nature of this game (not combat focused, slower pace), a Dropship/Shuttle system would be more beneficial. Fewer hotkeys to manage and all.

  • Dialogue

    I would prefer it if moving the Marine causes the dialogue to move to the next part. It would help people who read faster.

  • Fishing

    It would help if I could recast the rod quicker without having to move my Marine from the Beacon. The simple solution would be to make it another ability. Also, I want to be able to catch different types of fish in caves and such. You could have certain fish easier to cook. And maybe catch something else for a quest (IT'S A BOTTLE).

  • Cannon

    It reminded me of Twilight Princess. I want to play around with it more somehow before I get my ship back in working order. Like another island with mini-quests. Or just move some of the mini-quests from the main town to another island.

  • Ship

    Once I get the ship, it would be fun to do something with it. It doesn't have to be story oriented. A mini-boss. Special fishing spots. An abandoned shipwreck. Etc.

All in all, I really enjoyed this. Kudos. I hope you win the key.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 2 2010, 6:21 am by SelfPossessed.


Apr 2 2010, 8:18 am Tempz Post #10

Even though it say its free to get healed from the hospital it cost 1 mineral ever so often,
you need some ally triggers for the buildings =p

Oh and you need get some different music *Cough* disqualification ;(?


Apr 2 2010, 8:55 am Septhiroth Post #11

Wow... That was a very unique experince. I was truly astonished by the atmosphere. It reminded me much of ICO


Apr 2 2010, 9:09 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #12

Quote from Tempz
Even though it say its free to get healed from the hospital it cost 1 mineral ever so often,
you need some ally triggers for the buildings =p
Quote from the game:
Man: Welcome to the hospital.
Man: We heal people up for about a coin every two seconds
Man: Unfortunately we are legally obligated to help people with no money.
Quote from Tempz
Oh and you need get some different music *Cough* disqualification ;(?
What's wrong with my music? I did a google search for "free rpg music" and came across the Celestial Aeon Project, which encourages people to use their music for whatever it may be.

Quote from CecilSunkure
You use Oblivion; disqualification from the contest.
April fools.

Haha, very nice.


Apr 2 2010, 1:01 pm Oh_Man Post #13

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Nice this is a lot better then your fire one, I'll be surprised if you don't get the beta key.

Apr 2 2010, 3:03 pm TiKels Post #14

Quote from qPirateKing
I guess the highest praise that a mapper can give another is to say, "I wish I could make a map like this." That about sums up how I feel about it really. Good luck in the contest!
QPK = A mapping and aesthetics legend

You have been honored.

The cannon was so much fun, I think I might replay it a few times just to see it again. Fishing was good (as said.) Overall: a great map.

"If a topic that clearly interest noone needs to be closed to underline the "we don't want this here" message, is up to debate."


Apr 2 2010, 6:27 pm Leeroy_Jenkins Post #15

The DLDB is closed for now and my map is too big to load as an attachment (lol), so please download it here


Apr 3 2010, 1:21 am l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #16

Just here for the activity... well not really

I'm playing it right now: That suicide scene was funny, but "You acquired a guilty conscience" was even funnier.

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Apr 3 2010, 1:41 am hdogg86 Post #17

very good map, scary to think how good it could have been if it wasnt sped up for the contest. my only regret is that i could not play it longer


Apr 3 2010, 1:56 am l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #18

Just here for the activity... well not really

Okay I just finished it. The atmosphere was very nice: it felt easy-going at first and energetic during boss. Fishing, upgrading, healing and combat all nicely blended together, with a few easter egg civilians secretly placed in there.

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

Apr 3 2010, 2:10 am Swampfox Post #19

That was an awesome map!
"You put the dog in your coin pocket"

***** and two thumbs up.


Apr 3 2010, 3:03 am Dark_lunatic_K Post #20

I think you should pump more RPGs like this out. You're a great mapper, and you will only get better with every map you complete. Don't worry so much about contests, it will only hurt your potential.

I expect more from you in the coming months :D


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