It's not shutting down soon; he said a couple months.
Yeah, but if that is shutting down soon, I'll lose the forums, and what if I later want to go back and something out?
IP might merge the topics and posts into here, and we'll more than likely replace everything from there with new stuff here.
Also, it wont be lost forever, i'll always have a copy.
im so sad ;( ;( for real
i think maplantis was a pretty cool guy, eh had forums and DOESNT AFRAID OF ANYTHING
but then he became an hero
March 23 2008
this too shall pass
I'm thinking the script will work like this: You enter a topic ID of a specific topic you want to import. It will check each member on that topic to see if it has a corresponding sen member. If it's all good, it will do a little tweaking of the post (replace [center] with [align=center ], etc) and create it. If someone's missing, we can try to find a sen user match by looking for exact emails and user name/ip matches. Otherwise, maybe we'd make an account for them.

Relatively ancient and inactive
Why would you make the account? I'd just ignore that post.
Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Why is there a need to shut down the static copy anyway? ;o
I didn't think we'd need it for all that time.
Why is everyone who went to Maplantis so upset? It's just like it used to be around here... Sort of...
Quote from Tuxedo-Templar
Quote from Mini Moose 2707
I wish someone emailed me or something.
Don't feel bad, nobody told me that protecting my maps was pissing them off either.
Why is everyone who went to Maplantis so upset? It's just like it used to be around here... Sort of...
It's not really the same as it used to be, for the simple fact that a lot of the people who made it fun are gone.
Not saying it's worse. Just not the same.
Why is everyone who went to Maplantis so upset? It's just like it used to be around here... Sort of...
It's not really the same as it used to be, for the simple fact that a lot of the people who made it fun are gone.
Not saying it's worse. Just not the same.
People come and go all the time. It's the nature of forums.

Let me show you how to hump without making love.
March 23 2008
Let us all take a moment of silence.
Fix the files section please.
I'm not sure if this has been answered, but I can assume there will be no file transfer, right? In that case, time to reupload all of my old maps.
Dang... Would it be possible to transfer it in some way?
Why would you want it though, is my question. You can grab what you want from the static maplantis.
Well, all of those great memories are still there. Its not possible to grab everything.
March 23 2008
It's not dead, it's merged with SEN.
Just because some people are obsessed with it and won't let go to form the exact same community back here doesn't mean it's dead.
We're accepting you guys with open arms, as always, but a lot of you just bugger off
I'm not sure if this has been answered, but I can assume there will be no file transfer, right? In that case, time to reupload all of my old maps.
I don't know if we'll ever merge the maps here, but I think it'd be better for you if you just submit them again here. That way your account here has ownership of the file and it only takes a minute or two. You can download your map through the static copy if you lost your map.
Quote from isolatedpurity
I'm thinking the script will work like this: You enter a topic ID of a specific topic you want to import. It will check each member on that topic to see if it has a corresponding sen member. If it's all good, it will do a little tweaking of the post (replace [center] with [align=center ], etc) and create it. If someone's missing, we can try to find a sen user match by looking for exact emails and user name/ip matches. Otherwise, maybe we'd make an account for them.
The wonder of Latova storing unparsed posts, eh?

Good luck on user matching regular expressionery.