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League of Legends
May 25 2010, 6:33 am
By: poison_us
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Sep 3 2010, 1:01 pm poison_us Post #281

Back* from the grave

It turns out that every game that I play in, no matter what, if it's not prearranged, I always get stuck with at least one scrub who doesn't play worth shit.

Case in point: playing with Olimar and Moogle yesterday. We get these two (they say they were speaking russian, but I understood spanish words...) idiots that either run from a guy that has ~100 hp left, doesn't initiate as Cho'Gath, and doesn't get any attack speed as Tristana. Olimar carried us so fucking hard, and they whine about the other team's AoE...but they did have Fiddle, Amumu, and Vlad, in their defense. What makes it even worse is that they never participated for the entire length of a fight. Usually when I teamfight, it's kill or be killed, especially when I'm Jax, like i was that game. The only time I didn't die in a fight was when I got saved by Moogle's silence, Olimar went in and raped, or I got a lucky jump out. I got a few 1v1 opportunities, and I destroyed the other guy every time (even WW, which made me very happy), but we still lost even though it was a 4v5 for at least 10 minutes.

Oh, and another game yesterday: playing with just Moogle. It was absolutely disgusting how we were winning early, and I actually had my best item build as Nasus, but we still lost. This time, it was really more of we just lost steam. I was Nasus, and Moogle was Veigar, so I know it wasn't either of us losing power (they're both great late-game heroes), but we still got beat, and what's really frustrating is when the pubs we play with decide the game is over, we lost. I've got a mental problem with giving up, I don't know if it's genetics, if I picked it up from sports, or what, but I can count on one hand all of the times I've been willing to say "let's just surrender". At the very least, the IP from playing those couple of minutes more is worth it to me.

It also appears funny to me that every time Lingie and I play with a pub in our group, no matter what, there comes a time when said pub says "we lost". We had a sweet comeback once when either all inhibitors were down, or they had both Nexus towers down, I don't remember which. It's times like those that make me feel like taunting the pub. Like starting a surrender vote as we attacked their Nexus. Which I did.

Weird, random thought: what if two teams surrender at the same time? Or one surrenders while the other's Nexus dies? Anyone wanna start a practice game and do that?

Sep 3 2010, 3:01 pm shmeeps Post #282

Quote from name:Nasus
It turns out that every game that I play in, no matter what, if it's not prearranged, I always get stuck with at least one scrub who doesn't play worth shit.
This kind of stuff just infuriates me. Literally within a week i had my Solo rating go from 1400+ to about 1000, because I can never get arranged with a good team. These range from Blitzcranks who never get a successful grab, but claim they carry the team going 1-2, Cho'Gaths who claim they aren't a tank, despite having 6000+ health and a GA, AP Teemos (granted, I have a friend who plays this pretty well, but in general, Teemo is not a good character), Olaf's who think they can 1v5 the enemy team and cry that we lost when they can't, Junglers who die not once, but TWICE to wraiths because they can't figure out to take the damn golemns first, AP Galios, and the list just goes on and on. Usually when they go 0-feed and say "Oh we lost! /surrender", I'll vote that shit down just to force them to play another twenty minutes so they can think about how bad they played.

Suffice to say, I don't solo queue anymore.


Sep 3 2010, 3:31 pm poison_us Post #283

Back* from the grave

Quote from shmeeps
Usually when they go 0-feed and say "Oh we lost! /surrender", I'll vote that shit down just to force them to play another twenty minutes so they can think about how bad they played.
This. Also, when I'm doing good with Jax, or sometimes even with Nasus, I can 1v2 or 1v3, but I don't like to unless they're some stupid combo, or just plain tools.

Sep 3 2010, 8:23 pm Bar Refaeli Post #284

I'm being plagued by noobs too, but it is still not as bad as HoN.

I found an interesting fact looking at my stats. In every single of my games my damage taken : damage dealt ratio is between 1:3 and 1:6, even in games I lose. Sometimes I go like 1/5/3, but I still do that average damage ratio. I don't get how I still deal out damage but don't get any kills sometimes :-(


Sep 3 2010, 8:29 pm ShadowFlare Post #285

That may count damage to minions, turrets, etc. too.


Sep 5 2010, 2:52 pm Bar Refaeli Post #286

two amazing games as ryze and morgana. I ended with 570 ap with ryze, my ulti + spells could kill whole teams. Morgana is pure ownage too. I went ap build, flash into enemy team, ulti, wait until it ends and they are all stuned, use zhonyas, and the rest of my team would come in a finish them off. My ulti alone did insane damage and having magic immunity plus tons of hp keeps you alive for a while.

Toilet gets bleeped out if you say it in LoL

Game as malphite. Mordekaiser used his "iron protection shield thing that puts metal shards around you" spell on me, but it never got to me. It kept on following me like 2 feet behind me. I didn't get the effects either. Even if I stood still, the metal spell would just hover behind me. Was kinda weird.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 5 2010, 3:48 pm by Raccoon.


Sep 6 2010, 12:03 am poison_us Post #287

Back* from the grave

You can remove your filter, go to "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\air\assets\wordList\en_US\wordList.txt", or whatever destination your Riot Games folder is in, and erase everything in the "wordList.txt", but I don't think you should erase the actual file. That'll remove all filters, but if you open it you'll find some interesting blocked words.

Also, there are some interesting images in the folder "C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\air\assets\images", including some unused hero's spell icons, old item names, and some other fun crap.

Sep 6 2010, 5:43 pm Generalpie Post #288

Staredit Puckwork

my curse list has been expanded by 25x the original size thanks to riot games' chat filter :awesome:
Ironic? :massimo:


Sep 6 2010, 5:57 pm poison_us Post #289

Back* from the grave

Yes. I 2v1 Raccoon and loveless when I was playing Singed for the second time and won. Then Coon and I were talking about who I should get, and he said Soraka. So who does he random? Soraka. The best part is I randomed Singed again. So I left so I wouldn't have to hear him whine, and we ended up playing Yi vs. Morde, him Morde, and he won.

EDIT: Ripped the 3000 x 1005 banner out, resized, and is now in the OP. Also, I'm in love with Malphite. I'm going to make him my new main, with a runebook for him and all. IMO he's better than Nasus. I'm buying his ass, and making sweet rocky love with him. 9 months after that, he will literally shit brix.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 7 2010, 4:43 pm by Nasus.

Sep 8 2010, 12:39 am Bar Refaeli Post #290

My new least favorite hero is Twisted Fate. Here is how it ALWAYS goes: (whenever I don't pick a good 1v1 hero)

So both teams are having a little stand off in the mid, each trying to push the others' tower. And here is TF in top lane, killing creeps. Any outcome can happen in the middle between the team fight. Even though the other team is down one player (TF) they still usually have a good chance of winning. If they win the team fight, then they get the towers mid AND the towers top. But thats not what I'm most hateful about. The worst part is when my team wins the team fight, and we push mid, but by the time we are pushing mid, TF already has both our outer towers down, and is almost killing the inhib tower. One of us usually recalls to defend, and the rest of us push. Not wanting to lose a push. But revive times are small early game, and we only get one tower, while TF always gets at least two towers when he pushs alone w/o his team up top.

I've also tried going up top when TF is pushing and the rest of my team is just having a stand off with the enenmies. Usually I get there, and 1) attempt to kill TF and he kills me beacuse he is better at 1v1 than someone like Urgot. or 2) He is scared of me beacuse I am Yi so he ults to the mid, a team fight iniates, my team doesn't have their yi, and they get raped.



Sep 8 2010, 4:09 am shmeeps Post #291

Quote from name:Raccoon
My new least favorite hero is Twisted Fate. Here is how it ALWAYS goes: (whenever I don't pick a good 1v1 hero)

So both teams are having a little stand off in the mid, each trying to push the others' tower. And here is TF in top lane, killing creeps. Any outcome can happen in the middle between the team fight. Even though the other team is down one player (TF) they still usually have a good chance of winning. If they win the team fight, then they get the towers mid AND the towers top. But thats not what I'm most hateful about. The worst part is when my team wins the team fight, and we push mid, but by the time we are pushing mid, TF already has both our outer towers down, and is almost killing the inhib tower. One of us usually recalls to defend, and the rest of us push. Not wanting to lose a push. But revive times are small early game, and we only get one tower, while TF always gets at least two towers when he pushs alone w/o his team up top.

I've also tried going up top when TF is pushing and the rest of my team is just having a stand off with the enenmies. Usually I get there, and 1) attempt to kill TF and he kills me beacuse he is better at 1v1 than someone like Urgot. or 2) He is scared of me beacuse I am Yi so he ults to the mid, a team fight iniates, my team doesn't have their yi, and they get raped.

The thing with these types of characters (TF, Panth, Shen, Shaco, Eve, Twitch, etc), is that they have a ton of map control, being able to instantly go from one part of the map to another. I know it sounds silly to point it out, but it's one of their main selling points.

Basically, make sure not to feed these characters too much, or else they can do heavy damage to your team. Other than that, you need to counter their advantage: that they can fight when they want to. Either do a 5 man gank to stunlock them and kill them, or pull a heavy push against their base (for instance, killing the other 4 players), so that they must pull back and defend. Assuming they aren't in your base already.

Luckily, these characters, especially TF and Shaco have been nerfed hard, reducing the want to play them. TF used to be able to pull an AoE stun with pick a card, which could also stun turrets, and was so overpowered he showed up in literally every game.


Sep 8 2010, 4:55 am Echo Post #292

Another game with my tank account.

Either I'm too good, or these level 20+ sucks ass!

It's been like 2 months since I played with someone here.

I'm only level 22 on my Malzahar account. Planning on buying either Gangplank or Jax on it. It's going to take me like 2 months to get all the runes I need for it + the champions.


Sep 8 2010, 7:19 am shmeeps Post #293

Man, had some fun times stomping as TF tonight. Went four for four with my friends. First time that's happened in a while.


Sep 8 2010, 7:27 am Moogle Post #294

Predator of Bed Chambers

I been playing Sivir for a little bit and some kicks. Never seen so many people try run from her and die. with a 2.1 attack speed and at least 250 + on damage she can push champs into a corner long as a tank backing her up she'll take down a champ easy. Also helps have 60% life steal =)

If all else fails, crowbar the fucker

Sep 8 2010, 6:47 pm Bar Refaeli Post #295

do life steals stack? like if you get one item for 15% and another for 20%, do you haave 35% total lifesteal? or does it detoriate like you get 29% instead of 35%


Sep 8 2010, 6:55 pm DevliN Post #296


It stacks. When I play as Yi, I usually stack a few things that get it around 40%.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 8 2010, 7:09 pm poison_us Post #297

Back* from the grave

You can get over 100%, too. Lifesteal has no cap, and I'm not sure if Crit chance does, but both should.
Max lifesteal would be something like 6 full Bloodthirster at 25%, plus Nasus' native 20%, for 170%.

Sep 8 2010, 7:29 pm DevliN Post #298


Theoretically it could go even higher, too, since the Bloodthirster passive is: Gain an additional 1 Physical Damage and 0.25% Lifesteal per kill. Maximum of +40 Damage and 10% Lifesteal. You'd just have to avoid death. :)

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Sep 8 2010, 7:41 pm poison_us Post #299

Back* from the grave

Quote from DevliN
Theoretically it could go even higher, too, since the Bloodthirster passive is: Gain an additional 1 Physical Damage and 0.25% Lifesteal per kill. Maximum of +40 Damage and 10% Lifesteal. You'd just have to avoid death. :)
Dude, the flat lifesteal on Bloodthirster is...(drumroll)...15%. You lose.

Sep 8 2010, 7:42 pm DevliN Post #300


Really? I feel lied to by which lists it as 25%. Oh well.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

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