If you have time to check your email, you could of at least to maplantis once in a while and you know, checked to see if any important topics were posted in like feedback or something.
My only regret is that we were 3 members away from 1000.
My phone checks my email. I check Maplantis news topics. I saw that you needed coder help. I do remember offering to do as much as I could if you simply asked me. But it's alright. It's not your fault. I should've checked Maplantis topics over the last week.
Either way, if you recall the last time I almost left one of the reasons I went back was because you promised to code with me. I had done the maps db myself and we starting on the mods db when I realized we were still going to do a screenshots and sounds db and you were nowhere to be found. My MSN/AIM thingy says you weren't on for 2 months, so what else would I be thinking?
Nobody applied for the coder job. Some people offered to try to learn (especially when we were talking about merging) but either way it wouldn't work.
So with no choices left this is what I did. Now my problems are solved, your problems are solved, and whats done is done. I'm actually taking a liking to some of the things that they've accomplished here and the fact that my responsibilities are much more relaxed then they were before.
Any way to recover PMs? I lost Syphon's phone number
Eh...Tau can YOU log in to ML? I may need a few things recovered that only an admin can do ;PSorry, never saw that IP was talking about automatic transfers.
I miss maplantis!!! What can we do about are maps that we uploaded, topics that were started? WAAAAA!!! Why wouldn't IP and Moose help you instead of you merging with them?
If you have time to check your email, you could of at least to maplantis once in a while and you know, checked to see if any important topics were posted in like feedback or something.
My only regret is that we were 3 members away from 1000.
My phone checks my email. I check Maplantis news topics. I saw that you needed coder help. I do remember offering to do as much as I could if you simply asked me. But it's alright. It's not your fault. I should've checked Maplantis topics over the last week.
Either way, if you recall the last time I almost left one of the reasons I went back was because you promised to code with me. I had done the maps db myself and we starting on the mods db when I realized we were still going to do a screenshots and sounds db and you were nowhere to be found. My MSN/AIM thingy says you weren't on for 2 months, so what else would I be thinking?
Nobody applied for the coder job. Some people offered to try to learn (especially when we were talking about merging) but either way it wouldn't work.
So with no choices left this is what I did. Now my problems are solved, your problems are solved, and whats done is done. I'm actually taking a liking to some of the things that they've accomplished here and the fact that my responsibilities are much more relaxed then they were before.
I offered for the coder job...
If we're just going to sit here now I think I still want to help too. Mainly for mod dbery. I'm going to make a PHP based MPQ archiver sometime, 'cause I have lots of ideas for one. ;o
Let me show you how to hump without making love.
I am sadz. Yoshi hash let me downz. I feel betrayed.
I miss maplantis!!! What can we do about are maps that we uploaded, topics that were started? WAAAAA!!! Why wouldn't IP and Moose help you instead of you merging with them?
The topics and maps can still be viewed/downloaded. I wouldn't expect IP and moose to drop everything they've done and merge with me just because I tell them to. The internets unfortunately do not revolve around me.
I offered for the coder job...
If we're just going to sit here now I think I still want to help too. Mainly for mod dbery. I'm going to make a PHP based MPQ archiver sometime, 'cause I have lots of ideas for one. ;o
You never IMed or PMed me about the coder job, which is specifically what I asked in the news post if you were serious about it. Either way, I like this idea better than hiring a coder who may or may not be able to handle the maplantis code.
I am sadz. Yoshi hash let me downz. I feel betrayed.
Ah, I thought it was post here, or IM, or PM.
Everyone STFU! Here come's something important!
The Very Last Post EVER Made on MaplantisThe honor goes to 'Hug A Zergling' with the forever immortalized and highly incitful comment-
Quote from Hug_A_Zergling
Oh, I disabled the unit in game, not placing a disabled sprite. Is there a way to get them to stop spinning? And/or to get them to stack on a dragoon?
Yes, a question so insanely baffling, that it sunk Maplantis and ruined the internets for SC.
Yoshi, can we get a downloadable copy of the forums? I don't want the DLDB or anything, just all the posts.
I wish someone emailed me or something.
Don't feel bad, nobody told me that protecting my maps was pissing them off either.
Yes, a question so insanely baffling, that it sunk Maplantis and ruined the internets for SC.
I lol'ed for several minutes.
Yoshi, can we get a downloadable copy of the forums? I don't want the DLDB or anything, just all the posts.
... Why?
Yoshi, can we get a downloadable copy of the forums? I don't want the DLDB or anything, just all the posts.
Its like 82mb as a .sql file. I don't know what you'd want with it. Plus latova posts dont put the username of the person who posted it with the post, just the member id.
Dang... Would it be possible to transfer it in some way?
Dang... Would it be possible to transfer it in some way?
Why would you want it though, is my question. You can grab what you want from the static maplantis.
Yeah, but if that is shutting down soon, I'll lose the forums, and what if I later want to go back and something out?
HAHAHA! I hold the record! I even made a bunch of petty topics to get this one but, Topic #3000 is mines!!!