Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Monopoly
Apr 23 2009, 4:42 pm
By: Norm  

Apr 23 2009, 4:42 pm Norm Post #1

It's Monopoly board game style. Up to 5 Players, I like it best with 4. You can do all of the following + more:

Rolling Dice.
Buying Properties.
Building House/Hotel.
Getting Chance/Community Chest cards.
Going to Jail.
Paying Rent.
Trading Land/Cash with other players.
Get Rich.

The game can get quite intense, just as classic monopoly can. All the numbers/names are exact replicas from the original board game. You roll the dice by unsieging some tanks. Your piece moves automatically. You can buy an unowned property via shuttle building. On your turn, You can build houses on your lands if you have a monopoly. You can also sell your land back to the bank, or trade it to another player. When someone lands on your shit, rent is auto-paid. Try not to roll 3 doubles, because you will go to jail.

You win by taking everything from your opponents. The games I've played normally last between 1-2 hours with 3-4 people.

Monopoly v0.99.scx
Hits: 39 Size: 232.31kb


Apr 23 2009, 7:39 pm killer_sss Post #2

very nice man. such a great job even though there is a thing or two from the board game thats not in this such as mortgaging its still very great. I'm working on risk game with the original and a varient both playable and hope to get it into the production room soon. Still gotta get the basic layout before i can post it :) Anyhow great job man.


Apr 23 2009, 8:04 pm UnholyUrine Post #3



Apr 23 2009, 8:08 pm MadZombie Post #4

I love you.

Will post any problems if any are found. <3

It would be better if you could mortgage like in the game instead of selling the property completely. When you trade you can't trade money like 480 since you only have one of each. we need more than one of each, and also we could use 1's when the players bid on property.

I landed on luxury tax (-100) and i only had 22$. it collected the 22 but the bank didn't do anything about the rest of the money so i ended the turn and saved myself some money.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 23 2009, 9:29 pm by MadZombie.


Apr 23 2009, 8:49 pm Ultraviolet Post #5

Wow, someone finally actually did it.

Apr 23 2009, 9:38 pm Norm Post #6

About mortgaging... The reason it isn't included in this map is because I never knew about it when I played monopoly when I was younger. Haha... But I understand some people want it, unfortunately I'm not ready to add it in, and I don't know if I ever will be. I still don't even know what it consists of in all honesty. But besides that, to address zombie about the cash about being traded. I have found a good way around the lack of bills you can put up for trade. For example, if you wish to trade someone 475$, A good method is to offer up $500 dollars and have them place $25 in the trade screen.

Thanks for the support though, everybody.


Apr 23 2009, 9:51 pm MadZombie Post #7

Quote from Norm
About mortgaging... The reason it isn't included in this map is because I never knew about it when I played monopoly when I was younger. Haha... But I understand some people want it, unfortunately I'm not ready to add it in, and I don't know if I ever will be. I still don't even know what it consists of in all honesty. But besides that, to address zombie about the cash about being traded. I have found a good way around the lack of bills you can put up for trade. For example, if you wish to trade someone 475$, A good method is to offer up $500 dollars and have them place $25 in the trade screen.

Thanks for the support though, everybody.

Why not make it so that when you send a bill to the beacon you return it to the location where you send things that you just bought property (back where it was) and make that bill in the trade box too.


Apr 23 2009, 9:54 pm Norm Post #8

This is a possibility, I haven't put much thought into it because while I played this game with the public, no one ever said anything negative about it, so I thought it was good. More likely solutions will be the addition of another bill increment or addition bills of the same increments being available.


Apr 24 2009, 12:22 am Decency Post #9

Quote from Norm
About mortgaging... The reason it isn't included in this map is because I never knew about it when I played monopoly when I was younger. Haha... But I understand some people want it, unfortunately I'm not ready to add it in, and I don't know if I ever will be. I still don't even know what it consists of in all honesty. But besides that, to address zombie about the cash about being traded. I have found a good way around the lack of bills you can put up for trade. For example, if you wish to trade someone 475$, A good method is to offer up $500 dollars and have them place $25 in the trade screen.

Thanks for the support though, everybody.

Mortaging is pretty simple, you keep the property but you basically turn it off in exchange for a loan of money from the bank. For example, if I have a property worth $120, I can "mortgage" for a price (I want to say 50% of face value, I forget offhand.) The bank gives me that $60, and that property is essentially turned off until I unmortgage it. I can pay $66 (110%) to the bank at any time to reverse this mortgage.

You can't mortgage properties which have houses or hotels on them, all buildings must be sold.

I'm curious if you incorporated a limit on the number of houses that can be built at one time? This is imperative to competitive play.


Apr 24 2009, 12:29 am fritfrat Post #10

No, someone did not do it.

Have you ever even played monopoly before, Norm? Without mortgaging? Without auctions? Without a limit on houses? Maybe when you're a little kid and don't know better and just having fun it's ok, but come on! People want to actually play the board game!

I guess I shouldn't care, since I'm going to release my monopoly game in a couple weeks that CAN do all of those things that make monopoly a fun game. Also, were it not for this cheap imitation, I would have never had the motivation to finish. I'm just seriously, seriously disappointed, since there really was so much potential.

Honestly, my BETA is like weeks farther in progress than this map.


Apr 24 2009, 12:59 am samsizzle Post #11

Quote from fritfrat
No, someone did not do it.

Have you ever even played monopoly before, Norm? Without mortgaging? Without auctions? Without a limit on houses? Maybe when you're a little kid and don't know better and just having fun it's ok, but come on! People want to actually play the board game!

I guess I shouldn't care, since I'm going to release my monopoly game in a couple weeks that CAN do all of those things that make monopoly a fun game. Also, were it not for this cheap imitation, I would have never had the motivation to finish. I'm just seriously, seriously disappointed, since there really was so much potential.

Honestly, my BETA is like weeks farther in progress than this map.

wow a bit harsh the map looks great.


Apr 24 2009, 3:26 am Norm Post #12

Quote from fritfrat
No, someone did not do it.

Have you ever even played monopoly before, Norm? Without mortgaging? Without auctions? Without a limit on houses? Maybe when you're a little kid and don't know better and just having fun it's ok, but come on! People want to actually play the board game!

I guess I shouldn't care, since I'm going to release my monopoly game in a couple weeks that CAN do all of those things that make monopoly a fun game. Also, were it not for this cheap imitation, I would have never had the motivation to finish. I'm just seriously, seriously disappointed, since there really was so much potential.

Honestly, my BETA is like weeks farther in progress than this map.

These are some harsh words coming from someone with a 2 year lead on me for completing this map. You're map might have 2 additional functions (Mortgage and Automatic Auction), but such a violent attack against my creation is pretty unnecessary. Besides, if my monopoly is so horrible, why were you asking me if you could adopt some of my systems? "Norm would you mind if I used your system for displaying who owns the property?" ect. No one else except for you has that much negativity toward my (IMO quite impressive) monopoly release... What's your deal seriously?

Sorry if my map is a little more simple that what the original boardgame was, sorry if my map is more newb-friendly with an overall sexier look. Sorry I stole your thunder by completing a monopoly map which the majority of public B.netters catch on to, and have hours of fun with. I think you owe me a "Sorry" too because your above post was totally uncalled for.

This map is based on monopoly, the way I played it, the way that it was always fun to me. It's my map. If anyone here can't enjoy it- I'm sorry: go play the real thing then. I don't know why you think it's a good idea to post such an insulting thing in my map's showcase... after all, like it or not, I put a lot of time into making this map so that some people can enjoy it.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Apr 24 2009, 3:48 am by Norm.


Apr 24 2009, 4:28 am fritfrat Post #13

I post it because you don't have to declare your map done. You can go back, edit it, and make it a truly great creation.

If you talk to most people really into boardgames, monopoly gets absolutely ripped on. Unfairly. As a board game, essentially every house rule possible makes the game longer, less balanced, or less fun. I ask of you; why cut yourself short? When I first saw your map I was pleased that you were doing a great job. Doing a great job doesn't count for anything, though, if you stop before the finish line.

On a personal note, I don't care about thunder (I didn't have any for you to steal), and I didn't adopt any of your systems.

I am just trying to push you for you to see excellence in what you do and to make a better map. I recognize the time you spent into the map, and I think you've made astonishing progress, and it would just be great if you could put in that little bit of extra time that a lot of people don't to make what you made excellent.

I'm sorry if I insulted you. Your monopoly isn't horrible, but unfinished, and I still look forward to seeing the final product.


Apr 24 2009, 5:07 am Positively Post #14

:D Awesome map Norm :P. Went fast-paced with three people.
I love it.

-P.S. Is Hunted still "in the works?"


Apr 24 2009, 5:13 am Norm Post #15

Hunted will be receiving a 1.05 update after i finish fine-tuning monopoly to my liking. Thanks for the feedback i also like playing with 3 people, but I enjoy 4 people more.


Apr 24 2009, 4:49 pm jkavorski Post #16

great map. it honestly doesnt matter at all to me whether you have mortgage or auction or any of that crap...


Apr 24 2009, 5:15 pm UnholyUrine Post #17

WOW! This map sux ass!! I can't believe you wasted so much time on this map and you produced such crappiness!!!
lol Just Kidding... <3 It was amazing.
However, I do have some recommendations...

First thing first, there's one glitch.
When a person loses (bankcrupts) he leaves, and if you're the next one up, the dice doesn't reset and will move you the same # of squares as the dice was for the person who just lost... it's a bit anoying but it's not detrimental.

Now referring to fritfrat's recent comments, I'm also not sure of the official rules of monopoly, and I feel that house rules do prolong the game a bit. I think it's important that the monopoly on SC is made to be as short as possible, as many people don't have this much time to play :C and your game will be rm'ed as much as possible.... Soo, in that respect, I agree with fritfrat that you should stick to the official rules...

There when I entered the game, if I had no knowledge of any functionalities of SC and/or Monopoly, I'd be dead in the water. Which is a major factor when trying to "sell" ur game.
The first thing that comes to mind is that there's no Help for the newbies. You should make a trigger that Centerviews the players on the dice (siege tanks) for the first time. and then centerview on where the player moves. And centerview on the "End ur turn here" location after a while... most other things are self-explanatory...

Next, there is a considerable lack of repetition and contrast in both the units which represent money/properties, and the properties themselves. This would've been easy to fix with SCMdraft. Please make all the units representing money into one race (probly terran), and properties should be in the same race. Like.. why are yellow property units = Vulture, Goliath .. and Ghost??? .. would've been better if they were vulture, goliath and tank...
The properties themselve lack any recognition... which was extremely difficult for me to see wtf was going on in the beginning.. Altho this may seem to be a small problem, there's a easy way to add some coloration into the mix...

There're exactly 8 different property groups. Each of them have a different color.. Make these color = player colors, and give p12 units to them, and then give it back to p12...
For example, for the Marvin Gardens property groups (yellow) .. give the p12 buildings there to the player who's yellow.. the buildings will appear yellow.. then give it back to p12. The buildings will remain yellow.. this'd help a bit (altho in the mini-map it'd still be aqua colored).

Another thing which would be really neat if u did is make the terrain different between the different properties.. like for Baltic and Mediterranean, you can make the terran muddy, add some bone doodads, and voila.. For james way, and new york ave, add some supply depots named houses/apartments...
Add a road for illonois, and put an overlord named car that cycles around those groups...
for the marvin gardens, make it green, add sm trees..
for the pacific group, make the terrain pop out into the water... a beach-like terrain..
and for park place and boardwalk, add a fountain on the side... or a waterfall... a bridge.. etc...
You know.. things that makes it look cool.. This also allow people to mess around in the area that they're stuck in.. because right now it is fairly boring when others are negotiating...

Also, another bugger is that when someone else moves, we do not know where he moved to.. and this is the same for the chance and community chest cards.. We would not know what he got... This is a problem... as it is just not as fun not knowing that someone has won the ugly contest :S... The text must be given out to all players.

If u can, add a mini-game on the side... just to keep ppl interested .. but this is highly optional lol..

But this recommendation you (n fritfrat) should really consider... why don't you guys make an SC version of monopoly?
The properties can be different planets.
You can be as creative as you want..
and you can add / take out rules that could make the game go faster.

Since you guys have the triggers down.. it's just the matter of changing the terrain and unit/event names.
I think that'd be awesome.

Anyway... the map itself is very fun.. But There can be more!!


Apr 24 2009, 6:02 pm Pigy_G Post #18

If you do SC Monopoly you could make the cards be like, "A loan SCV wanders from your base to scout the surrounding area, You've found an expo!" *Plus 500 Minerals* and the areas could be planets like Mar Sara, Aiur, Corhal ect. The pieces could be replaced with heroes


Apr 24 2009, 6:14 pm UnholyUrine Post #19

High priced properties should be protoss planets..

My Life for Boardwalk!!

... and
Mediterranean will be earth... lol :C


Apr 24 2009, 6:47 pm Devourer Post #20


It's well made. BUT:
It's userunfriendly... very userunfriendly. No center view, no tutorial, no short intro where is what.

My friend and I first had to search the "end turn" button.
Make it more userfriendly & it will be very good.

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