Staredit Network > Forums > Games > Topic: Crysis
Dec 9 2007, 6:45 am
By: Bianca
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Jan 14 2008, 11:41 pm ~:Deathawk:~ Post #41

Quote from Syphon
Quote from Minority
I know that clockspeed != performance

Which is why you get a shitty fast card and overclock the shit out of it.
Or why you don't, because raising the clockspeed isn't going to change the fact that the card has half the shaders, half the memory bandwidth, etc.
:) However, what you are saying was a bit more true generally for older seires of cards, but even recently there has been cards released where your point is true. Take, for example, the HD 2900 PRO (which is now outdated/not produced.) At that point, you could get the HD 2900 PRO and overclock it to HD 2900 XT speeds for much less price. But I wouldn't call the HD 2900 PRO shitty by any means.
But then again, what I'm saying could be a bit wrong depending on what your definition of shitty is ;)


Jan 15 2008, 3:11 am Syphon Post #42

Quote from ~:Deathawk:~
what your definition of shitty is ;)

Very, very hazy.


Jan 15 2008, 5:16 am Minority Post #43

Quote from ~:Deathawk:~
The 6000+ performs worse than an e6850. e6850 uses less power, runs cooler, and has a (much) higher ceiling when overclocking. It is quite easilly one of the best dual-core processors around.
I was more comparing the price of them both. I tried to find a good benchmarking test that tested both of them, but the only really detailed one I found was old and didn't have the E6850.


Jan 18 2008, 9:32 pm xtrmgamer Post #44

I have to say that Crysis has the greatest graphics engine, the best playability, the best story and.... nahh I'm just fucking with you guys, It's the worstest game I have ever seen in my whole life, I can't believe I bought a core 2 extreme PC with an nvidia 8800 ultra to play this shit, I almost lost it when my girlfriend bought K&L, and I had to stuck with this shit!!, it takes around an fucking hour to find an enemy, it's extremely boring, nothing original, it's some kind of N64 Turok with futuristic queer suit, and "super graphics", EA having supreme games as NFS series, Fifa series, they fucked up with this shitty game, i'm so fucking dissapointed, what a waste of time/HDD space, (but hey, James Cameron did a master piece film Terminator and later did Titanic That's the fucked up world we're living) I rather would install a N64 emulator with turok and it wouldn't eat over 6GB of hdd, at least, a nice side-effect of this PC buy was the possibility of playing real games like Kane & Lynch, Area 51, Matador, Quake 4, CoD4, at high detail settings, games that beat the shit out this shitty game, I suppose that my comment won't be appreciated, but I really can't believe how games like K&L are rated below 4, and shitty games like Crysis are rated 8 to 10, it's fucking unfair, maybe the EA's money it's behind this, or maybe it's the subject of the game making "propaganda" to the US power over the world, ohhh!, maybe is that, making games that kiss ass are welcome, making games with kick-ass story and solid characters are crap, some lame-ass kissers worship the great crysis popularity,I'm not one of those, so EA, please, please stop turning people's stomach, and better get back to quality games.

the comments praising the "all mighty" Crysis and slamming K&L harm the possibility for a K&L sequel... and forces the developers to aim to a wrong direction of developing games. This is the future of the games?. Then I prefer to stuck in the past.

Gamers over the world, don't harm the future sequels of kickass games like K&L or GoW slamming it, trashing it, making developers believe that it doesn't worth working on their sequels, defending mindless games like Crysis

PS. If my english suck, you can kiss my shiny metal german ass. :lol: :lol:

Kane & Lynch, CoD4, GoW, UT3 Kicks ass!!!
Crysis Sucks ass!!!!!


Jan 18 2008, 10:20 pm KrayZee Post #45

You're a dumbass, Kane & Lynch sucked so bad, Eidos told CNET to fire Jeff Gertsmann even though was being honest, one of the best game reviewers retired based on that. Area 51 is old and isn't original since it's based on aliens. Quake 4, I don't know what's happening with the that anymore but stick with Quake 3 Team Arena even though it isn't the best game, it's a competetive game. And Call of Duty 4 doesn't have any competetion with Crysis, just beating Crysis with sales. Though I feel sorry about your girl buying Kane & Lynch for you, you're going to hear the word 'fuck' a lot in that game so much where it doesn't even suit in the situations whenever it's said, you're going to fuck your girl up and ask why she bought this. And I'm not talking about sex, I mean murder.

Your choices are retarded, Crysis takes more effort, more headaches and more punishment to make than any other game you listed or anything before. The real competition towards Crysis is Unreal Tournament III but people doubts that game because it's 'too fast' which is bullshit since they can't handle the competition and they are pretty new to the genre. Most reviews on UT3 sorely missed the thumbs up even if it's right in front of their face. And for Crysis, they're not lazy. Nothing is an image, only pure textures placed on polygons. You won't see a background image, you're going to see it's a real mountain at the distance. You're a dumbass, I MUST say.

Come on xtrmgamer, the recommended specs are not enough for Crysis. Believe me on that. EA never developed Crysis, it's Crytek and they're known for beautiful environments and smart artificial intelligence.

EDIT: Oh yeah, you mentioned Unreal Tournament III. I bet you can't even beat godlike against one bot.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 18 2008, 10:26 pm by KrAzY.


Jan 19 2008, 1:07 am xtrmgamer Post #46

you're going to hear the word 'fuck' a lot in that game so much where it doesn't even suit in the situations whenever it's said, you're going to fuck your girl up and ask why she bought this. And I'm not talking about sex, I mean murder.

Well, mate, I'm not talking groundless here, I've played K&L, Crysis (Unfortunately), UT3, CoD4, before posting, First of all: It's well known the world of K&L is not a church, it's a criminal world, where words like Fuck, Shit, and so on, it's as normal as "good evening, Sir, what a pleasant afternoon, don't you agree?", and second: My girlfriend (I don't want you to mention her again), hasn't bought me anything, I had to buy K&L because I couldn't stand that she has such a kickass game, and I was still stuck with Cryshits, I can't complain about the performance of Crysis but the game itself, it's extremely boring, and the alien part it's really stupid (Were you talking about area 51?) is obvious that Crytek (EA heading on as the publisher) couldn't be more creative, remember that in Metal Slug the enemies (US and Germany) join forces to fight aliens too.

Your choices are retarded, Crysis takes more effort, more headaches and more punishment to make than any other game you listed or anything before. The real competition towards Crysis is Unreal Tournament III but people doubts that game because it's 'too fast' which is bullshit since they can't handle the competition and they are pretty new to the genre. Most reviews on UT3 sorely missed the thumbs up even if it's right in front of their face. And for Crysis, they're not lazy. Nothing is an image, only pure textures placed on polygons. You won't see a background image, you're going to see it's a real mountain at the distance. You're a dumbass, I MUST say.

You know, the shit isn't going to change it's scent even if you put perfume on it!!, Advanced graphics engine, WTF?, the graphics must be together with many game elements to be enjoyable, I rather play something with good plot, solid characters, a very impressive graphics than a "NEXTGEN" game with a poor and slow plot, with no fun at all, the classic bullshit right? "my game is crap, but the graphics change it all", how convenient, maybe you are too excited about the graphics engine and you don't give a shit about the game's cleverness or plot development or quality, but well, if you don't want to grow up, it's not my problem.

Come on xtrmgamer, the recommended specs are not enough for Crysis. Believe me on that. EA never developed Crysis, it's Crytek and they're known for beautiful environments and smart artificial intelligence.

1 - Recommended specs?, or you don't know how to read or you don't want to, I Said: CORE 2 EXTREME + NVIDIA 8800ULTRA, more than enough for running this shit at high settings

2 - Sure it was created by Crytek, but isn't EA publishing this shit? this game wouldn't never see the light of day if it wasn't for EA

3 - beautiful environments?, then they should be doing landscapes instead of games.

Oh yeah, you mentioned Unreal Tournament III. I bet you can't even beat godlike against one bot.

If you are talking about the game's difficulty..., that's the developer's fault, not mine. and Why the fuck am I answering this!?!?!?!

Keep playing Crysis, it's your cross.

Keep slamming real games like K&L , UT3, CoD4, GoW, and you'll be highlighting your lack of brain.

Crytek is bullshiting people forcing them to buy High-end specs to play such a crap like crysis

Cheers, mate

If you think my english sucks, you're right!!, but I could care less

Post has been edited 11 time(s), last time on Jan 19 2008, 5:13 am by xtrmgamer.


Jan 19 2008, 1:26 am BeDazed Post #47

I don't think it was very hard to find enemies in Crysis. If you move at maximum speed, the enemy will not notice you until you get very close to point blank range where you can shoot shotguns- or any kind of guns in fact. If you use power, any kind of melee attacks will mostlikely kill an enemy in 1 hit. etc. The whole point of the game is to utilize the modes to fend off. Dunno mate. I am having fun with Crysis.
If you were trying out with Core 2 Extreme, then you probably would have required to buy something that cost 1k or more. I run Crysis on a moderate resolution on very high settings with Core 2 Duo and 8800GT.


Jan 19 2008, 3:59 am ~:Deathawk:~ Post #48

I played Crysis at my friends house for a decent amount of time, enough to get aquainted to the game, at least. I didn't have a problem finding enemies, but it could possibly be just the point of the game I was at.

I dunno, I felt it pretty entertaining/challenging, and thought it looked nice (even on medium-ish settings on an 8600gtM and other specs.)


Jan 19 2008, 4:27 pm KrayZee Post #49

Quote from xtrmgamer
Well, mate, I'm not talking groundless here, I've played K&L, Crysis (Unfortunately), UT3, CoD4, before posting, First of all: It's well known the world of K&L is not a church, it's a criminal world, where words like Fuck, Shit, and so on, it's as normal as "good evening, Sir, what a pleasant afternoon, don't you agree?", and second: My girlfriend (I don't want you to mention her again), hasn't bought me anything, I had to buy K&L because I couldn't stand that she has such a kickass game, and I was still stuck with Cryshits, I can't complain about the performance of Crysis but the game itself, it's extremely boring, and the alien part it's really stupid (Were you talking about area 51?) is obvious that Crytek (EA heading on as the publisher) couldn't be more creative, remember that in Metal Slug the enemies (US and Germany) join forces to fight aliens too.
Crysis is suppose to resemble a photo realistic reality. Crysis do infact have aliens, but it was pretty much original since you fight them in a water-like world but you're able to breathe. Area 51 on the other hand is inspired than it is original. K&L is a mediocre game, no doubt on that. For a 'criminal world', why the hell do the word 'fuck' enter in multiplayer and in single player? And I'm not just talking about voice acting, I'm talking about objectives such as "Rob the fucking bank" written on the bottom of your screen. 'Criminal worlds' doesn't use over excessive swearing, if they should, they're suppose to use it RIGHT otherwise you're going to hear the word fuck where it doesn't match the tone and words. You should know, the Terrans in StarCraft are criminals from Earth and sent to space for their punishment but somehow one ship traveled far away and started it's own society. And you're going to hear Marines swearing but at least they say it at the right situation. Keep clicking them, they get pissed off, "Press the any key" results them finding the 'any' key and soon getting pissed off. And that game is near ten years old. Blizzard managed to keep the dialogue right. Watch this review, it got him fired. Eidos payed CNET to fire him just because Jeff was right.

Quote from xtrmgamer
You know, the shit isn't going to change it's scent even if you put perfume on it!!, Advanced graphics engine, WTF?, the graphics must be together with many game elements to be enjoyable, I rather play something with good plot, solid characters, a very impressive graphics than a "NEXTGEN" game with a poor and slow plot, with no fun at all, the classic bullshit right? "my game is crap, but the graphics change it all", how convenient, maybe you are too excited about the graphics engine and you don't give a shit about the game's cleverness or plot development or quality, but well, if you don't want to grow up, it's not my problem.
Perfume? Look, you're talking about pure bullshit here. Crysis is the successor of Far Cry on the PC, and takes gameplay elements from Far Cry Instincts on Xbox. Both games are successful, Crysis is successful but lacks on sales. As a matter of fact, I believe that there is a map editor on all three games though the Xbox version is most inferior. Far Cry games are most known for beautiful environments and smart AI. And if there's an Editor, go make your own level and at least try to make it better than the first level. I made maps on the Xbox called Far Cry Instincts Evolution and it has extreme limits but I still manage to pull it off. I just turned twenty two on the eleventh, so don't tell me to grow up, boy. The map editor is extremely large scaled and gives player extreme amount of tools to even make reality. The gameplay in Crysis is about run and gun, though I'm positive you know that you can modify your weapons like Call of Duty 4 and you run, punch and jump as Far Cry Instincts. Add them both together, you're going to have one competitive match. And as for the storyline, you were suppose to infiltrate Korea and investigate but later there is an alien invasion and you're going to need to take them out. The story is more like military based objectives than somewhere it's like "Your best friend has died" and seek vengeance. If Aztec didn't die, they would still kill for their objectives instead of ignoring and recovering Aztec's body.

Quote from xtrmgamer
1 - Recommended specs?, or you don't know how to read or you don't want to, I Said: CORE 2 EXTREME + NVIDIA 8800ULTRA, more than enough for running this shit at high settings

2 - Sure it was created by Crytek, but isn't EA publishing this shit? this game wouldn't never see the light of day if it wasn't for EA

3 - beautiful environments?, then they should be doing landscapes instead of games.
1. That still isn't enough, plus a hacked very high quality Windows XP version gives you better graphics than a very high quality Windows Vista version. Like Supreme Commander, even the most strongest computer will suffer frame rate problems.

2. Crytek's original publisher was Ubisoft. But using EA is another way for more profit and better online servers. Though I don't think EA will screw up this time.

3. I don't see that happening, they just delivered you months to years of effort and you just called it shit. What if you try to deliver months and years of effort of work for sales and you receive critisms? That's like stealing away somebody's life savings but instead it's more like take and give back type of thing. The levels in K&L is probably finished in weeks to a few months, not a strong effort.

Quote from xtrmgamer
If you are talking about the game's difficulty..., that's the developer's fault, not mine. and Why the fuck am I answering this!?!?!?!

Keep playing Crysis, it's your cross.

Keep slamming real games like K&L , UT3, CoD4, GoW, and you'll be highlighting your lack of brain.

Crytek is bullshiting people forcing them to buy High-end specs to play such a crap like crysis

Cheers, mate

If you think my english sucks, you're right!!, but I could care less
...what? You talk about Unreal Tournament III but you don't try to beat godlike? Unreal Tournament III is a pure skill based game, why are you using Unreal Tournament III if you can't even beat adept or even skilled? Come on, man. Hell, I don't even think you played '99 neither 2k4. Don't use Unreal Tournament III as an arguement, pup.

As a matter of fact, I was praising Unreal Tournament III, Gears of War and Call of Duty 4. Infact I call Unreal Tournament III the most underated game of all 2007 and soon to be 2008 for the Xbox 360. I played Unreal Tournament since '99, I've been playing godlike since then and went on to Unreal Tournament 2004 (AKA Unreal Tourmanet II). Crytek actually thought Call of Duty 4 was a great game but didn't consider it Crysis' competition. Gears of War, I already know how that game works and pulls of to bring the best of the best games elements from Halo energy shields to Unreal weapons.

Crytek's goal is to deliver one of the most photo realistic game, and they tried to make sure lower specs can work on older computer. And if Epic Games tries to finish Unreal Engine IV and it requires stronger system specs than what Crysis goes through and makes games such as Gears of War II out of it, would you try to purchase it? I don't think so since you complain about Crysis. Go wait a decade, the super computer that handles Crysis should be under $500.

You say mate so I have a feeling you're from Australia but you call yourself German. What the hell?

By the way, click here, his sarcasm equals you.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 19 2008, 4:48 pm by KrAzY. Reason: lol..


Jan 19 2008, 4:45 pm Centreri Post #50

Relatively ancient and inactive

Well, I've played the demo on low settings and I really don't see what's so 'bad' about it. Fantastic graphics, great gameplay (trees fall, pick up just about anything, shoot anything..), unsurpassed gameplay realism and more then one way to beat every level (I luvved killing a whole base by sitting on a boat. Didn't get hit once).

If you wasted $500+ to play this, that's your problem. Just because it doesn't measure up to ten times better then any other game doesn't mean it isn't a great game.


Jan 19 2008, 4:49 pm KrayZee Post #51

He's just overreacting.


Jan 19 2008, 5:45 pm xtrmgamer Post #52

22?, yeah very mature, My apologizes Sir, and by the way Happy Birthday

You say mate so I have a feeling you're from Australia but you call yourself German. What the hell?

The word "Mate", mate, I learned it from a movie, I thought it sounds nice, that's all

I'd love to answering you more, but I'm busy, but check out my post later, By the way I'm 27..., boy!, but I wasn't talking about your age, I was talking about your comments, and your likings. that's all (Don't be upset neither Crytek or Eidos are paying us to take sides with a lethal blade!)...

by the way I was playing since first unreal, then napali (Expansion pack) Unreal tournament (I assume that's 99) UT2K3, i haven't the pleasure of playing UT2K4, but unreal you name it, unreal i've played,

Cheers.... MATE

PS. Wenn ich nicht deutsch war, werde ich sehr gut Ihre Sprache, Genie sprechen

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 19 2008, 8:02 pm by xtrmgamer.


Jan 20 2008, 12:43 am KrayZee Post #53

For a twenty seven year old person, I'm surprised on the choices you have on games. Kane & Lynch is downright bad, and never, ever compare that thing to Crysis. Kane & Lynch is no where near from level designing, artificial intelligence neither designs towards Crysis standards. You have high specs and you don't find it satisfying. It's like you want to say Crysis should have better graphics than what you see out your window.

I'm surprised you played the Unreal games, Unreal Tournament 2004 is just like 2003 but by including Onslaught and Vehicle CTF (Though no official maps) and some other stuff.

By the way, towards you German speech, English isn't hard. I know many people that speaks their home language that still manages to understand and fully write in English. I can guarantee that you can type English just fine. But if you can't do that. . . sigh

By the way, Crytek is from Germany, you should be proud of them.


Jan 20 2008, 7:25 am xtrmgamer Post #54

For a twenty seven year old person, I'm surprised on the choices you have on games. Kane & Lynch is downright bad, and never, ever compare that thing to Crysis. Kane & Lynch is no where near from level designing, artificial intelligence neither designs towards Crysis standards. You have high specs and you don't find it satisfying. It's like you want to say Crysis should have better graphics than what you see out your window.

Ouch!!, that's got to hurt right?, well MATE, I've to tell you, you got all backwards like always, I'll spell it for you, I'M NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT CRYSIS'S GRAPHICS ENGINE IN FACT I BOUGHT IT AFTER I SAW THE GRAPHICS QUALITY ON A DIVX VIDEO, I AM COMPLAINING ABOUT THE GAME QUALITY, the game is zero fun, with no characters that you can identify yourself with, with a weak plot, with no real action (FPS is mainly based on action). I don't want better graphics than what i see out my window, I want games more interesting than what I see out my window!!, great AI?, the team can't even beat an enemy at 10ft. away!!, in K&L I have very good graphics (in design very competitive, In the Graphics engine side maybe isn't), an awesome plot (best friend killed?, I didn't see this in any part of the game!!), high profile bank robberies, a dynamic storyline, fluid dialogs, full action, it's like playing an action movie, With Crysis what I got was a weak incoherent plot (fighting with the koreans which is very commonplace, and on top of that i have to bear that stupid alien twist that makes it one of the most lame shooters in the last 5 years), with no identity in the characters (A plain soldier), with no thrill at all, I can't believe that mindless games are taking all the market with the only ground "I have good graphics, forgive me the rest, buy me ahhh I forgot... buy a supercomputer to play me", I don't care if it took 200 years making the environment, if those graphics were present in K&L I'd bet that you'd keep your mouth shut, and in level design the Retomoto Building (K&L) was one of the most real environments I've ever seen

it's a shame that little fucktards are trashing games like K&L with no grounds, based on lack of "DX10 features" or HDR or things like this (I'm not saying that I don't miss those features on K&L, but is not the only features that makes a game wonCryderful), If someone doesn't like a game, not buying it will be enough. But when the reviewers gets into the dirt that's a whole different story, it seems the objective of this reviewers is kill K&L's popularity, that would mean the game it's a threat for certain developers, so hate it or love it, K&L it seems to stay...

And when K&L2 comes out we'll see a graphics comparison again..... we'll see which game wins (I'm not talking about your beloved Crysis, it would be unfair compare with a game which will be definitely outdated)

I'm surprised you played the Unreal games, Unreal Tournament 2004 is just like 2003 but by including Onslaught and Vehicle CTF (Though no official maps) and some other stuff.

Thanks for the update, maybe I'll buy UT2K4 I don't wanna miss any unreal!, well keep surprised mate...

By the way, towards you German speech, English isn't hard. I know many people that speaks their home language that still manages to understand and fully write in English. I can guarantee that you can type English just fine. But if you can't do that. . . sigh

I have no obligation to learn another language besides mine.. MATE, if I am doing it is because I sort of like it.

By the way, Crytek is from Germany, you should be proud of them.

ohh did you talking about the three turkish brothers known as the Yerli Brothers? (Turkish people are from Turkey), yeah!!, very german, besides I'm not a Chauvinistic pig.. defending every shit that comes out my country (Crytek People isn't native from my country), unfortunately Hitler is from my country, Should I be proud of him?.

If anybody feels curiosity about my specs.....

Mainboard: Intel DX38BT Chipset Intel X38 Express MAX MEM 8GB 64bit-DDR3
CPU:Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 Yorkshire XE 12MB L2 Cache 1333FSB 45nm technology 3Ghz per core Supporting SSE4.1 Instructions.
RAM: 4GB OCZ ReaperX Dual Channel PC10600 DDR3 1333MHz
HDD: Seagate Barracuda ES 750GB 16MB Sata-300
Disc Drive: Plextor PX-810SA/IBP-BL DVD Super Multi Drive SATA
Video: EVGA GeForce 8800 Ultra Superclocked w/768 VRAM, Memory clocked at 2250mhz,core clocked at 665Mhz 384bit bus 128 Stream Processors 108GB/sec bandwidth
Sound: Creative Labs Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Fatality Platinum 7.1 up to 24bit/96khz SPDIF with 64MB X-Ram (I didn't get it about X-Ram)
Speakers: Onkyo HT-SR800S 7.1 1000W
Display: Dell Trinitron CRT (I don't like very much LCD Monitors) P1130 21' max resolution 2048x1536 with 80hz of refresh rate
OS: Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit (Though I don't like the OS but....)

Please anyone tell me that my computer isn't powerful enough to run Crysis. Or do I need a render farm to run it. I'm dying to hear it

Cheers, MATE.

Post has been edited 8 time(s), last time on Jan 20 2008, 8:44 am by xtrmgamer.


Jan 20 2008, 2:00 pm KrayZee Post #55

Crysis II is already in development by popular demand, though rumors say it, it will continue where Crysis left off and could be played in CryEngine 3. Crytek didn't announce yet, if that makes you happy. And I don't think there would be any Kane & Lynch 2 because there are many, many reasons why. It tore GameSpot apart, a lot of reviews calls it crap and understanding GameSpot is one thing but having a lot of opinions where it reaches the same point the rest are making then what's the use of playing Kane & Lynch? I don't believe you really understood what I said, Crysis takes the gameplay elements from Far Cry Instincts, where you have powers of speed, strength, heat detection and so on but instead of drugs, you use the Nano suit. Speaking of that, the AI in Crysis is a lot smarter than, let's say you. You're outnumbered from 10 to 1, they suppress against you, they go around and flank you and tries to finish you off. Kane & Lynch on the other hand is suppose to be a tactical shooter, but since you can't place your back to take cover in simple of a button, then what's the use of that? Kane & Lynch's artificial intelligence is terrible, I once them running to a wall and they don't really bother to flank your attacks but just suppress. Like I already said, watch this damn video but it seems like you skim and ignore.
Your friend's AI in Crysis isn't important, because if I say any spoilers, you'd understand. Though I don't think your allies are pathetic compared to the Koreans and like I said, outnumbered from 10 to 1. So you would rather let your friend do all the killing while you sit back and enjoy the sunset? No, and their job is suppose to support you, not do most of the work.
And you said Crysis has a weak plot with no real action and zero fun. Well as a matter of fact, you're outnumbered 10 to 1 so that means there is action EVERYWHERE. Unless you follow objectives more than kill everybody, you're most likely playing it stealthy with your "Cloak Engaged" ability and silencers. And comparing to K&L, all you have is nobody to root for except Kane's daughter but she isn't important so who gives a damn? I already said the AI gets them running to a wall and they don't really flank you. Every character you see will swear, and Jeff Gertsmann said, you're going to hear the F word as a third word in every sentence. Nine in tenth sentences, it is bound to be true. There is no way, and I mean no way how you're going to love this game, the level designs are pure crap. I can do that without even modifying polygons! And what I find Kane & Lynch weird, their names don't match, the first time I heard it, I thought it was the other way around since it sounds like matches perfectly. I always thought the name "Lynch" really means psychopath and gave it to the guy with a scar on his eye but instead his name is Kane which quite frankly, I don't get it. Kane's partner, Lynch should have the name Kane.
And since you said if Kane & Lynch had Crysis graphics, you didn't mention distanct visuals so it can still be considered crap. Not only that, I don't think that would ever happen, not even by a community mod. It will end up like Half-Life 2 where textures are realistic but they don't have distant quality. I'm not saying Half-Life 2 is crap but I love that game as much as the original Half-Life. And though I shouldn't say this, Half-Life 2's gameplay wise is realistic, you're going to find yourself doing obstacles with your legs though it really is like that in real life but you use your arms as well.

Reviewers don't dirt the game, many readers will be missing the point. Sites such as GameTrailers, GameSpot, and IGN said that Halo 3 is probably one of the best games out there. The point they made is being missed in the community of each where they ask "Why is Halo 3 so great?" but Halo 3 shows the effort of 'worth more than your money's price tag' where you have Forge, Online Co-op, Save Films, Heavily modifying gametypes, Easter Eggs, beautiful environments, gameplay wise, changed controls (It's a lot easier to aim), modiying armor, fixing and finishing a bad predecessor storyline and so on. Though there are some games such as Unreal Tournament III that are underrated, the reviewers (Though Jeff reviewed all 3 games: Halo 3, UT3 and K&L) where they never seen how completely dramatic the change was but there were some you have to agree with. The reason why Unreal Tournament III isn't as popular as Crysis and Halo 3 is that a lot of people are so used to 'slow paced', they think 'fast paced' is too hard but isn't that the point? And everything in UT3 has been balanced out, and each and every texture you see from weapons to level designing is awesome. They make the weapons feel like they work especially with the cool look and the environments are beautiful as they are rugged are also balancing the gameplay mechanics. Unreal Tournament III is the most underrated game, Halo 3 is a popular demand game, Crysis is the most photo-realistic game, Kane & Lynch is the most disappointing game, and so on. But the point of all this, reviews makes a point though I heavily doubt that Kane & Lynch is underrated. It deserves it.

Like I said, don't compare graphics with Crysis and Kane & Lynch, if Kane & Lynch has 'Crysis' graphics, it will still be crap since there are no distant quality visuals. And even if it did, it will still probably won't even beat Crysis. A Crysis II in popular demand will most likely rip Kane & Lynch 2 apart, that is if Kane & Lynch 2 will ever be announced or even come out to stores. And I'm going to laugh hard if Kane & Lynch II doesn't beat Crysis standards, and I mean hard.

Quote from xtrmgamer
ohh did you talking about the three turkish brothers known as the Yerli Brothers? (Turkish people are from Turkey), yeah!!, very german, besides I'm not a Chauvinistic pig.. defending every shit that comes out my country (Crytek People isn't native from my country), unfortunately Hitler is from my country, Should I be proud of him?.
Never mention Hitler because he's another way of discriminating your own country as a Nazi. Crytek was never and I don't think ever will be a Nazi. And their headquarters is at Frankfurt, Germany and I want you at least try to bring a burning bag full of shit in their front door. And that's sarcasm, if you know what that is. And the Yerli brothers grew up in Germany, and it's like you're saying Turkish are bad people. Very funny how you came along against your own country. I shouldn't have mention this because you find Crytek as Hitler? I believe you need to watch this video, but since you can understand German, they're ACTUALLY talking about traitors. Click here


Jan 20 2008, 3:43 pm Sael Post #56

And Kane & Lynch was a horrible disappointment. I bought Crysis and played it for perhaps two hours, and at very random times it would simply slow down to perhaps 5 fps. I'd have to reboot the game and then it would run fine even though I just saved where it got very laggy, so the entire package seemed buggy at least performance wise when I bought it. The first patch seems to have fixed that up a bit, and the performance fixes aren't so much increased performance as stable performance. I will definitely be waiting for NVidia's 10xxx cards to upgrade for this one.


Jan 20 2008, 6:22 pm xtrmgamer Post #57

Though I don't think your allies are pathetic compared to the Koreans and like I said, outnumbered from 10 to 1. So you would rather let your friend do all the killing while you sit back and enjoy the sunset? No, and their job is suppose to support you, not do most of the work.

It seems that the sit back enjoying the sunset part you are expecting it in K&L

And you said Crysis has a weak plot with no real action and zero fun. Well as a matter of fact, you're outnumbered 10 to 1 so that means there is action EVERYWHERE. Unless you follow objectives more than kill everybody, you're most likely playing it stealthy with your "Cloak Engaged" ability and silencers. And comparing to K&L, all you have is nobody to root for except Kane's daughter but she isn't important so who gives a damn?

Yep, weak plot and no real action and zero fun, actually quite boring. And I don't think you have really played K&L.

Crysis is the most photo-realistic game, Kane & Lynch is the most disappointing game, and so on. But the point of all this, reviews makes a point though I heavily doubt that Kane & Lynch is underrated. It deserves it.

Well mate, you are in a loop, what can I do?

Like I said, don't compare graphics with Crysis and Kane & Lynch, if Kane & Lynch has 'Crysis' graphics, it will still be crap since there are no distant quality visuals. And even if it did, it will still probably won't even beat Crysis. A Crysis II in popular demand will most likely rip Kane & Lynch 2 apart, that is if Kane & Lynch 2 will ever be announced or even come out to stores. And I'm going to laugh hard if Kane & Lynch II doesn't beat Crysis standards, and I mean hard.

I was talking about the whole deal not just textures,whatever hurts you or not, Crysis is not a worthy opponent to K&L, because no one with half brain expects in a game just graphics.

Never mention Hitler because he's another way of discriminating your own country as a Nazi. Crytek was never and I don't think ever will be a Nazi. And their headquarters is at Frankfurt, Germany and I want you at least try to bring a burning bag full of shit in their front door. And that's sarcasm, if you know what that is. And the Yerli brothers grew up in Germany, and it's like you're saying Turkish are bad people. Very funny how you came along against your own country. I shouldn't have mention this because you find Crytek as Hitler? I believe you need to watch this video, but since you can understand German, they're ACTUALLY talking about traitors. Click here

I feel sorry for you, putting words on people's mouth, I never said that Crytek is nazi, I said that Hitler is a piece of shit so should I be proud of him just for being german?, I don't think so, it was a manner of speak meaning that if the shit comes out from your country you don't have to eat it. And Turkish are bad people?, well mate, you've serious issues!!!, I can't say anything about Turkish people because I don't know them at all, Just said "DID YOU TALKING ABOUT THE YERLI BROTHERS?, YEAH THEY ARE VERY GERMAN", and like I said earlier, I'M NOT A CHAUVINISTIC PIG!!, just want games based on quality and graphics not just graphics!!, maybe the boys at Crytek are cool, but their game is very poor, a poor game sit on a rich computer!!. Well mate , I thought it was fun talking to you, but I was wrong. So write what you want about Cryshits, That will not change the fact, that the game is the same recycled crap since CounterStrike.

Cheers, MATE.

PS. The video is really stupid, and the subs even more, did you laugh with that?, is pathethic!!. Talking about traitors Don't you hate microsoft?, don't you consider their Windows is a shit?, don't you think that Bill Gates should retire , well MATE, according to you, you'd betraying your own country if you do.. and of course A Fucked up like Hitler was here, a George Bush is there....

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jan 21 2008, 1:42 am by xtrmgamer.


Jan 20 2008, 7:08 pm brutetal Post #58

I don't know about you, but the next gen games gotta be dedicated to the new 8900 chip or ati 3900 chip or newer. Especially to the quad core cpus.

Even if you can play the games on the best graphics card on the market, the graphics are horrible compared. Its not up to date on what these new graphics cards can do.


Jan 20 2008, 10:46 pm Sael Post #59

What the Goddamn fuck. Feel free to repute any of my posts. I see it happening less and less. You guys are just so pissy and focus all your anger on each other - it makes posting on here not fun at all.


Jan 21 2008, 1:22 am BeDazed Post #60

And for them, all the more fun. Look at them go.


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