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Diablo - Mortal Shroud
Feb 10 2011, 1:00 am
By: Ahli
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Apr 1 2011, 8:47 pm Tempz Post #181

I hope you change the buy screen for items from the simple list to a d2 version using UI


Apr 1 2011, 8:58 pm Ahli Post #182

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from Tempz
I hope you change the buy screen for items from the simple list to a d2 version using UI
The buy screen is like D2 except that I'm not storing item positions (I'm only throwing everything into it and display what fits into 10x10 fields; so if you buy an item many items will move around in the window).
You have 4 types: basic items (no magic), magic weapons, magic armor, misc items (everything else).

The gamble window consists out of 2 lists (item type and item name) and the drawn item itself.

So it is pretty much like in Diablo 2. (And I would consider my gambling as better because you can easily pick your base item, if available for your char level.)

Apr 2 2011, 12:13 am Ahli Post #183

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Implemented Town Portal Scrolls.

You can put the scrolls in the belt and activate it via hotkey, pick it inside your inventory and use it or you select the scroll's skill in the mouse skill browsing dialog as seen and cast it per mouse-click.
Costs 200 Gold at Adria and can be dropped from containers inside the dungeon in dungeon level 2 or higher.

Apr 2 2011, 12:14 am NicholasBeige Post #184

Ahli - the more time I see you put on this and make it awesome... the more I wish it was Diablo 2 you were remaking :(.


Apr 2 2011, 12:28 am Ahli Post #185

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from name:Cardinal
Ahli - the more time I see you put on this and make it awesome... the more I wish it was Diablo 2 you were remaking :(.
D2 can't fit into 1 map without totally sucking in terms of dungeon design...

With the class based skills, I should come closer to D2.
If it is because of missing items, I've pretty much the possibilities to add more content later on easily. But more different item types (crossbow, bow) need a purpose that they would fulfill.

I'm trying to create the general shape how I want it to be now. Then I will see how much additional content I can fit into it.

Apr 2 2011, 12:35 am NicholasBeige Post #186

Your project actually has me wanting to open up Galaxy right now and make shit :D...

When I'm back at my main computer (oh yeah, SC2 refuses to run on this piece of junk computer btw...), but when I'm back at uni - I'll help you test D1 some more :)... Also, I might bother you on icq for help recreating your dungeon script! :D

Edit: Oh yeah I forgot you were adding class-skills to the Rogue and Warrior. Just make sure it's balanced. I mean, Sorcerers will find Tomes randomly as well as being able to buy them from the Witch? How will the Warrior and Rogue get there skills?


Apr 2 2011, 12:54 am Raitaki Post #187

Quote from name:Cardinal
Your project actually has me wanting to open up Galaxy right now and make shit :D...

When I'm back at my main computer (oh yeah, SC2 refuses to run on this piece of junk computer btw...), but when I'm back at uni - I'll help you test D1 some more :)... Also, I might bother you on icq for help recreating your dungeon script! :D

Edit: Oh yeah I forgot you were adding class-skills to the Rogue and Warrior. Just make sure it's balanced. I mean, Sorcerers will find Tomes randomly as well as being able to buy them from the Witch? How will the Warrior and Rogue get there skills?
Same way? There are pretty much no skills in D1 other than the starting skills and Sorcerer spells? (there are plenty of spellcasting Rogues)


Apr 2 2011, 1:00 am Ahli Post #188

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from name:Cardinal
Oh yeah I forgot you were adding class-skills to the Rogue and Warrior. Just make sure it's balanced. I mean, Sorcerers will find Tomes randomly as well as being able to buy them from the Witch? How will the Warrior and Rogue get there skills?
I'm planning to do skills for all 3 classes.
One condition is that some skills will be strengthened by the arcane spell levels.
So you would have fire, lightning, magic special attacks along with maybe some passives or activateable skills.

Anyway, it's still a long road before I start these.
I need skill ideas anyway.

So Warrior would have some tank skills:
- resistance raising, lowering inflicted damage from enemies, attack that lowers enemy defense value, area of effect stun, pushing enemys away, attacks that are bolstered with elemental damage
- maybe some passives that raise one of the 3 paths that he can use (axe, club, sword)

- stunning single enemys, elemental area of effect attacks, elemental arrows, piercing arrows
- maybe some auras, hit avoidance

- skills that increase the usability of the arcane magic, I don't like to many new attacks with this cause he should mainly use the arcane magic, so higer fire/lightning/magic damage, lower spell mana costs/chance to refund mana/mana regeneration, lower spell cooldowns

Apr 2 2011, 1:03 am Raitaki Post #189

Quote from Ahli
- skills that increase the usability of the arcane magic, I don't like to many new attacks with this cause he should mainly use the arcane magic, so higer fire/lightning/magic damage, lower spell mana costs/chance to refund mana/mana regeneration, lower spell cooldowns
*takes out his cursed Sorcerer guide, blows the dust off then reads it* I'm sooo gonna rape this map...


Apr 2 2011, 3:34 am payne Post #190


Now that TPs are done, can I get the files? :awesome:


Apr 2 2011, 3:39 am NicholasBeige Post #191

@payne: did you manage to publish it alright in the end?


Apr 2 2011, 3:43 am payne Post #192


Quote from name:Cardinal
@payne: did you manage to publish it alright in the end?
I refused to since there was no TP included yet. :P


Apr 2 2011, 11:32 am Ahli Post #193

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

- There are now 40 monsters initially on the field (before 80).
- There are 10 respawn points per dungeon level (I'm not checking the positions, so if you are super unlucky then there are all spawnpoints in the same area).
- If you kill a monster, new monsters will be generated (hopefully outside your sight range). There will be 40 monsters alive per level until you hit the respawn limit which is 320 (80 per player).
- After hitting the limit, the monster count is limited to 8 monsters forever.
- Leaving players should be removed from game (I hope cause I can't test it).
- The monster spawn limit will be reached earlier, if a player isn't existent at map start or leaves the game. His portion of the unspawned monsters will be removed.

If you publish it, the map might complain because of mod dependencies. You need to delete and re-add them because dependencies go to a specific mod file version.

edit: has problems with dependencies to updated mod file versions (version != 1.0)...
SC2 crashes then...

-tinted all monster types that can spawn within the first 4 levels and added area entrance talks for cathedral, catacombs, caves, hell

my map works... randomly... I've no idea why it worked last time.
I've fixed the biggest problems that I noticed (I guess).

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Apr 3 2011, 6:44 pm by Ahli.

Apr 7 2011, 1:15 am payne Post #194


The map is now published privately on the NA server.
Ask me if you want to try it out. :)

- Make hero faster in town.
- Healer should be closer to the dungeon.
- Mark the relevant NPCs with Pings on the map.
- Mark the stairs with Pings on the map.
- The healer doesn't set mana to 100%.
- Mana doesn't regenerate on its own.
- When I kill enemies, it casts this error message on the screen: "Could not find source texture with slot main."
- Not sure if you wanted generated-corpses to do this, but as it is right now, we can't interact with them (=> no item from them). Nevermind, after more testing, I found out this was properly implemented. :blush:
- What about some Stamina? We could use 'Ctrl' to run. Like this, you wouldn't need to apply a speed buff when in town: just make stamina infinite.
- Show the name of all dropped items for a short amount of time.
- Right-clicking on a potion should use it automatically.
- Disactivate the movement to any point situated under the shown "Character stats" dialog so we do not accidentally move while setting our Stat Points.
- Gimme 'B' shortcut for Inventory and 'A' shortcut for 'Stats'! I'm used to them because of the French version.
- Whenever a unit (hero or minion) is successfully hit, you should cancel its current attack.
- We are temporarily partially-blinded when crossing bridges. Fix the vision?
- Pressing 'Esc' right as the NPC Dialog popped just left me stuck with NPC's big dialog box with the image of the NPC, but without interactive buttons. Still, I can talk to other NPC and the dialog gets over-written, but when I leave their dialog, I just get back stuck with that dialog. :massimo:
- Implement mercenaries! :awesome:
- Letting use left-click directly on the map to order our unit would be very nice. :3
- Any sort of corpse system will get implemented? Simply losing gold when dying looks a bit stupid.
- Also, just wanted to let you know that, in the end, the minimap feels really good at the top-right. :)
- Talking to Farnham the Drunk is funny. :><:
- When Gossiping with a NPC, you should make sure all the different dialogues were shown to the player before starting to randomly repeat them.
- Portals are horrible. I hope you're planning on making them much better. :><:
- How comes if I want to cast a TP with the spell, it will cost me 35 mana? :massimo:
- After drinking a potion manually (without the shortcut), the potions' slot potion do not update until you close your inventory.
- There's an empty tooltip that appears above the "damaged equipment" spot when your mouse is inside your inventory dialog, but not hovering any item.
- Add the "'X' have joined the world. Minions have grown stronger." and "'X' have left the world. Minions are now weaker." messages. (And do adjust the handicap.)
- Remove the "An ally is under attack" alert.
- Add a new part to the UI: the allies (party). We should see their character's image and their HP/mana.

Good luck. ;)

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Apr 7 2011, 3:52 pm by payne.


Apr 7 2011, 1:43 am NicholasBeige Post #195

Quote from payne
The map is now published privately on the NA server.
Ask me if you want to try it out. :)


- What about some Stamina? We could use 'Ctrl' to run. Like this, you wouldn't need to apply a speed buff when in town: just make stamina infinite.
- Implement mercenaries! :awesome:
- Any sort of corpse system will get implemented? Simply losing gold when dying looks a bit stupid.
- Portals are horrible. I hope you're planning on making them much better. :><:
And, as I suspected... the further Ahli gets into creating this map... the more requests for Diablo 2 will get thrown at him... :3

Quote from payne

- Show the name of all dropped items for a short amount of time.
Should be a periodical trigger that checks for keypress>TABisDown = true. Really easy system to create - but Ahli doesn't need me to tell him that :)....

Quote from payne

- Gimme 'B' shortcut for Inventory and 'A' shortcut for 'Stats'! I'm used to them because of the French version.
No. :P Ahli is freakin' German. You're Canadian. Compromise. :3


Apr 7 2011, 2:02 am Raitaki Post #196

Quote from payne
- Not sure if you wanted generated-corpses to do this, but as it is right now, we can't interact with them (=> no item from them).
I don't think D1 corpses are lootable...
Quote from payne
- What about some Stamina? We could use 'Ctrl' to run. Like this, you wouldn't need to apply a speed buff when in town: just make stamina infinite.
Definitely this.
Quote from payne
- Implement mercenaries! :awesome:
Only if Ahli's D1 turns out to be too hard. D1 was so easy Sorcerers even play with cursed equips full-time. Speaking of which, will there be cursed equips? :awesome:
Quote from payne
- Any sort of corpse system will get implemented? Simply losing gold when dying looks a bit stupid.
Either this, or do it Blizzard's way, rewinding time back to the last time the player was in town :awesome:
Also, if you are going to add skills, I think you should buff mobs...Otherwise it'll be too easy.
Also, maybe you should implement a stash, you know, before some D1 veteran leaves stuff lying around in town out of habit and some loon scoops it all.


Apr 8 2011, 11:57 am Ahli Post #197

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from payne
The map is now published privately on the NA server.
Ask me if you want to try it out. :)

- Make hero faster in town.
- Healer should be closer to the dungeon. he wants to stay at his house and where the water is that he needs to brew smelly red potions
- Mark the relevant NPCs with Pings on the map.
- Mark the stairs with Pings on the map.
- The healer doesn't set mana to 100%. mana is more a ressource. Use it wisely and don't waste it on the weak ones
- Mana doesn't regenerate on its own. I might add this later
- When I kill enemies, it casts this error message on the screen: "Could not find source texture with slot main."
In battle net? It's normal for offline test games (out of editor) to display these after 1.3. The error is related to the use of a custom model. But even the Zergling threw errors at me. Maybe it's the actor, too. But is this happening online for you?
- Not sure if you wanted generated-corpses to do this, but as it is right now, we can't interact with them (=> no item from them). Nevermind, after more testing, I found out this was properly implemented. :blush: there are 2 types of corpses, the ones without blood can be "checked" once. But there is no visual indicator that you can't "check" the corpse on the ground except that it gets a circle around itself during mouseover
- What about some Stamina? We could use 'Ctrl' to run. Like this, you wouldn't need to apply a speed buff when in town: just make stamina infinite.
- Show the name of all dropped items for a short amount of time. The mess might be to big, if there are many monsters around, but I could count the monsters around and display it if there are less than 3 or something like that
- Right-clicking on a potion should use it automatically. Give me right click detection on Buttons!
- Disactivate the movement to any point situated under the shown "Character stats" dialog so we do not accidentally move while setting our Stat Points. I will add picture in the background that should prohibit clicks through it like the inventory (it's still possible during the update process. I might fix it with dialogs in dialogs.)
- Gimme 'B' shortcut for Inventory and 'A' shortcut for 'Stats'! I'm used to them because of the French version. Pourquoi? Then learn the English hotkeys :bleh: Just be happy that I won't use Y instead of Z.
- Whenever a unit (hero or minion) is successfully hit, you should cancel its current attack. Only stronger hits will set a monster into hit recovery. Atm it is "damage > monster level + 2". But I guess I will raise the hit recovery duration of monsters. That will help 2 handed melee weapon usage (sword, axe, club)
- We are temporarily partially-blinded when crossing bridges. Fix the vision? Give me a successful bridge application and I might be able to identify what I did wrong with that. I've no idea why that is happening.
- Pressing 'Esc' right as the NPC Dialog popped just left me stuck with NPC's big dialog box with the image of the NPC, but without interactive buttons. Still, I can talk to other NPC and the dialog gets over-written, but when I leave their dialog, I just get back stuck with that dialog. :massimo: thank you, I will fix it.
- Implement mercenaries! :awesome:
- Letting use left-click directly on the map to order our unit would be very nice. :3
- Any sort of corpse system will get implemented? Simply losing gold when dying looks a bit stupid. That's exactly how it is done in D1 except that you aren't dropping random items
- Also, just wanted to let you know that, in the end, the minimap feels really good at the top-right. :) thx
- Talking to Farnham the Drunk is funny. :><:
- When Gossiping with a NPC, you should make sure all the different dialogues were shown to the player before starting to randomly repeat them.
- Portals are horrible. I hope you're planning on making them much better. :><: Elaborate on this please. Is it the look?
- How comes if I want to cast a TP with the spell, it will cost me 35 mana? :massimo: big magic, but there are scrolls findable in dungeon level 2 and higher or buyable at adria.
- After drinking a potion manually (without the shortcut), the potions' slot potion do not update until you close your inventory. Thx, will fix!
- There's an empty tooltip that appears above the "damaged equipment" spot when your mouse is inside your inventory dialog, but not hovering any item. That prevents clicking through a window. I hope Blizzard will add something better than giving everything an empty hotkey tooltip.
- Add the "'X' have joined the world. Minions have grown stronger." and "'X' have left the world. Minions are now weaker." messages. (And do adjust the handicap.) Minions aren't stronger or weaker right now. Only their respawn count is modified right now
- Remove the "An ally is under attack" alert. Yes, it's annoying. Will see what I can do :S
- Add a new part to the UI: the allies (party). We should see their character's image and their HP/mana. Planned to be on the left side of the screen.

Good luck. ;)

Other stuff that annoys me:
- I would like to have the hero unclickable for the owner and still be able to display the duration bar because that would show the player when he is stunned by stronger hits.

Quote from Raitaki
Quote from payne
- Not sure if you wanted generated-corpses to do this, but as it is right now, we can't interact with them (=> no item from them).
I don't think D1 corpses are lootable... no they weren't.
Quote from payne
- What about some Stamina? We could use 'Ctrl' to run. Like this, you wouldn't need to apply a speed buff when in town: just make stamina infinite.
Definitely this. If you all want that I can add stamina.
Quote from payne
- Implement mercenaries! :awesome:
Only if Ahli's D1 turns out to be too hard. D1 was so easy Sorcerers even play with cursed equips full-time. Speaking of which, will there be cursed equips? :awesome: there are cursed items. Atm I can only see a problem with repairing them because their price is way lower than other items. So the Warrior would have a repairable weapon for 1 gold that reduces is magic which he doesn't use.
Quote from payne
- Any sort of corpse system will get implemented? Simply losing gold when dying looks a bit stupid.
Either this, or do it Blizzard's way, rewinding time back to the last time the player was in town :awesome:
Also, if you are going to add skills, I think you should buff mobs...Otherwise it'll be too easy. yes, at least I will throw in rare monsters with some specials and buffed HP...
Also, maybe you should implement a stash, you know, before some D1 veteran leaves stuff lying around in town out of habit and some loon scoops it all. hahaha, that would be hilarious to see, but that only applies to the singleplayer D1 players. Yes I guess I will add a stash.

oh, payne do you mean that the potions won't move down in the opened belt in inventory item, if you pick one and drink it? seems fine to me as long as I allow the current possibility of arranging stuff into the belt.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Apr 8 2011, 4:04 pm by Ahli.

Apr 8 2011, 1:18 pm Decency Post #198

Ahli I've been looking through this but never thought to ask-

I hope you're familiar with Jarulf's Guide? You're recreating so many formulas but there's a few that you aren't doing quite true to the original so I hope you're not actually going through the source code.


Apr 8 2011, 1:25 pm Ahli Post #199

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Quote from name:FaZ-
Ahli I've been looking through this but never thought to ask-

I hope you're familiar with Jarulf's Guide? You're recreating so many formulas but there's a few that you aren't doing quite true to the original so I hope you're not actually going through the source code.
Yes, I'm using Jarulf's Guide as my main reference.

Apr 8 2011, 3:18 pm NicholasBeige Post #200

Quote from Ahli

- Show the name of all dropped items for a short amount of time. The mess might be to big, if there are many monsters around, but I could count the monsters around and display it if there are less than 3 or something like that

No no no, You just create a text attached to the item whenever an item is dropped or created. Store this in a varialbe[array]. Hide it immediately, or after a few seconds. Maybe even use a unit group to store 'items on the ground' - could work also.

Then when tab is pressed down, just go through the unit group or array and display all text tags.



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[05:47 pm]
Ultraviolet -- zsnakezz
zsnakezz shouted: ultra you have any thought or notes on undead invasion?
I still haven't gotten a chance to play it yet unfortunately. I just downloaded, but today I'm working on a project with a deadline so won't be able to play it today
[04:59 am]
zsnakezz -- >:)
[04:59 am]
zsnakezz -- :)
[04:58 am]
zsnakezz -- somebody gets it
[04:58 am]
zsnakezz -- and its not all just numbers in my file screen
[04:57 am]
zsnakezz -- thank you for your comment though, good to know some people out there tried my map out
[04:57 am]
zsnakezz -- just kidding
[04:57 am]
zsnakezz -- ultra you have any thought or notes on undead invasion?
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