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League of Legends
May 25 2010, 6:33 am
By: poison_us
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Jan 2 2011, 9:28 pm poison_us Post #1201

Back* from the grave

15% CD reduction for 900 gold? It needs to be closer to merc treads cost, imo.

Jan 2 2011, 11:46 pm Neki Post #1202

Quote from poison_us
Zhonyas needs to be taken out completely, imo. They made the "ring" more powerful (+30 AP, 5% total AP), slightly decreased its cost (3460 --> 3300), and split the active that rarely saves you anyways into a perfect item for Sion. The fuck, Riot?

The boots, however, are acceptable. They're most likely going to replace sorcerer's boots, due to the obscenely low cost for their CD redux, too. I'd be fine with them only having 10%.

Uh, the active was the most OP part of the ring you realize, combined with the fact that it was the best supplementary caster item? Have you never experienced a Kennen, Fiddles or Morgana using their ultimate while in statis? One of the most annoying things in the world, Zhoyna's also allowed you to dodge skill shots and basically gave you free time to let your cooldowns come off.


Jan 3 2011, 12:41 am poison_us Post #1203

Back* from the grave

Funny, though, that nobody plays any of those three well enough to make it a problem when they do that. It makes them one-dimensional...jump in, pop ult, pop zhonyas, rage as people leave your ult's range. I've never experienced having problems when people suddenly become immobile and untargetable...

Jan 3 2011, 12:45 am Riney Post #1204

Thigh high affectionado

Yea its just those 3 + Vlad, everyone else is just dumb

Riney#6948 on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

-- Updated as of December 2021 --

Jan 3 2011, 1:06 am Neki Post #1205

Quote from poison_us
Funny, though, that nobody plays any of those three well enough to make it a problem when they do that. It makes them one-dimensional...jump in, pop ult, pop zhonyas, rage as people leave your ult's range. I've never experienced having problems when people suddenly become immobile and untargetable...
Except for Keenan and Morgana are top tier, and if you're trying to run away in a team fight, then you're not casting spells or attacking. Try running away when the whole opposite team is bashing on you and we'll see how one dimensional Zhonya really was.


Jan 3 2011, 1:38 am Bar Refaeli Post #1206

Quote from poison_us
15% CD reduction for 900 gold? It needs to be closer to merc treads cost, imo.
Merc treads offer MR and CC reduction, which no item in the whole game gives. These boots offer 0 stats and CDR. They are well priced imo.


Jan 3 2011, 1:43 am Kaias Post #1207

Quote from Neki
Quote from poison_us
Zhonyas needs to be taken out completely, imo. They made the "ring" more powerful (+30 AP, 5% total AP), slightly decreased its cost (3460 --> 3300), and split the active that rarely saves you anyways into a perfect item for Sion. The fuck, Riot?

The boots, however, are acceptable. They're most likely going to replace sorcerer's boots, due to the obscenely low cost for their CD redux, too. I'd be fine with them only having 10%.

Uh, the active was the most OP part of the ring you realize, combined with the fact that it was the best supplementary caster item? Have you never experienced a Kennen, Fiddles or Morgana using their ultimate while in statis? One of the most annoying things in the world, Zhoyna's also allowed you to dodge skill shots and basically gave you free time to let your cooldowns come off.
The active is godlike. Being immune to damage for two seconds is absolutely amazing and I'm frankly surprised that you disagree, poison. Using it to save you from vlad's-ult/fiddle's-ult/karthus-ult/nunu-ult/veigar-ult/poison-finishing-you-off/kennen's-ult/lux's-ult/galio's-ult/zilean's-bomb/MF's-ult/effectively-everything every 1.5 minutes made it one of the best defensive items in the game. Consider that as a caster, the equivalent Health/MR/Armor it would take you to mitigate the same amount of damage away that you can potentially avoid in those 2 seconds should be a much greater investment if you use the active right.

The reason they made the AP item's flat AP and multiplier greater (25% -> 30%) is because casters don't scale as well as ranged AD carries do.


Jan 3 2011, 1:54 am Bar Refaeli Post #1208

IMO it is the dps'ers that need a buff. Most casters can enter into any 1v1 situation (with the help of flash) and fully burst down a 3/4 hp enemy champ. Take Malzahar. Flash in, ulti and nuke and shit, the enemy is practically dead and couldn't do a thing. Same thing with people like Annie and Cho'Gath. Their ability to burst enemies down to 0 hp from full hp is bad late game, but they can still deal good damage to an AoE. Then there are the other type of casters, like Vlad or Kennen, who aren't burst but provide constant harassment, they are also extremely easy to get kills early game.

Tanks are OP imo. I've seen a Rammus deal more damage than most DPS's in team fights and most tanks can still deal a hell load of damage from out of nowhere with 5k hp.

Melee DPS's just fail miserably, they run in and get raped by CC, etc. Ranged DPS are only really good if extremely fed early game, like they are allowed to last hit 6/6 creeps in a wave or aren't ganked enough. A good burst like akali can just jump to them in a team fight and take away most of their hp and the DPS can't do shit while akali just goes invis and the rest of her team advances.

LoL isn't very hard on carries, and the concept of AP helps that a lot. In HoN, almost any level 25 agility hero (carry) can carry a team but in LoL, casters can carry just as much as DPSs if they are fed. Plus the level 18 level cap doesn't help much.


Jan 3 2011, 3:02 am Riney Post #1209

Thigh high affectionado

Quote from name:Raccoon
IMO it is the dps'ers that need a buff. Most casters can enter into any 1v1 situation (with the help of flash) and fully burst down a 3/4 hp enemy champ. Take Malzahar. Flash in, ulti and nuke and shit, the enemy is practically dead and couldn't do a thing. Same thing with people like Annie and Cho'Gath. Their ability to burst enemies down to 0 hp from full hp is bad late game, but they can still deal good damage to an AoE. Then there are the other type of casters, like Vlad or Kennen, who aren't burst but provide constant harassment, they are also extremely easy to get kills early game.

Tanks are OP imo. I've seen a Rammus deal more damage than most DPS's in team fights and most tanks can still deal a hell load of damage from out of nowhere with 5k hp.

Melee DPS's just fail miserably, they run in and get raped by CC, etc. Ranged DPS are only really good if extremely fed early game, like they are allowed to last hit 6/6 creeps in a wave or aren't ganked enough. A good burst like akali can just jump to them in a team fight and take away most of their hp and the DPS can't do shit while akali just goes invis and the rest of her team advances.

LoL isn't very hard on carries, and the concept of AP helps that a lot. In HoN, almost any level 25 agility hero (carry) can carry a team but in LoL, casters can carry just as much as DPSs if they are fed. Plus the level 18 level cap doesn't help much.

I agree throughly with this. And seeing how melee dps are going to hurt possibly even more now (IE Gangplanks Parrrley will do 33% less damage and then - to his base, fucking ouch, while people like Olaf actually be able to BE exhausted now and his ult not save him from all the effects.)

Honestly if you ask me exhaust should silence Casters and Blind DPS.

Riney#6948 on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

-- Updated as of December 2021 --

Jan 3 2011, 3:07 am Lingie Post #1210

Quote from Riney
Quote from name:Raccoon
IMO it is the dps'ers that need a buff. Most casters can enter into any 1v1 situation (with the help of flash) and fully burst down a 3/4 hp enemy champ. Take Malzahar. Flash in, ulti and nuke and shit, the enemy is practically dead and couldn't do a thing. Same thing with people like Annie and Cho'Gath. Their ability to burst enemies down to 0 hp from full hp is bad late game, but they can still deal good damage to an AoE. Then there are the other type of casters, like Vlad or Kennen, who aren't burst but provide constant harassment, they are also extremely easy to get kills early game.

Tanks are OP imo. I've seen a Rammus deal more damage than most DPS's in team fights and most tanks can still deal a hell load of damage from out of nowhere with 5k hp.

Melee DPS's just fail miserably, they run in and get raped by CC, etc. Ranged DPS are only really good if extremely fed early game, like they are allowed to last hit 6/6 creeps in a wave or aren't ganked enough. A good burst like akali can just jump to them in a team fight and take away most of their hp and the DPS can't do shit while akali just goes invis and the rest of her team advances.

LoL isn't very hard on carries, and the concept of AP helps that a lot. In HoN, almost any level 25 agility hero (carry) can carry a team but in LoL, casters can carry just as much as DPSs if they are fed. Plus the level 18 level cap doesn't help much.

I agree throughly with this. And seeing how melee dps are going to hurt possibly even more now (IE Gangplanks Parrrley will do 33% less damage and then - to his base, fucking ouch, while people like Olaf actually be able to BE exhausted now and his ult not save him from all the effects.)

Honestly if you ask me exhaust should silence Casters and Blind DPS.


Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Jan 3 2011, 3:40 am Bar Refaeli Post #1211

Quote from Riney
Quote from name:Raccoon
IMO it is the dps'ers that need a buff. Most casters can enter into any 1v1 situation (with the help of flash) and fully burst down a 3/4 hp enemy champ. Take Malzahar. Flash in, ulti and nuke and shit, the enemy is practically dead and couldn't do a thing. Same thing with people like Annie and Cho'Gath. Their ability to burst enemies down to 0 hp from full hp is bad late game, but they can still deal good damage to an AoE. Then there are the other type of casters, like Vlad or Kennen, who aren't burst but provide constant harassment, they are also extremely easy to get kills early game.

Tanks are OP imo. I've seen a Rammus deal more damage than most DPS's in team fights and most tanks can still deal a hell load of damage from out of nowhere with 5k hp.

Melee DPS's just fail miserably, they run in and get raped by CC, etc. Ranged DPS are only really good if extremely fed early game, like they are allowed to last hit 6/6 creeps in a wave or aren't ganked enough. A good burst like akali can just jump to them in a team fight and take away most of their hp and the DPS can't do shit while akali just goes invis and the rest of her team advances.

LoL isn't very hard on carries, and the concept of AP helps that a lot. In HoN, almost any level 25 agility hero (carry) can carry a team but in LoL, casters can carry just as much as DPSs if they are fed. Plus the level 18 level cap doesn't help much.

I agree throughly with this. And seeing how melee dps are going to hurt possibly even more now (IE Gangplanks Parrrley will do 33% less damage and then - to his base, fucking ouch, while people like Olaf actually be able to BE exhausted now and his ult not save him from all the effects.)

Honestly if you ask me exhaust should silence Casters and Blind DPS.
I like that cept it would be kind of OP seeing as the duration is pretty long and if a whole team got exhausts, then they could totally disable-rape the other team. If they made some counter effect to that, or shortened the duration, then silencing casters would be perfect. Because yi + tryndamere get raped by exhaust and can't do shit, making that change would rape all champs as much as yi + tryndamere got raped by it. Exhaust would be above god tier.


Jan 3 2011, 3:46 am Kaias Post #1212

Quote from Riney
Honestly if you ask me exhaust should silence Casters and Blind DPS.
That would make it the most overpowered skill in the game. The targeted unit wouldn't be able to do anything at all for 3.5 seconds and have their channels potentially interrupted.


Jan 3 2011, 3:47 am Alzarath Post #1213


Quote from name:Raccoon
If they made some counter effect to that

Cleanse, Quicksilver Sash


Jan 3 2011, 4:02 am Neki Post #1214

Quote from name:Artanis186
Quote from name:Raccoon
If they made some counter effect to that

Cleanse, Quicksilver Sash
So you reduce the meta-game to everyone running cleanse/exhaust? That is definitely not any better than everyone running Ghost/Flash right now.


Jan 3 2011, 4:48 am ThedarKOne Post #1215

I have mixed feelings about the Zhonya's change. Personally, I like the hat, but feel it give way too much AP. That hat on Nunu would make his ult, which is already devastating, even more devastating. The hourglass is just bullshit all around... AP and armor? A whole 2-3 champions would actually be able to even use that. The boots would be nice on say Zilean, or another caster that is heavily dependent on cdr. As for the thing with cleanse/exhaust, I think they should just add another summoner spell that silences the target for like 3 seconds.


Jan 3 2011, 4:58 am Neki Post #1216

Quote from ThedarKOne
I have mixed feelings about the Zhonya's change. Personally, I like the hat, but feel it give way too much AP. That hat on Nunu would make his ult, which is already devastating, even more devastating. The hourglass is just bullshit all around... AP and armor? A whole 2-3 champions would actually be able to even use that. The boots would be nice on say Zilean, or another caster that is heavily dependent on cdr. As for the thing with cleanse/exhaust, I think they should just add another summoner spell that silences the target for like 3 seconds.
Armor and AP is a good combination, not sure what you're qqing about. There are way more useless items than the hourglass (which is actually quite good), seeing as it's the only item that will give you armor and AP, which would be good on casters that need survivability. This item would definitely rock on Malphite or AP Rammus.


Jan 3 2011, 5:02 am Lingie Post #1217

Quote from name:Raccoon
Quote from Riney
Quote from name:Raccoon
IMO it is the dps'ers that need a buff. Most casters can enter into any 1v1 situation (with the help of flash) and fully burst down a 3/4 hp enemy champ. Take Malzahar. Flash in, ulti and nuke and shit, the enemy is practically dead and couldn't do a thing. Same thing with people like Annie and Cho'Gath. Their ability to burst enemies down to 0 hp from full hp is bad late game, but they can still deal good damage to an AoE. Then there are the other type of casters, like Vlad or Kennen, who aren't burst but provide constant harassment, they are also extremely easy to get kills early game.

Tanks are OP imo. I've seen a Rammus deal more damage than most DPS's in team fights and most tanks can still deal a hell load of damage from out of nowhere with 5k hp.

Melee DPS's just fail miserably, they run in and get raped by CC, etc. Ranged DPS are only really good if extremely fed early game, like they are allowed to last hit 6/6 creeps in a wave or aren't ganked enough. A good burst like akali can just jump to them in a team fight and take away most of their hp and the DPS can't do shit while akali just goes invis and the rest of her team advances.

LoL isn't very hard on carries, and the concept of AP helps that a lot. In HoN, almost any level 25 agility hero (carry) can carry a team but in LoL, casters can carry just as much as DPSs if they are fed. Plus the level 18 level cap doesn't help much.

I agree throughly with this. And seeing how melee dps are going to hurt possibly even more now (IE Gangplanks Parrrley will do 33% less damage and then - to his base, fucking ouch, while people like Olaf actually be able to BE exhausted now and his ult not save him from all the effects.)

Honestly if you ask me exhaust should silence Casters and Blind DPS.
I like that cept it would be kind of OP seeing as the duration is pretty long and if a whole team got exhausts, then they could totally disable-rape the other team. If they made some counter effect to that, or shortened the duration, then silencing casters would be perfect. Because yi + tryndamere get raped by exhaust and can't do shit, making that change would rape all champs as much as yi + tryndamere got raped by it. Exhaust would be above god tier.

As if everyone already doesn't just use Flash and Ghost. I really do agree with DM. Casters have the edge, and thats not right.

This also applies to current day Olaf, who can break Exaust with his ult. Which is bullshit.

Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Jan 3 2011, 7:42 am Neki Post #1218

Also, Mordekaiser is going to love the new hourglass item, AP Mordekaiser becomes even more viable. :lol:


Jan 3 2011, 9:37 pm Lingie Post #1219

Quote from Neki
Also, Mordekaiser is going to love the new hourglass item, AP Mordekaiser becomes even more viable. :lol:

AP Morde was /always/ viable. >_> <_<

So who wants to play a few tonight before the unthinkables begin?

Also, who wants to do a pre-game thought of how much AP one player can get now?

Lingie#3148 on Discord. Lingie, the Fox-Tailed on Steam.

Jan 3 2011, 9:39 pm Bar Refaeli Post #1220

Quote from Neki
Also, Mordekaiser is going to love the new hourglass item, AP Mordekaiser becomes even more viable. :lol:
Morde has very little use for the active, and not having a good use for the active makes it a pretty big waste of money. Morde having low shields then popping the active so all his CDs end so he can have full shields right after zhonyas ends... is NOT a good use of it.


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