Staredit Network > Forums > Games > Topic: Touhou Hisoutensoku
Touhou Hisoutensoku
Jul 2 2010, 3:20 am
By: Phobos
Pages: < 1 « 11 12 13 14 1519 >

Dec 19 2010, 1:57 am Aristocrat Post #241

Displays inputs made by players in a replay, like this:

  1. Extract all of this into the soku folder:
  2. Replace the contents of SWRSToys.ini with this:
    ; MemoryPatch=Modules/MemoryPatch/MemoryPatch.dll
    ; NetBattleCounter=Modules/NetBattleCounter/NetBattleCounter.dll
    ; NetProfileView=Modules/NetProfileView/NetProfileView.dll
    ; WindowResizer=Modules/WindowResizer/WindowResizer.dll
    ; BGMChanger=Modules/BGMChanger/BGMChanger.dll
    ; NetBellChanger=Modules/NetBellChanger/NetBellChanger.dll
    ; ReplayDnD=Modules/ReplayDnD/ReplayDnD.dll

  3. Replace Modules/ReplayInputView/ReplayInputView.ini with this:

  4. Watch replay.


Dec 19 2010, 2:15 am Sand Wraith Post #242


Okay, I'll probably cast the replay Aristocrat gave me tomorrow. It's pretty good.

Dec 19 2010, 7:54 pm Aristocrat Post #243

My last two replays vs Trey if you want to cast games with people we actually know:



Dec 21 2010, 3:37 am Sand Wraith Post #244











Attached is the replay. Now, I can smear it in people's faces! MUHAHAHAHA! (I think the replay I attached is the replay, anyway. I can't tell, but it looks like it :x )

Hits: 0 Size: 65.77kb

Dec 21 2010, 4:05 am Aristocrat Post #245


Hits: 2 Size: 67.22kb


Dec 21 2010, 9:06 pm Phobos Post #246

Are you sure about that?

Lol at the last death in stage 5. I hate when she changes the direction of previous barrages of knives.

this is signature

Dec 23 2010, 12:31 pm MadZombie Post #247

(6:25:43 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: u so mad
(6:25:49 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: you can tell
(6:25:52 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: yea
(6:34:11 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: here
(6:34:12 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: because you suck so much
(6:34:20 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: I will take this chance to learn a new character
(6:34:30 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: k
(6:34:33 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: I don't even have a deck for Remiria
(6:34:40 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: so if you lose
(6:34:42 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: you should kill yourself
(6:34:45 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: .
(6:34:45 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: But
(6:34:48 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: I'm
(6:34:53 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: YOUR MY WEAKNESS CHARA?CTEr
(6:36:08 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: LOL NOOB
(6:38:06 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: wtf
(6:38:07 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: SAVING REPLAY
(6:38:08 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: that was lucky
(6:38:08 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: LOL
(6:38:10 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: U SUCK LOl
(6:38:11 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: I would have killed you
(6:38:16 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: nope
(6:38:18 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: I would have killed you
(6:38:24 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: noob
(6:38:29 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: As if noob
(6:38:39 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: I would have killed you
(6:41:34 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: lol noob
(6:41:35 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: get guard crushewd
(6:41:37 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: Nice hacks
(6:43:07 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: My keyboard broke
(6:43:07 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: I bet you wish you were good
(6:43:09 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: you saw it
(6:43:14 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: no noobgets hti with a C straight on
(6:43:16 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: fucking hacker
(6:43:19 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: Wise Remiria.
(6:43:23 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: You really are just a ghost.
(6:43:28 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: You don't have a ghost of a chance, though.
(6:43:32 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: *shades*
(6:43:38 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: Say that to my face fucker and not online
(6:43:51 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: hacker
(6:43:58 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: camping fag
(6:45:53 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: gay hacker
(6:45:54 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: Saved
(6:46:40 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: lol noob
(6:46:43 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: Convinient as fuck lag
(6:48:08 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: GAY
(6:48:09 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: HACKER
(6:48:10 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: REPLAY SAVED NOOB
(6:48:11 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: HACKER
(6:48:13 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: HACKER
(6:48:21 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: CRY MOAR
(6:48:29 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: too bad you can only win against my new character
(6:48:31 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: noob
(6:48:42 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: Too bad you can't stop making excuses
(6:48:42 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: wait
(6:48:45 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: I have to troll the shoutbox
(6:48:50 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: yea I'm really bad
(6:48:51 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: at lost.
(6:48:55 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: and losing.
(6:49:04 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: so bad
(6:49:14 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: You?
(6:49:15 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: Yea.
(6:49:15 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: just gtfo kiddo
(6:49:23 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: Sorry, but you're talking about yourself.
(6:49:35 PM) I'm not giving my name to a machine: Filtered and muted
(6:50:19 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: What, your brain?
(6:50:21 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH
(6:52:21 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: oh you quit
(6:52:21 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: looks like
(6:52:26 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: I was too intense for you to handle.
(6:52:39 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: Looks like
(6:52:42 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: my sunny personality
(6:52:47 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: was too much for your Remilia to handle.
(6:52:49 PM) . : Sand.Wraith : .: *shades*

Fucking hacking sore loser. Touhou fags are the worst.


Dec 23 2010, 5:20 pm Aristocrat Post #248

>Bragging about winning two lucky games out of like 50


No way you are better than Hydro. Also just save ALL replays or some shit, lol.


Dec 23 2010, 6:01 pm MadZombie Post #249

I would have posted the saves if I was srsly bragging. It was just a joke about what was actually said.

I remember when hydro was like "How do i shot danmaku?" ;_;


Dec 27 2010, 2:23 am Aristocrat Post #250


Dec 27 2010, 7:33 am Sand Wraith Post #251


I was looking for a Touhou community I could chill in. Eventually, I was referred to Hi.

However, my primary objective was to find a location in which I can post a fan fiction and receive balanced, intelligible criticism for it (sorry for sounding like a pretentious prick; I'm tired and my brain is melt - NO PROBLEM).

So, here it is: "An Amusing Book", a fan fiction of Touhou inspired by an image suggesting a crack pairing between Alice and Youmu (link), written in the format of a play (which I have never tried before; I just thought it was fitting) - no problem.

Below is act I, scene i.


An Amusing Book - I, i

/Yuyuko is reading a book. Youmu is preparing tea for noon./
Yuyuko: "Are books not delightful, Youmu?"
Youmu: "Pardon me, milady Yuyuko, but I do not read much, so I cannot say."
/Yuyuko tuts./
Yuyuko: "I suppose it cannot be helped. The garden of Hakugyokurou requires your attendance.
"Ah, it is a strange existence in the netherworld. One may think that the plants in a dead world would not need tending, and yet, here I am, beside my half-ghost gardener.
"Still, I feel that you should set aside some time to read, Youmu!"
/Youmu shifts whilst she is pouring two cups of tea./
Youmu: "It would not be my place to decide such things. Still, I think I would rather spend my spare time on sword training, or tending to your needs."
/Yuyuko nods and watches Youmu from behind her book./
Yuyuko: "Youmu."
Youmu: "Milady?"
Yuyuko: "I want you to go into the land of the living and find something to read."
Youmu: "Pardon me, milady, but should I not be by your side? Would you be all right? And what about the garden? And my training-"
Yuyuko: "Do not worry. I am dead, and we are in a dead world. I am sure we can make do without your attention for at least some time.
"Go, find something interesting to you. Oh, but, if you find something else nice, maybe you would like to bring it back to me?"
Youmu: "But where would I find a book?"
Yuyuko: "Mortals seek to deny death. Books are one method of theirs to try to do so. They can be found in many places; wherever the mortals are, the books will also exist."
Youmu: "I apologize, but I am still clueless. Maybe the human village?..."
Yuyuko: "Ah, a better idea: the library of the vampire's mansion... Yes, why not try there?"
Youmu: "All right, then. But, milady, are you sure you do not need me? My tasks..."
Yuyuko: "It is all right, Youmu. I am not completely helpless, you know."
Youmu: "My apologies, I did not mean to imply."
Yuyuko: "It is all right! Really, now, Youmu, make haste! Or I may die of boredom! Find a book for yourself and for me."
Youmu: "Yes, milady!"
/Exeunt Youmu./
Yuyuko: "The half-dead takes itself to a mansion filled with the paragons of denial, while the dead sits waiting."
/Enter Yukari, through a gap./
Yukari: "Ha, 'before you die of boredom,' was it?"
Yuyuko: "That was the joke, Yukari."
Yukari: "I see.
"Yuyuko, was it really a good idea to direct your gardener to the Scarlet Devil Mansion? Would not the human village be faster? It wouldn't be as troublesome, either."
Yuyuko: "Certainly!"
Yukari: "Ah, well then, in that case, I know what you are going to ask me. For this cup of tea, I will be your eyes."
Yuyuko: "You said, once, that the bored go through much trouble to find something worthwhile, no? You must be bored. Sip your tea; the show may be long."
/Yukari laughs./
Yukari: "All right then. Thank you. Say, what are you reading?"
/Yuyuko produces a brush and ink./
Yuyuko: "There is nothing yet in this book."

Dec 27 2010, 10:52 pm Sand Wraith Post #252


I have the second cast with Aristo's vid between Youmu and Alice ready, I just need to upload them. It's split into two parts; one commentary during the match, and one afterwards.

It's pretty bad.

Dec 28 2010, 2:56 pm MadZombie Post #253

Yea man. It's pretty bad. Sounds like a huge moefest.


Jan 7 2011, 1:02 am Sand Wraith Post #254


Here is the "huge moefest":

3:31 for post-match analysis.

I do not make any claim to knowing how competitive Touhou works, nor do I make any claim to the reliability of the information. The only character I've played extensively is Alice, with Youmu ever being a brief obsession.
My analysis are based primarily on observations and experience playing with/against the two.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 7 2011, 1:13 am by Sand Wraith.

Jan 7 2011, 1:36 am Aristocrat Post #255

That was TR (#1 ranked alice) vs てゐ [Tewi] (#5 ranked youmu).

Where was the enthusiasm of the first cast? D:


Jan 7 2011, 1:42 am Sand Wraith Post #256


Quote from Aristocrat
That was TR (#1 ranked alice) vs てゐ [Tewi] (#5 ranked youmu).

Where was the enthusiasm of the first cast? D:

oic looks liek Alice is imba-weak



Jan 24 2011, 4:17 pm Sand Wraith Post #257


I found the best video ever:

Jan 24 2011, 7:30 pm Dem0n Post #258

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Wow... I just looked through some of the pages in this thread and noticed that almost everyone that has posted has some anime/cartoon avatar. :O

Jan 25 2011, 2:13 am Sand Wraith Post #259


Quote from name:Dem0nS1ayer
Wow... I just looked through some of the pages in this thread and noticed that almost everyone that has posted has some anime/cartoon avatar. :O


I have a devilesk avatar. I am superior.


Jan 26 2011, 1:10 pm Phobos Post #260

Are you sure about that?

Remiriaaaaaaaaa and Sakuya.

this is signature

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