Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: The Horde [v.4.0]
The Horde [v.4.0]
Jun 25 2017, 11:55 pm
By: ETEFT(U)  

Jun 25 2017, 11:55 pm ETEFT(U) Post #1

The Horde:
You and four others are stranded in a city full of blood seeking zombies with forty-five minutes to find a way to evacuate.
The President has given the order to send nuclear missiles to eradicate the infection spreading across the surrounding territories.
It's up to you and your group to kill these zombies and upgrade your weapons as you go along, hoping for a way to escape before being blown to pieces.


- Upgrade weapons, buy stronger guns, buy items to destroy your enemies, free self heal.

- Starting weapons include: (Pistol, Uzi, & Shotgun.)
- Weapons to purchase: (M16, Beretta M9, & Magnum.)

- Med-Kit (train zealot.)
- Mine (train dragoon.)
- Grenade (train high templar.)

Starting point.

Trashed city.

Roof top zombie killing.

Exploring the city.

Gonna keep it short and sweet, if you guys have any questions contact me on here or my Bnet tag (Z)-[Leg4cy].

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Jan 5 2018, 4:09 am by ETEFT(U).


Jun 26 2017, 12:17 am Oh_Man Post #2

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)


Should be in Production not Showcase too.

Jun 26 2017, 12:45 am Dem0n Post #3

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

No offense, but maps with "survive for x minutes" are very boring to play. You should try to come up with a better objective other than beating the clock.

Jun 26 2017, 1:31 am Oh_Man Post #4

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Someone should attempt Player Unknown Battlegrounds in SC. No idea how you'd do the shrinking circle though.

I do love the concept of zombie survival where you have to scavenge to progress, but Demon is probably right. Opting instead for something like you have to work towards an end goal instead, like scavenging fuel etc to power up a getaway car to escape the nuke. You could even make the end goals varied and randomized, so each game feels different.

EDIT: Demon I think you misread. I took OP to mean "you have 45 minutes to escape", not "you have to survive for 45 minutes." 45 minutes is the defeat screen, not the victory screen.

Jun 26 2017, 1:48 am ClansAreForGays Post #5

Quote from Oh_Man
Someone should attempt Player Unknown Battlegrounds in SC. No idea how you'd do the shrinking circle though.
Omg this.

You'd just have progressively smaller locations centered in the middle of the map.

Issue order move to center when bring = 0 for the next smaller location.

Jun 26 2017, 2:20 am Oh_Man Post #6

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Yeah, but how to visually represent the boundary to the player?

Jun 26 2017, 2:26 am ETEFT(U) Post #7

Quote from Oh_Man

Should be in Production not Showcase too.
Quote from Oh_Man

Should be in Production not Showcase too.

Hey, sorry I thought I uploaded the map but I guess it never did. I'll upload it tomorrow for sure and add some screen shots to the post.

(Maybe you can find it here? ) not near my pc tonight but hopefully that link works

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 26 2017, 2:31 am by ETEFT(U).


Jul 14 2017, 2:33 am Cayden Post #8

Omg it's ETEFT!

Remember me, Mp)Cayden. Thought I might revisit and found you're still making maps!

Jul 19 2017, 11:35 pm ETEFT(U) Post #9

Quote from Cayden
Omg it's ETEFT!

Remember me, Mp)Cayden. Thought I might revisit and found you're still making maps!

Hey Cayden, of course I remember you, always good to see an old familiar face! :D How's everything with you mate? It's hard to keep away from SC :lol:

ps. Uploaded a few screen shots to the OP.


Jul 20 2017, 8:16 am Cayden Post #10

Quote from ETEFT(U)
Quote from Cayden
Omg it's ETEFT!

Remember me, Mp)Cayden. Thought I might revisit and found you're still making maps!

Hey Cayden, of course I remember you, always good to see an old familiar face! :D How's everything with you mate? It's hard to keep away from SC :lol:

ps. Uploaded a few screen shots to the OP.

Yeah man, decided to lurk around here for some nostalgic feels. Currently missing the SC decade spent making maps. Nice to see you're still working on maps! I'm good, how are you?


Jul 22 2017, 1:24 am ETEFT(U) Post #11

Quote from Cayden
Quote from ETEFT(U)
Quote from Cayden
Omg it's ETEFT!

Remember me, Mp)Cayden. Thought I might revisit and found you're still making maps!

Hey Cayden, of course I remember you, always good to see an old familiar face! :D How's everything with you mate? It's hard to keep away from SC :lol:

ps. Uploaded a few screen shots to the OP.

Yeah man, decided to lurk around here for some nostalgic feels. Currently missing the SC decade spent making maps. Nice to see you're still working on maps! I'm good, how are you?

Same here man, same here. Can't get enough after SC even after almost 20 years lol. Still working on maps too lol we should get some games going one night, really get those nostalgic feels going 🤣


Jul 22 2017, 3:44 am Cayden Post #12

Yeah for sure man. I should sit down and start making maps again. Pull those all nighters eating chips making maps again like ten years ago. What happened to T-Virus? Or if I remember correctly his name was Curtis?

Jul 23 2017, 3:01 pm ETEFT(U) Post #13

Quote from Cayden
Yeah for sure man. I should sit down and start making maps again. Pull those all nighters eating chips making maps again like ten years ago. What happened to T-Virus? Or if I remember correctly his name was Curtis?

For sure, you should definitely get back into it, especially since Remastered is coming out soon. I haven't heard from T-Virus in a while, fun fact Curtis helped me with a lot of the terrain on this map a few years back and yes his name is Curtis.


Oct 19 2017, 7:11 pm ETEFT(U) Post #14

Quote from Oh_Man
Someone should attempt Player Unknown Battlegrounds in SC. No idea how you'd do the shrinking circle though.

I do love the concept of zombie survival where you have to scavenge to progress, but Demon is probably right. Opting instead for something like you have to work towards an end goal instead, like scavenging fuel etc to power up a getaway car to escape the nuke. You could even make the end goals varied and randomized, so each game feels different.

EDIT: Demon I think you misread. I took OP to mean "you have 45 minutes to escape", not "you have to survive for 45 minutes." 45 minutes is the defeat screen, not the victory screen.

I just realized that I never replied to this my bad! Yes it actually is what you mentioned about escaping the nuke rather then just surviving.

Side note: I should be releasing a new version of this soon along with an entirely new map as well.

Oct 20 2017, 3:06 am Oh_Man Post #15

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)


Jan 4 2018, 11:07 am ETEFT(U) Post #16 - Latest vers of map.


Jan 4 2018, 11:01 pm Wormer Post #17

I've just played this on Bnet with random people. Got one who joined the other game, and we played it like 3-4 times. The last time we did it to sunkens in the very end but timer ran out! :w00t:

All in all, a very neat and entertaining map to play! I liked the size of the game and pretty much everything about it.

There was a nasty bug on the very first game when another player put a mine (which is invincible) on the upgrading beacon and prevented everyone else from accessing these structures. Please fix!

Of course there is a room for improvements.

First of all, I feel like ghost options are very much underpowered - ghost has poor fire rate, difficulties hitting structures and ultralisks, slow movement (in contrast to stimpack option for the marine), and nothing to offer in exchange.

My suggestion here is to make grenades only accessible to ghosts as their "splash" damage option. Marine doesn't need that one because stimpack is enough.

Then you can probably tweak the mine behavior so that it's not invincible while it is burrowing. This will make mine look more like a mine and lever the grenade value.

I would say grenades may stun big units (ultralisks, bosses, sunkens) for a while - will compensate for ghosts inability to hit them good. On the other hand if you accidentally throw grenade on your team mate or on yourself it will stun you for a second or two.

Ghost may use an advantage of it's range to hit that distant barrel from long enough to open a short path somewhere. For instance - a short path from generator through abomination hive and back to radar.

Ghost can use an advantage of it's small size to be able to leak through short paths here and there where marine cannot.

Talking about explosive barrels. They shouldn't belong to enemy - make them targetable only with explicit attack. And also can make them stun nearby humans like grenades.

Then I feel like the top area at the beginning is underused. We almost always used the passage to the right-bottom and went through the bridge. Probably it's a good idea to make that passage closed at start and have to be opened somehow later.

Abomination boss was following us all the way to the medic where it was ridiculously easy to kill. The other game it ran away and it was hard to find - honestly we didn't know we must kill it to get the key. Consider adding a hint that abomination holds the key.

There is an idea to shut down the starting area when bunker at entrance is destroyed - make it impossible to heal, upgrade, or buy anything. That's it!

Make a secret somewhere before Kerrigan that a thrown grenade can open a door where people can upgrade and buy stuff. Show that a thrown grenade can do something at the very beginning from the roof of the first building.

The last idea is rather radical. I'm not a big fan of grinding kills for money. Probably give nothing for killing zombies. Give minerals for searching inside trucks, old buildings, debries etc. Each object can be searched only once: after the first player searches an object it is given to another neutral player. It is possible to give the searched object through the player who looked inside it to mark the object with player's color. That way everyone can see who grabbed all the money :rolleyes: Maybe make a limit that a player can't carry more than 60 minerals at once - to give everyone a chance take some.

Ah, and minerals aren't cash ($ is stupid)! It's replaceable parts, scrap metal and other garbage! Using that stuff you craft armor, weapon upgrades, and items at forge. Sounds more realistic.

The last one I forgot to mention at start. There are nasty unit unplaceable messages later in the game. Fix that. Spawn units in a cache area and move them to the spawn area on the map as long as the place is getting free.

That's all for now :hurr: Nice map!

Post has been edited 12 time(s), last time on Jan 4 2018, 11:17 pm by Wormer.


Jan 5 2018, 4:08 am ETEFT(U) Post #18

Hey I appreciate all the feed back and I'm glad you enjoyed the map! I'm wondering if you played the latest version (v.4)?

Quote from Wormer
First of all, I feel like ghost options are very much underpowered - ghost has poor fire rate, difficulties hitting structures and ultralisks, slow movement (in contrast to stimpack option for the marine), and nothing to offer in exchange.

My suggestion here is to make grenades only accessible to ghosts as their "splash" damage option. Marine doesn't need that one because stimpack is enough.

Then you can probably tweak the mine behavior so that it's not invincible while it is burrowing. This will make mine look more like a mine and lever the grenade value.

I would say grenades may stun big units (ultralisks, bosses, sunkens) for a while - will compensate for ghosts inability to hit them good. On the other hand if you accidentally throw grenade on your team mate or on yourself it will stun you for a second or two.

Ghost may use an advantage of it's range to hit that distant barrel from long enough to open a short path somewhere. For instance - a short path from generator through abomination hive and back to radar.

Ghost can use an advantage of it's small size to be able to leak through short paths here and there where marine cannot.

I agree that the Ghost is a bit under powered when it comes to the Marine, that is why I nerfed the damage of the Marine in the latest version. Also Kerri (Glock) has the most HP and base armor in game and the magnum has the most base damage, with that being said the Marine is a great DPS source so there will always be the pros/cons. I feel like a well organized team will suit their group wisely when it comes to upgrading their weapons and a well balanced team does wonders. I like your idea for the grenades and the stun, I'll have to consider adding that in the next version.

Quote from Wormer
Talking about explosive barrels. They shouldn't belong to enemy - make them targetable only with explicit attack. And also can make them stun nearby humans like grenades.

Then I feel like the top area at the beginning is underused. We almost always used the passage to the right-bottom and went through the bridge. Probably it's a good idea to make that passage closed at start and have to be opened somehow later.

Abomination boss was following us all the way to the medic where it was ridiculously easy to kill. The other game it ran away and it was hard to find - honestly we didn't know we must kill it to get the key. Consider adding a hint that abomination holds the key.

There is an idea to shut down the starting area when bunker at entrance is destroyed - make it impossible to heal, upgrade, or buy anything. That's it!

Make a secret somewhere before Kerrigan that a thrown grenade can open a door where people can upgrade and buy stuff. Show that a thrown grenade can do something at the very beginning from the roof of the first building.

The last idea is rather radical. I'm not a big fan of grinding kills for money. Probably give nothing for killing zombies. Give minerals for searching inside trucks, old buildings, debries etc. Each object can be searched only once: after the first player searches an object it is given to another neutral player. It is possible to give the searched object through the player who looked inside it to mark the object with player's color. That way everyone can see who grabbed all the money :rolleyes: Maybe make a limit that a player can't carry more than 60 minerals at once - to give everyone a chance take some.

Ah, and minerals aren't cash ($ is stupid)! It's replaceable parts, scrap metal and other garbage! Using that stuff you craft armor, weapon upgrades, and items at forge. Sounds more realistic.

The last one I forgot to mention at start. There are nasty unit unplaceable messages later in the game. Fix that. Spawn units in a cache area and move them to the spawn area on the map as long as the place is getting free.

That's all for now :hurr: Nice map!

I agree with the barrels, I have to fix that in the next version, I'm not even sure why I made it like that :lol:

I really love that idea with the top area in the beginning.. I'm going to make sure to implement that in the next version, making it part of the quest. I'll have to see where I would have to have the players cut off point at the top area would be though, I like the design in that top area and there is still plenty of space to work with.

Abomination was meant to be fixed last patch but I forgot about it lmao.. I'm thinking of making them lose aggro at some point.

The Kerri idea with the grenade and shops is not bad, I'll have to think about that though. I wanted the end to be a last hoo-rah moment!

In the new version there is item's you can find all around the map now, such as cash, grenades, mines and more. I thought of adding a salvaging type of feature in this map but that is something I will have to really put some thought into and decide if the map needs it. I don't want to over do it on the features but it might just fit.

Once again man thanks for your input I really do value it and I hope to hear from you again!


Jan 5 2018, 1:50 pm TV3D Post #19

Whoever made that terrain is extra sexy ;) ;) :bleh:


Jan 5 2018, 2:36 pm Wormer Post #20

Yes, I've played v.4 from post #16.

About marine/ghost. I feel like HP amount isn't a critical factor at all. The balance isn't all about dps either. If I was considering raw dps I would give ghost more dps than a marine has with stim, due to ghost's other weaknesses: no movement speed gain, slow rate of fire, penalties hitting medium (50%) and large (25%) targets. For instance, there is no use of dps if ghost has like 50 attack but getting overwhelmed by numbers of 5-hp units. Even with equal dps marine is inherently better in this scenario, because it distributes his dps better. Then it's strong side could be at hitting single "heavy" targets like ultralisks and sunkens, but no again, because it deals only quarter damage to them. On top of that marine can stim for fast movement. What's the use of ghost then? For me ghost must deal at least 4x times more damage than marine does to even consider that option.

I'm not saying that there shouldn't be "useless" areas. Some of them are actually very good for the atmosphere (like the roof of the first building).

After you fix Abomination behaviour, please make a subtle minimap ping on it's location to be able to find it after he loses aggro. Like I said it was not be intuitive for me that I must kill Abomination for a progress.

Want to play this again after you make some fixes!

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 5 2018, 2:43 pm by Wormer.


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