Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Terrain > Topic: Map of SEN / SEN City
Map of SEN / SEN City
Feb 5 2009, 2:48 pm
By: Heinermann
Pages: < 1 2 3 4 56 >

Feb 10 2009, 12:25 pm Vi3t-X Post #41



Feb 10 2009, 1:03 pm xYoshix Post #42

No Broodling? :(
Oh well, I wanna be Hunter Kiler ^^


Feb 10 2009, 5:40 pm Sand Wraith Post #43


:hurr: you, Yoshi!

I pick Zerg Hydralisk. I have some idea what I'll be doing for my section.

Feb 10 2009, 11:57 pm Echo Post #44

Badlands makes more sense with streets. You can do a lot more city wise with badlands.


Feb 11 2009, 12:01 am xYoshix Post #45

What if we want a village ^^


Feb 11 2009, 12:32 am Echo Post #46

No offense to the new members, but it wouldn't really be called SEN City needs to prioritze people who were in SEN first :P. I know it's a bit bias and unfair, but it wouldn't really be called SEN City without it. But that's also unfair to new comers, so What evuhs!

Villages can be created from badlands if you try hard enough.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 11 2009, 12:40 am by Echo.


Feb 11 2009, 12:41 am xYoshix Post #47

You make me feel excluded because I wasn't here as long as you.. :-(


Feb 11 2009, 3:06 am Heinermann Post #48

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

Like, the players get a Civilian in some corner of the map ( random example wut ) , which can run around, presumably activating triggers/screwing with pre-placed units in peoples' various regions?
Something like that. ;o
The civilian was excluded because it's way too generic.

Terran Marine
[Echo] Terran Ghost
Terran Vulture
Terran Goliath
Terran Siege Tank
Terran SCV
[Toothfariy] Gui Montag (Firebat)
Sarah Kerrigan (Ghost)
[blacklight28] Alan Schezar (Goliath)
Jim Raynor (Vulture)
Jim Raynor (Marine)
Edmund Duke (Siege Tank)
Terran Firebat
Terran Medic
Zerg Zergling
[New-.Hydrolisk] Zerg Hydralisk
[LoveLess] Zerg Ultralisk
Zerg Drone
Zerg Defiler
Torrasque (Ultralisk)
Infested Kerrigan
Unclean One (Defiler)
[xYoshix] Hunter Killer (Hydralisk)
Devouring One (Zergling)
Protoss Dark Archon
Protoss Probe
Protoss Zealot
Protoss Dragoon
Protoss High Templar
Protoss Archon
Tassadar/Zeratul (Archon)
[stickynote] Fenix (Zealot)
Fenix (Dragoon)
Tassadar (Templar)
Warbringer (Reaver)
Protoss Reaver
[Heinermann] Aldaris (Templar)
Samir Duran (Ghost)
[Vi3t-X] Alexei Stukov (Ghost)
Infested Duran

Dark_Marine, we could reserve Bengalaas as longcat if everyone agrees. Also, do you want Jim's Marine or Vulture?

The poll is telling me Jungle, but the posts are telling me Badlands. I'll start it as Badlands if nobody can justify why Jungle would be a better tileset.

Feb 11 2009, 3:29 am Excalibur Post #49

The sword and the faith

Infested Duran.

SEN Global Moderator and Resident Zealot
The sword and the faith.

Sector 12
My stream, live PC building and tech discussion.

Feb 11 2009, 9:19 pm BlueWolf Post #50

I call Protoss zealot.


Feb 12 2009, 2:42 am Heinermann Post #51

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

Recreated the terrain poll.

Wrote a text document.
Map Size:   256x256
Tileset:    ?
Player 1:   Race(Forced Random), colour(Red), Owner(Human)
Player 2:   Race(Forced Random), colour(Blue), Owner(Human)
Player 3:   Race(Forced Random), colour(Teal), Owner(Human)
Player 4:   Race(Forced Random), colour(Purple), Owner(Human)
Player 5:   Race(Forced Random), colour(Orange), Owner(Human)
Player 6:   Race(Forced Random), colour(Brown), Owner(Human)
Player 7:   Race(Forced Random), colour(White), Owner(Human)
Player 8:   Race(Forced Random), colour(Yellow), Owner(Human)

Sq. Tiles allocated per member: 1591 (example: 37x43 region) [the tile police will arrest you if you go overboard!]
Locations/Switches allocated per member: 6
Deaths allocated per member: 5
Sprites(placed) allocated per member: 12
Units(placed) allocated per member: 40
String space per member: 1400 characters

Triggers: Hyper triggers will apply to all players. Alliance and vision triggers will be pre-defined.
Restricted Triggers: Any form of extended condition/action. Leaderboard. End game. Wait. Countdown timer. AI Scripts. Single Player. Killing the player or any personally claimed unit. General Kill/Remove(you must use "at location".) Setting score or resources(adding and subtracting only). Mute unit speech. Moving other members' locations/units. Directly impacting the players when they are not in your allocated region. Unstable doodad state triggers.

Valid Actions:
Preserve Trigger                                                   [Given]
Transmission(Text, Unit, Loc, Time, Modifier, Wave, WavTime)       [Must execute only for players in your own space]
Play WAV(Wav, WavTime)                                             [Must execute only for players in your own space]
Display Text Message(Text)                                         [Must execute only for players in your own space]
Center View(Loc)                                                   [Must execute only for players in your own space]
Create Unit with Properties(Player, Unit, Number, Loc, UnitProp)   [Can only use your allocated locations. Must execute in your own space.]
Set Mission Objectives(Text)                                       [Must execute only for players in your own space]
Set Switch(Switch, SwAction)                                       [Can only use your allocated switches]
Kill Unit At Location(Player, TUnit, Number, Loc)                  [Must execute only in your own space. Can not kill personal unit, can not kill player.]
Remove Unit At Location(Player, TUnit, Number, Loc)                [Must execute only in your own space. Can not remove personal unit, can not remove player.]
Set Resources(Player, Number, Modifier, ResType)                   [Must execute only for players in your own space. Can only add/subtract maximum value of 100.]
Set Score(Player, Number, Modifier, Score)                         [Must execute only for players in your own space. Can only add/subtract maximum value of 100.]
Minimap Ping(Loc)                                                  [Must execute only for players in your own space]
Talking Portrait(Unit, Time)                                       [Must execute only for players in your own space]
Move Location(Player, TUnit, SLoc, DLoc)                           [Can only use your allocated locations]
Move Unit(Player, TUnit, Number, SLoc, DLoc)                       [Can only use your allocated locations]
Set Doodad State(Player, TUnit, Loc, State)                        [Can only use in your allocated space. Must not be issued on player. Must not crash the game.]
**Set Invincibility(Player, TUnit, Loc, State)                     [Not sure about restriction on this(of course must be your own location)]
Create Unit(Player, Unit, Number, Loc)                             [Must execute only in your own space.]
Set Deaths(Player, TUnit, Number, Modifier)                        [Must not modify other members' allocated deaths.]
Order(Player, TUnit, SLoc, DLoc, Order)                            [Must execute only in your own space.]
Comment(Text)                                                      [Given. SHOULD comment your own triggers.]
Give Units to Player(SPlayer, DPlayer, TUnit, Number, Loc)         [Must execute only in your own space. Must not give player's unit.]
Modify Unit Hit Points(Player, TUnit, Number, ModAmount, Loc)      [Must execute only in your own space.]
Modify Unit Energy(Player, TUnit, Number, ModAmount, Loc)          [Must execute only in your own space.]
Modify Unit Shield Points(Player, TUnit, Number, ModAmount, Loc)   [Must execute only in your own space.]
Modify Unit Resource Amount(Player, Number, ModAmount, Loc)        [Must execute only in your own space.]
Modify Unit Hanger Count(Player, TUnit, Number, ModAmount, Loc)    [Must execute only in your own space.]

Unit Names:

Terran Marine                                   = // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 1-6)
Terran Ghost                                    = "[Echo]:]" (Switches+Locations 7-12)
Terran Vulture                                  = // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 13-18)
Terran Goliath                                  = // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 19-24)
Terran Siege Tank (Tank Mode)                   = // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 25-30)
Terran SCV                                      = // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 31-36)
Terran Wraith                                   = // claimable
Terran Science Vessel                           = // claimable
Gui Montag (Firebat)                            = "Toothfariy" (Switches+Locations 37-42)
Terran Dropship                                 =  // claimable
Terran Battlecruiser                            =  // claimable
Spider Mine                                     =  // needs name
Terran Civilian                                 = "Guest"
Sarah Kerrigan (Ghost)                          =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 43-48)
Alan Schezar (Goliath)                          = "blacklight28" (Switches+Locations 49-54)
Jim Raynor (Vulture)                            =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 55-60)
Jim Raynor (Marine)                             =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 66-71)
Tom Kazansky (Wraith)                           =  // claimable
Magellan (Science Vessel)                       =  // claimable
Edmund Duke (Tank Mode)                         =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 72-77)
Edmund Duke (Siege Mode)                        =  // Claimable
Arcturus Mengsk (Battlecruiser)                 =  // claimable
Hyperion (Battlecruiser)                        =  // claimable
Norad II (Battlecruiser)                        =  // claimable
Terran Siege Tank (Siege Mode)                  =  // Claimable
Terran Firebat                                  =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 78-83)
Terran Medic                                    =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 84-89)
Zerg Larva                                      =  // needs name
Zerg Egg                                        =  // needs name
Zerg Zergling                                   =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 90-95)
Zerg Hydralisk                                  = "New-.Hydrolisk" (Switches+Locations 96-101)
Zerg Ultralisk                                  = "LoveLess" (Switches+Locations 102-107)
Zerg Broodling                                  =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 108-113)
Zerg Drone                                      =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 114-119)
Zerg Overlord                                   =  // claimable
Zerg Mutalisk                                   =  // claimable
Zerg Guardian                                   =  // claimable
Zerg Queen                                      =  // claimable
Zerg Defiler                                    =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 120-125)
Zerg Scourge                                    =  // claimable
Torrasque (Ultralisk)                           =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 126-131)
Matriarch (Queen)                               =  // claimable
Infested Terran                                 =  // claimable
Infested Kerrigan (Infested Terran)             =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 132-137)
Unclean One (Defiler)                           =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 138-143)
Hunter Killer (Hydralisk)                       = "xYoshix" (Switches+Locations 144-149)
Devouring One (Zergling)                        =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 150-155)
Kukulza (Mutalisk)                              =  // claimable
Kukulza (Guardian)                              =  // claimable
Yggdrasill (Overlord)                           =  // claimable
Terran Valkyrie                                 =  // claimable
Mutalisk Cocoon                                 =  // claimable
Protoss Corsair                                 =  // claimable
Protoss Dark Templar (Unit)                     =   // Restricted
Zerg Devourer                                   =  // claimable
Protoss Dark Archon                             =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 156-161)
Protoss Probe                                   =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 162-167)
Protoss Zealot                                  =  "Mp)BluEditor" (Switches+Locations 168-173)
Protoss Dragoon                                 =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 174-179)
Protoss High Templar                            =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 180-185)
Protoss Archon                                  =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 186-191)
Protoss Shuttle                                 =  // claimable
Protoss Scout                                   =  // claimable
Protoss Arbiter                                 =   // Restricted
Protoss Carrier                                 =  // claimable
Protoss Interceptor                             =  // claimable
Protoss Dark Templar (Hero)                     =   // Restricted
Zeratul (Dark Templar)                          =   // Restricted
Tassadar/Zeratul (Archon)                       =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 192-197)
Fenix (Zealot)                                  = "stickynote" (Switches+Locations 198-203)
Fenix (Dragoon)                                 =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 204-210)
Tassadar (Templar)                              =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 210-215)
Mojo (Scout)                                    =  // claimable
Warbringer (Reaver)                             =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 216-221)
Gantrithor (Carrier)                            =  // claimable
Protoss Reaver                                  =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 222-227)
Protoss Observer                                =  // Restricted
Danimoth (Arbiter)                              =  // Restricted
Aldaris (Templar)                               = "Heinermann" (Switches+Locations 228-233)
Artanis (Scout)                                 =  // claimable
Rhynadon (Badlands Critter)                     =  // claimable
Bengalaas (Jungle Critter)                      =  // claimable
Cargo Ship (Unused)                             =  // claimable
Mercenary Gunship (Unused)                      =  // claimable
Scantid (Desert Critter)                        =  // claimable
Kakaru (Twilight Critter)                       =  // claimable
Ragnasaur (Ashworld Critter)                    =  // claimable
Ursadon (Ice World Critter)                     =  // claimable
Lurker Egg                                      =  // claimable
Raszagal (Corsair)                              =  // claimable
Samir Duran (Ghost)                             =  // personally claimable (Switches+Locations 234-239)
Alexei Stukov (Ghost)                           = "[Vi3t-X]:]" (Switches+Locations 240-245)
Gerard DuGalle (BattleCruiser)                  =  // claimable
Zerg Lurker                                     =  // claimable
Infested Duran (Infested Terran)                = "Excalibur[MM]" (Switches+Locations 246-251)

Terran Command Center                           =  // claimable
Terran Comsat Station                           =  // claimable
Terran Nuclear Silo                             =  // claimable
Terran Supply Depot                             =  // claimable
Terran Refinery                                 =  // claimable
Terran Barracks                                 =  // claimable
Terran Academy                                  =  // claimable
Terran Factory                                  =  // claimable
Terran Starport                                 =  // claimable
Terran Control Tower                            =  // claimable
Terran Science Facility                         =  // claimable
Terran Covert Ops                               =  // claimable
Terran Physics Lab                              =  // claimable
Terran Machine Shop                             =  // claimable
Terran Engineering Bay                          =  // claimable
Terran Armory                                   =  // claimable
Terran Missile Turret                           =  // claimable
Terran Bunker                                   =  // claimable
Norad II (Crashed)                              =  // claimable
Ion Cannon                                      =  // claimable
Uraj Crystal                                    =  // claimable
Khalis Crystal                                  =  // claimable
Infested Command Center                         =  // claimable
Zerg Hatchery                                   =  // claimable
Zerg Lair                                       =  // claimable
Zerg Hive                                       =  // claimable
Zerg Nydus Canal                                =  // claimable
Zerg Hydralisk Den                              =  // claimable
Zerg Defiler Mound                              =  // claimable
Zerg Greater Spire                              =  // claimable
Zerg Queen's Nest                               =  // claimable
Zerg Evolution Chamber                          =  // claimable
Zerg Ultralisk Cavern                           =  // claimable
Zerg Spire                                      =  // claimable
Zerg Spawning Pool                              =  // claimable
Zerg Creep Colony                               =  // claimable
Zerg Spore Colony                               =  // claimable
Zerg Sunken Colony                              =  // claimable
Zerg Overmind (With Shell)                      =  // claimable
Zerg Overmind                                   =  // claimable
Zerg Extractor                                  =  // claimable
Mature Chrysalis                                =  // claimable
Zerg Cerebrate                                  =  // claimable
Zerg Cerebrate Daggoth                          =  // claimable
Protoss Nexus                                   =  // claimable
Protoss Robotics Facility                       =  // claimable
Protoss Pylon                                   =  // claimable
Protoss Assimilator                             =  // claimable
Protoss Observatory                             =  // claimable
Protoss Gateway                                 =  // claimable
Protoss Photon Cannon                           =  // claimable
Protoss Citadel of Adun                         =  // claimable
Protoss Cybernetics Core                        =  // claimable
Protoss Templar Archives                        =  // claimable
Protoss Forge                                   =  // claimable
Protoss Stargate                                =  // claimable
Stasis Cell/Prison                              =  // claimable
Protoss Fleet Beacon                            =  // claimable
Protoss Arbiter Tribunal                        =  // claimable
Protoss Robotics Support Bay                    =  // claimable
Protoss Shield Battery                          =  // claimable
Khaydarin Crystal Formation                     =  // claimable
Protoss Temple                                  =  // claimable
Xel'Naga Temple                                 =  // claimable
Mineral Field (Type 1)                          =  // needs name
Mineral Field (Type 2)                          =  // claimable
Mineral Field (Type 3)                          =  // claimable
Independent Starport (Unused)                   =  // claimable
Vespene Geyser                                  =  // needs name
Warp Gate                                       =  // claimable
Psi Disrupter                                   =  // claimable
Zerg Beacon                                     =  // needs name
Terran Beacon                                   =  // needs name
Protoss Beacon                                  =  // needs name
Zerg Flag Beacon                                =  // needs name
Terran Flag Beacon                              =  // needs name
Protoss Flag Beacon                             =  // needs name
Power Generator                                 =  // needs name
Overmind Cocoon                                 =  // needs name
Floor Missile Trap                              =  // needs name
Floor Hatch (Unused)                            =  // needs name
Floor Gun Trap                                  =  // needs name
Left Wall Missile Trap                          =  // needs name
Left Wall Flame Trap                            =  // needs name
Right Wall Missile Trap                         =  // needs name
Right Wall Flame Trap                           =  // needs name
Start Location                                  =  // needs name
Flag                                            =  // needs name
Young Chrysalis                                 =  // needs name
Psi Emitter                                     =  // needs name
Data Disc                                       =  // needs name
Khaydarin Crystal                               =  // needs name
Mineral Cluster Type 1                          =  // needs name
Mineral Cluster Type 2                          =  // needs name
Protoss Vespene Gas Orb Type 1                  =  // needs name
Protoss Vespene Gas Orb Type 2                  =  // needs name
Zerg Vespene Gas Sac Type 1                     =  // needs name
Zerg Vespene Gas Sac Type 2                     =  // needs name
Terran Vespene Gas Tank Type 1                  =  // needs name
Terran Vespene Gas Tank Type 2                  =  // needs name

*Those with "needs name" are units that can be used by any member.
*If you are participating, you MUST claim a personally claimable slot. You can claim an additional 2 claimable slots.
*Please suggest names for the "needs name" entries.
*Please suggest/confirm the player slots(owner, race, colour)
*Suggest force name and map name.

Additional rules: You may give/share your resources(Deaths, Switches, Locations, Tiles, String Space, Units, Sprites) to/with other members, on both members' consent.

If you have any problems with the rules I've laid out, please post with details.

Feb 12 2009, 2:56 am xYoshix Post #52

What exactly does 'deaths allocated per member' mean?


Feb 12 2009, 3:40 am Heinermann Post #53

SDE, BWAPI owner, hacker.

Deaths trigger action/condition.

I claim Mineral Field Type Two as myself.

Feb 12 2009, 4:38 am RIVE Post #54

Just Here For The Pie

I want to be the disabled sprite that creates a flag that displays the unused bldg portrait of the evil doctor! :lol:


Feb 12 2009, 4:49 am Pigy_G Post #55

Unit choices are rather poor, oh well. Devouring One Please, To piss off Lingie, and I like devouring one.

Also if there comes a time when we can use critters, I'd like to reserve Rhynadon.


Feb 12 2009, 5:42 am Corbo Post #56


I claimed Gas Orb 1 QQ

fuck you all

Feb 12 2009, 5:47 am Riney Post #57

Thigh high affectionado

Quote from Heinermann
[quote]Dark_Marine, we could reserve Bengalaas as longcat if everyone agrees. Also, do you want Jim's Marine or Vulture?

The poll is telling me Jungle, but the posts are telling me Badlands. I'll start it as Badlands if nobody can justify why Jungle would be a better tileset.

Your right, Bengalas and Jimmy rine

.riney on Discord.
Riney on Steam (Steam)
@RineyCat on Twitter

Sure I didn't pop off on SCBW like I wanted to, but I won VRChat. Map maker for life.

Feb 12 2009, 2:17 pm Dungeon-Master Post #58

Fenix Dragoon is mine >:D


Feb 12 2009, 7:16 pm Biophysicist Post #59

I call Tassadar/Zeratul.


Feb 12 2009, 10:08 pm l)ark_ssj9kevin Post #60

Just here for the activity... well not really

Erm, all three of my posts got deleted, even the one that doesnt regard MFT2, but I claimed Hero Mutalisk.

guy lifting weight (animated smiley):


"Oh, I see it"

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[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- its not like there's some gauranteed way of 'do this to quit smoking', etc, failure rates are still high and there doesnt seem to be a silver bullet, with different things working for different people
[05:00 pm]
Oh_Man -- no one seems to have properly cracked the puzzle of breaking habits have they
[04:59 pm]
Oh_Man -- In Search of the Miraculous by P.D. Ouspensky. - I gotta read this ultra, it sounds interesting
[04:38 pm]
[04:33 pm]
Ultraviolet -- YOU'RE DUMB AND WRONG
[04:17 pm]
Vrael -- well after some quick merriam-webstering (suck it Oxford) I think I used it right but if anyone thinks I used it wrong thats not my hill to die on
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- what I meant was "put forth a hypothesis"
[04:13 pm]
Vrael -- I also may have used the word positing wrong - need to google
[04:11 pm]
Oh_Man -- lol, fine
[04:11 pm]
Vrael -- :)
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