There's a fourth one exclusive for the Nintendo 64.
can i find it on youtube?
perhaps, someone made pc version as 2 exclusive maps
I have updated the files for outsiders and cold as ice and for god's sake everyone stop messaging me about the stukov series.
I've made it clearer now that the entry in the list is referring to the Starcraft 2 campaign that turns the 3 separate stukov maps (2 on PC and 1 on N64) into a proper campaign.
Latest updates:
- Unlikely alliance and additional story series have been added and evaluated
- corrected mistakes with the empire wars entry in the list (more fixes to the entry may be coming)
- Zantaboan has been added to the todo list after fabrice leonard found a working archive of the original logamation website. Files are no longer available on my list until further notice however.
- The alliance and blood destiny entires have been split. Blood destiny may get a review and until then the files are no longer available on my list.
- The entry for firestorm and storm surge have been renamed Apocalypse after fabrice leonard made me aware that there exists a collective name for this series of campaigns.
- Updated files for migration
- fixed mistakes in the entry for the dark templar
- fixed broken download link for life of a marine bootcamp
- starcraft reversed entry has been updated
- Starcraft fusion has been added to the archive after it was discovered that it is in fact a campaign and not just a mod. It's the largest campaign D0minik has ever made. The modfile doesn't actually work but I've successfully made a working patch that runs on 1.15.1. The files will be included at a later date.
- A campaign of unknown name made by valadorn has been added to the list... yeah, I have really low expectations for this
- Due to the addition of Valadorn's third campaign, I've decided to try and QA his first campaign ever made. Probably a total waste of time doing this though.
Looks I still have a lot to play huh...
Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 19 2021, 9:33 pm by Zincoshine.

Just a glitch in the Matrix
Voices of the Swarm needs to be updated, thanks in advance!
Level Design Workshop ''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.
Thank you very much Andrea for this update.
Latest updates:
- The situation with starcraft fusion was more complicated than originally thought. What was truly happening before is that when people were installing the campaign via D0minik's installer, the TRUE patch was getting deleted by windows due to the fact that it is a firegraft. I was able to bypass this problem by "installing" this in my mod folder which windows is set to ignore when looking for viruses. The firegraft provided only works on version 1.15.1 and there is no way to change that but it's a manageable problem as BWAIDowngrader supports this version. The campaign itself has 7 "races". In reality, the mod includes the original three races and three "towns" that grant access to multiple tech trees... it also includes a fourth very badly designed race. Although I'm not finished with it, I can tell you now already that it's going to get a conditional recommendation as I'm pretty sure many have dreamed of playing as a hybrid race. The writing is abysmal though and the gameplay, while good, is extremely repetitive and hence boring. The map layout is exceptionally good however and other developers should use these maps as a reference point on how to design expansion points as well as the appropriate way to place minerals and geysers. I'll be providing a download link soon that greatly simplifies the process of getting this campaign to run on your computer so you don't have to go through what I did.
- Blood destiny has been merged back with the "the alliance" entry as it is a direct sequel that cannot be understood without playing the alliance first.
- Promethean campaign and Zantaboan have been split into separate entries because they are only loosely connected. They are also vastly different campaigns. Promethean is a really challenging campaign that has earned a narrow recommendation, especially for fans of Andrea Rosa's work. Zantaboan is awful and unfinished and the flash animations they are based on should be watched instead if people are really interested.
- Valadorn's unnamed campaign has been QA'd, as expected it is awful.
- Starcraft reversed has been given a very narrow recommendation for people who have the cartooned skin for starcraft remastered.
- The entry for forgotten has been fixed thanks to info from Fabrice.
After I finish fusion, I'll be going over starcraft insurrection remastered again and seeing what changes Vorgozz has made. My goal now is to complete visions of the future before the steam Halloween sale starts.
Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 3 2021, 8:47 pm by Zincoshine.
OK, there's been a change of plans, I will be going over the remaining Varanus campaigns before I begin with starcraft insurrection remastered. There are two reasons for this. The first reason is that it has come to my attention that Varanus was in fact a campaign creations contributor. In fact, his campaigns have dedicated pages on the website although there is at present no link to those pages from anywhere except google search. This means that the Alliance is, at the very least, worth a QA. The other reason is that I have discovered that the four missions for Palinchron Concordance are indeed all of the missions that were ever made. The development of the campaign was aborted before all 8 missions planned were completed and as such, it is not a campaign with missing files.
In addition, I have finished QAing starcraft fusion. Perhaps more importantly, I have provided proper and clear instructions and download links in order to get that campaign working on your computers as I know this campaign is infamous for its cryptic installer that only creates confusion. Please see this link for more information: keep in mind that Starcraft fusion failed to get a recommendation. This is because while it is one of the most original and unique campaigns out there and it's map layouts are good, it is severely impacted by its extremely repetitive gameplay and its disastrous writing and English.
It is also worth mentioning that Starcraft Fusion is an enormous improvement over Starcraft Gold and Starcraft Heroes, the latter of which is the second-worst campaign ever made and the worst modded campaign ever made.
Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Aug 3 2021, 9:07 pm by Zincoshine.

Just a glitch in the Matrix
it has come to my attention that Varanus was in fact a campaign creations contributor. In fact, his campaigns have dedicated pages on the website although there is at present no link to those pages from anywhere except google search. This means that the Alliance is, at the very least, worth a QA.
Alliances needs a couple of adjustments (though the correct term would actually be "restorations") before it can be played properly. First of all, get rid of the version you are currently hosting, which has wrong file names, and replace it with the original, which can be found here: Then, rename "(1)Blacktop Blitz.scm" to "(1)Blacktop Battle.scm", since the victory trigger of the preceding mission points to such file.
Please notice that the maps must be played in alphabetical order, and they are organized in 4 mini-campaigns (as they are in the present version).
There are various bugs here and there, the most frequent of which being ground locations which are also effective in the air, but at least with these simple changes the missions can be played in the correct order and StarCraft will not give an error when trying to load the next scenario.
Level Design Workshop ''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.
thanks a lot for this. I have been having very serious frustrations with finding the right version of this campaign. Ultimately the QA ended up being really brief, the campaign is mediocre in every aspect except for two notable elements:
1- The ridiculous naming of the files
2- The fact that the plot for this starcraft sequel aged worse than any other starcraft sequel ever made before the release of brood war.
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 4 2021, 8:23 pm by Zincoshine.

Just a glitch in the Matrix
thanks a lot for this. I have been having very serious frustrations with finding the right version of this campaign. Ultimately the QA ended up being really brief, the campaign is mediocre in every aspect except for two notable elements:
1- The ridiculous naming of the files
2- The fact that the plot for this starcraft sequel aged worse than any other starcraft sequel ever made before the release of brood war.
It tries to adhere to the canon, but it disregards it on many occasions: the story takes place after Enslavers and after the death of the Overmind, yet Schezar behaves like most of the events in Enslavers did never happen, Duke is bent on overthrowing Mengsk, and the Conclave not only still exists, but they end up allying with the Terran Dominion for no apparent reason. Some maps have good ideas which are poorly executed (Blacktop Battle, Fire Down Below), others are just plain bad (Jailhouse Wreck, a confusing teleport maze, and Purple Raze, in which you must hunt down every single enemy unit in order to win). Nearly all maps are too large for their purpose, and the design is mostly mediocre as you said, but at least the English is accurate.
Despite its flaws, I have a soft spot for Alliances: it was probably the first custom campaign I downloaded around 1999, and it instilled in me the idea of creating a campaign pivoted on Alan Schezar, which would have ushered in Tales of Halcyon over a decade later. In the end I wouldn't give it a recommendation, but it's not a total disaster, there are far worse campaigns floating around. It could aim for a 45-50%, once the fixes of the file names are made.
Level Design Workshop ''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.
Alliances is accurate in regards to what was known about the lore of starcraft at the time it was developed. Pretty much everyone at the time expected the conclave to still exist after the fall of the overmind and people didn't think Aiur had taken so much damage until they bought that broodwar CD and played the first mission of episode IV. It also made sense back then to have the dominion featured in some villainous role considering what happened in episode I.
As far as I am aware, the Legacy of the confederacy series suffers the same problem as Oracle developed the story before the release of broodwar and decided to just pretend brood war never happened since it contradicted way too much with that he had developed. Antioch Chronicles nearly suffered from the same problem but through sheer ingenuity Auspex studios was able to make it all make sense in episode II and even give it one of the best plots I've ever seen.

Just a glitch in the Matrix
Alliances is accurate in regards to what was known about the lore of starcraft at the time it was developed. Pretty much everyone at the time expected the conclave to still exist after the fall of the overmind and people didn't think Aiur had taken so much damage until they bought that broodwar CD and played the first mission of episode IV. It also made sense back then to have the dominion featured in some villainous role considering what happened in episode I.
You are right from this perspective, but still Schezar's character was handled clumsily.
Antioch Chronicles nearly suffered from the same problem but through sheer ingenuity Auspex studios was able to make it all make sense in episode II and even give it one of the best plots I've ever seen.
I second that. Timeless classic!
Level Design Workshop ''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.
Antioch has some AI problems (many disabled units, areatowns over main towns) - if you're interested Zico I've made a bunch of fixes a few years ago, and potentially since it's a modfile we could just write new AIscripts based on what we know about the "idea" of AIs in each mission. I've tried to get in touch with someone from the Antioch team to consult them on that several times when I got ahold of them sometime after their SC2 debacle, but they never wrote back
Alliances needs a couple of adjustments (though the correct term would actually be "restorations") before it can be played properly. First of all, get rid of the version you are currently hosting, which has wrong file names, and replace it with the original, which can be found here: Then, rename "(1)Blacktop Blitz.scm" to "(1)Blacktop Battle.scm", since the victory trigger of the preceding mission points to such file.
Please notice that the maps must be played in alphabetical order, and they are organized in 4 mini-campaigns (as they are in the present version).
There are various bugs here and there, the most frequent of which being ground locations which are also effective in the air, but at least with these simple changes the missions can be played in the correct order and StarCraft will not give an error when trying to load the next scenario.
Thank you Andrea for this detailed feedback, I noticed two files previously uploaded by Christopher have a different MD5 than the original .zip file that you uploaded. --> (1)Island Fling.scm and (1)Zerg Collective.scm
Can you please check the two attached files and compare with your original .zip file to confirm which of these two maps are in their final version?

Just a glitch in the Matrix
Thank you Andrea for this detailed feedback, I noticed two files previously uploaded by Christopher have a different MD5 than the original .zip file that you uploaded. --> (1)Island Fling.scm and (1)Zerg Collective.scm
Can you please check the two attached files and compare with your original .zip file to confirm which of these two maps are in their final version?
There's no need to check them, the official version is the one I reported above, which Chris has now uploaded. The previously hosted version, which was retrieved from Pr0nogo's archive, was tampered with by someone who renamed the files in such a way that the campaign could no longer be played, probably making other unknown (and negligible) changes in the process.
Level Design Workshop ''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.
Antioch has some AI problems (many disabled units, areatowns over main towns) - if you're interested Zico I've made a bunch of fixes a few years ago, and potentially since it's a modfile we could just write new AIscripts based on what we know about the "idea" of AIs in each mission. I've tried to get in touch with someone from the Antioch team to consult them on that several times when I got ahold of them sometime after their SC2 debacle, but they never wrote back
SC2 debacle? What are you talking about? Antioch chronicles for Sc2 is the best SC2 campaign I ever played. It is the highest scoring campaign on my speadsheet.
Ok, Palinchron concordance has been reviewed. If completed this would have been a really great campaign. It's a damn shame that it was canceled before we even got to the second act in the plot. Because of that, it can't be recommended despite its high score. This is a persistent problem with campaigns from 1999, especially the ones with voice acting.
Right now I am finally going to begin visions of the future, starting with visions of the future 1 and testing a proper 1.16.1 patch made for it at the same time. If the patch proves successful, I will be opening a thread in the modding project section of this forum.
edit: I'm checking out vorgoss's second edition of insurrection remastered first...
Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 21 2021, 6:49 pm by Zincoshine.
Antioch has some AI problems (many disabled units, areatowns over main towns) - if you're interested Zico I've made a bunch of fixes a few years ago, and potentially since it's a modfile we could just write new AIscripts based on what we know about the "idea" of AIs in each mission. I've tried to get in touch with someone from the Antioch team to consult them on that several times when I got ahold of them sometime after their SC2 debacle, but they never wrote back
SC2 debacle? What are you talking about? Antioch chronicles for Sc2 is the best SC2 campaign I ever played. It is the highest scoring campaign on my speadsheet.
Oops, my bad - I've been using "debacle" as a synonym for "debut" for years now, and apparently no one corrected me/made me check what "debacle" actually means before

I meant it as their first adventure in SC2, not as a catastrophe.