Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Mapping Tools > Topic: [EUD] Quesiton about Dark Archon attack
[EUD] Quesiton about Dark Archon attack
Mar 2 2024, 12:34 am
By: RaNer  

Mar 2 2024, 12:34 am RaNer Post #1

Hello. Can someone point me to the guide to make Dark Archon attack with for example Archon attack.

Me and my friend made it "kinda" possible, working 1 in 100 times. But we played maps where Dark Archon uses normal Archons attack constantly.


Mar 3 2024, 3:48 am Ultraviolet Post #2

This one is pretty straightforward since dark archon's fortunately have attacking built into their iscript (seems Blizzard may have originally intended for them to have some form of attack). My instructions are based on EUD Editor 2 because that's what I use. You can find various links needed to install it here.

1. In DatEdit under the Basic tab you will change a few settings to match those of the regular archon. Targeting range controls the distance at which the dark archon will move from to use its weapon, so you may want to reduce the default value (7) down to the standard for melee units (3). The other settings I changed in the below image will give the DA the same attack as the regular archon.

2. In DatEdit under the AI Actions tab you will change a couple settings to match those of the regular archon. Attack unit = 10, Right-Click Action = 1.

3. In FireGraft, you need to give the DA an attack button. I'd just copy and paste the attack button from any other unit that already has an attack (I used regular archon) onto the DA's command card.

4. Inject your EE2 file into your base map and that's it.

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