Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: [Coop] Alternate Addendums
[Coop] Alternate Addendums
Apr 6 2022, 8:32 pm
By: UEDCommander  

Apr 6 2022, 8:32 pm UEDCommander Post #1

Sic Semper Tyrannis


Alternate Addendums

Thoughout the years of war and discord in the Koprulu sector there have been many battles left completely forgotten by history. The Broods of the Garm Swarm that stood in defense
of their everlasting master, valiant legionnaires of the Auriga Tribe, Terran warriors who fought in defense of their homeworld against the ruthless Protoss invaders - in the end, they
all died alone, and universe would never remember their names.
It is said that history is written by the victors - but these battles have gone completely unnoticed, obscured by larger and more important events. They were meant to be forgotten,
erased from all records and never to be brought back into the light again.
At least, until today.

  • Back to Alternate: Return to the unusual parody universe of Brood War Alternate, where Protoss are ruthless conquerors and Terrans unite to protect their freedom, and learn more about what's been happening behind the scenes.
  • Cooperative Playthrough: The Addendums are designed to be experienced by a two player party. To succeed, one must cooperate with their partner - as well as the allied AIs.
  • The Nemesis returns: The famed warlords of the Alternate universe return in form of even stronger AIs, capable of preparing devious plans and executing devastating onslaughts against a careless player.
  • Weapons of the Final War: As the battle of Koprulu quickly devloves into a struggle for survival, each race and each faction will present their very best technology and weaponry - be that the majestic Crimson Talons or the dreadful Horrors of Ulrezaj.


Throw your soldiers into positions whence there is no escape, and they will prefer death to flight. If they will face death, there is nothing they may not achieve.

A medium-sized 4v4 macro map centered around a Khalen'ri strike force assaulting one of the Garm Swarm's most guarded citadels during the final stages of the Battle of Char.
The Zerg defend their homeworld with unmatched ferocity, and the Exarchs leading the Imperial assault must act quickly, aggressively and decisively if they are to have any
hope of success.

Development status
Development status


Download link:

Public release (last version)

Additional materials:
Brood War Alternate - Primary page

For live updates, teasers and discusssion join the Discord server.

  • StarCraft Alternate creator: StratosTygo.
  • Developer: UEDCommander.
  • Custom graphics contribution: robear.
  • Terrain design assistance: Pr0nogo.
  • AI design assistance: Nekron, Pr0nogo.
  • Testing assistance: Nekron, don_svetlio, Sailory, Connor5620.
  • Software support: Neiv.
  • Special assistance: TheShambler, miazmatic, Max734734, kuuls, Axis.
  • Voiceacting: UEDCommander, Pr0nogo, Nekron, Whiplash, TheRegister.

  • SUPPORTED THE WAR EFFORTS: Nekron, Joseph S, Rotacioskapa, partisan.


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NudeRaider -- dumbducky
dumbducky shouted: I miss forums. Twitter is way more engaging but unless you have a following, nobody talks to you. Reddit is just filled with the stupidest people
well, most active members here are the bots, so not sure if this is an improvement :P
[06:05 pm]
dumbducky -- I found a sneaky way to view some of my coworkers SAT scores and it is shocking
[06:03 pm]
dumbducky -- FaRTy1billion
FaRTy1billion shouted: o, i keep meaning to add things to it but instead don't
Farty does your website work anymore
[06:02 pm]
dumbducky -- I miss forums. Twitter is way more engaging but unless you have a following, nobody talks to you. Reddit is just filled with the stupidest people
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[2024-7-25. : 2:39 am]
O)FaRTy1billion[MM] -- o, i keep meaning to add things to it but instead don't
[2024-7-24. : 11:55 pm]
Roy -- Make that three changes to the wiki in the last month, all three being just edits to user pages.
[2024-7-23. : 2:47 pm]
dumbducky -- Two changes to the wiki in the last month, both are just edits to user pages
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