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Invasion: Ares
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Oct 5 2010, 11:19 am
By: DevliN
Pages: 1 2 38 >

Oct 5 2010, 11:19 am DevliN Post #1


  • Tileset: Korhal
  • Genre: Assault
  • Player(s): 1-6
  • Dimensions: 128 x 192
  • Size: Unknown kb

Quote from PLOT
Three days ago, Ares was invaded. You are being employed to help an allied invasion force regain control of the city. During the course of the game, you will be facing powerful minibosses, occasional counter-invasions, and a time limit that will not be kind.

  • Starting Lives: 2
  • Maximum Level: 25
  • Items: Accessories, Weapon (and Weapon Addon), Armor (and Armor Addon)
  • Bonus Stats: Base Damage (Weapons), Attack Speed (Weapon Addon), Range (Weapon Addon), Bonus Damage (Weapon Addon), Bonus Damage Effects (Weapon Addon), Base Defense (Armor), Movement Speed (Armor Addon), Shield (Armor Addon), Bonus Armor (Armor Addon), Health Regen (Accessory), Energy Regen (Accessory), etc.
  • Abilities: There will be 6 Abilities available to each mercenary. The [T] ability will be available from Level 1, while the others will become available as the hero gains levels.
    [Q] will do 100% damage to Light enemies and 50% damage to Armored enemies.
    [E] will do 100% damage to Armored enemies and 50% damage to Light enemies.
    [R] will be a passive self-buff with an activated effect.
    [T] will be a non-combat ability meant to save or protect the mercenary.

  • Health: 475 (+4.4%/level)
  • Starting Weapon: Gatling Gun
  • Starting Armor: G1 Light Armor
  • Tech Specialization: Grenades
  • Abilities: 6 total
    [Q] Missile Array: Fires 8/10/12/14/16 missiles at the target area, dealing 5 damage per missile. Armored enemies take half damage.
    [W] Shockwave: Emits a small burst of damage around the hero, dealing 60/80/100/120/140 damage to nearby enemies and pushing them back by 1/1.5/2/2.5/3.
    [E] Laser Cannon: Fires a laser beam in target direction, dealing 60/75/90/105/120 damage to all units it hits. Light enemies take half damage.
    [R] Self-Repair: Passive: Increases the passive health regeneration of the unit by .2/.4/.6/.8/1.0. Active: Repairs the unit for 10/15/20/25/30% if its total base health over 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 seconds. The unit is incapacitated during this time, and can still be attacked.
    [T] Flight: Flies the unit to the target location. Range: 4/5/6/7/8
    [F] Launch Grenades: Launches a grenade at a target area. Each level increases the range of the grenade, as well as the base damage. Various types of grenade upgrades can be learned based on what you might need it to do (i.e. one that stuns, one that leaves resonating damage over time, one that might bounce between units, etc.).

  • Health: 450 (+4.8%/level)
  • Starting Weapon: TBD
  • Starting Armor: TBD
  • Tech Specialization: Mines
  • Abilities: 6 total
    [Q] Tactical Strike: Calls down a missile strike at the target area. The range for this will be high, but so will the cooldown.
    [W] Mark for Death: Applies a debuff to units in the target area, increases damage done to them and applying a long but minor damage over time spell.
    [E] Sniper Round: Shoots all enemies in a line with a single bullet.
    [R] Scope: Passively increases the range of the unit's attacks by X/X/X/X/X, and when activated will cause the hero to deal more 10% damage for each hit over 3 seconds.
    [T] Cloak: Cloak the mercenary for X/X/X/X/X seconds. While cloaked, the merc cannot attack or use abilities.
    [F] Deploy Mines: Places 4 mines on the ground at the target location. Various types of upgrades can be purchased to add buffs or debuffs (i.e. damage over time, slowing poison, etc.).

  • Health: 500 (+4.0%/level)
  • Starting Weapon: TBD
  • Starting Armor: TBD
  • Tech Specialization: Survivalism
  • Abilities: 6 total
    [Q] Railgun: Shoots a seemingly endless stream of bullets at enemies in front of the mercenary, dealing X/X/X/X/X damage for 5 seconds.
    [W] Bull Rush: Charges into enemies at a target point, briefly stunning them and dealing X/X/X/X/X damage.
    [E] Cruise Missile: Fires a missile in the target point's direction, dealing X/X/X/X/X splash damage to the first enemy or enemies it comes in contact with.
    [R] Ironclad: Passively increases the unit's life armor by X/X/X/X/X. Actively taunts all nearby enemy units and deals damage to attackers.
    [T] Barrier: Creates an immobile energy field around a target area that decreases incoming damage.
    [F] Survivalism: Increases a specific stat by 100% for X/X/X/X/X seconds. The stat chosen is dependent on the upgrades the player chooses, like the other tech specs. Base stat is Life Armor.

  • Health: 500 (+4.0%/level)
  • Starting Weapon: TBD
  • Starting Armor: TBD
  • Tech Specialization: Beacons
  • Abilities: 6 total
    [Q] Irradiate: Applies a damage debuff on a target unit, slowly draining HP of nearby enemies. Leveling this ability increases the range of the effect as well as the damage done to each affected unit.
    [W] Leech: Steals health from an enemy unit to heal the hero. Each level increases the amount of health stolen.
    [E] EMP Arc: Deals initial damage to target enemy (increased damage if the target is mechanical) and then branches out with electrical arcs to hit nearby enemies as well.
    [R] Siphon: Passive: Increases the passive lifesteal of the unit by 1/2/3/4/5%. Active: heals nearby allied units at the cost of the hero's life.
    [T] Flyby: Calls a Banshee to fly over the hero toward a target location, dropping bombs along the way. The hero will also be transported to the target location.
    [F] Deploy Beacon: Creates a beacon at the target location that drains life from nearby enemy units and heals nearby friendly units. The effect of the beacon can be modified.

  • Health: 475 (+4.4%/level)
  • Starting Weapon: P-45 Gauss Pistol
  • Starting Armor: TBD
  • Tech Specialization: Turrets
  • Abilities: 6 total
    [Q] Rocket Leap: Utilizes the unit's jetpack to leap to a target area, dealing 40/60/80/100/120 damage to nearby enemies.
    [W] Assault Rally: Calls down 2/3/4/5/6 Assault Reapers to aid the hero. Leveling this ability also increases the health and damage output of the Assault Reapers.
    [E] Flamethrower: Shoots flames from both guns, dealing X/X/X/X/X damage to enemies in front of the hero.
    [R] Speed Burst: Passive: Increases the base movement speed of the unit by .2/.4/.6/.8/1.0. Active: Increases the unit's attack speed by 100% for 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 seconds, while the unit's jetpack emits minor fire damage to nearby enemies.
    [T] Smoke Screen: Emits a smoke cover from the jetpack to conceal the unit from enemy attacks.
    [F] Deploy Turret: Deploys a single turret as an offensive or defensive measure. Each level increases the amount of turrets that can be deployed. Various types of turrets can also be learned to maximize damage (i.e. one that shoots a cone of fire, one that poisons, one that acts as a mortar, etc.).

  • Health: 450 (+4.8%/level)
  • Starting Weapon: TBD
  • Starting Armor: TBD
  • Tech Specialization: Storms
  • Abilities: 6 total
    [Q] Energy Bomb: Shoots a bolt of energy at the target area, dealing 40/60/80/100/120 damage upon reaching the target.
    [W] Psi Slash: Cleave attack that hits multiple units in front of the mercenary for 30/50/70/90/110 damage, and 10% of that to nearby buildings.
    [E] Void Discs: Incapacitates the enemy and deals 60/80/100/120/140 damage.
    [R] Berserk: Passive: Increases the attack speed of the unit by .1/.2/.3/.4/.5. Active: Enrages the hero, inreasing the unit's size and attack damage for a short period.
    [T] Clone: Teleports to a target area, leaving a hallucinated clone in the caster's place. The hallucination taunts nearby enemies, but doesn't have much survivability. Leveling this ability increases the hallucination's health and increases the range of the teleport.
    [F] Psionic Storm: Calls down a storm on the target area. This ability can be upgraded to include various effects on the target area, like leaving a resonating damage debuff, lowering speeds, etc.

Quote from TO DO
// TO DO
  • Create 10 Weapon/Armor choices per mercenary.
  • Create triggers for boss fights.
  • Balance unit HP, damage, etc.
  • Design mini bosses for checkpoint battles.


The selection screen when you first start the map.

The new UI.

Quote from UPDATES
  • 03/21/2013
    Work on the map resumed. All bugs from the last few patches have been fixed, and aside from needed cosmetic changes (sounds, impact effects, etc.) the abilities are all done. I decided to scrap the data experience method and went for a fully triggered method instead. I've replaced the old exp bar with a text value as well, which I think looks cleaner. Changes were made to the UI, mainly focusing on the chat bar and unitinfo. Very basic cutscenes have been made for when checkpoints are reached. I still need to make a staring cutscene to introduce the heroes, but I'm putting that off because of all the factors involved (i.e. not being a full house game). The unit spawns are working well when checkpoints are reached, and I'm working on the randomized counter-attack triggers. I still need to set up triggers to change the NPC unit health/damage/spawn count based on the amount of players in game, however.

  • 05/05/2012
    Redesigned the mercenary selection screen. Consolidated multiple triggers. Made better use of variables. Reconfigured HP/MP bars for the UI.

  • 05/02/2012
    Finished all the abilities for the heroes. Three abilities are glitched slightly, but it shouldn't take too long to fix them.

  • 05/01/2012
    Finished the "Deploy Mine", "Deploy Beacon", "Life Leech", "Survivalism", and "Siphon" abilities. The tentacle on the Medical Tactician's "Life Leech" ability attaches to the unit incorrectly, but I'll fix that another time.

  • 10/28/2011
    Redesigned the Medic's R ability, basically giving it what the Psionic had. Psionic's R has been changed, too, to something that will hopefully be a little more fun.

  • 10/27/2011
    Changed the Medic's T and F abilities. Modified the Covert's F ability. Found a bug where using the Assault's Q ability allows the unit to walk over any terrain regardless of height. Finished the spawn triggers for the allies at the dock and the enemies at "Tier 1." Working on balancing the units at the moment. Added Veterancy levels to the regular units. For some reason sharing experience doesn't really work well at all (setting the Shared Fraction to 1 only shares .1347 or something, and setting it higher makes the heroes gain negative experience). I'm not sure how I'll fix it, or if I just end up having players killing units for their own experience without help.

  • 10/10/2011
    Finished the Railgun and Void Disc abilities. Also fixed the bugs with Flight, Clone, and Rocket Leap (though it now looks like the hero takes a face-dive into enemies, so I'll need to fix that). Found a bug where the Skybox was impossible to change or see (and if I pulled the camera back, the floor disappeared, even in game), so I had to just change the tileset but keep my current textures. So far that's been an easy solution, but still not sure where the sky went. Also working on a new trailer video for it. I realize that's jumping the gun a bit, but it has been good motivation for me to finish minor things now so they'd look better for the video.

  • 10/05/2011
    Resumed work on the map after a long break. Started with finally taking on the SC2Layout code. After a couple days, I've actually completely redone the UI from scratch, so just about everything in-game will be made just for this map (exceptions being smaller things like the various BNet menus and whatnot).

  • 04/25/2011
    Got the custom health bar display working. I'll try to post some screenshots of it, tonight. It is small and simple, but will be helpful. Finished the preliminary merchant window. Rather than doing it through Data, I'll be doing everything through Triggers. A player will still have to walk up to the building to buy and sell things, but I'll be taking care of the purchasing and all via Triggers. Finished the UI for the "F" ability augments. I decided not to give them hotkeys, for now. The one major problem I'm having is that I want to change the buttom image to something custom, but for now just putting an image over it works. Started working on the next terrain area. I ran out of space, so I had to move everything down as far as I could, and had to place the doodads over again (interestingly enough dragging them all at once was impossible. Started working on a new character selection idea. I like the simplicity of the current system, but I also kind of like the idea of seeing the unit standing there as you cycle through them.

  • 04/22/2011
    Just finished the damn "Flight" ability for the Mech Operative. I tried every way I could think of to exploit it since it uses Triggers to move rather than the Data Editor. I may need some Trigger guru help when I'm done with the rest of the abilities to help come up with a better way of possibly doing it, but for now the ability works like a charm.

  • 04/19/2011
    Finished the teaser trailer for Invasion: Ares.

  • 04/12/2011
    Finished the "Cruise Missile" ability. Apparently deleting Mover overlays crashes my editor, but ultimately they had no affect on my missile animation, so that's good. For some reason, the missile wont show an impact animation or play a sound on impact, as well, even though it did a few tests ago. I must have changed something but I'm too tired to check now. I've also finished retexturing the Psionic Tactician (Prison Zealot). The changes aren't huge by any means, but I prefer how he looks now. I can't seem to find the Prison Zealot's blade texture in the Assets, and I want to edit it if possible, so if someone knows where that might be, let me know.

  • 11/20/2010
    Finished QWER abilities on the Mech Operative and the Assault Commander. I still need an "Active" R for the Infantry Commander and a T for the Assault Commander. I'm also not too sure how I'll do "Mark for Death" just yet (without Triggers). Surprisingly despite being busier, I've managed to do more work on this map ability-wise than I have since I started it. Go figure.

  • 11/04/2010
    Finished the ability lists for all the existing mercenaries aside from the Assault Commander. Work is still slow on this project due to real life necessities, but I am again confident that I will see this completed in the future. Once I figure out why the hell my abilities wont level properly, I can finally add everything.

  • 10/31/2010
    Added 3 abilities, thus completing the Psionic Tactician 's list. Work on this map has slowed down as I seek employment. Not to fear, it will be finished.

  • 10/21/2010
    Added 6 new abilities. Moved the Psionic Tactician's "Charge" ability to the Infantry Commander, and renamed to "Ironclad" while adding a passive buff to it. Still having issues with the ability leveling, and not sure why. Perhaps it is because I'm missing requirements? I have no idea.

  • 10/18/2010
    Added a screenshot of the mercenary selection. Reworked 2 abilities and added a new one for the Assault Commander. Considering adding 4 more mercenaries. Having trouble with the ability leveling in the data editor.

  • 10/12/2010
    Added 6 more screenshots of the terrain. I'm starting to add the abilities in a level-up fashion (similar to LoL or DotA), but haven't done more than the Infantry Commander yet.

  • 10/11/2010
    Added new abilities to current mercenaries, and added 2 more mercenaries to the group. Also changing this to a 6-player co-op rather than 4-player.

  • 10/05/2010
    Added basic abilities for each Mercenary. I may have each of them have one ability that has upgradeable qualities, i.e. the grenade for the Commander and turret for Covert Op. Maybe the Mech's seeker missiles can be upgradeable in that you can learn to shoot more at once? I'm not sure what I'd do with the Medic, though. Would anyone even want to play a healer?

  • 10/05/2010
    Thread created. Still planning the various upgrades and stats for each unit. I want to finish the terrain before I start doing the data editor stuff for the abilities. Looking to Panzer_Kavalier's Normandy Invasion for inspiration. My interest in this map is high, so hopefully this doesn't become yet another incomplete and unreleased project. The triggering seems simple enough, so I doubt I'll have an issue there. Hopefully I can come up with at least 6 techniques per Mercenary, though.

Post has been edited 41 time(s), last time on Nov 19 2012, 6:25 pm by DevliN.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 5 2010, 5:24 pm ImagoDeo Post #2

Looks like a decent idea. Do you have plans yet for what the end goal will be, besides repulsion of the invasion force? I mean, that seems a little shallow for a semi-RPG like this.


Oct 5 2010, 6:09 pm DevliN Post #3


It actually isn't repulsion of the invasion force, instead the players are part of the invading force. Essentially I wanted to make a fun and simple map similar to SC1's "Normandy Invasion" except using the resources of SC2's data editor and not involving Wold War 2 or Nazis. So the goal, in the case, is to successfully invade the city and take it over.

Right now I'm still planning a lot of this, too. Though it will ultimately just be a form of a hack 'n' slash RPG, I at least want the abilities and whatnot to be interesting enough for people to want to play it. I remember playing Normandy Invasion for hours and hours when you literally just upgrade armor and weapons and kill waves of enemy units, and somehow that wasn't boring. My hope is I can achieve that with this, though I wont know until I actually get the data editor stuff in there.

If anyone has suggestions for some simple and realistic abilities for some hero mercenary units or new heroes entirely, feel free to suggest them. The only things I have planned as far as that goes are:
Mech Operative's Seeker Missiles (starting with only 1 fired and at maximum level, 3 total are fired at nearby enemies).
Mech Operative's Shock Pulse (emitting a small AoE shockwave around the hero, doing more damage based on the ability's level).
Mech Operative's Missile Barrage (starting with 2 fired at an area and 8 at maximum level).
Med Tactician's Life Leech (stealing life from an enemy to heal itself and nearby units).
Infantry Commander's Grenade (simple grenade that can have various upgrades to add effects to the blast, like resonating damage in an area or stuns).
Covert Operative's Turret System (starting with 1 turret and at maximum level can drop 4 total, and can learn various types of turrets to drop).

I'm trying to stay away from any sort of psionics or Protoss units, but I have a feeling I'll end up putting a caster in anyway along with a DT.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 5 2010, 6:52 pm Neki Post #4

I've always wanted a Normandy map for SCII, it'd be so epic. Normandy was probably one of my favourite maps of all time from SC, so much replayability and it was so fun. Though I do agree, World War II has grown tiring, but everyone loves killing Nazis, they're the ultimate bad guy!


Oct 5 2010, 7:55 pm ImagoDeo Post #5

Ah, didn't read the Plot carefully enough. That does open up more possibilities, though.

I have an idea relating to the Medical Tactician.

Nanobot Infusion - Infuses the target unit with nanobots. Nanobots have a varying effect based on whether the target unit is an ally or an enemy. Nanobots infused into an ally will swiftly repair tissue damage when it occurs, with a bit of a delay to activate their systems. Nanobots infused into an enemy damage vital organs and tissues, dealing damage and altering its status in negative ways (slowing effects, sight range lowered, etc.). Leveling this ability increases the nanobots' reaction speed, the speed at which they heal, and the length of the buff (when applied to allies) - or the damage dealt per tick and the length of the debuff, as well as improving the negative side effects (when applied to enemies).


Oct 5 2010, 10:23 pm DevliN Post #6


Oh cool, great idea. Adding that as the customizable ability for the Medic.

Oh and if it isn't already assumed, any ideas I use will be credited in the final release.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 5 2010, 11:18 pm Dem0n Post #7

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Add generators that you have to defend, and then a core that you need to defend if all the generators fall. ;D

Oct 5 2010, 11:57 pm DevliN Post #8


This isn't a PvP map, it's a player versus computer map. If there was something necessary for the players to defend, then I'd totally do something like that.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 6 2010, 12:07 am Dem0n Post #9

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Oh, I read it wrong then. Whoops. :bye1:

Oct 11 2010, 9:55 pm DevliN Post #10


Half of the terrain is now complete. I decided to add 2 more units, an Assault Commander and a Psionic Tactician. I was trying to avoid magic-users in this, but I think ultimately it would be more fun to have one or two. Also, I'm making this a 6-player co-op rather than 4-player.

I also added new abilities:
Covert Op - Sniper Round: Shoots all enemies in a line with a single bullet.

Medical Tactician - Healing Aura: Heals surrounding units, and gives himself an attack speed buff.
Medical Tactician - Energy Shield: Protects the target with a shield of energy that absorbs damage, and deals minor damage to attackers.

Assault Commander - Rocket Leap: Flies the unit to a target area, dealing splash damage around the landing point.
Assault Commander - Assault Rally: Calls down assault troops to a target area to help kill enemy units. Leveling this ability calls down stronger troops and probably more of them.

Psionic Tactician - Energy Bolt: Shoots a bolt of energy at a target, dealing minor splash damage upon hit.
Psionic Tactician - Charge: Charges an enemy, producing a short stun effect around the target.
Psionic Tactician - Clone: Teleports to a target area, leaving a hallucinated clone in the caster's place. The hallucination taunts nearby enemies, but doesn't have much survivability. Leveling this ability increases the hallucination's health and increases the range of the teleport.
Psionic Tactician - Psionic Storm: Calls down a storm on the target area. This ability can be upgraded to include various effects on the target area, like leaving a resonating damage debuff, lowering speeds, etc.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 11 2010, 10:27 pm payne Post #11


I like how you can personalize Psionic Storm ability! :awesome:


Oct 13 2010, 4:58 am DevliN Post #12


Yeah, I figured that would be a cool feature.

I added 6 more screenshots of the terrain. I'm thinking of extending it north a bit so there are 4 distinct areas players have to go through, rather than 3.

I'm starting to finally add the abilities in a level-up fashion, but haven't done more than the Infantry Commander yet. Ultimately you can level each of the 5 abilities up to a maximum of 5 times (though at 20 levels, you can't get 5 points in each). The 6th ability (the mercenary's tech specialization) increases in power automatically with the mercenary's level, but specific upgrades and variations need to be purchased with credits that will be earned through the course of the game. Using the tech spec ability will simply be a matter of hitting the hotkey for it to bring up a separate ability submenu full of variations. For example if you want to place a normal Turret as a Covert Operative, you would hit the space bar to bring up the submenu full of Turret variations, and choose which one you want to place by hitting the appropriate hotkey (Q, W, E, R, T) or button.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 13 2010, 5:16 am payne Post #13


Last time I wanted to use the Space Bar as a hotkey, it wouldn't work. Just wanted to let you know. :P


Oct 13 2010, 5:21 am DevliN Post #14


Eh, that was just an example. I have Q, W, E, R, T as my main 5 abilities, so I suppose I could use F or G as the key that brings up the submenu.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 13 2010, 5:27 am payne Post #15


Why aren't people opting for more ergonomic-friendly hotkey positions such as A, E, R, G ? My hand feels so much more comfortable on this kind of hotkey set-up... :/


Oct 13 2010, 5:39 am DevliN Post #16


Because a lot of people got used to how LoL or DotA does it. If I was doing a WASD system, my movement keys would be ESDF and the abilities would be WAZXCVGTR (like they are in my Demonic map), but for this one I kept it as click-moving.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 14 2010, 12:16 am ImagoDeo Post #17

Covert Operative ideas:

Phase Shift: Briefly shifts the Covert Operative into a different plane of existence, making him untargetable and invisible. He can move through structures and other units while phase-shifted. Phase-shifting drains energy as long as it is active and will fade if the Covert Operative runs out of energy. If the Covert Operative runs out of energy to sustain phase-shifting while inside a structure or other unit, phase-shifting will begin to drain health until the Covert Operative is free of any structure or unit and can rephase into the current plane of existence safely.

Tracker: Melee-range ability. Sticks a tracker to the target unit, ally or enemy. That unit then appears on the Covert Operative's minimap no matter where it goes. The tracker lasts forever or until the enemy unit enters the range of an allied detector, in which case the buff will become visible and can be clicked to be removed. (Click-response behavior, in case you've never used them before.)

Injection: Melee-range ability. Injects the target with a variety of things, upgradeable and/or random. Viruses? Debuffs? DOTs? You pick. Or let the player pick. :awesome:


Oct 14 2010, 12:49 am UnholyUrine Post #18

I'm getting very interested.

Is there any way for me to help test?

One wisdom i can depart right away, from my experience playing Zerg Hunter RPG... is that. .don't make leveling up one spell overly important and don't make it so that new spells are useless unless you spend enough levels in it.

For the first part, to clarify, don't make the spell worthless at the start.
For second part... the same.. don't make the new spell worthless unless I put more points into it.


Oct 14 2010, 8:05 pm DevliN Post #19


Quote from ImagoDeo
Covert Operative ideas:

Phase Shift: Briefly shifts the Covert Operative into a different plane of existence, making him untargetable and invisible. He can move through structures and other units while phase-shifted. Phase-shifting drains energy as long as it is active and will fade if the Covert Operative runs out of energy. If the Covert Operative runs out of energy to sustain phase-shifting while inside a structure or other unit, phase-shifting will begin to drain health until the Covert Operative is free of any structure or unit and can rephase into the current plane of existence safely.

Tracker: Melee-range ability. Sticks a tracker to the target unit, ally or enemy. That unit then appears on the Covert Operative's minimap no matter where it goes. The tracker lasts forever or until the enemy unit enters the range of an allied detector, in which case the buff will become visible and can be clicked to be removed. (Click-response behavior, in case you've never used them before.)

Injection: Melee-range ability. Injects the target with a variety of things, upgradeable and/or random. Viruses? Debuffs? DOTs? You pick. Or let the player pick. :awesome:
Phase Shift is a cool idea (essentially seems like Cloaking) but I was trying to avoid all non-detectable invisibility because of how easy it would be to exploit. If a player can cloak and run to the end to damage the one building you need to kill to win, that doesn't seem very fun. I'll definitely keep this in mind, though.

I do like Tracker, but that also required this to be a PvP map, which it isn't. :/

Injection is awesome for that Tech Spec idea. I can give the Turret System to the Assault Commander (since he doesn't have one) and use Injection for the Covert Op. :)

Quote from UnholyUrine
I'm getting very interested.

Is there any way for me to help test?

One wisdom i can depart right away, from my experience playing Zerg Hunter RPG... is that. .don't make leveling up one spell overly important and don't make it so that new spells are useless unless you spend enough levels in it.

For the first part, to clarify, don't make the spell worthless at the start.
For second part... the same.. don't make the new spell worthless unless I put more points into it.
Since this is a Player versus AI map, there wont need to be much testing until I publish it for everyone to test. A majority of this map is in the Data Editor, and as long as I can get all the abilities to work while playing it alone, they will work for other players as well.

As for spells, each ability will have a maximum of 5 levels. Obviously each spell is more powerful once leveled up, but they each should have their own uses. For example the Mech Operative can fire Seeker Missiles at an area that will do AoE damage to units but he can also fire a Missile Barrage on the units for a similar effect. The difference will be that Seeker Missiles might do more damage to infantry units whereas Missile Barrage will be more effective against heavy armored enemies and buildings. Levelling Missile Barrage may be more effective, ultimately, but you do have to deal with more lightly armored infantry units than vehicles. I'm also trying to make each ability unique from the others so that there aren't too many similarities. The Medical Tactician can leech life from an enemy to heal himself and a small area around him, or he can pop his healing aura and heal everyone around him while buffing himself. The leech will do more damage than any speed buff, but he heals less units. Those are the sort of trade-offs I want to accomplish.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Oct 14 2010, 10:03 pm ImagoDeo Post #20

I just had a brainstorm. To make Injection AoE, you could have a simple needle-grenade system - that is, a grenade that explodes and actually fires missiles in all directions. It might be a pain to code, but it could work.

Also, the Mech Operative's tech specialization could be mech type. There are a lot of terran units that would work besides the Viking - predators spring to mind; or scaled-down thors/odins; even siege tanks/breakers would be good, unless you're using them for something else. Hellions and vultures don't work quite so well. Goliaths are good. It's all up to you, of course - just throwing ideas out here.


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