Just here for the activity... well not really
Theres alot of ways, some myth and some fact, to clear hiccups.
My way is to drink water upsidedown

More common ways are to hold your breath, but that never works for me.
guy lifting weight (animated smiley):
"Oh, I see it"
There is some weird thing where you "scare" someone into something. Not really scaring them but you say something unexpectingly like "Hey! Why did you take that!?" and they would be like "What!? Take what?" and their hiccups will go away.
I hold my breath and it usually works.
To stop sneezing, say 'Elephant'.
Well I heard that hiccups are caused when your breathing pattern has been disrupted, so, in theory you are supposed to disrupt your breathing pattern again to re-aline it. Which is what a hiccup is 'supposed' to do. Intstead of waiting for your hiccups to solve the 'problem', you just solve it yourself by, holding your breathe, someone scaring you, drinking water.. or any other myth you've ever heard.
Though none but holding my breathe has ever worked for me.
I always chew my food properly, to avoid things like this.
Yeah because that's the
only thing that causes hiccups. I hold my breath, of course, the only method that really works (people who say it doesn't are doing it wrong).
I can manually tense muscles in the area of my stomach/diaphragm and it stops them completely. It causes a slight, quick head ache afterwords but then all is well.
Kill yourself. I guarantee you will stop hiccuping.
Am I the only one that doesn't go out of his way to make hiccups go away after I get them? I guess I almost never get the hiccups anyway. And I always drink shit tons of water already.
I almost never get the hiccups anymore. But when I did, holding my breath for 20-30 seconds always did the trick.
Breath holding. I haven't tried flexing the muscles though.
I can manually tense muscles in the area of my stomach/diaphragm and it stops them completely. It causes a slight, quick head ache afterwords but then all is well.
Your weird lol, wouldnt holding your breathe be easier..?
They don't bother me. I like to have fun with them and turn them into burps.
One time for the hell of it I did hold my breathe and tense up really hard like I was taking a massive shit or something and they went away(from told me this). I sat there for like a minute just waiting for them to come back, but they didn't and I felt like I just ran of a cat.
Am I weird because I like having hiccups? I think they feel funny, if that is a feeling.
I have never succeeded in making them go away, tho. Holding my breath, water, scaring, nothing seems to work.

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum
I usually just drink a glass of water the normal way, or I wait for it to pass by itself. I don't understand how most of the other methods should help, I'm not even sure if the water helps, but it seems to do most times.
Ordinary hiccups are cured easily without medical intervention; in most cases they can be stopped simply by forgetting about them. However, there are a number of anecdotally prescribed treatments for casual cases of hiccups. Some of the more common home remedies include: scaring the afflicted, drinking water (sometimes in an unorthodox manner), and altering one's breathing.

STF mod creator, Modcrafters.com admin, CampaignCreations.org staff
If holding your breath isn't working, you need to be sure you fill your lungs with as much air as you can hold. The goal is to put pressure on your
thoracic diaphram. Hold that pressure for as long as you can, exhale and uptake another large breath to hold the pressure. The spasms will subside, though sometimes it can take a few breaths.
If a friend is having trouble, ask them when they last saw a white horse. If they answer, ask them if they're sure, giving the impression that white horses don't actually exist. The act of trying to remember something distracts and calms the person enough that they will usually always stop hiccuping.
Ways people solve their hiccups:
- Relax/Distract
- Swallow/Eat
- Control/Alter breathing
uh, hold my breath. i can go a good 2 1/2 to 3 minutes(with a good breath) so i've never had trouble with them. I haven't had them for a WAY long time though.