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Jobs, Taxes, Class Warfare, wtf?
Oct 16 2011, 3:35 am
By: Rantent
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Oct 21 2011, 2:02 am Lanthanide Post #41

It has everything to do with the argument. Your position is essentially: if someone can't get a job, then it is entirely, 100% their own fault and making, and they are entirely, 100% in control of being able to do whatever is required to fix it, and if they don't fix it, it's because they're lazy or stupid or whatever else. It's really a completely unrealistic view to take, but a common one held by many Americans.


Oct 21 2011, 2:03 am Centreri Post #42

Relatively ancient and inactive

That's not my position. My position is that it is 70% their own fault and making.


Oct 21 2011, 2:04 am Lanthanide Post #43

In that case, it is you who needs to work on conveying your point better.


Oct 21 2011, 5:59 am Sacrieur Post #44

Still Napping

Quit blaming the people. It's basic psychology how environment affects a person. Furthermore the entire notion of "human nature" is inherently flawed and scientifically unsupported. It introduces the flawed and manipulative notion that greed, the very driving force of capitalism, is intrinsic to us all; and there's nothing we can do about it.

People are starving not because they're lazy, but because the system makes them lazy. They are ignorant because the system keeps them ignorant. And they don't aspire because the system does not allow the mediocre to achieve.


Oct 23 2011, 3:30 am rayNimagi Post #45

Quote from name:Azrael.Wrath
Exactly, so a strong society is one that would remove its weaker elements from the whole.

[several paragraphs later]

As I've demonstrated here, there are many steps the government could take to simultaneously increase its revenue, decrease its spending, and enrich society as a whole. If the government would take a few of these steps to focus on making the lives of normal people better, and making the life of a welfare bum less desirable, we'd all be much better off.

I hope you were being sarcastic.

From the first link from a Google search:
Quote from In">]In 2009, a family of four with a yearly income of $21,954 or less was considered poor by American standards (U.S. Census Bureau News, September 16, 2010);11.1 percent (8.8 million) of American families fell into this category. The number of people below the official poverty thresholds numbered 43.6 million people in poverty in 2009, a poverty rate of 14.3 percent.

So in 2009, 43.6 million Americans were in poverty. Interesting. The rate must be even higher now.

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Oct 23 2011, 6:51 pm Azrael Post #46

Quote from rayNimagi
I hope you were being sarcastic.

I hope you are being sarcastic about hoping that I was being sarcastic

My position was backed up by considerable reasoning and explanations which you must have seen when you snipped them out of the quote.

If you disagree with any specific points of my post then address them specifically and provide specifics.

Nov 3 2011, 12:27 am Lanthanide Post #47

According to figures published by the Social Security Administration on October 20, the median income for American workers in 2010 was $26,364, not much more than the official poverty level of $22,025 for a family of four. Given that a family making even twice the official poverty level faces real hardship and insecurity, it is no exaggeration to say that the SSA report shows that the “poor,” by any reasonable definition, constitute the absolute majority of the American people.


The Gallup poll found that three times as many American workers are worried about being able to feed themselves or their families, 19 percent of the population, compared to only 6 percent of Chinese workers with similar concerns. Gallup’s measure of access to basic social necessities showed that American workers were finding it more and more difficult to obtain food, adequate shelter and decent medical care.

What these figures demonstrate is both a profound social crisis, and an immense historical transformation. The United States has gone from leading the world in most social indices, including working-class living standards, to a new status as the leader, at least among the industrialized countries, in condemning the majority of its population to conditions of deprivation and misery.

The OWS 99%ers are not wrong.


Nov 3 2011, 1:59 am Sacrieur Post #48

Still Napping

Can you really be surprised? For years republicans have convinced the working class to give them benefits and tax breaks; either under a banner of "fairness" or that we let the magical hand of the economy fix everything. For obvious reasons, neither work to promote a truly prosperous society.

Tell me, those of you who believe taxing should be equal for all incomes. Is it justifiable to let the poor suffer and the rich prosper? Give up your silly notions and evolve, before we destroy ourselves through stagnation perpetuated by a parasitic, viral system.


Nov 3 2011, 2:35 am ubermctastic Post #49

In a perfect society, everyone would be taken care of by the government. We wouldn't have anything to worry about, so we would then be able to freely spend the money we do have, instead of having to stuff money under their mattress. This would boost the economy, because money would actually be moving around.

The problem isn't greed exactly...
Natural human instinct wants to ensure the future of their offspring
Capitalism is literally survival of the fittest
Money = power = security
Obviously the 1% doesn't really need that much money, so what do we do about it?


Nov 3 2011, 3:01 am ClansAreForGays Post #50

I like how you, always, unceremoniously plop your opinion down in the middle of an argument without ever bothering to respond to what anyone has had to say in the thread up until then.

Nov 3 2011, 5:21 am Vrael Post #51

Quote from Lanthanide
It has everything to do with the argument. Your position is essentially: if someone can't get a job, then it is entirely, 100% their own fault and making, and they are entirely, 100% in control of being able to do whatever is required to fix it, and if they don't fix it, it's because they're lazy or stupid or whatever else. It's really a completely unrealistic view to take, but a common one held by many Americans.
I do hold this view, and it's not unrealistic. McDonalds will hire anyone. Anyone. Anyone. Some people just think they're above working at a place like McDonalds. If someone doesn't have a job, it IS because they're lazy and don't feel like working. I admit that there is a some small percentage of people who really can't whether its because they're handicapped or something, whatever factors apply, but for the overwhelming majority of people in the United States, they can get a job. They just aren't willing to work.

I suppose I should modify that a bit though, to include some other factors. Consider a homeless man, for example, who stinks, is missing teeth, talks aloud crazily to himself, ect, and all these other undesireable factors which will prevent him from getting a job. I figure, he falls into one of either two categories. One, that tiny percentage I mentioned of people who really just have been screwed over by life. Got bad genes and there's nothing he can do, or whatever, but this category isn't interesting because its so small. Say he is in the other category, with the rest of us normal folk. In this case, we should consider his past, the choices he's made, where he came from, and where he ended up. Why is he jobless? Maybe some evil billionaire came and bribed the government to bulldoze his house or something, but realistically? At some point in his life he quit whatever job he had, whatever home he came from, or did something stupid like become an alcoholic, blew all his money in a casino, or something. It varies case by case, but poverty is truly a lifestyle, an accumulation of small decisions made every day which add up over time into the state these people live in. He isn't in poverty because one day he decided he was going to take all his money out of the bank and set it on fire, he's in poverty because he bought a six dollar cheeseburger he couldnt really afford that week, bought football tickets instead of paying his electric bill, showed up late for work too many times because of the bottle; theres a plethora of little things like this that I could think up. Treating yourself to an ice cream once a week wont put you in poverty, and neither will having a night of fun. Lack of self control, will however. Sometimes shit does happen in life. Unexpected medical bills, car accidents, what have you. These things aren't uncontrollable either. If you don't have car insurance, don't drive like a maniac. If you don't have medical insurance, watch your ass. Occasionally something really uncontrollable does happen, and to the majority group I was talking about, but if you've made good decisions in your life, you'll be able to deal with it, even if you're not super rich.

I don't believe everyone has the right to a job; it's a privilege to be earned, and some people just aren't interested in earning anything. If they don't want to get off their ass, I say let them reap what they've sown.


Nov 3 2011, 6:18 am dumbducky Post #52

Quote from Sacrieur
Can you really be surprised? For years republicans have convinced the working class to give them benefits and tax breaks; either under a banner of "fairness" or that we let the magical hand of the economy fix everything. For obvious reasons, neither work to promote a truly prosperous society.

Tell me, those of you who believe taxing should be equal for all incomes. Is it justifiable to let the poor suffer and the rich prosper? Give up your silly notions and evolve, before we destroy ourselves through stagnation perpetuated by a parasitic, viral system.
Half of Americans pay no taxes. And it isn't the upper 50%. Contrary to popular belief, the tax burden is shouldered almost entirely by the rich. Remember that the tax rate for the top bracket is 35%. With all that talk of tax breaks, you'd think it was 2% or something. Besides, is it not fair to ask all citizens to contribute to their government, not just a select few?

Also I question that article's accuracy. According to the Census' website, the 2009 median income was $50,221 (source). I know the economy isn't doing great, but I doubt the median income fell by 50% in two years.

Bonus fun fact: if you apply to the poverty line to the 1920s, 2/3 Americans were "impoverished."


Nov 3 2011, 5:31 pm Sacrieur Post #53

Still Napping

Did you adjust for inflation?

Half of Americans pay no taxes. And it isn't the upper 50%. Contrary to popular belief, the tax burden is shouldered almost entirely by the rich. Remember that the tax rate for the top bracket is 35%. With all that talk of tax breaks, you'd think it was 2% or something. Besides, is it not fair to ask all citizens to contribute to their government, not just a select few?

I'd like to see a source for that. 150 million people not paying taxes is a bit difficult to swallow. And I never said anything about some people not paying taxes. Everyone who is working a job should have to pay taxes.


Nov 3 2011, 7:18 pm Vrael Post #54

I was surprised too, but the IRS data shows only 140 million tax returns filed in 2009.,,id=96981,00.html


Nov 3 2011, 8:10 pm Lanthanide Post #55

Income tax is not the only form of tax. There are sales taxes, payroll taxes, property taxes, fuel taxes, etc.


Nov 4 2011, 4:00 am Sacrieur Post #56

Still Napping

Additionally, not everyone who pays income tax files for tax returns.


Nov 24 2011, 6:33 am rayNimagi Post #57

Quote from name:Azrael.Wrath
If you disagree with any specific points of my post then address them specifically and provide specifics.
Here we go...

Quote from name:Azrael.Wrath
Exactly, so a strong society is one that would remove its weaker elements from the whole. It doesn't matter if it's their fault or not, especially considering how subjective that is; you could say someone has no work ethic because of the environment they were brought up in, or due to a psychological problem out of their control.
Sounds like you want to let the impoverished fall into ghettos. If it's their own fault, I guess it would be alright, but only if they had an opportunity to redeem themselves. Seems a bit mean, though.

No, the proper way to handle people like this is to cut them off completely, and let them find help from other members of society. If they have spent their life only looking out for themselves, and have no one who would help them, that is their own fault.
I'm torn here. On one hand, you should help thy neighbor. On the other hand, humans are naturally greedy.

You've expressed that this is not compassionate, yet I don't remember anyone asking for a compassionate government. I know I don't want Hallmark in charge of government policies. They are obligated to do what is best for the whole of society, not to screw over the hard-working middle class majority for a couple unskilled, inept, disabled welfare bums. Almost all of these people will never contribute anything to society except more children, which will grow up in a scummy environment with their lazy parents and just suck off welfare themselves as adults. This is a disgusting cycle that needs to be stopped, rather than the current system which rewards them with a bonus check for every kid they pop out even though they can't afford food for themselves in the first place.

Less than 2% of welfare recipients commit fraud

There are two ways to fix this broken aspect of the government and of society itself. The first is to simply stop all welfare programs, allow people to fend for themselves.
Self-interest vs. Civic Virtue

Perhaps if they let a few people starve to death because they had fifteen kids when they couldn't even manage to feed themselves, the rest of the welfare trash might realize their own sheer stupidity and sub-human way of living, and actually change for the better.
Sounds like the Gilded Age.

The other way they can do it is to increase the downsides of receiving government help. By being eligible to receive welfare, you have to agree to certain terms that are not in your favor. One of them could be that you have to undergo surgery to make it impossible for you to have children in the future. Alternatively, this surgery could just be a requirement if you're on the welfare over a certain time period, or you could be simply forced to get an abortion in the event you become pregnant (you'd always have the option of stopping welfare instead of the abortion). If the woman waits past the first trimester to report her pregnancy because she doesn't want to endanger her checks, then she can either receive the abortion and a hysterectomy, or be permanently cut off from all future welfare.
Something tells me that is scientifically right, but morally wrong.

Perhaps other downsides could even be profitable for the government, which would both reduce the number of people on social welfare and have the program partially paying for itself. If they could make welfare profitable, that would be even better. One obvious option is that to qualify for welfare for any period of time, you have to sign your body over to the government in the event of your death. Then when you eventually die, the government would sell your organs to hospitals, which would generate them revenue. Of course the welfare bums would need to have random drug testing and annual checkups to ensure they aren't abusing their bodies, but that's in their best interests anyways.
I'd like to see more organs going to people who need them, this part isn't so bad. Someone is going to have to pay for the random drug testing and doctor's visits, though.

I'd say that would be a very insignificant price to pay for all the free money they receive over their lifetime, and at least they would eventually contribute to society in some small way. It'd also stop the welfare trash from being able to use drugs, which if the reason why many of them need to be on welfare in the first place. A lot of people on welfare sell their food stamps for half value in order to get cash for their addiction. It's really quite disgusting, and this would help alleviate that problem as well.
Maybe food stamps could be like a credit card linked to your name with a picture ID or something.

Quote from Jack
Now, if you were able to find some evidence of a proper laissez faire Austrian economy working worse than a Keynesian economy, then I'd be happy to consider it, but I have yet to see one work anywhere near as well as the few true laissez faire Austrian economies that have existed.
Does Zimbabwe or any of the other African nations count as a laissez faire economy? Perhaps Somalia (no government = no regulation!). But seriously, less regulation allows for greater accumulation of personal wealth.

Perhaps an Asian nation or Latin American nation with little to no regulations on the economy would be a perfect model of laissez faire. It's interesting that China's economy is growing quickly and they have a mixed economy (rather than complete control or complete freedom).

It seems that extremes (complete control vs complete freedom) both do not create a powerful economy. The Gilded Age (deregulated era) had great economic growth, but so did Singapore in the latter half of the twentieth century (more government control). A lot of the factors are out of the government's control, e.g. natural resources, technology, global supply/demand, etc.

Quote from Vrael
I was surprised too, but the IRS data shows only 140 million tax returns filed in 2009.,,id=96981,00.html

Yeah, only people with jobs that make over a certain amount pay income taxes (so that means children and other dependents don't pay income taxes).

Also, interesting link:

Win by luck, lose by skill.

Dec 12 2011, 12:26 pm Jack Post #58

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from Sacrieur
Can you really be surprised? For years republicans have convinced the working class to give them benefits and tax breaks; either under a banner of "fairness" or that we let the magical hand of the economy fix everything. For obvious reasons, neither work to promote a truly prosperous society.

Tell me, those of you who believe taxing should be equal for all incomes. Is it justifiable to let the poor suffer and the rich prosper? Give up your silly notions and evolve, before we destroy ourselves through stagnation perpetuated by a parasitic, viral system.
What do you mean, justifiable?
It is unjust to take a higher percentage of money from someone just because they earn more. It is unjust to take from the rich and give to the poor (not that the giving to the poor even happens as much as it should; apparently only 1% of the US budget goes to welfare, although that stat could be wrong. I forget where I heard it). It is perfectly just to not give benefits to anyone. It is unjust to give benefits to some but not to others.

It is not the place of the government to try and weaken one team and strengthen the other; it is their place to level the playing field.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Dec 12 2011, 12:44 pm Oh_Man Post #59

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Just do what they did in "In Time"; they robbed a bunch of banks and distributed the money to the lower economic areas. But maybe not robbing but instead put huge social pressures on the 1% (like that Occupy movement).

Dec 12 2011, 9:11 pm Lanthanide Post #60

Quote from Jack
It is unjust to take a higher percentage of money from someone just because they earn more.

It is perfectly just to not give benefits to anyone. It is unjust to give benefits to some but not to others.
So you would be in favour of a universal benefit then, where everyone* receives say $12,000 from the government per year to live on tax free, and the tax on *any* income earned above this amount is charged at a flat 25%? Get rid of unemployment benefit, superannuation, sickness/invalid benefit, domestic purposes benefit etc.

The outcome of such a system is an effective progressive tax system. If you earn $0, you pay $0 tax and effectively get $12k. If you earn $40k, then you pay $10k at 25%, and so only receive a net $2k from the government. If you earn $80k then you pay $20k in tax, for a net $8k going to the government. If you earn $200k, you pay $50k, for a net tax payment of $38k.

Everyone pays the same percentage of tax, as you advocate. Everyone receives a benefit.

* There are some border issues around when to start giving the money, should children get it and it goes to their parents? Should 16 year olds get it and should it go to their parents - what if they leave home? Should they get a reduced rate? Just ignore all these things and focus on the 18+ population.


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