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Next Gen consoles
Apr 15 2011, 3:14 pm
By: MadZombie
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Apr 15 2011, 3:14 pm MadZombie Post #1

So Since the Wii, PS3, Xbox360 era started in 2005 I'm so glad new consoles are coming to light. We've recently had the 3DS come out (sold less then the original DS did I'd like to point out wololololo) and with the announcement of the NGP (PSP2) a while back and now the Wii2 it makes me believe we are going into our 7th generation of gaming (Wii,xbox360,PS3 was considered 6th I believe) very soon. I'd like to think that since rumors on the wii2 are being spread around that other companies will create consoles to compete and such. I doubt they'd like to get left behind. Pretty much a Wii2 general thread but I'd like to keep it open to all consoles in general because of the gut feeling I have of more rumors on other consoles being leaked. PS4, Xbox3(?), and maybe some new company jumping in and creating a console. Maybe Sega will come back and make a console that is far superior to the other consoles but won't sell as well because people are gay. I can only dream ;_;



Apr 15 2011, 4:00 pm DevliN Post #2


I didn't realize Nintendo's next console was the Wii 2. Interesting.

I read somewhere that Microsoft and Sony stated that the Kinect and Move would mark the mid-point on their respective consoles' lives, so my guess is they wont be coming out with new consoles for another few years. This'll be like when the PS2 came out to no competition, probably.

SEGA should release the GENESIS 2.0 or something, but have it still use cartridges. That would be awesome.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Apr 15 2011, 4:05 pm MadZombie Post #3

I read somewhere that Microsoft and Sony stated that the Kinect and Move would mark the mid-point on their respective consoles' lives, so my guess is they wont be coming out with new consoles for another few years.

I'd like to think they said this because if not people would not have bought either the kinect and the move and instead of waited for the next consoles and saved money. If it was truly the EXACT half way point then we wouldn't see a new console from these guys until 2015 or something.



Apr 15 2011, 5:04 pm Fire_Kame Post #4

wth is starcraft

I wish they'd make next consoles quieter. Noisy as fuck.

I like my Wii. I don't know what they want to improve? :\

Apr 15 2011, 5:11 pm DevliN Post #5


The graphics. Rumor is Nintendo's next console will have better graphics than the 360 and PS3.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Apr 15 2011, 5:12 pm Excalibur Post #6

The sword and the faith

The Wii is a joke, I can't stand any generation of XBOX controllers, and Sony's usual prices make me say 'fuck that I'll just upgrade my computer.'

Nintendo needs to go back to making real consoles again instead of motion gimmick casual gamer bullshit. I haven't enjoyed a console since the Gamecube.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
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Apr 15 2011, 5:17 pm MadZombie Post #7

I wish Sega would come back ;_;

I miss Crazy Taxi


Apr 15 2011, 5:19 pm NudeRaider Post #8

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Excalibur
The Wii is a joke, I can't stand any generation of XBOX controllers, and Sony's usual prices make me say 'fuck that I'll just upgrade my computer.'

I liked my Mega Drive. Never understood why SNES was so much more popular.
It seems things haven't changed.

Today I prefer PC over consoles just because they have equal quality games which I usually can get for free.
Also upgrading my computer to be able to play games is much cheaper than buying a console.

Apr 15 2011, 5:24 pm DevliN Post #9


Quote from Excalibur
The Wii is a joke, I can't stand any generation of XBOX controllers, and Sony's usual prices make me say 'fuck that I'll just upgrade my computer.'

Nintendo needs to go back to making real consoles again instead of motion gimmick casual gamer bullshit. I haven't enjoyed a console since the Gamecube.
A PC's graphics card will always be superior to a console, so I'm right there with ya in that case.

I love my Blu-rays, though, so I had to get a PS3.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Apr 15 2011, 5:44 pm Fire_Kame Post #10

wth is starcraft

Quote from DevliN
The graphics. Rumor is Nintendo's next console will have better graphics than the 360 and PS3.

I guess given the games I play on the Wii I never cared much about graphics for them. :kame: I like the cartoon look on everything.

Apr 15 2011, 6:06 pm poison_us Post #11

Back* from the grave

Quote from Excalibur
Nintendo needs to go back to making real consoles again instead of motion gimmick casual gamer bullshit. I haven't enjoyed a console since the Gamecube.
This. The PS2 wasn't bad because it also offered good graphics and a wider range of games, but in general I play almost exclusively computer-based games now, even if they're flash games, because most console games just don't have replayability.

Apr 15 2011, 6:09 pm Excalibur Post #12

The sword and the faith

I'm glad I'm not alone. And I am so god damn sick of hearing 'Oh yeah I'm a gamer dude, I play Black Ops all day.' because that just makes you a douche bag. All of this Halo/Gears Of War/Medal Of Honor/Call Of Duty shit really needs to stop. Gaming is more than a bunch of frat dudes and little kids with squeaky voices yelling insults into headsets as they try and shoot each other.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Apr 15 2011, 8:25 pm Jack Post #13

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

The only reason I'd get a console now is for a) playing all the oldschool resident evil games or b) playing racing games with my mates. I still prefer racinggames on a console with a bunch of mates than on a computer by myself or online. Then again, since need for speed underground 2 and maybe most wanted, there aren't any racing games I really like. EA milked that franchise so hard :*(

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Apr 15 2011, 8:46 pm Riney Post #14

Thigh high affectionado

Quote from Excalibur
I'm glad I'm not alone. And I am so god damn sick of hearing 'Oh yeah I'm a gamer dude, I play Black Ops all day.' because that just makes you a douche bag. All of this Halo/Gears Of War/Medal Of Honor/Call Of Duty shit really needs to stop. Gaming is more than a bunch of frat dudes and little kids with squeaky voices yelling insults into headsets as they try and shoot each other.

Though true, Ive found that CoD has the least amount of this however. Halo is just....wut?

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Apr 16 2011, 1:32 am Fisty Post #15

Quote from Excalibur
I'm glad I'm not alone. And I am so god damn sick of hearing 'Oh yeah I'm a gamer dude, I play Black Ops all day.' because that just makes you a douche bag. All of this Halo/Gears Of War/Medal Of Honor/Call Of Duty shit really needs to stop. Gaming is more than a bunch of frat dudes and little kids with squeaky voices yelling insults into headsets as they try and shoot each other.
:D You'd love my homeroom class.

I'm at the point where people who play FPS games aren't even gamers in my eyes anymore, with a few exceptions. Anyway, OT: I doubt the Wii2 will live up to itself (not that it's predecessor leaves much to be asked of). Claiming better graphics than the X360 and PS3 is no large feat anymore. My PC did that 2 years ago.


Apr 16 2011, 1:51 am UnholyUrine Post #16

The Wii is a joke, I can't stand any generation of XBOX controllers, and Sony's usual prices make me say 'fuck that I'll just upgrade my computer.'

Nintendo needs to go back to making real consoles again instead of motion gimmick casual gamer bullshit. I haven't enjoyed a console since the Gamecube.

Well, nintendo's rumoured to, as this time they say that the wii2 will be more powerful than the 360 AND ps3...
tho by how much? And by that time, will it be better than PC graphics? Probably not, but who knows?

Either way tho, things are driven by capitalism... Nintendo found an untapped market (i.e. "casual" gamers to use the term loosely) and exploited it and is now pretty much printing money!!

Upping the wii to an HD console is an interesting move. As the guy in Pach attack (of the 3 episodes i've watched before i got sick of his pretentiousness) said, an HD ver of Wii will compete with Sony and Microsoft b/c all the HD games that were made to be cross platform (PC, Xbox, PS3), can also be compatible with the Wii.
With controller adjustments (like releasing one that "hardcore" gamers won't bitch about), they can pretty much dominate the market once again.


Apr 16 2011, 2:02 am Vrael Post #17

Quote from Excalibur
I'm glad I'm not alone. And I am so god damn sick of hearing 'Oh yeah I'm a gamer dude, I play Black Ops all day.' because that just makes you a douche bag. All of this Halo/Gears Of War/Medal Of Honor/Call Of Duty shit really needs to stop. Gaming is more than a bunch of frat dudes and little kids with squeaky voices yelling insults into headsets as they try and shoot each other.

Seriously though, the zombies in black ops are awesome. It's going back to the good old days of arcade games, i.e. surivive infinite levels, but with the awesomeness of black ops graphics and guns and lulzy fake russian voices saying lunatic things like "NOW YOU ARE DEAD. BUT YOU WERE ALREADY DEAD. AH FUCK IT" and they add random shit like teleporters and monkey grenades and super weapons and health upgrades and all that nonsense. Black ops is for losers. Dead ops is where its at.

Seriously though, theres no point in making a new console right now. They need to wait for graphics cards to be powerful enough to have SUPER AWESOME graphics. Go play an Atari. You're like "DUDE! I PRESS BUTTONS AND THIS STUFF MOVES AROUND on a SCREEN!!!!" Then go play Mario for the original nintendo. You're like "WHOA ITS A WORLD I CAN JUMP AROUND IN!!" Then go back and play a PS1 game like Spyro or Crash Bandicoot. Remember when you were like "OMG WTF THESE GFX ARE AWESOME! WE CAN MOVE IN THREE DIMENSIONS!!!"? Then you play a PS2 game, idk, Ace Combat 5. And you're like "WHOAOAOAOAOAO ITS A FUCKIN FIGHTER JET AND SHIT LOOKS ALMOST REAL KINDA!"!!! Then you get Xbox2 and play Ace Combat 6, and you're like "These graphics are better than AC5? huh?" Point is, the graphics right now are good enough to blow you away compared to two generations ago, but they're not that much better than last gen. Unless they're running into memory limits or something, they need to wait until the next gen of gfx can wow us again.

I started both paragraphs with the same introductory phrase. My 3rd grade teacher would kill me!


Apr 16 2011, 2:15 am Phobos Post #18

Are you sure about that?

I have a Wii. I enjoy it.

this is signature

Apr 16 2011, 3:50 am ShadowFlare Post #19

I think the biggest feature in graphics for the latest generation of consoles is mainly the higher resolutions. Other than graphics, there is the increase in various online stuff available, like online play and games you can just download and play.


Apr 16 2011, 6:44 am Cnl.Fatso Post #20

I think the biggest feature in graphics for the latest generation of consoles is mainly the higher resolutions. Other than graphics, there is the increase in various online stuff available, like online play and games you can just download and play.

This is all stuff that's been around since years before the current gen started on PC. In fact, from a purely graphical standpoint, I am outright PISSED that the consoles are so popular because it's meant nobody is willing to take advantage of new hardware yet for fear of Xbox/Playstation compatibility (mind you, from a realistic standpoint I don't really care because the play experience is what sells me the game, not the visuals).

I'm at the point where people who play FPS games aren't even gamers in my eyes anymore, with a few exceptions.

I hope those exceptions include Quake and Tribes players :D

I've played (and actually still play) Call of Duty 4 extensively, it's decent, but HOLY SHIT are the players bad on average. I'm told the situation is similar with Halo (and that the people are more childish). Haven't forayed any further into CoD, except for the like three matches of MW2 I needed to play to convince myself peer-to-peer server hosting is just not possible yet. A handful of Halo matches was enough to convince me that it was no Quake, and a couple hours of the campaign (of H1, which is generally considered the best campaign from what I've heard) was enough to put me off the franchise in general.

But really I just want another space combat sim in the vein of TIE Fighter (and please God please not in the vein of Freelancer).


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