Everyone seems to agree that TS2 is not as fun as TS1. I still play on USEast (op tsc) with a regular community of about 30 people, even though my computer can easily handle SC2.
I rarely bother with such a "no leads" mappers production. Althought I'll do an exeption for this one.
First: The original concept of Temple Siege was a good idea, althought when the project began, there was almost no common knowledges on full project using EUDs. Temple Siege 1 is, in my view a total failure map cuz of the lack of potential Starcraft1 mapping offered back then. Of course, people are stupid enough to say "TS1 > TS2" but most are ignorant that has no clue what they're talking about. I would say that, the 2 maps are completly different since TS2 is what TS1 was meant to look like. TS1 is basicly just a Micro game that offer tons of block potential from spells (due to lack of options with regular triggers). Temple Siege 2 offer many controls that couldn't exist, even with EUDs on Starcraft1. With these new controls *such as reaper's leap, or burrows moving, etc* the heroes gain more potential.
Second: Tons of works have been applied to Temple Siege 1 that is still missing on Temple Siege 2. Also for TS2's group, it's seriously a messed up one. There are no leads, just couple of people working solo (or in a small groups) making different version of the map. It's a never ending story that been going for so long. Yes Temple Siege 2 need fixes, I do agree with that, but there are some great improovement. As a matter of "fun". Temple Siege 2 has less no-life playing over 100 games a day bitching all over the place (Yes, this is what DoTa style is). It asks more controls, offers more options of playing and most important, less "pro farming this crappy game, which allow potential players joining the group.
Last: Fighting like children on a thread won't help at all. Current group of TS2 mappers have plenty of things to fight with right now to have to deal with bunch of children fighting on their thread. In such games, there are no "#1 player", sorry to tell you. What make someone be better isn't related to how many hours he spent in front of his computer reading the stats and the forum to learn how to play this. I've seen many nobodies raping "I'm the best" kind of player just because they had control of their unit. For sure, knowing the map, and being able to calculate every future damage done by snipe or anything helps, but overall TS2 require more control skills.
I just hope the project won't fall because of some no leads issues because Temple Siege 2 is surely something that is worthy to continue. Short tips for who ever feel working on this: focus on heroes for now. Balancing and such is no big deal at this point. You'll fight for a +1 or -1 all the way long. Make more heroes and then, it'll be easier to balance the group (Similar to what LoL did basicly). The choice of heroes will balance the hero by itself, just depending who pick what, cuz we'll agree that, for now, who ever have a good assassin and a good sniper/archer in the same group have almost already won at beginning.
PS: it's totally normal that none of you have a clue who I am, I do not use/share my identity often, just to friends (that can keep it shut, as well). It's no use to ask me who I am nor calling me "noob" or stupid because I published what alot of people doesn't seem to be able to see. This thread subject is "Temple Siege 2". Try not to get it closed cuz of "way to many kids shit talking / fighting like morons" thread. Thanks for your cooperation.
To continue this project, I suggest you to check out who made the most progress with heroes. Till you reach 15-20 heroes, you shouldn't bother much with balance. If you need ideas for heroes options, I think it would be nice to ask but I think more options of every kind would be nice. More tank options (slow movement heavy tank by example), more morphing options (range/melee morphed *some kind of shapeshifter/hunter*), more mages options (AoE pricks with lower dmg, of course they would need some strong spell at some point, but you get the point), etc. I also think that day/night should last bit longer, like a min each.
Hope to see some development within Temple Siege 2, since it's a worthy map.