Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: H.o.t.Land Rpg
H.o.t.Land Rpg
Feb 18 2009, 10:03 pm
By: r00k  

Feb 18 2009, 10:03 pm r00k Post #1

Its finished.
== H.o.t.Land ==
If you find any bugs report them here plz.

The Screens

The Siege Tank
Siege the Tank to interact with the NPCīs.
For Example, a NPC asks if you wanna buy something, you siege it to say "Yes".
You also have to Siege the Tank to "revive", or give other Players Gold.

The High Templars are your Spells, you have 8 Spells. You move them to cast a Spell.
  • 1. Heal (*Healing)
  • 2. Food (*create Food)
  • 3. Help (*create 1 DT)
  • 4. Archon (*create 1 Archon)
  • 5. Tripple (*create 1 DT)
  • 6. Summon Archer (*create a Ghost)
  • 7. Summon Elite Archer (*create a Hero Ghost)
  • 8. The King (*create a Hero Hero Ghost)

The Probe can do 5 Actions.
  • 1. Revive: Go on the top beacon and siege the tank
  • 2. Sell Items: Pick up an item and bring it to the second Beacon
  • 3. Make Magic: Pick up an Item and bring it to the third Beacon
  • 4. Give other Players Gold: Move the Probe into the Players Slot(1-4) and siege
  • 5. Buy a life for other Players: Move the Probe into the Players Slot(1-4), bring your Hero to the Priestress that sells lifes and siege.

The Number of Civs you have in your stash is the number of lifes you have left.

The Armor
  • Helmets (+ 5-20 Protoss Shields)
  • Body Armor (+20-60 Protoss Shields)
  • Boots (+ 5-20 Protoss Shields)
  • Shields (+1 Upgrade Shields)
  • Swords (+1 Upgrade Attack)
  • Rings
    - Diamond Ring (+100 Minerals every Minute)
    - Eye of the Light Ring ( Auto Heal every ten seconds)
    - Eye of the Dust ( Auto Spell 3 every ten seconds)
    - Eye of the Beholder Ring (Gives 1or 2 Enemies to you every 60 seconds)

Some random thoughts:
This Map can get really hard, if you donīt know what you are doing.
I decided to post some kind of walkhrough guide, which you can read when you are stuck.

The Guide

To have fun with this Map you must play it for a while, as it gets better when you play it longer and understand how things work.
All People that played it with me (All !!!) thought it was fun. I used to explain a lot when i played it.
Maybe that is the Reason that some People donīt feel comfortable while playing it.
I didnīt explain the Map very well. Most People get confused.

But once you are in and understand the Armor System, i promise you will enjoy the Map.

For the People that wanna play it alone:
I still think that it is not a good idea, and i am not willing to change the Trigger to make it Single Player friendly.
But i found a way to play it alone. In the beginning, you just kill one of the Barrels, and place your Hero where it was.
Now you will get attacked by mostly 2 Enemies, which makes it easy to fight them. Heal a lot.
Anyway, you will have to stay there for a couple of time, to make your Hero strong enough to survive in the on going Game.
Once you are Level 1 and you have some Armor, you should be able to play it.
Anyway i donīt recommend it, i just mentioned it cause some people asked.

Post has been edited 10 time(s), last time on Jul 9 2009, 10:16 pm by r00k.


Feb 18 2009, 10:21 pm Norm Post #2

Besides some pretty ugly blends in places, it looks sexy- perhaps i will play it.


Feb 18 2009, 10:27 pm xYoshix Post #3

I think more details are needed- screenshots dont explain themselves.
I might play this. ^^


Feb 18 2009, 10:31 pm BlueWolf Post #4

This is a fun map, a bit hard at times for noobies. The replenishing health lags at times, meaning that it won't work correctly. qpk had the same system, and it lagged for him also. The terrain doesn't blend so well as said, but what r00k has still gives you the feeling of a building. I haven't gotten too far yet. I usually die in the second town.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 18 2009, 10:37 pm by BluEditor.


Feb 18 2009, 10:50 pm xYoshix Post #5

I've played this with one player (I can't host) ..... it spawns too many zlings.
I lasted only 5 mins.
I was pelted with lings and soon there were like 20 chasing after me....
It should spawn as much as how many players there are.


Feb 18 2009, 10:57 pm r00k Post #6

1. its my first Rpg
2. blends are ok overall (look at 1.) *ē
3. ---> xyoshix I feel the other way around. i never read what people say about there maps. When i like the screens i play it.
3. Its a 4 Player map. You can play it with down to 2 PLayers but not alone, especially not in the beginning.
4. thx for the comments i enjoyed :-)

*ē) actually i am not even sure what a blend is :-)

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Feb 18 2009, 11:06 pm by r00k.


Feb 18 2009, 11:17 pm payne Post #7


Hey r00k, remember me? ;P
Anyways, I was looking through your screenies and they are pretty schmexy, though I can see some syntax and grammatical errors (even if I suck in English, rofl!) and some are doubled.
Else, it seems very cool, I'll play it as soon as I have 2 hours to play :D


Feb 19 2009, 12:20 am UnholyUrine Post #8

O SWEET AN RPG!! hell yeahs!

and this one looks good :O


Feb 19 2009, 4:33 am BlueWolf Post #9

Quote from xYoshix
I've played this with one player (I can't host) ..... it spawns too many zlings.
I lasted only 5 mins.
I was pelted with lings and soon there were like 20 chasing after me....
It should spawn as much as how many players there are.

Did your healing lag also? lol, like I said, it can be quite overwhelming for new players to it. You have to get use to the attacking, and healing early just in case the healing lags. It is infinite heal I believe, so hot keying is important.

I remember the map lagged a lot when I first played. Does it still do that r00k?


Feb 19 2009, 5:08 am stickynote Post #10

The screenshots remind me of spellswords rpg. I'll play this when I have 2hours free. Probably means a couple days from now.

EDIT: Take off some of the unimportant screenshots. This page takes forever to load.


Feb 19 2009, 5:47 am r00k Post #11

---> yoshi:
I made it singleplayable, but it will still be unbelievable hard. You get more Gold in the beginning, try to kill 3 treasures and run to the city. you should be able to make a nice armor than.
A helmet and some boots should do it. After that you can fight even 20 lings...

sure i remember you and yes my english is not perfect but i can make myself understandable. Unfortunatly you can not use arms and feets in the internet cause a german ape like me enjoys using them. lmfao.

---> urine
thx. try it.

---> blu
the lag hmmm. All i can say is that it does not lag in single player and that i played with 4 players and lag was acceptable. But yes its hard to find 4 ppl playing this without lag. I mean every third BGH i play does lag and i play a lot of em....

---> stickynote
Yes it is inspired by Spellsword, although i never finished it XD. But i give it credit in the long list of thx at end and i think its different enough to make it worth playing it even though you played spellsword.
the page takes 20 seconds to load for me and i have a standard german internet connection. Not even the 6 miIllion dollar man is able to look on all the screenshots in 20 seconds... and i am to lazy to do it.


Feb 19 2009, 6:40 am r00k Post #12

my avatar was remove which really sux.
i will delete this map if you dont give me my avatar back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Feb 19 2009, 12:40 pm Black Knight Post #13

Quote from r00k
my avatar was remove which really sux.
i will delete this map if you dont give me my avatar back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You probably clicked on the fun reset thing, without the check...., anyway not a bad map overall for a first of course


Feb 19 2009, 11:22 pm ForTheSwarm Post #14

Quote from Black Knight
You probably clicked on the fun reset thing, without the check...., anyway not a bad map overall for a first of course

No, his avatar was inappropriate for SEN.


Feb 19 2009, 11:24 pm Kaias Post #15

Quote from r00k
my avatar was remove which really sux.
i will delete this map if you dont give me my avatar back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That would be supremely immature.

And pointless.


Feb 20 2009, 12:34 am ClansAreForGays Post #16

Quote from r00k
my avatar was remove which really sux.
i will delete this map if you dont give me my avatar back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you ask yourself why you're the only that can get away with nudity?

Feb 22 2009, 7:52 pm r00k Post #17

I will not remove my map i was just angry and it happened while i was in this post changing something, and it was a first reaction.
I still think its ridic to remove it, its art not porn anyway plz dont answer on this, write me a sm if you feel you must, but this post is about my map not my avatar. thx.


Feb 23 2009, 10:24 pm Arvendragon Post #18

Okay, many problems.

First - the Master Wizard or whatever quest did not complete. What do I do?

Second - We could not give food to the Lost Warrior.

Third - A player left, and we could not access the second island.

Fourth - You can not go up the ramp by the Xel'Naga Temple.

Fifth - You can't get out of the Ferry, and it doesn't begin to move. You're just stuck there.

But good map. More enemy variety is needed. And no bosses?


Feb 24 2009, 2:56 am r00k Post #19

1. Master wizard quest ? Maybe it was just the quest message... its a little buggy i found out. mOst quests are finished when you kill the unit(s) that you have to kill. But if you dont do it in order it displays the quest messages still in the mission objectives. I did the quest book at the end when quests have been finished already and i messed up with that.
2. To finish the dragon quest you have to use an scv go to the farm (near the pirate area) pick up some field fruits and bring them to the guy at the bridge.
3. yes that is a problem it happned to me too i forgot to fix. Sorry. you must own all 3 scv to access Act II.
4. uh i am so sorry when i fixed the ferry bug i added a tile to make it not accesable cause i dont wanted dt which i placed there to test it not run over the bridge. i forgot to remove. Sorry, Sorry.# i fixed and replaced old version.
5. the fucking ferry yes i changed the triggers like ten thousand times. Now you can enter and exit but only alone which was the best i could do.#

I read that you wanna edit the map as i said i appreciate that.
I just wanna warn you because i am close to the string limit...
Maybe you just remove the comments on the trigger than you have some more...

MapStats v1.0 by O)FaRTy1billion

Filename: C:\Games\Starcraft\maps\own\_maps\Hotland\real release\H.o.t.Land.scx
MPQ Size: 1511864 B CHK Size: 3390409 B
Version: Brood War Tileset: Jungle World
Humans: 4 Computers: 3 Dimensions: 256x256
Units: 1459 / 1700 ( 85%) [ 52524 B]
Doodads: 718 [ 2872 B]
Sprites: 478 / 500 ( 95%) [ 52524 B]

Strings: 1016 / 1063 ( 95%) [ 35017 B]

CUWP Slots: 24 / 64 ( 37%) [ 64 B]
Locations: 253 / 256 ( 98%) [ 5120 B]
Triggers: 1111 [ 2666400 B]
Briefings: 1 [ 2400 B]
WAVs: 43 / 1024 ( 4%) [ 2048 B]


Feb 24 2009, 8:36 pm Arvendragon Post #20

lol, just wanted to remove most of those bugs. Guess not anymore.

Next time, I'd recommend you actually MAKE the terrain first, and test before. Use isometrical terrain at beginning, so editing is easier.

*downloads new map*


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