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The Undead! V.7
Apr 6 2015, 12:52 am
By: zsnakezz  
Undead Difficulty Levels
Undead Difficulty Levels
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Have a set number of zombies you need to kill before they stop spawning in that difficulty. 0
Keep difficulties open so people can progress at their own pace. 3
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Apr 6 2015, 12:52 am zsnakezz Post #1

The Undead V.7

By zSnakezz AKA Beef


Updates and changes:

+ Added mission briefings.
+ All units and buildings players can build or use are buffed significantly.
+ Supply Depot in first base has been replaced with a command center.
+ You can now build scvs.
+ Damage and health for mech and ship units has been buffed.
+ Damage amd health for heroes has been buffed.
+ Protoss Pylons have a lot more health and shield.
+ Lurkers have been divided to several undead graves instead of one.
+ Groups of enemies have been moved.
+ Army of goliaths reward has been changed to a battlecruiser.
+ Purchasing a light is now substantially cheaper.
+ Lights (missle silos) do 3 more damage and have more health.

+Terrain Modifications

+ Large paths of zombies no longer clpg up in late game.
+ Some graves had limited access because of ramp sizes, made ramps wider.
+ The mall looks more like a mall.

+changes to reward system.

+ Overkill achievements now give small incrementally increasing gas rewards.

+ Text Fomat changes

+ most important text is now centered.
+ A lot of space was lost because of formatting, it took up a lot of strings.
So I shrunk down and centered a bunch of text For player 1 and 2.

+Bug Fixes

+Fixed overmind not spawning in the end game.
+Timing for a lot of triggers is faster.
+Zombies no longer get stuck.
+Dying no longer kills civilian light control.

~Version 7 COMING SOON~

~*The Undead*~
~V.6.2 Download Available~
by zsnakezz

~*Version.6 Update*~
(The update that makes the map more difficult yet more convenient)

Yellow = Under Development
Red = Completed
+ Save Code System
~ In the beginning, you can skip the into, OR enter a save code.
~ Save codes will start you off with more units and resources.
~ Save codes will also destroy a number of festering graves, depending on which code you use.
* Had to balance some early invasions around this system for difficulty purposes.
* Save Codes are designed to allow the player to sit down and get right in the middle of the action.
* You Can skip the early game hump, you can skip to late game. Plus this allowed me to make some cool menu systems.
+ Invasion
~ Timed and Triggered invasions now attack your position.
~ There are 14 invasions in total.
~ Invasions become increasingly more difficult.
* These were created to add some more action to the experience and mix up game play.
+ Open Bosses
~ 3 sets of open bosses will spawn throughout your playtime.
~ These bosses will spawn in pairs of 2, and emote semi humorous sayings upon spawn and death.
~ Bosses will give substantial reward upon death. Not all bosses are equal in difficulty, nor reward.
+ Misc. Changes
~ The overall amount of zombies that spawn is substantially more than v.5
~ The passive economy system has been slightly buffed from last update.
~ The player now has access to 2 blimps, the extra one is located in the scv and probe base.
~ Photon Cannons or "Military Defense System"'s have received a price cut.
~ Bunkers now have 95 more health totaling 520.
* By the time the player can afford or want to use cannons, it's already late game. This should allow the
player to use cannons earlier in the game.
* The map is now overall more intense than v.5, and offers some more spicey challenges. To which I hope the players enjoy.
+ Redemption
~ Upon completing certain achievements, the player can receive an additional grade point.
~ There will be 2 tasks that will be linked to redemption.
* So if you have an overall bad grade at some point, this will help earn some of that back.
* I may or may not add an A++ and A+++ grade for those who are good at not dying. But I'm not sure yet.

~ Some kinks regarding the save code system with some other systems are still being worked on, using save codes changes "things".

Expect V.6 to released tonight or tomorrow. 4/24/15

(Map Best Experienced Online.)


~*Version.5 Update*~
(The last stride for pride and glory)

Yellow = Under Development
Red = Completed
+ Skip Intro
~ You can now skip the beginning intro by unloading a civilian.
+ Balance Changes
~ Photon Cannons now have 175 health, up from 125.
~ Photon Cannons now do 14 damage, up from 13.
~ Automated defenses now have 130 health, up from 90.
~ All vehicle units have received a substantial health increase.
* As a result, vehicle units are now more expensive.
~ Zombie Lizards have 10 more health
~ All Elite zombies have received a slight health increase.
~ All fixing prices for buildings have been modified and balanced.
~ Undead Ancient bosses have received a significant health increase.
+ Zombie Spawn Changes
~ There is now limit of zombies that can be on the map at any given time.
~ The limit cap rises with each level.
* This helps control difficulty better, as well as "clogging" issues with too many zombies.
* The map responds more to what you do, there is now more controlled large and small groups.
* Adjustments are being made to make sure difficulty remains challenging, while keeping it from being crazy.
~ 2 New Special enemies have been added.
~ Spawn levels 4 and 5 have increased in overall difficulty.
* elite zombies start spawning mid game, mid game was too easy last update.
~~~~~~~~+ Bug Fixes~~~~~~~~
~ The flag bug that when picked up, would spam the message "now leaving -" "now entering -" has been fixed.
~ The bug where you could kill Zombie Elders before you were supposed to, is now fixed.
~ All bugs and triggers regarding ending events have been fixed and modified to be less "obtuse"
~ Zombies tended to clog in certain spots, this has been fixed as well.
~~~~~~~~+ Special Delivery~~~~~~~~
~ 7 Items now spawn on the map for you to collect.
~ 2 of the item drops are associated with achievements.
~ 4 of them are timed.
* All item drops are randomized, there are 4 item possibilities.
Minerals, Gas, Minerals + Gas, All Buildings and Units healed.
* This should help encourage the player to explore, and give the player some more objectives.
~~~~~~~~+ Reward Structure Changes~~~~~~~~
~ The passive reward system has been nerfed
* Update 4 gave way too much minerals, it happens at a more tame rate now.
~~~~~~~~+ Terrain Improvements~~~~~~~~
~ Terrain has been made slightly more convenient, the mountains have recieved some custom terrain reworking.
* More of the mountains are now higher in elevation.
* There are now more ways to enter the mountains, some of the terrain has been opened up.
* Zombies now have better ways of getting about efficiently without clogging.
* Traveling in general should feel slightly better.
~~~+ 8 Achievements have been added. ~~~
~ There are now 3 zombie dog overkill achievements.
~ All Zombie basics, Zombie Lizards, and Zombies Dogs all now have 3 overkill achievements.
~ Overlord master is the third overlord hunting achievement.
~ Multiple Elite Zombies also received more overkill achievements.
~ King of the Hill - If you clear the middle hill portion of the map in crossroads, it unlocks this achievement.
~ 2 new achievements have been added for 2 new special enemy types.
* There are now 3 different endings to the map.
* The Overmind ending is the main objective, you can unlock the other two through a series of achievements.
The Overmind Ending, The Wrath of the Ancient ending, and the Dragoon Ending
~ Overall difficulty of the map should now feel slightly more formidable.



An Info Graphic to completing the early game phase of the map.
This should give you roughly 99% chance of success.
I've played this map over 100 times, so I have it down to a science pretty much.

If You So happen to beat the game, please post your grades given, and playtimes here.

Post has been edited 19 time(s), last time on Sep 2 2022, 6:44 am by zsnakezz.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Apr 6 2015, 12:56 am zsnakezz Post #2

This will most likely be the final update for the undead. It has been a good run. This version fixes all the bugs, balances all the headaches, and provides some new challenges for you to experience. Update 4 was big, so is this one. I will keep the two files separate from each other, so if you wish to play an older version, you have that option.

Plus I like to keep tabs on how well each update release does, and this makes it easier.

I'm not apposed to making new updates, I just plan on this one being the final version, but if anybody has new ideas for future changes, I would be glad to hear them.

Thank you for playing The Undead.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Apr 6 2015, 9:27 pm zsnakezz Post #3

Download for V.5 is now up. Please enjoy.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Apr 15 2015, 1:04 am zsnakezz Post #4

A couple of future planned changes.

+ Invasion
~ There will be many triggers put in place, where a group of zombies will attack.
~ These attacks might be triggered by time, kills, or what Undead level you are on.
~ Another type of invasion is when you enter a certain area, zombies from another area will come and attack you.
* Example: You Enter The Mountains; 6 Zombies from The Mall attack.
~ These attacks would also increase in difficulty with higher Undead Levels.

+ Save your progress.
~ When you kill a Festering Grave, it will give you a code of some kind.
~ If you lose, you can enter that code to restart from where you were.
~ It will kill the number of festering graves you killed.
~ It will also give you a set monetary amount depending on how far you were.
~ This feature may or may not include starting you with some units too.
* This would not be that complicated, I'm not going to make some huge elaborate saving system,
where somehow every unit can be brought back from the depths of tragedy.
* More likely, it will have 6 different levels depending on which undead level code you enter.
The more "late game" the code, the more money and units you will start with.
* (You don't want to be in Undead level 6, with 1 Raynor to start.)

These features would be in V.6 and in the Multiplayer Version.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Apr 16 2015, 6:14 pm zsnakezz Post #5

Invasion is close to complete, here is how it works.

There are 14 invasions in total.
7 of these invasions are timed.
7 of these invasions are triggered.

When an invasion happens, you will see the phrase
(You hear a mass of zombies in the distance.)

A number of zombies from different parts of the map, will converge on your current location.
The invasions are not CRAZY challenging, but they do add some action to the experience.

Timed Invasions happen around every 6 to 10 minutes.
(Sometimes longer)
Triggered invasions happen upon reaching kill scores, and kill scores scale as follows:
46 kills, 150 kills, 400 kills, 750 kills, 1100 kills, 1500 kills, 2200 kills.

Invasions become increasingly more difficult. Undead levels have little to do with an invasions difficulty.

So, if you find yourself hogging a particular undead level, there is a slight chance you could get out scaled by an invasion.

Still working on the save system. I want it to be easy to use, and to fit in before the intro.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Apr 16 2015, 7:54 pm by zsnakezz.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Apr 16 2015, 7:20 pm Wormer Post #6

Invasion sounds cool, but I'm not sure if you really need any kind of save system. You can always save the game and continue, can't you?


Apr 16 2015, 7:36 pm zsnakezz Post #7

Quote from Wormer
Invasion sounds cool, but I'm not sure if you really need any kind of save system. You can always save the game and continue, can't you?

I play on local area connection, (because I can't get on but I'm not sure if you can save online games.

Either way, if you play singleplayer, then yes, you can save the game.

All it would be is a code assigned for each grave you kill.

If you load the code, it will kill that many graves, and give you supplies based on how
"late" the code was.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Apr 17 2015, 5:13 am zsnakezz Post #8

Finished the Save code System.

Took pretty much all day, but it's as simple as can be.

It is designed to give the player an outlet to enter at a more time friendly interval.

So lets say you have beaten then map, or died half way, this will give you an outlet to jump in.

There are codes for the first 4 undead levels.
Each code gives more units and income, depending on which level it is for.

This has made jumping in and playing easier than ever.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 17 2015, 5:21 am by zsnakezz.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Apr 17 2015, 5:16 am Wormer Post #9

Oh, well. Actually you can save multiplayer games too and I believe anyone who got the save file can connect to that game (you can also play with less people).


Apr 17 2015, 5:21 am zsnakezz Post #10

Oh well it's done, and it took a decent bit of time too.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Apr 20 2015, 5:06 am zsnakezz Post #11

V.6 is dropping soon, one more major feature is being added.

I want this update to breathe some new meaning to the undead experience.

People are right about one thing, this map was a grind fest, and WAS devoid
of seemingly fair challenge.

I noticed version 5 didn't do so hot, even though it is a complete upgrade from V.4.
I predict this is because people find the map predictable, and I agree, then again, I did make this map.

On the other hand here is what we have so far;

+Save Code System
~ Made to act as almost a gambling system at first,
not hard to learn probably.
+Passive income slightly higher
~ I think I probably nerfed passive income too hard, it scales a little better.
+There is a significantly larger amount of zombies than last update.

and the last part of the update will be something new I'm working on.

+Open Bosses
~ Open bosses spawn seemingly randomly from the edges of the map.
~ Open bosses are optional, and make no serious attempt to specifically reach you.
~ If you are feeling up to the task, you can kill the bosses for a pretty nice reward.
~ These bosses will enter and run across to the other side of the map.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Apr 20 2015, 5:13 am by zsnakezz.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Apr 24 2015, 6:21 pm zsnakezz Post #12

Topic post has been updated with V.6 Update info.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Apr 27 2015, 12:45 am zsnakezz Post #13

V.6 Download is now available. please enjoy this new version of The Undead!

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Apr 30 2015, 2:31 pm zsnakezz Post #14

I have determined that invasions probably make this map 10x more interesting than it was without them.

Before I was trying to create intensity by sheer mass of zombies alone, have them naturally stack and form their own groups.

But that was causing a lot of problems, and was not very exciting, and the map could easily overpopulate itself.

Putting a fairly modest cap on how many zombies can exist at once, while adding in controlled invasions and bosses, it has become

1. ) More challenging, I die to normal zombie packs sometimes now, the difficulty seems to be right where I want it to be.

2. ) The reward structure is now much more well managed.

3. ) It has allowed me the creator to have greater control over what zombies do, as well as adding new challenges
without the fear of it getting crazy difficult.

4. ) The map in general now runs with fewer bugs and complications.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

May 6 2015, 8:53 pm zsnakezz Post #15

6.2 Change log. This is mostly a bug fixing patch, but does some other stuff too.

+Players can no longer move the beginning shuttle.
* Interrupting the sequence apparently leads to a glitch later down the road.

+Intro title sequences have been fixed to show correct version.

+Alternate ending bosses and sequences have been fixed and now follow different rules.

+Open Boss spawns are now less "obtuse"
~One of the open boss spawns happens too closely timed with an invasion event. This causes some confusion.

+Some save code glitches are being worked on. There are 2 that don't really break the game, but I noticed them.

+Some special monsters and such are more numerous.

+Trying to find ways to reduce invasion delays.

The Undead Multiplayer is officially in production after this patch is released.
This patch will be released sometime tonight 5/6/2015.

So a Multiplayer version is going to be the main focus after this patch.

Here are some upcoming changes for multiplayer.
(Pre Release notes are subject to change, or may not appear at all in final release.)
The Undead Changes
+ All Basic zombies are receiving an increase of 2 to 3 health.
+ All Stronger zombies are receiving an increase of 7 to 10 health.
+ All Boss Undead are receiving an increase of 90 to 100 health.
+ All Zombies and bosses do 1 to 2 more damage.
+ All Undead buildings have an additional 75 to 100 health.
+ Zombie spawn cap will be raised slightly for all undead levels.

Gameplay Mechanic Changes
+ A base can only be used by one person at a time.
+ Players can swap units by storing them in blimps and leaving them in bases.
+ Player 2 will have access to ghosts, but not marines.
~ Player 2 will acquire certain abilities and upgrades as a result.
~ Ghosts and marines will be as equal as possible, they both have benefits and drawbacks.
~ I'm currently trying to explore methods of separating income.
~ Alternative to separating income is making everything a little more expensive.
~ Alternative to this is nerfing income slightly.

So currently for handling income, i have 3 options, I will probably choose the laziest one, but who knows.

Misc. Changes
+ More blimps will be at the players disposal.
+ All Terran (Town buildings) will be receiving an additional 100 health.
+ You may be seeing less gas income in multiplayer.
+ Teamwork achievements may be added.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on May 7 2015, 2:38 am by zsnakezz.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Jun 7 2015, 1:43 am Swampfox Post #16

So, pretty damn fun map. Very challenging.

Took me quite a few tries to get through the start. When i finally started getting somewhere though, i unlocked the zombie elders and they just stormed me to death over and over. Its a bit ridiculous, they just kinda pop out outta nowhere and kill all of your dudes instantly.

Is this uhh.... intentional?


Jun 7 2015, 2:26 am zsnakezz Post #17

Quote from Swampfox
So, pretty damn fun map. Very challenging.

Took me quite a few tries to get through the start. When i finally started getting somewhere though, i unlocked the zombie elders and they just stormed me to death over and over. Its a bit ridiculous, they just kinda pop out outta nowhere and kill all of your dudes instantly.

Is this uhh.... intentional?

The storms are yes, the storms killing you instantly, no. I would try to avoid killing too many defilers, which is what unlocks the elders.

Though the AI for the elders is hella random, sometimes they won't attack your group unless you attack them first.

Sometimes they work perfectly, it is truly out of my hands, besides me eventually just lowering the amount that are actually on the map.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Jun 7 2015, 2:58 am Swampfox Post #18

So i resorted to just leaving raynor in a bunker most of the time and sorting out those elders wih other guys haha. Seems to work well.

For some reason i keep getting these secret endings or something, and the game is ending before i kill all 6 things.

Also, orange doesn't attack me at all. They just stand there and take it.

Edit: it seems when i kill all the elders it ends the game. No score/rank or anything

i went and loaded a save and killed all the graves. did overmind ending

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 7 2015, 3:19 am by Swampfox.


Jun 7 2015, 10:29 pm zsnakezz Post #19

Quote from Swampfox
So i resorted to just leaving raynor in a bunker most of the time and sorting out those elders wih other guys haha. Seems to work well.

For some reason i keep getting these secret endings or something, and the game is ending before i kill all 6 things.

Also, orange doesn't attack me at all. They just stand there and take it.

Edit: it seems when i kill all the elders it ends the game. No score/rank or anything

i went and loaded a save and killed all the graves. did overmind ending

Killing the elders is supposed to spawn the wrath of the ancient ending,
till you kill 3 ancients I believe, and it's supposed to grade you and everything.

Though, I personally rarely even start the wrath of the elder event, because I know what it does, and I created it.

And yes, there are supposed to be 3 alternate endings. Killing graves isn't the only way to win.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

Dec 15 2015, 5:39 am zsnakezz Post #20


A patch fixing some player 2 bugs is here. Not sure why they existed to begin with, thought I fixed these things already.
But apparently not.

+ Player 2's units will spawn with Sarah when she dies like Raynors death mechanics.

+ Second player will no longer have random spawning units all over the map for seemingly no reason.

~ Still investigating a bug that causes Sarah to be given to player 1.

+ Gave some stranded units to their proper players.

I made the following maps; Hyperion 2, The Undead, The Undead Coop, Realm Rpg beta, and Overlords.

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