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Mafia: Organized Entropy
Aug 5 2012, 4:11 am
By: Dem0n
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Aug 14 2012, 9:35 pm omginbd Post #121

Quote from poison_us
It may or may not be spiked...
Poisoned, if you will :)


Aug 15 2012, 4:56 am Dem0n Post #122

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Night 0

It was a dark night. A man was walking home from a long, stressful shift at work. He could feel something creeping up on him, but he kept walking. He had a specific task that he intended to complete, and no crazy person hiding in the shadows was going to stop him. Before he could do what he wanted, he needed to make a stop at his home. As he turned the corner, he saw a cop car parked outside of his house. As he stepped closer to his home, the car lights turned on and shined directly on him. Two cops came out and walked up to him.

"Sorry for the disturbance, sir, but we've gotten some interesting claims regarding your nightly routines, and we need you to come in for questioning."

The man was dumbfounded; he asked the officers what they were talking about, but they insisted that he come quietly. The man had no idea what was going on, but he gave himself up and stepped into the police car.

A man was standing at his bathroom sink, looking at himself in the mirror.

"God, I hate my life. What am I doing?"

The man brushed his teeth and took his pills and crawled into bed. As his eyes started to tire, he noticed something was wrong. His heart was beating irregularly, and he started to shake uncontrollably. He tried to get out of his bed to grab his phone, but he could not move. He tried to yell out for help, but he could only get small gasps out of his mouth. He began shaking more violently, and after a few seconds, Aristocrat lay dead in his bed.

He was lonely. He was scared. He was hopeless. But he couldn't let the others know it. The people looked up to him to protect them, and he couldn't fail them. The man was hiding behind a corner, waiting for the shadow in the distance to begin walking again. As the figure lifted the manhole and crawled down the tunnel, the man crept up slowly and followed suit. As he climbed down the ladder into the disgusting sewers, the stench of filth flowing through the brown, contaminated waters almost made him lose his grip. He regained his balance, however, and kept climbing down. He slowly stepped into the water, making sure to make as little noise as possible. The sewers were long and intricate, and it branched off into three different directions. The man took out his notepad and jotted down some notes.

"Sewers ... Three sections ... possible HQ?"

The man walked down the left-most tunnel cautiously, checking the corners for any unwanted company. The sewage water was getting deeper now, and when it was almost up to the man's knees, he felt something hit his ankles. The man fell over, making a large, loud splash as he hit the ground. He got up and wiped the filth off of himself. He turned to check if anyone was approaching him, but it was too late. As he turned around, he saw another man standing right in front of him. As he reached for his gun, the other man stabbed him in the stomach. He pulled the bloodied knife out of his stomach, and stabbed him once again in the neck. He repeated this action mutliple times until the man's neck was shredded. The bloodied body of OlimarAndLouie fell to the ground, and the water carried him away.

A man peered out his windows, then closed the curtains. He blew out a few candles and began walking to the back of his home. As he walked into his kitchen, he heard a noise outside. He looked out the kitchen windows. He didn't see anything, so pulled a blade out of a drawer and walked outside. As he crept around his backyard, he checked behind every tree and bush. When he was certain nothing was there, he turned to walk back into his house. As he grabbed the handle to open the door, he suddenly remembered something.

"I didn't close the door."

He spun around and lifted the blade, ready to stab anything that came near him. He looked around his entire backyard, and in the faint moonlight, he saw a blurry shadow. It took him a few moments to realize where the shadow was coming from, but when he realized where it originated, he quickly pushed himself up against the siding of his home and looked up.

The roof. He tried to look up at an angle where he could see whoever was up there, but they could not see him. As he exposed himself more and more to get a better view, he suddenly heard a quiet bang. He looked down and noticed a small hole in his chest. Blood began pouring out of it, and the man fell to the ground. He thought he was going to die, but one of his neighbors, who had seen the man fall to the ground, quickly rushed out of his house carrying some sort of kit. He opened the kit and pulled out numerous syringes and bandages. A few minutes of operating passed, and the neighbor carried the injured man back into his home. He had been saved.

A mildly depressed man was passed out on his couch. A pile of beer bottles were stacked up beside him, and not even the sound of loud explosions on his TV awoke him. Another man crept out of the shadows of the room and walked up to the TV. He turned it off, and the room was left completely dark. A few minutes passed, and the unknown man left the house.

As the sun came up, the police car that had once been outside of the man's home returned. The man who had complied with the cops got out and went into his house.

"Damn cops. Instead of helping the city, they're wasting our time with these bullshit 'leads.'"

Day 1 has begun. Day 1 will end on Friday, August 17th, 12:00 AM EST.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 17 2012, 5:16 am by I Iz LEET.

Aug 15 2012, 4:58 am Azrael Post #123

I told Doctor to protect Aristocrat, because Mafia was obviously going to hit him.

Doctor didn't protect Aristocrat.

I forfeit. Good game, Town.

I'll leave you this parting gift, so you can't say I completely abandoned you.

I vote for Sacrieur.


You wake up with a huge headache. You think to yourself that those beers last night weren't worth it. As you try to get up, to notice unusual weight holding you down. As you try to move your head, you feel an incredibly sharp pain in your neck. You lift your hand and touch your neck. There's a cold, metal device attached to it. It's filled with some sort of liquid, and there's a large needle going through the base of your neck.

You've been constrained.

You're so fucking stupid :lol:

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Aug 15 2012, 5:15 am by Azrael.

Aug 15 2012, 4:58 am Positively Post #124

Oh this is not good at all.

I vote Sacrieur

Edited because I have no idea how to put colors haha


Aug 15 2012, 5:00 am Aristocrat Post #125


Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 15 2012, 5:05 am by Aristocrat.


Aug 15 2012, 5:22 am Dem0n Post #126

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

The town was in an uproar. Two deaths the night after the new mayor had been elected? If he couldn't protect the people, then who could? A large crowd formed outside of City Hall, and everyone was demanding answers. Mayor Sacrieur came out of the building and walked up to the podium.

"Citizens, I understand how frightened you must be. I know it does not look good on me when two men are murdered the same night that I am elected. But fear not, for this pattern of murder and massacre will not continue. My office has been working diligently to find the scum that infest our city, and we have found a man who is, without a doubt, involved heavily in the underground actions. Guards, bring out the prisoner!"

Two men stepped forward, dragging a badly beaten man by his wrists. They lifted the injured man to his feet and pushed him against a wall.

"Azrael, you have been found guilty of endangering this city and putting all its citizens in harm's way. You must die now for our city to be safe."

The two guards lifted their rifles and shot Azrael in the chest. He fell to his knees, but he did not fall over dead. He ripped his shirt off and revealed a bulletproof vest. The guards shot him again, this time in the head, and Azrael fell to the ground.

Aug 15 2012, 5:23 am Sand Wraith Post #127


I vote for Sacrieur. (To Lynch, right?)

Aug 15 2012, 1:22 pm OlimarandLouie Post #128

:rip: Town's chances of winning


Aug 15 2012, 1:58 pm rayNimagi Post #129

I vote for Sacrieur.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Aug 15 2012, 2:13 pm Tempz Post #130

before Az died he told me Sacrieur visted Poison and that a note dropped out of sac pocket.


Along with it was an image.

Vote Sacrieur.


Aug 15 2012, 2:18 pm Raitaki Post #131

I vote Sacrieur.

Goddamn mafia is so fucking aggressive this game D:


Aug 15 2012, 2:46 pm Sacrieur Post #132

Still Napping

I don't smoke cigars or wear silly hats; ergo, I'm not mafia.


Aug 15 2012, 3:22 pm BiOAtK Post #133

Sac owes us all 20 minerals. Anyways, I vote Sacrieur


Aug 15 2012, 3:28 pm Sacrieur Post #134

Still Napping

Quote from BiOAtK
Sac owes us all 20 minerals. Anyways, I vote Sacrieur

Oh yeah, about that.

I lied :lol:


Aug 15 2012, 5:45 pm Wing Zero Post #135

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I vote Sacrieur

Aug 15 2012, 6:13 pm omginbd Post #136

Bandwagon G0G0

I vote Sacrieur


Aug 15 2012, 7:45 pm xAngelSpiritx Post #137

eternal lurker

I will cast my lot in and vote for Sacrieur.


Aug 15 2012, 8:01 pm Fire_Kame Post #138

wth is starcraft

Quote from Tempz
before Az died he told me Sacrieur visted Poison and that a note dropped out of sac pocket.


Along with it was an image.

Vote Sacrieur.
baha! That's awesome!

Aug 15 2012, 8:06 pm poison_us Post #139

Back* from the grave

Quote from Positively
Oh this is not good at all.

I vote Sacrieur

Edited because I have no idea how to put colors haha
[color=#RRGGBB] or [color=name]. I prefer =name. Peachpuff was my old love :awesome:

Also, thank you for saving me, fellow townsman. Though I know who you are I'm not stupid enough to say your name :D

Quote from Raitaki
I vote Sacrieur.

Goddamn mafia is so fucking aggressive this game D:
They know who to kill. The actives who know what they're doing.

Let's think about this a little. Azrael is a bulletproof. He can't have known, especially on the first night, if Sac visited anyone. That's considering the Detective PM'd him before the post in which he died, and he PM'd Tempz, also before he died. That's at least a 30 minute window without breaking any rules. I don't think Azrael makes a habit of breaking rules. If Tempz isn't just trying to get people lynched (I did notice he seems to be the only one looking at any clues), good job on the relay system.

I vote Sacrieur.
See what I did there?

As a sidenote: Demon, how the hell was I shot in the chest badly enough that I would die? I was leaning out to see the guy on the roof, and apparently I got a hole in my chest. Not a graze, a damn hole. Who the hell taught you physics? Don't you know you can't curve bullets? And "your" picture doesn't line up with the actual post.

Now the more I think about it the less I think Sac is a mafia. At least as of right now.

Quote from Sacrieur
Quote from BiOAtK
Sac owes us all 20 minerals. Anyways, I vote Sacrieur

Oh yeah, about that.

I lied :lol:

Like that's the first time :P

Quote from Sacrieur
We shouldn't be persuaded by hearsay or speculation. We must act on cold hard evidence and facts to weed out those members who attempt to corrupt our great society. We outnumber them, and if we ban together, we can put a stop to this crime once and for all.

Aug 15 2012, 9:11 pm Dem0n Post #140

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Quote from poison_us

As a sidenote: Demon, how the hell was I shot in the chest badly enough that I would die? I was leaning out to see the guy on the roof, and apparently I got a hole in my chest. Not a graze, a damn hole. Who the hell taught you physics? Don't you know you can't curve bullets? And "your" picture doesn't line up with the actual post.
Don't focus so much on the specifics. ;O

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[05:59 pm]
Vrael -- cuz I mean, if some watery bink lobbed a scimitar at me, and I claimed to be a dictator, they'd put me away!
[05:58 pm]
Vrael -- is it the lady of the lake? Is she distributing swords in some kind of an aquatic ceremony as a substitute for a mandate from the masses?
[05:57 pm]
Vrael -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: Excalibur you owe civility to SEN out of respect for the old lady, not for CAFGs sake.
wait who is the old lady?
[05:57 pm]
Vrael -- NudeRaider
NudeRaider shouted: Vrael It has a time code. You just need a minute or so to realize that guy is full of bs.
oh ya I did watch actually for like a minute before I realized it was an hour long, I just meant I didnt watch the whole thing
[06:11 am]
NudeRaider -- Vrael
Vrael shouted: oh idk about CAFG's post I clicked the link and noticed it was like an hour long video and just said nooooooooooooope not for me
It has a time code. You just need a minute or so to realize that guy is full of bs.
[06:07 am]
NudeRaider -- Excalibur
Excalibur shouted: No further civility is owed to what was presented.
you owe civility to SEN out of respect for the old lady, not for CAFGs sake.
[01:43 am]
Ultraviolet -- you got a funny way of showing people you like them
[01:15 am]
Excalibur -- Yeah I don't know if it translated but the 'Asshole. Straighten up.' was /because/ it was CAFG, because he is an asshole, because he did post in SD, and because I do enjoy him.
[01:08 am]
Ultraviolet -- CAFG been pissing everyone off lately
[01:07 am]
Ultraviolet -- lmao
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