Staredit Network > Forums > Null > Topic: Advice?
Nov 14 2011, 8:42 pm
By: ubermctastic
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Nov 15 2011, 4:35 am ubermctastic Post #21

Used to... did you read the whole thread?


Nov 15 2011, 9:00 am Leon-037 Post #22

Quote from name:K_A
I wouldn't say ordinary.

She's obsessed with reading books, she's extremely vain, and she thinks she's a ninja...
Not kidding, she signs her name Ninja on homework...

She literally told me "I could kill you, but there are too many witnesses" (this is funny to her, because she's a ninja)
me: "if you were a good ninja you would be able to kill me without anyone seeing" (duh)
her: "Yeah, well I'm letting you off this time"
She says the same crappy jokes almost every day... to the same people... and then snickers to herself about them.^

I'm almost certain that she only reads books for the sole purpose of looking smart to people who don't know her.
She obsesses about really stupid stuff that she deems "awesome", (not on purpose where it's funny but when nobody thinks it's funny because she is legitamately obsessed). The list of "awesome" includes herself, and she makes it a point to announce this to everyone whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Basically she has no personality of her own, her entire personality is based off of other things that she obsesses about. This leads me to believe that she is indeed extremely shallow. Probably the most shallow person who's ever read a book from cover to cover.

She just sounds like any typical weeaboo girl to me. There were a lot of girls I knew back in high school that thought they were ninjas and think they can kill people. Then just liking silly dumb animes like Naruto and Bleach just to go along with the crowd and being cool. :bleh:


Nov 15 2011, 8:41 pm ubermctastic Post #23

Didn't know there was a term for this kind of stupidity >.>


Nov 16 2011, 2:00 am TomWaits Post #24

She doesn't really seem like a pathological liar, it just sounds like she's young and doesn't feel comfortable having her interests in others under a magnifying lens. I don't know enough about her to be sure, though.

Either way, don't get involved. It's not really your business, and for all you know you this relationship between the two might be legitimate. If it really does go to crap after two weeks, let it be a learning experience for your friend. In the future, he might be better at handling break ups, judging character, working out relationships, etc.


Nov 20 2011, 4:26 am rayNimagi Post #25

I come back to SEN after several months, and the first thread I clicked on was this.

Good to see SEN has maintained its content.

Also, I'm surprised there's less trolling going on here.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Nov 20 2011, 4:45 am MetalGear Post #26

Quote from TomWaits
She doesn't really seem like a pathological liar, it just sounds like she's young and doesn't feel comfortable having her interests in others under a magnifying lens. I don't know enough about her to be sure, though.

Either way, don't get involved. It's not really your business, and for all you know you this relationship between the two might be legitimate. If it really does go to crap after two weeks, let it be a learning experience for your friend. In the future, he might be better at handling break ups, judging character, working out relationships, etc.

This is good advise.

Generally speaking, if you invade someone's personal space, especially someone who doesn't respect you, they'll have no problem lying to you about their personal life. This doesn't reveal any falsity about the person whatsoever, it simply translates into "get out of my space". The most likely scenario is that she genuinely likes the guy she's with, and she didn't want to ruin it by saying how much she likes him, because that may have initially impacted on her boyfriend's decision to ask her out.

Besides, why are you so hung up on it? Is it because you're jealous, or because you want to learn about the inner psyche of women?

Furthermore, you will find in life, that our culture is full of secrecy. It is built upon silence, mountains of lies, deception, and informative diversions. We don't live in an open society for the pure reason of fear. That's another topic though.


Nov 20 2011, 5:16 am ubermctastic Post #27

Does it make any difference that she doesn't talk to anyone but guys, and that she has another guy who hangs around her all the time when the guy she's dating isn't around?


Nov 20 2011, 9:23 am Leon-037 Post #28

Are you sure she talks only to guys? And do you know anything about the other guy who hangs around her? He could just be a close friend.


Nov 20 2011, 2:49 pm ubermctastic Post #29

It's a small school... Everyone knows everyone else.
And yes she only talks to guys. >.>


Nov 20 2011, 8:57 pm Leon-037 Post #30

Well it may be a small school but it doesn't mean you know him personally. How do you know she only talks to guys? Do you stalk her in school and after school or something? You could know people outside of school.


Nov 20 2011, 9:15 pm ubermctastic Post #31

I know him personally I've known him longer than I've known her. He's constantly flirting with her/poking her/etc. (not the guy she's dating right now)
She doesn't do anything outside of school :facepalm: she's a weeaboo who sits at home, reads books, and watches anime.
When I was hanging out with her that's ALL she wanted to do. (part of the reason I don't hang out with her anymore)
She claims to have female friends where she's from, but she doesn't talk to anyone except guys here, so I have a hard time believing it.


Nov 20 2011, 9:21 pm Lanthanide Post #32

Quote from name:K_A
She doesn't do anything outside of school :facepalm: she's a weeaboo who sits at home, reads books, and watches anime.
Sounds like a lot of guys on this forum.

Clearly she's gender confused.


Nov 20 2011, 10:10 pm Sacrieur Post #33

Still Napping

Quote from Lanthanide
Quote from name:K_A
She doesn't do anything outside of school :facepalm: she's a weeaboo who sits at home, reads books, and watches anime.
Sounds like a lot of guys on this forum.

Clearly she's gender confused.

I agree. My only question is why she writes "Ninja" and not "shinobi".


Nov 21 2011, 3:51 am FatalException Post #34

Quote from name:K_A
I know him personally I've known him longer than I've known her. He's constantly flirting with her/poking her/etc. (not the guy she's dating right now)
She doesn't do anything outside of school :facepalm: she's a weeaboo who sits at home, reads books, and watches anime.
When I was hanging out with her that's ALL she wanted to do. (part of the reason I don't hang out with her anymore)
She claims to have female friends where she's from, but she doesn't talk to anyone except guys here, so I have a hard time believing it.
I have a friend from Philadelphia who has mostly male friends where we live and mostly female friends where she lives; she says it's because the girls there are more masculine and the guys here are more feminine (no offense intended to us, of course). Have you considered that maybe she just doesn't like "girly" people or things, so she spends most of her time in male company? A girl can have male friends and not be cheating on her boyfriend, you know.


Nov 21 2011, 11:00 am Leon-037 Post #35

Quote from name:K_A
I know him personally I've known him longer than I've known her. He's constantly flirting with her/poking her/etc. (not the guy she's dating right now)
She doesn't do anything outside of school :facepalm: she's a weeaboo who sits at home, reads books, and watches anime.
When I was hanging out with her that's ALL she wanted to do. (part of the reason I don't hang out with her anymore)
She claims to have female friends where she's from, but she doesn't talk to anyone except guys here, so I have a hard time believing it.

Well what do you define as flirting? Poking her is nothing new. Everyone pokes, tackle hugs each other, and stuff like that nowadays. She most likely does have female friends, maybe not that many but she probably does. Though the more I see you talk about her, the more you're reminding me of someone I know..


Nov 21 2011, 1:47 pm Norm Post #36

K_A. You are obviously jealous that you're not getting with this female while your buddies are. End of story. The only advice I can offer is to man up and fall for a different chick.


Nov 21 2011, 4:16 pm poison_us Post #37

Back* from the grave

Why care?

Nov 21 2011, 5:26 pm Riney Post #38

Thigh high affectionado

Quote from rayNimagi
Also, I'm surprised there's less trolling going on here.

On it :awesome:

Boner pills will fix this situation.

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Nov 21 2011, 9:16 pm ubermctastic Post #39

Quote from Norm
K_A. You are obviously jealous that you're not getting with this female while your buddies are. End of story. The only advice I can offer is to man up and fall for a different chick.
Not really jealous so much as ticked off that she's just getting away with lieing to my face about everything to the point of ridiculousness.
It doesn't even have to be about relationships or anything. I'm pretty sure the reason she didn't want to date me was because I have enough self respect to not just go along with whatever she says.

*I get a book from the library, and start reading it*
Her: Hey I read that book, It was great! :D
Me: Didn't I recomend the series to you? ^^
Her: No the librarian did. :D
me: :ermm:

Because it's just that hard to say "Yeah, they were great!"



Nov 21 2011, 9:44 pm Tempz Post #40

A girl using guys then dumping them is a common practice; any who this usually allows the guy to build up confidence to ask a girl he really likes... But most high school gfs are just trial and error and mostly never end up getting married.


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