The following is a report of SEN's HoN performance by yours truly.
I am NOT going to discuss anything inside this collapse box here. Because everyone is going to thank me for their praise in The Good and argue with me over their flaws in The Bad, and I'm just not doing it. If you want to read this, and learn a bit about yourself and your team, then do, but if you want to read it and start a fight with me over my personal opinions and observations, save us both the trouble and don't bother.
Clan SEN HoN Analysis (As of Friday August 7th 2009.)-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Before I state anything in relation to the actual point of this post, I would like to say this:
I want to thank everyone who has thus far signed up and participated in the beta. I thank you for your bug reports, your suggestions, and just being one more person actively making the player economy of the game stay in motion. As an S2 Forum Staff member, it is the same to me as those who make great contributions to SEN, and I commend you for it.
I would also like to thank everyone for putting up with me, my lack of patience, my unreasonable expectations, and my quick temper. I am not a good teacher, and as much as I know about HoN and DOTA, I will never be a good teacher. I am a good player, and I can continue to play well, and as for teaching, my suggestions on heroes, and builds for them, that will all be covered in finality here.
The Good:The good is that things have been fun. It's been quite the experience learning about HoN and it's differences from DOTA. It has also been an experience watching other DOTA players transition over and those of you who have only played TS try and adapt. Learning is a fascinating thing for me to watch, and I take comfort in knowing that progress has been made, and shall continue to be made. I'd like to single out the strengths we have here:
IP was surprising to say the least. He had never played DOTA, but aside from his laning and team decisions, you'd never know. He's a natural as a carry, it is a detached role in comparison to others and I think his TS experience helped him with it a lot. A lot of our DOTA players can't hold a candle to him, and that's something to be proud of.
This man knows how to play support. He doesn't do it as often as I'd like, and he doesn't seem to enjoy it from what I've observed in his hero selections. But goddamn, if he'd find a support and stick with it, I think he's got some serious potential there.
A true Puppet Master. Another good support player, and definitely a role he should try more.
Thuy is almost like a second IP, he just isn't as consistent so far. He can play a carry but he can also play a support. I believe he must have some DOTA experience, because that's definitely a vibe I get from him.
Faz is interesting. He's about as quick to anger as I am, and odd things seem to get him. However when he's calm I've seen him play a good carry, and he handles a DPS very well. If he could get past trivial problems with what others are doing and focus a bit more on his character building, I think he'd be excellent.
A born Pharaoh, great aim on the souls and knows when to throw up those mummies. With the right laning partner he has nothing to fear. Uncannily skilled at avoiding ganks and keeping his eyes open.
My dear Phobos, where to begin? I wasn't sure what to expect from you. However after a lot of re-examination of your hero selections, questions, pros and cons, I think I've figured you're HoN style out. You want to be that carry. That carry that is 12-2 and is farmed and fed and getting double taps like nothing. However, I don't think that's quite your spot. I think it reminds me of your actual personality and life, because as much as you want something, you can't have it, but you seem so determined to keep trying. I think you'd be better off putting all that drive behind a support hero, as we could use one. Right now everyone is trying to be a carry or some sort of aggressive hero, and you fit into a role we need but you don't seem to want. Whatever you decide to do, none of our players match your drive to win.
DM, DM, DM. I've gotten very upset with you, but in truth, you just haven't found your niche yet I suppose. I'm not quite sure where on the team you fit either. You seem to want a DPS that can nuke, and that is actually a very tall order with the current hero selection. Before you played Tort then you moved to Arach. Arach is overbuffed this patch, and just like IP and his Madman, I'm interested to see where Arach's upcoming nerf is going to take you.
KEVIN YOU F--Kidding.
Kevin, you are marginally better at HoN than SC, though that isn't saying much.
You've got a friend in BH, and I really think you should stick with him. Unfortunately I think balance wise he's going to need some changes before you can really shine with him. He's got a lot going against him compared to his DOTA counterpart, and hopefully they'll fix that soon.
FTS, we haven't played too much, and when we do, I honestly get you and Hydro confused a lot. I wish we had played a bit more, so I'd have something more complete to put here for you, but I just don't have it yet. We'll see what goes on.
And now,
The Bad:-IP
IP your problem is greed. Now I play greedy, I fight dirty, and I take every kill in site. I nuke those creeps and try to last hit anything left standing. I am the first to admit I am over the top, over kill, and king of 'was that really needed?', but when it comes to a teamfight, I will throw myself under the bus before I see an ally struck down. I need you to do that too. An unfarmed hero is not a useless hero, it is a hero that needs skill put behind it because it lacks the items. It needs smarts, luck, and some very fast thinking. Your laning is weak but unlike some of our players, you have no DOTA experience to help you in that area. You argue with me on issues you have no experience with, and it gets on my nerves because you are not just contesting whatever little issue we're focused on, but you're contesting a huge amount of experience in turn. I have been in more teamfights, killed more creeps, come back from being down, and owned from being fed so many times in HoN and DOTA, that certain things become second nature to me, and so when I tell you something, I need you to trust me.
Kow, the only time you let me down is when you pick a hero you're not familiar with. When you stick to what you know you're great. When you don't, you suck.
You get frustrated very easily my friend, and the lag from the last match wasn't helping either. Keep a cool head, keep your eyes open, and remember I'm doing my best to get over there and gank with you. I just can't be in so many places at once.
Thuy I have little complaint about. You've got a lot of talent some of the others don't, but I don't think you're at that 110% mark yet. You have no bad areas but your consistency needs work.
Faz, you need a chill pill, a handshake, and a slap, in that order.
Same as Hydro, you need to try and keep your calm a little better, and you need some more focus on yourself and leave well enough alone with anyone who isn't impeding your win.
Lingie, your laning is decently strong, however I've seen you get a tough laner, and go to pieces. If shits tough, call for help, and we'll get to it ASAP. You're the type to sink or shine, and I'd prefer you did the latter.
I said quite a bit about you above. You need to get some confidence, and a good support hero. Experiment with builds I may not like. I play so off the wall myself in comparison to the guides on how to play Pyro it's insane. Grab a support and just go for it.
DM, your problem is your priority list right now.
Not dying > Laning for one. Time spent dead is useless time. Even if you're going to heal, checking for a rune that might save you, or just neutral creeping, you are so much better off doing that than dying. You are not underleveled because your laning is too weak, your laning is average and holds up okay, but the deaths are whats getting you down. Its taking your gold, keeping you away from EXP, and dragging you into a loss. When we say b, it's b, that second, not after the tower, not after another creep, its right now, or you're getting ganked and on your way to another death. Your builds also need more thought put into them. I'd love if Pyro could be a Nuking Support DPS Tank Carry but he can't, no hero can do everything. Heroes specialize, and that's what makes them unique. Find your hero, your niche, and run with it.
Kevin you need to stay with BH. He's your hero. You match with him very well and if you can stop trying to 3v1 you'll be in good shape.
Need to play with you more FTS.
The Whole Team's Bad: (This includes me.)
We tend not to finish the game when we're ahead. We want to farm (IP), pump our stats (everyone) and generally drag things out and enjoy our success. This would be fine if we kept the enemy pinned, but because we don't go for the rax and we don't watch for ganks after we start doing well, we get royally fucked. I am sick of going 8-1 and having the game turned back around on us. We need to go for the throat, put them down and keep them down.
Choosing when to farm. Holy shit if there was ever a time not to farm you guys have found some of these. If you're using spells with long cooldowns or large mana costs (Tort) to farm, you are lowering your effectiveness when the time comes to defend a lane. If you are not going to have the time to go to base and come back to a lane that needs you, you should not be farming. Farming is for when all three lanes are pushed past the river and the enemy is not posing a direct threat on any lane. It is for when we are ahead in tower count, level, and kills. Which brings me to:
Lane checking. Every time you die, respawn, enter, or leave the base, you should check the lanes, their towers, and the creeps. I know we are all aware that creeps = $$$ and a large creep wave is like money in the bank. I love them because Pyro is AoE. However, if they are not near a tower, that lane that has 2 enemy heroes pushing in it comes first. We need to start putting teamplay, towers, and rax above getting money. Yes its nice to have money, be farmed, and own, but if we lose our rax while getting it, we're as good as gone.
Importance of rax, and order of creep slaying. ALWAYS kill siege weapons first, and ALWAYS save the rax. Your life for the rax. Your team for the rax. You will die three times for one rax and come back for a fourth. For defending our rax, for taking theirs. It is paramount.
As to claims of some heroes NEEDING farm more than others because they are USELESS without it:
No hero is useless without farm. No hero is amazing without farm. Casters need large pools of both mana and life and the regen for them. Tanks need lots of HP and damage, DPS obviously need damage and attack speed. Support, which we lack, we are in such desperate need of support heroes I would strangle somebody to get one, need codex, wind spirit, and kuldra. Every hero needs items, and if you are not getting the kills without them,
it does not mean the person who is farmed and getting kills is obligated to give you things. This is a team game I know, but we are not each others farmers, we are here to help each other but not pool and stack. Any hero can be thrown a good item and do well. A skilled player can acquire that item on his own.
You are not saying 'You're doing better so you should give me things' you are saying 'I am an inferior player and even though I am not going to do as well as you are no matter what items I have, you should give me them so I can up my stats and thus look better.' Compensation for others faults is not the goal, the combination of our strengths is.
There, I think I've covered everything. I may edit this later if I remember more.