Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Hero Sanctuary v1.10
Hero Sanctuary v1.10
Sep 26 2009, 8:33 pm
By: Norm
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Dec 12 2009, 9:44 pm Norm Post #541

This is the patch for [BT4].

If you have [BT4], download the patch.

If you do not have [BT4], download the patch.

This will also be available in the OP of this topic. Thanks in advanced everyone!

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Dec 12 2009, 11:47 pm by Norm.


Dec 13 2009, 12:23 am Norm Post #542


Hero Sanctuary [BT5].scx
Hits: 8 Size: 453.63kb

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Dec 13 2009, 12:38 am by Norm.


Dec 13 2009, 12:33 am OlimarandLouie Post #543

Downloaded. What could possibly be changed in this? :-_-:


Dec 13 2009, 12:38 am Norm Post #544

I'm sorry to anyone who DL's BT5 prior to me posting this: Please re-download.


Dec 14 2009, 8:16 pm fat_flying_pigs Post #545

Please a less chance or dude (so psycho is more skill, less luck) and make a build time for the drop ship.

For anyone who wants to see some epic psycho rape (3,000 exp at the very end):

GLITCH ALERT! NERCO CAN MINE MINERALS WITH PROBE. If the command to return gathered materials occurs, the probe will return the minerals to the hive regardless of who owns it, giving the player the money.

HS - OP Rine.rep
Hits: 2 Size: 585.89kb

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 15 2009, 1:39 am by fat_flying_pigs.


Dec 15 2009, 11:32 pm Neki Post #546

But psycopath can be our chance hero! It'd be fun, sometimes you rape, and sometimes you don't. All depends on luck. Just like in HoN and DotA. :P


Dec 15 2009, 11:53 pm OlimarandLouie Post #547

Chance Heros... I already get enough of that in LoL


Dec 16 2009, 12:40 am Xero Post #548

Just a slight "disturbance" I found with AI.
When you transform to vult form, you get to keep your hotkey, it's just that your gateway is disabled. When you turn back to Gol form, you lose the gateway entirely, including your hotkey. If this annoyance is intended, it's going to be one hell of a hassle to go back, and rehotkey that building, especially when you're switching back and forth a lot.

For that necro exploit, just make it to where probe can't get near the hive, like "Dark energies emitted from the (Hive building name) repels the Construction Probe." Or something along that line. Make the probe tele back to temple, OR, near the probe beacon.


Dec 16 2009, 9:31 am Lt.Church Post #549

Quote from Xero
Just a slight "disturbance" I found with AI.
When you transform to vult form, you get to keep your hotkey, it's just that your gateway is disabled. When you turn back to Gol form, you lose the gateway entirely, including your hotkey. If this annoyance is intended, it's going to be one hell of a hassle to go back, and rehotkey that building, especially when you're switching back and forth a lot.

i've already told norm about that :P hopefully there will be a fix, if not oh wells


Dec 16 2009, 7:50 pm Alzarath Post #550


I only played very few games of it, but here are my personal opinions so far...

Marine: He just sits back and lets his Dropship do all the work. Not fun at all when he's getting tons of exp, killing the heroes, and not even moving into harms way.

SCV/Tank: Dishes out so much (Maybe too much?) damage when comboing with his Tank.

Dragoon: Sunkens are pretty worthless. They're easy to kill, cost actual money, and don't make up at all in experience.

Dark Templar: He's invisible at night... :| Guess I just don't know how to detect him yet.

Remember, these are all MY PERSONAL OPINIONS.


Dec 18 2009, 4:51 am ClansAreForGays Post #551

hs tourny pack if any1 wants

Dec 18 2009, 6:40 am wish4me Post #552

I found some bugs:

Goliath SOMETIMES loses his gas when going from vulture to Goliath.

I also had a VERY VERY SERIOUS bug, where I had wing boots and my probe picked up wing boots. I brought them both to the temple and got free money, 5 every second. I had a hacker in the game and he crashed me for having so much money. He called it cheap (Yeah I know the irony). But because of him I can't produce a replay.

EDIT: I couldn't reproduce the $$ bug but found another. As purple (p1) I couldn't even pick up wing boots for some reason. I got it twice and it didnt put itself into the inventory.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 18 2009, 8:24 pm by wish4me.


Dec 18 2009, 9:44 pm Norm Post #553

Quote from fat_flying_pigs

Fuck. Alright, I'll work on a work-around for 1.01.

Quote from name:Ultimo
But psycopath can be our chance hero! It'd be fun, sometimes you rape, and sometimes you don't. All depends on luck. Just like in HoN and DotA. :P

Meh, when I designed Psycho, i wanted him to be more of the "aggressive careless might die who knows but pretty intense either way". Chance is kinda goin along with this. I doubt we'll see him tweaked much in future versions aside from the slight changes I'm making in 1.01.

Quote from Lt.Church
Quote from Xero
Just a slight "disturbance" I found with AI.
When you transform to vult form, you get to keep your hotkey, it's just that your gateway is disabled. When you turn back to Gol form, you lose the gateway entirely, including your hotkey. If this annoyance is intended, it's going to be one hell of a hassle to go back, and rehotkey that building, especially when you're switching back and forth a lot.

i've already told norm about that :P hopefully there will be a fix, if not oh wells

Apparently, something with my newly-designed lag reducing disable triggers is messing up hotkeys. I'll look into it because it technically SHOULD'NT be losing hotkey ever, but it happens sometimes when disable is in effect. I actually think that it's caused by trying to access the hotkey too many times while it's unavailable, who knows. Can anyone comment on whether or not this issue existed pre BT5? I will probably change my disabling trigger back to their firing-more-often counterparts that i don't think lost hotkey.

Quote from name:Artanis186
I only played very few games of it, but here are my personal opinions so far...

-Personal Opinions-

Remember, these are all MY PERSONAL OPINIONS.

You might be onto something, but I dunno. I played a game with you yesterday or the day before and I think the main thing is that you're not familiar enough with the game yet to see how all of these things you mentioned fit into the game a specific way yet. We'll see.

Quote from ClansAreForGays
hs tourny pack


Quote from wish4me
I found some bugs:

Goliath SOMETIMES loses his gas when going from vulture to Goliath.

I also had a VERY VERY SERIOUS bug, where I had wing boots and my probe picked up wing boots. I brought them both to the temple and got free money, 5 every second. I had a hacker in the game and he crashed me for having so much money. He called it cheap (Yeah I know the irony). But because of him I can't produce a replay.

=( Hate bugs, I'll of course continue to work on killing them for 1.01.

Quote from wish4me
I couldn't reproduce the $$ bug but found another. As purple (p1) I couldn't even pick up wing boots for some reason. I got it twice and it didnt put itself into the inventory.

This is known that in BT5, wing boots only work properly when they feel like it. This issue is solved (or at least improved upon at the very least) in 1.01.

Okay, not gunna lie, I've been busy the past week and will continue to be busy during the Xmas seasons. However, 1.01 is coming along quite nicely even if it's at a slow rate. I appreciate all the bug finding and feedback on BT5 from everyone, and I'm trying to bring out 1.01 before the end of the year. So far, I have made quite a few fixes and changes, but there is still a bit more to do. When I have a bit of extra time, I'll get my checklist up in this topic so you can all see more clearly just how close 1.01 is to being released. Once again, thanks for playing my map, and I hope everyone is enjoying it (enjoying it more once 1.01 is played).


Dec 19 2009, 11:31 pm Kaaysel Post #554

Hey, hello.

I'm kinda new on this place but this one thread did draw my attention. I really like the concept, the spells and all that, artifacts, heros, etc. From what i see this would be much better than Temple Siege.

So i was wondering if you still need some backstories, i might do a good job on them. Just asking cause i read only like the first 5 pages of this, and the last, :P.

I know, and i'm glad that, however, this is still going on. I was wondering if it'd get stuck because of the large number of pages but gladly it did not.


Dec 19 2009, 11:48 pm Norm Post #555

Quote from Kaaysel
Hey, hello.

I'm kinda new on this place but this one thread did draw my attention. I really like the concept, the spells and all that, artifacts, heros, etc. From what i see this would be much better than Temple Siege.

So i was wondering if you still need some backstories, i might do a good job on them. Just asking cause i read only like the first 5 pages of this, and the last, :P.

I know, and i'm glad that, however, this is still going on. I was wondering if it'd get stuck because of the large number of pages but gladly it did not.

Glad to hear that you're interested in the HS project.

First things first: YES! I still need quite a few back stories to be written. I'm supposedly waiting on revised copies of Ninja, Samurai, and Psychopath's stories which were written by other people, but haven't been included in the game yet because they were never 100% completed. You can look through the opening post to see which characters still need stories because I cannot remember off the top of my head and I'll be glad to read what you can come up with.

Next: This map is actually at 95% completion on the last released version: BT5. You can download BT5 version directly from this thread, or from someone who has it on of course. The first official version - 1.01 is due to come out early next week, and that'll be posted here as well. My account on is "Norm-" if you wanna play some matches with friends and I. It's a lot of fun.



Dec 19 2009, 11:58 pm Kaaysel Post #556

I'd be glad to but i think my version of StarCraft is sorta, well... meh? And therefore i can only access The Abyss, so that's the only gateway i hang out on.

And i'm not good at micro, enough said :P. But this map looks terrific so i'd be glad to contribute. And my account on Bnet is Kaaysel. xD.

So anyway, i'll get started and i was wondering, if i come up with something convincing for another hero, you'd take it?

EDIT: So, here's what i got for the Samurai. Really classic but i like it:

Many time ago, in a place me and my people call Gaia, a child was born.

The child was denied the right of seeing the world since the moment of his birth. He could see nothing but darkness everywhere. Born in a poor family, he received mediocre care and his health deteriorated, making the child weak and sightless.

One day, when the child was 15 solar-cycles old, he was left to his luck by his family, not out of malice, but to save him from his fate: The tyrant who ruled the land where the boy was born had ordered to execute his whole family because of suspected attempts to organize a rebellion.

Sad, the boy wandered aimlessly through the streets he never saw, in his own world of darkness. But alas, he was not doomed to wander and perish. A swordmaster found him, and trained him in both the ways of the sword and manipulation of his senses. The boy soon came to be a magnificent samurai, who relied on speed, agility and reflexes, rather than his muscles and eyes.

However, everything passes from plane to plane at some point, process that the humans call Death.

And so the Swordmaster passed to the Ethereal Plane, leaving the ownership of his school of swordplay to the sightless boy. Even though the swordplay school was rightfully owned by this boy, the second best sword student soon rose up to challenge him to a duel for the ownership of the school.

However, the boy turned down the challenge and left peacefully, with only one thing in mind: Find his family. He soon arrived at the place he used to live, only to learn of their fate, the fate he had escaped.

Filled with burden, he requested an audience with the ruler of those lands. Revered as a great swordmaster, the boy's request was accepted.

The boy entered respectfully to the great hall the ruler had prepared to meet his guest. However, as soon as he stood face to face with the tyrant, the boy spoke: "You are who killed my family and has kept this land under iron fist for so long. I challenge you to a duel"

The tyrant couldn't but laugh. "Very well" he replied "I shall accept your challenge, but be aware, i was long known as The Hand Of God".

The very next day, at the second royal colosseum, known by many as Colosseum II, the duel took place. It was something heroic, something the boy would forever be remembered as a hero for.

The boy, who had nothing more to live for but revenge, put a fast end to the duel. He let his heart be pierced, only to pierce his enemy's. One thrust, two thrusts, the duel was overed, the arena covered in blood. But the boy died a happy death, for once in his lifetime he could see something other than endless dark. He could see the light. The light of a thousand lifetimes of battle in an unknown place. An unknown Sanctuary.

I also think the most powerful move of the defensive stance could, like, when the samurai is at very low HP, sacrifice himself to kill all things around him. But it'd be a relatively short radius and the required HP would be very low so that it's a risky play. Just a thought.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 20 2009, 1:08 am by Kaaysel.


Dec 21 2009, 8:15 am Xero Post #557

Samurai's defensive l4 is already epic as it is. No changes necessary in my opinion. Also, you can't detect hp with this type of map.

On a sidenote, the backstory for him is pretty sweet.


Dec 21 2009, 8:29 am MEMEME670 Post #558

Quote from Xero
Samurai's defensive l4 is already epic as it is. No changes necessary in my opinion. Also, you can't detect hp with this type of map.

On a sidenote, the backstory for him is pretty sweet.

You could have it subtract some hp, and then if the unit doesnt die, the spell doesnt activate.

On a side note, and the main reason why i posted, i find that this game lacks depth in one main way.

No character can go power and expect to live.

Oh hey your alch went hp damage, ill just pop a l3 and kill gg.

Pretty much happens all the time to me, seeing as i played CW powerling, but maybe thats not how he plays, and thats legit.

However, chars should have a viable power option, or its just rush spells and time them right.

I also find it almost impossible to farm at day as CW vs almost anyone good due to

1. their spells own me, and my l1 does nothing if they move away.

2. Random power spawns push the spawn back before i can kill it, and i get no kills at cannons due to being melee and weak.


Dec 21 2009, 8:35 am Xero Post #559

Geez, you're making ling into a really bad character. CW is actually really good. Really, what have you've been doing with him?


Dec 21 2009, 9:43 am FlashBeer Post #560

@Mememe: CW is one of the best non-splash expers, I have no idea what you are talking about... and who's spells?

On a side note, I've always wondered why you double-space your lines. It takes up unnecessary space and makes your post seem much larger than it actually is, and thus makes it seem like more of a wall of text. Not that I'm saying what you are doing is wrong, but spacing usually just separates different types of information.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 21 2009, 9:56 am by FlashBeer.


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