Staredit Network > Forums > Null > Topic: SEN Mafia VIII
Sep 13 2008, 3:52 pm
By: Moose
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Sep 26 2008, 8:08 pm Echo Post #501

That light that went through flyinghat sounds like a MEGA BUSTER from megaman! Lol jk.

I vote WoAHorde.


Sep 26 2008, 8:32 pm Oyen Post #502

I decided to look up Stentorian on, to see what it meant. Here's the results:
1. very loud or powerful in sound: a stentorian voice.
2. Extremely loud
3. "of powerful voice," 1605, from Stentor, legendary Gk. herald in the Trojan War, whose voice (described in the "Iliad") was as loud as 50 men. His name is from Gk. stenein "groan, moan," from PIE imitative base *(s)ten-, source of O.E. žunor "thunder."
4. used of the voice [syn: booming]
5. Sten*to"ri*an\, a. [L. stentoreus; cf. Gr. ?.] Of or pertaining to a stentor; extremely loud; powerful; as, a stentorian voice; stentorian lungs.

Hope this helps in some way!

EDIT: I was looking through profiles and noticed that there is a Shout counter. Perhaps someone with a lot of Shouts is a mafia member....

EDIT2: Of the people alive, NerdyTerdy has the most shouts, with a total of 3852.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 26 2008, 8:43 pm by Oyen.


Sep 26 2008, 9:17 pm Paravin. Post #503

Still abstaining. Unless someone brings up some ground-breaking clue.


Sep 26 2008, 9:39 pm Oyen Post #504

I thought that the 10-20-50-100 bullets might be a clue, but I haven't found anything that might match or imply the number 102050100 in anyone's profile....

light appears from one of the mafia. The light goes straight through the chest of Mini Moose 2707
Upon examining the corpse of Mini Moose 2707, it is noted that the word "Owned" is burned through his chest. Three chunks of his flesh, presumably the middle of the "O", "e" and "d" were found as well, given that no flesh was there to support the inside part of these letters.
they spot a man in the street holding some sort of light.
a ray of light shoots through the car
They remove the corpse of FlyingHat for burial and notice "pwnt" going through his chest. Minus a chunk of flesh that was the hole of the p, of course.

If l)ark_ssj9kevin wasn't already dead, I would definitely say these clues pointed to him. But since he is dead, I'm not sure who this points to. Apparently this mafia member can hold energy in his hands, and fire it precisely enough at his enemies to form words in their bodies.

However, the shot spreads harmlessly through the air because the mafia has disappeared into the ground.
A man appears out of the ground, holding a machine gun
"WHY DON'T YOU DIE?" yells the man in a stentorian voice
Apparently this mafia member can burrow and yells alot. Oh, and he uses a machine gun.
Devilesk regrets leaving almost immediately. He discovers cheeze blocking his walkway. Devilesk goes over to speak to him and asks cheeze what he's doing here, but he does not respond. Cheeze falls limp into devilesk's arms. Devilesk lets go and cheeze drops to the floor, with a couple of knives stuck in his back. Before he can react, two knives are in devilesk's chest as well. Devilesk falls to the floor unconscious.

Hm.... Someone killed Cheeze with knives, and someone attempted to kill devilesk with knives. Either this mafia member can hit 2 people, or 2 mafia members use knives.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 26 2008, 9:45 pm by Oyen.

Sep 26 2008, 9:45 pm payne Post #505


For my part of contribution, I saw the use of the word "multicolor" which probably relates to something like Name Color :O
We can also see that all the descriptions uses many numbers, maybe a relation to names with numbers? (EzDay, Dark Marine, Hitokiri)?
Also, the fact that a mafia can go in the ground seems pretty much to relates to zerg capacities. (Hug A Zergling, Darkling, Dark Zombie)?
Killer_Kow seems a good target too: he has low numbers in his profile stats and his avatar shows a "100". Same thing in his 'avatar signature'. We can also take the wod "Kow" in his name: many case of cars hitting trees has been caused by cows on the road :O Plus, we can change the "K" for a "P", which gives "Pow" and we know that guns do "Pow" when you shoot! The fact that he has "killer" in his name also takes my attention: we can really see that the mafia in the description is determined to kill the poor devilesk... what else than a killer to be so much determinated? Let me get your attention on the fact the letters "K" and "l" are doubled in his name... I dunno why, but I feel like it's a sign! :O ^^

Anyway... that's my analysis for this description.

I vote Killer_Kow

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 26 2008, 10:01 pm by payne.


Sep 26 2008, 9:46 pm Oyen Post #506

Hmm...I wonder who the boondock saints tried to kill....


Sep 26 2008, 9:54 pm EzDay281 Post #507

"He takes a left, then a right."
Weak connection, but it makes me think of Nerdy's avatar; due to the depicted swastika's orientation, starting at any tip and then moving straight forward, turn left, move straight, and then turn right at the opposite end.
Of course, one can make two lefts,one right/one left,two rights instead, and why Moose would apply a medal to Devilesk's path seems kind of arbitrary.
While the into/out of ground could point to HugaZergling or Darkling, DarkZombie's also possible. Gorey, bloody avatar + gorey, bloody death?


Sep 26 2008, 10:07 pm Dapperdan Post #508

Quote from EzDay281
"He takes a left, then a right."
Weak connection, but it makes me think of Nerdy's avatar; due to the depicted swastika's orientation, starting at any tip and then moving straight forward, turn left, move straight, and then turn right at the opposite end.?

I thought the same exact thing when I first saw that clue. Also, the fact the devilesk got raped by so many hits just seems like it was Nerdy's doing... but would he really be that obvious about his hits?

Quote from payne
For my part of contribution, I saw the use of the word "multicolor" which probably relates to something like Name Color :O
We can also see that all the descriptions uses many numbers, maybe a relation to names with numbers? (EzDay, Dark Marine, Hitokiri)?
Also, the fact that a mafia can go in the ground seems pretty much to relates to zerg capacities. (Hug A Zergling, Darkling, Dark Zombie)?
Killer_Kow seems a good target too: he has low numbers in his profile stats and his avatar shows a "100". Same thing in his 'avatar signature'. We can also take the wod "Kow" in his name: many case of cars hitting trees has been caused by cows on the road :O Plus, we can change the "K" for a "P", which gives "Pow" and we know that guns do "Pow" when you shoot! The fact that he has "killer" in his name also takes my attention: we can really see that the mafia in the description is determined to kill the poor devilesk... what else than a killer to be so much determinated? Let me get your attention on the fact the letters "K" and "l" are doubled in his name... I dunno why, but I feel like it's a sign! :O ^^

Anyway... that's my analysis for this description.

I vote Killer_Kow

The only part of that that made any sense was the mention of 100. Other than that this post is quite retarded.

Quote from Oyen
Hmm...I wonder who the boondock saints tried to kill....

No one. Read the roles before you play.


Sep 26 2008, 10:14 pm EzDay281 Post #509

what else than a killer to be so much determinated?
I don't know, but it seems that we've currently got 5/5 mafia remaining killers in the game, in fact! And probably soon to be 7-5 mafia = 2 Boondock Saints by next night.

Sep 26 2008, 10:48 pm Hitok1r1 Post #510

I currently do not have much time to analyze the post, but I noticed how multicolored mush had the same alliteration of MM like the previous posts.


Sep 26 2008, 10:59 pm Phobos Post #511

Are you sure about that?

Sorry, I just didn't realize Mafia had started until Night began. What did I miss? ;o

this is signature

Sep 26 2008, 11:28 pm lil-Inferno Post #512

Just here for the pie

Quote from Day 2 Start Post
He can't take it; he as to get outside, now. He lights a cigarette, leaves his house, and doesn't even bother locking the door.
Like that other time I said it, there is a letter missing. I know for certain this is a clue, but I don't know how it could point to.

I vote NerdyTerdy for lynching due to that clue Oyen said about the shouts, and it sounds significant.

Sep 26 2008, 11:50 pm Zycorax Post #513

Grand Moderator of the Games Forum

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
He lights a cigarette, leaves his house, and doesn't even bother locking the door.
Could refer to the cigarette-smoking Spy from TF2 = WoAHorde's avatar.

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
The man is too far away, they can't make out who he is or what he is doing. FlyingHat begins to answer devilesk's question, but a ray of light shoots through the car. It goes through the hood and the windshield and various parts of the car, through FlyingHat, and out of the back of car, clean through.
I thought this was a clue leading to Laser Dude, but then I realized he isn't with us this round...

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Devilesk feels like he can fly.
Combined with the ray of light, this could refer to DTBK.

Quote from Mini Moose 2707
Of course, he has no way of knowing that. A man appears out of the ground, holding a machine gun. "WHY DON'T YOU DIE?" yells the man in a stentorian voice. The fully automatic weapon pisses ammo into devilesk. Ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred bullets blast devilesk. He is long past dead. The mafia reloads his gun and fires into the corpse until it no longer resembles anything but a pile of multicolored mush. Not even devilesk can withstand this punishment.
A weapon that can fire 100 rounds before needing to reload could be a variant of the M249 SAW: the M249 Para. Obviously Paravin. becomes a suspect here.

I vote Paravin.

Sep 26 2008, 11:59 pm DT_Battlekruser Post #514

The mafia hits seem to coincide with that conversation, not to mention the left/right clue and the shouting clue. I think the evidence against NerdyTerdy is extremely strong right now. I don't have a lot of time (I'm on the run), but I will try to analyze clues later. Clearly someone is shooting beams through people; it wasn't Kevin so maybe it's KraZee (BC avatar, too), or TassadarZeratul for the archon.

For now, I vote NerdyTerdy.


Sep 27 2008, 12:06 am Hitok1r1 Post #515

I vote NerdyTerdy for now.


Sep 27 2008, 2:32 am EzDay281 Post #516

... I never thought about it, but for everyone pointing out that Yamato Blasts are giant globs of contained nuclear energies, their primary weapons are giant lasers; by definition, exceedingly precise.
'course, I know I have an obscene tendency to look things over, and this has probably been stated before.

Laser kills = DTBK or KrayZee?
Random observation, but Devilesk does seem to be getting a bit "crazy" in the beginning of the night, albeit with fairly good reason.
I know for certain this is a clue, but I don't know how it could point to.
Unless the missing letter seems to be explicitly related to previously, I doubt it. These things pop up in the night/day posts quite often, quite incidentally.


Sep 27 2008, 2:35 am Phobos Post #517

Are you sure about that?

I vote NerdyTerdy

this is signature

Sep 27 2008, 3:12 am Ultraviolet Post #518

I was having trouble getting my post to get through, so I've removed most of the quotes, but left notes saying what is referencing what.

The following is a reference to the shouts clue: This is a strong clue against me, no doubt. Although I would take it to be a more literal interpretation. Someone who is "loud" in mafia (devilesk, DTBK, Dan usually, not so much this game, myself).

The following is a reference to the left and right clue: I'd agree, that's a fairly weak connection. The clues are rarely applied to the person getting killed. Moose almost always applies the clues to the person they are referring to. I'd say the burrowing is a much stronger connection. I think we should be focusing on any of the zerg related people, considering that clue has been used twice now. It obviously is significant.

Quote from DT_Battlekruser
The mafia hits seem to coincide with that conversation, not to mention the left/right clue and the shouting clue. I think the evidence against NerdyTerdy is extremely strong right now. I don't have a lot of time (I'm on the run), but I will try to analyze clues later. Clearly someone is shooting beams through people; it wasn't Kevin so maybe it's KraZee (BC avatar, too), or TassadarZeratul for the archon.

For now, I vote NerdyTerdy.

No time for analyzing huh? I see. The conversation cannot be counted as evidence, if it is true, the game is ruined. If it is false then it obviously holds no bearing. The left/right clue is weak at best. The shouting clue is not, but you can refer to what I said earlier about it for possible alternate interpretations.

Now, in your interpretation you point out KrayZee for his BC avatar, but neglect to mention your own. Obviously you don't want to put yourself in a bad light, but come on, you seem to be trying to stay under the radar.

I believe the beams clue and the burrowing clue should be analyzed the most, they have each been used twice, and have obvious significance. After I post this I will be looking for any connections I can find (besides the obvious).

For now I chose to look at the two kills besides devilesk which seemed like fairly random hits. After all, FlyingHat and cheeze don't exactly participate a great deal. But looking back at Day I, there is one similarity: they both voted for DTBK. Why would the mafia choose two seemingly random people to kill, without a reason? Obviously the mafia could be trying to set DTBK up to look suspicious, but why not use the two hits on him and someone else instead? It doesn't really make sense.

Looking at it under the assumption that DTBK is mafia, it would not make sense for him to target devilesk; in the nighttime meeting topic devilesk clearly stated that he was fairly certain DTBK is a townsperson. However, DTBK knows that devilesk actually thinks about the game and interprets the clues well. If devilesk was allowed to live, he could just as easily turn on DTBK when all the clues began adding up to him.

Unless strong evidence is presented otherwise, I vote for DTBK.

Sep 27 2008, 3:30 am DT_Battlekruser Post #519

The clues are rarely applied to the person getting killed. Moose almost always applies the clues to the person they are referring to.

How wrong you are. I tried to follow this standard when writing clues, but Moose very commonly puts clues anywhere.

Quote from Mafia 7, Day 1
Removing his obnoxiously reflective sunglasses, a man removes a small and ornate gray box and key from his jacket.

The man with the sunglasses is clearly not mafia, as he dies in the scene, but the sunglasses are 'aviators', a clue to FlyingHat.

No time for analyzing huh? I see. The conversation cannot be counted as evidence, if it is true, the game is ruined. If it is false then it obviously holds no bearing.

I like this argument: "If I'm mafia it's not fair you caught me so you can't lynch me!".

Oh, and I apologize for having a real life.

Now, in your interpretation you point out KrayZee for his BC avatar, but neglect to mention your own. Obviously you don't want to put yourself in a bad light, but come on, you seem to be trying to stay under the radar.

I think it's obvious I have a battlecruiser for an avatar. I do nobody any good by making accusations that I know are not true.

Looking at it under the assumption that DTBK is mafia, it would not make sense for him to target devilesk; in the nighttime meeting topic devilesk clearly stated that he was fairly certain DTBK is a townsperson.

If devilesk hadn't died, he could tell you I definitively proved to him that I am not mafia.

Besides all the clues, all evident behavior points directly at Nerdy. We all know he has a huge vendetta against devilesk, and look, four hits! He quickly notices that the two other dead people both voted for me, perhaps because "the mafia set me up." Sure they did, and he was the one to do it.

I also think Nerdy is stupid enough to straightly deflect clues away from his fellow mafia, so if he turns out to be mafia, KrayZee would be the first one to go after.

I think Nerdy is just building his own gallows now. My vote is pretty definitively on Nerdy.


Sep 27 2008, 3:34 am EzDay281 Post #520

Now, in your interpretation you point out KrayZee for his BC avatar, but neglect to mention your own. Obviously you don't want to put yourself in a bad light, but come on, you seem to be trying to stay under the radar.
It's implicit. He's pointed at himself numerous times previously, and the Battlecruiser thing is brought up often enough already. If anything, I would find it odd if he felt the need to constantly point at himself, as if he's trying too hard to earn the town's trust. As it is, I can hold nothing against nor for him, on such grounds atleast.
Obviously the mafia could be trying to set DTBK up to look suspicious, but why not use the two hits on him and someone else instead?
Because, if they can manipulate the town into killing someone for them, they effectively get one extra hit.


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