Dear Mr. omginbd,
I regret that I am writing you this letter under the most unwanted circumstances. I must admit that during your tenure at this university, your name has come up multiple times in my presence, and it has always been in good faith. I have heard the professors explain, with utter disbelief, how incredibly talented and bright you are. They talk about nothing other than your astounding achievements and spectacular grades. Many think of you as the prodigal doctor. Others say you will become the Surgeon General. "He'll make millions," they say. "He'll save everyone he operates on." "There's not an illness or injury that he can't treat." As you can see, you are thought of very highly at this university. Albeit the many wonderful things I have heard about you, I regret to say that I have also heard some disturbing news as of late.
Allow me to briefly summarize the ideals of this university. We are a medical school. We teach our students how to save others. It is our goal, our duty, to instill nothing but the most selfless ideals into our students. Our motto is what motivates us. "If you're sick, we'll cure you." It is as simple as that. No exceptions, no hidden clauses. If someone is ill, we will cure them. As I previously stated, all the professors are amazed by your medical capabilities. They say you can save anyone. However, there have been many stories that have passed through my ear that put you in direct violation of some of our most basic rules.
We do not, under any circumstance, operate on human beings for experimental purposes. As a student, you are only allowed to observe operations by our staff of highly trained doctors. Furthermore, the use of any prescription medicines without mentor supervision is not allowed. I have heard, to my disbelief, instances where you, Mr. omginbd, have operated on other students, against their will, using medicines that are not normally available to students. Such a thing has never occurred at this school, and I intend to see to it that it never occurs again.
It is with my deepest regret that I must terminate your enrollment to this university. You have violated our most basic rules, and you are flirting with this country's civil rights. Whatever you have done in secret is highly illegal, and I cannot afford for you to walk freely on this campus knowing that. As Dean, there is a reputation I must uphold, both of myself and the school, and while you are here, there is nothing but a growing negativity revolving around everyone who works at or attends this fine institution. I hope you can understand my decision, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, as long as none are harmful to humanity.

Dr. John Talbot
Dean of University
You are the
Mad Scientist.
You're a savior. An angel. A protector of people. All your life, you have done nothing but help others. Well, this town needs help. It's gone to Hell, and people are dying left and right. You're a renowned surgeon; you can save whoever gets hurt. You have to save whoever gets hurt. With corruption slowly infecting this city, you're going to need all the help you can get. Don't let the others die; they're key to your victory.
You are the Doctor.
“Listen to me. There was nothing you could do. The boy was too badly injured. You don't have to beat yourself up over this. Think about all the people you've saved. Think of all the illnesses you've cured, all the bones you've mended, all the bullets you've extracted... You're a hero. The family will understand. There's not a single person this town would rather have to try to save their children than you. All you've ever done is helped others. They won't be mad. They have no right to be mad. You're the best man for this job, and sometimes, it just doesn't work out. You of all people should know that. After all, you've trained all of us on everything we know. Come on; go home. Get some rest. You've don't owe these people anymore. You've given them everything.”
You are the Doctor.
August 12th
Twenty-two years. Twenty-two God damned years. I never thought I would get out of that shithole. This town, these people... They don't appreciate what I've done for them. Those pipes running through their houses? My plans. The electrical grids that power the whole damn city? I designed every square inch of them. These people, they're nothing but puppets, living their lives the same way each and every day. Wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep. The same damn thing every single day. And what do they do when someone is different? When someone is daring? Nothing, until one crazy fucker screams out in the name of "humaneness" and "justice." Then they all group up in packs, ready to lead a war against one person trying to make a difference. That's what they do. They lay around until one person takes charge and then everyone lights the torches and grabs the pitchforks. My plans were life-changing. Ground-breaking. Revolutionary. But instead of listening to me, they cast me out. They threw me away to rot in that abyss. I'll make them pay. I'll show them what they really are. Puppets. That's all they are. That's all they'll ever be. Just puppets.
You are the Rogue Engineer.
Officer OlimarAndLouie,
I wanted to personally congratulate you on your promotion. You're the best man for the job, and I mean that. It's no secret that this town in slipping from underneath us. We used to have order. We used to have peace. I don't know what happened, but it's not there anymore. It's our fault. We slacked off. We let the criminals take over. I feel something coming. Some sort of drastic confrontation. We can't have a war in our streets. We've got families living here. We have to take control, and we have to do it now. I gave you this job because I know that you can change everything.
Start with our men. Get them motivated. The mob's got them believing that since they're running the underground now, we've got no chance, and our men are beginning to believe it. We can't let this happen. If our own men lose hope, there won't be any hope for the city. Get our men doing their jobs again. Make them strong. Make them fierce. But above all, make them believe.
Take back the streets. Don't let our people be afraid to walk outside at night. They have to know that there's nothing to be afraid of. Not while we're here. Those thugs control every back-alley in the city. Get your men to work. Have them follow these criminals. Figure out who's in charge, and what they're doing. Stop them.
I know you'll succeed. You have to. We can't let the mob win. It's time to put our feet down. It's time to create hope. It's time to rise.
Gregory Davis
Commissioner, PD
-Sent August 12, 2012, 10:31 PM-
You are the
You're a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A dark knight. Well, not really. But you are the only man who can stop those thugs. They think they can do anything they want, and since everyone is scared, nobody will step up to stop them. It's time you stepped up. You're not afraid of them; we all know that. What are you waiting for? This city is crumbling beneath your feet, and if you don't stop the fissure, who will? Half your department's crooked; you can't trust them. That commissioner? Who knows how big of a payroll the mob's got him on. You have to do this by yourself. There's no one you can turn to. Track those criminals. Figure out what they're doing. Who's the man in charge? What do they want? What's their big, dramatic plan? You have to find the answers. Imagine the fire if you fail. Mobsters flooding the streets, families too scared to even step outside... We can't have that. Do your job. Stop them all.
You are the Detective.
You can't give in. Not now. I know you've been living a lie, but it's a necessary one. Nobody can know what your dead mayor really did. He was a white knight, a beacon of hope for this city. We believed in him. The public couldn't know the truth. If they did, everything the mayor worked to achieve would be undone, and we couldn't have that. The streets are crowded with enough gangsters. Think about what it would be like if all the criminals the mayor put away were released. It'd be a frenzy out there. Nobody would survive it. You have to keep going. You have to stay strong. This town needs you. With the mayor gone, you're the new symbol of hope. The cop that everyone loves, now chief detective. They're all looking to you for safety and security, and you must give it to them. You have to hunt those mobsters down. You can't let them take this city. You have to stop them. All of them.
You are the Detective.
Retirement is supposed to be peaceful. Too bad this city is the exact opposite of peaceful. You figured you'd move home, back to your little town. It'd be nice. You'd get to see everyone again, go golfing, and above all else, enjoy the rest of your life. It's a shame this city has gone down the drain. It really is. But you can't retire now. You're one of the country's smartest men. You know terrorists better than anyone. These thugs? That's exactly what they are. Terrorists. You know, it's actually really funny... These mobsters, they're pretty smart. With any extremist group, they're always giving out threats. It's no wonder there's no news of soldiers being killed across seas, or of civilians being taken hostage. And you know why that is? Because it's all part of the plan. It's war. People die; that's what happens. Nobody panics when things go according to plan. But with these criminals... They have no real plan. They do whatever they want, and because of that, nobody in this town can ever know what to expect. If tomorrow that extremist group tells the press that a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all part of the plan. But when those criminals do whatever it is that they do, everyone loses their minds. This is terrorism. No, it's better than terrorism. It's smarter. And it's here. In your town. You have to help the cops stop these guys. It's the only way life can ever be peaceful again.
You are the Analyst.
You're the master of uncovering secrets. You can take one look at anything and suddenly know everything. It's your job. It's what you've been trained to do. This city's been on the verge of disaster for months now. It's about time the government got involved. The top agents are all here. You should probably find your comrades. It's going to take some long hours and sleepless nights to figure out who the men terrorizing this city are. But if there's anyone who can do it, it's you. Learn the clues. Learn the names. Stop them before it's too late.
You are the Analyst.
This is it. This is what you've been waiting for. A chance to justify your position on this team. Nobody believes you can help. They say you're too young, you inexperienced. But your boss knows different. He knows you're bright and clever. The situation in that one city, it's the perfect place to start your career. The boss says this'll boost your rep. Go down there and prove that you're the real deal. There'll be others there, so you'll have to bring your A-game. Gather your notes, find some clues. Show them all what you can do.
You are the Analyst.
I can't say I know how you feel. Your partner of 15 years turns out to be a rat and tries to kill you. I can't imagination how painful that must be, how betrayed you must feel. I understand everything you're doing. This town is hitting the fan. Those cops? You can't trust them. Not anymore. It's not like the old days. Nothing's black and white. Some of those guys at the precinct that you've known for years? A bunch of them are in deep. They work more for the mob than they do for the city now. I support your decision to leave the force. Get out of that shit pile before it drowns you. Everyone thinks you're crazy. They think you're overreacting. I know you're not. Something big's about to happen, and when it does, a lot of people are going to die.
You're a tough guy. You've been around violence long enough to know that it doesn't just stop. Any precautionary measures you take at this point can only be considered as common sense. They won't kill you. At least, not easily.
You are Bulletproof.
You wake up and take a pill. On the way to the psychiatrist's office, you pop another one. You think you're crazy. You're not. You're smart. Unlike everyone else in this screwed-to-Hell town, you've got common sense. You know you're not safe anymore. All those criminals, all that violence... Nobody's safe anymore. Don't listen to those other people. They try to discourage you only because they don't see what you see. What they see is a once glorious city just barely hobbling along, but enough so that it doesn't require any assistance. But you see the truth. You see a city, coated in smoke and flames. You see the monsters, born in darkness, coming out to prey on the weak. There's a storm coming. You know it's true. You can't run from it. You can't change its course. It's irreversible. All you can do is protect yourself.
You are Bulletproof.
You hate your life. There's no hiding it. I mean, really, what do you do? You walk into a big building each morning and sit there for eight hours. There's nothing purposeful about it. You just sit and wait for the time to pass. You must get bored. I can understand you wanting to have a little fun. This town's already screwed. The last mayor was crooked; it's a shame nobody listens to you. If your own boss can't be moral, then who can? Who really cares what you do? Sure, you may be compromising important city events, but hey, nobody cared about you. Why should you care about them? Do whatever you want. Have a little fun. Introduce a little anarchy.
You are the Bell Ringer.
It's our time to rule. We've been beaten, we've been imprisoned, but we've always stayed strong. That's the difference between them and us. While they cower in their houses, we come ready to fight. We come ready to take what's ours. Look at what this town's become. It's a piece of shit. Those people really think it’ll be worse with us running the show? It doesn't matter what they think. They can't stop us now. There's no hope, there's no hero to save them. This city is ours. You know your job. You were hired for one simple reason. To kill. To instill fear into anyone who's not with us. You're good at this. I've seen you do it. I want you to keep doing it. Take them out. But not all of them. We can't run a city by ourselves. We need scared, little ants to do all the busy work. Kill a few, but not all. We can't kill them all yet. Their punishment must be more severe.
You are a Hitman.
You think you’re tricky. You think you’re clever. You’re really not. Not compared to me. I’ve followed you around a bit. Surprised? The great stalker didn’t know he was being stalked? That’s the difference between you and me. You adopted the darkness… I was born in it. Nobody knows how to sneak around like I do. But then again, maybe I’m being too harsh. You aren’t that bad at your job. I’ve seen you ruin relationships. It’s pretty funny. I guess in this town of failures, you’re the best we’re going to get. So go on, ruin some more relationships. Mess with some peoples’ heads. Sabotage them.
You are the Saboteur.
Who is he? What's his name? Where'd he come from? These are the questions that follow you wherever you go. You're a shadow in the dark, a fly on the wall. You see everything, hear everything, and do whatever you want. You are the Beguiler, the most malicious man this town has ever seen. You have people everywhere, and nobody would dare to double-cross you. This town has been rotting in the filth of "self-preservation" and "people power" for too long. These people think they can drag themselves out of the Hell they've turned this city into? There's no chance. They're not helping the city; they're destroying it. You know this is true. The only chance this city has is with a new regime. These politicians, these mayors... They know nothing. They swim in their wealth while the city burns around them. But you, you can save them. Sure, it may take a little convincing. The people may think of you as a terrible person at first, but give them a little time and they'll see that you're the only logical solution to this town's self-inflicted problems. Destroy those fools that run the city. Put your men into power. Shape this city into whatever you want it to be. It's all possible. You've got all the tools you need. Take what's yours.
Passive Abilities:
Fake Identity - The Beguiler is the master of deception. If at any time during the game you feel endangered, you can claim a fake identity as an Analyst, Doctor, or Detective, and when you die, your role will be revealed as one of these. Can be used at any time.
Primary Abilities:
Stalk - The Beguiler follows someone in the shadows. He is light on his feet and can never be caught. The Beguiler will see who the target was visited by.
Ring Bell - The Beguiler sends his men to give the Bell Ringer a little scare. They get him to ring the bell early. Can be used once per game.
Feign Death - It's a good thing almost everyone in the city suffers from high cholesterol. They all take the prescription medicine, which is quite convenient. The Beguiler orders a capsule of tampered prescription pills to a target's house. The drugs stop the target's heart, indicating death. After two days, the target's heart will begin beating again. The Beguiler doesn't want his targets dead. Not yet. He just wants them... out of the way. If for some reason the pills cannot be delivered to the target that night, they will be returned to the Beguiler to be sent out another night. Can be used once per game.
Secondary Abilities - The Beguiler is as sneaky a person as anyone this town has ever seen. He can do anything he wants, whenever he wants. Because of this, he can use a secondary ability at night along with his primary ability.
Intercept - The Beguiler has people everywhere. Most even work for the city. Construction workers, cops, mailmen, etc... If used on the night that someone is invited to the Cult, the Beguiler will intercept the invitation before it is sent to the target and learn who the new potential recruit is.
Detain - The Beguiler sends his men in the sheriff's department to bring in a target for questioning. The target is kept at the police station all night and cannot use any powers. Can be used once per night.
You’re a man of religion. A man of tradition. I respect that. You know how to instill fear in hearts of people, and you can turn everything into chaos. This town’s already fighting a war between the “good” people and those thugs that run the sewers acting like they’re in control of something great. They know of each other, but they don’t know of you. You’re a secret. Your plan is a secret. It’s time you set it into motion. You’re smarter than anyone in the city. Take control of what’s yours. Use this town’s ignorance to your advantage. Stay hidden, but start working. Build up your army; weaken the others. Take control of this city.
You are the Cult Leader.