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Lost City vFINAL
Jan 1 2009, 9:07 am
By: T-Virus
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What did you think of Lost City?
What did you think of Lost City?
Answer Votes Percentage % Voters
Definitely worthy of winning the SEN winter mapping contest! 4
Pretty decent map, but not the best in the contest. 6
Didn't Like the map 11
Other (post your answer) 2
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Poll has 23 votes. You can vote for at most 1 option(s).

Jan 1 2009, 9:07 am T-Virus Post #1

Lost City
1st Place Winner of the SEN Winter Map Making Contest
Created by T-Virus(U) and ETEFT(U)


Map Download: (FINAL VERSION)

- Bank cop will NOT talk. *FIXED
- P3 has an infinite ammount of cigs.[/color] *FIXED
- Item system isn't efficiently working.[/color] *FIXED
- Southern Gate is not properly barricaded.[color=yellow] *FIXED
- When P2 chooses marine, it creates 2 marines.[color=yellow] *FIXED
The final version of this map has been released.
The final version has been released. There are still a few minor glitches but none that effect the game play enough to take away from the map. Enjoy
Version 1.2 was released last night and we had some great positive feedback! However, we have found 2 new glitches (see above.) We are working hard on removing these pesky glitches so look out for version 1.3 later today! Thanks, ET-team out!
Upon releasing version 1.1 we have discovered minor glitches that really take away from the gameplay. We are working hard on version 1.2 that will be fully-functional and will be completely playable. I speak for the ET team when i say we apologize for the inconvenience, we were rushed to finish the map. Hopefully later today version1.2 will be released!
Map has been released! It is OS but please leave credit to eteft(U) and t-Virus(U) if edited! Please vote us #1 in SEN winter mapping contest. Also look out for our new map in production, Legends & Legacies! Thread will be up soon!
While i've been gone ETEFT has managed to have the map days away from completion. Stay tuned and look out SEN because Lost City is almost here \:\)
Second boss is almost done. We are also smoothing out minor glitches. The map is officially 83% done!
Trailer has been released. It's a short trailer, but quite funny XD. Map is 63% done though guys!
We have gone back and retouched the boss for the third time. A neat feature about the boss is when he attacks, you're screen shakes, and it becomes harder for you to run away. Also, some of the cut scenes did not seem represented swiftly, so we've managed to smooth out some minor "noob humps."
Okay so i finally got the boss completely un-gliched. If you notice in the last news post i said it was finished but we had some minor glitches i had to smooth out. We can finally continue working on the missions, yay!!!
First boss is done, and we are working on the next set of missions! Keep up the questions guys!
Added several new missions and we are now at 52% finished! Our testers had the opportunity to tryout the map and we got positive feedback. Stay tuned for more updates.
Forum thread has been posted. We have the first few missions in the map completed. We are currently developing boss#1's AI. Each boss has it's own spells used for combat.
December 9, 1994
Reports of City Point Hope in Alaska being abandoned. The town has not be in contact with anyone outside the city for atleast 48 hours.
December 10, 1994
A small group of soldiers were sent to Point Hope. Two hours have passed and we have not received word from them. We fear that they have been injured or their equipment has been damaged.
December 11, 1994
Plans of four Senior Marines have been assigned to Project: White Snow. The documents inscribed are top secret.
Mission Briefing:
You and four others have specifically been picked to go to Alaska, Point Hope and investigate what has happened. Only thing we know is on December 9 they sent distress signals. December 10 we sent a small team of untrained soldiers and we have not heard from them since than. You are trained for any situation possible. Do not hesitate to fire your weapons, but do not hurt any civilians. You are dismissed.

You have the opportunity to choose between two weapons, an assault rifle or a powerful shotgun.

1. Inventory; carry / use items.
2. Puzzles; tones of mysteries waiting to be solved.
3. Multiple Cinimatics; adding depth to the story line.
4. Re-used terrain; many areas you initial start in you will go back to.
5. Enemy AI; fighting bosses that have their own special abilities.
6. Upgrades; body armor and better ammo.

Please feel free to leave suggestions!
Created by: T-Virus(U)@USEast or ETEFT(U)@USEast.

Post has been edited 18 time(s), last time on Jan 10 2009, 12:13 am by T-Virus.


Jan 1 2009, 9:24 am Wormer Post #2

Looks sexy! I'm going to try this =)


Jan 1 2009, 10:03 am T-Virus Post #3

Let us know what you think!


Jan 1 2009, 4:37 pm Pigy_G Post #4

I hope you realize no matter what they vote it doesn't effect the judges decision, though it will be cool to see what everyone thinks.


Jan 1 2009, 4:44 pm JaFF Post #5

I'd like to see this map with a difficulty adjustion system, so that it would be fair no matter how many players are in the game: I started alone and got killed by the first zombie ambush before I could even run away. >_<


Jan 1 2009, 5:08 pm T-Virus Post #6

Quote from JaFF
I'd like to see this map with a difficulty adjustion system, so that it would be fair no matter how many players are in the game: I started alone and got killed by the first zombie ambush before I could even run away. >_<
we considered having a system like that howerver in the end we decided we would rather this map fully be dependent on teamwork.


Jan 1 2009, 7:46 pm hinoatashi Post #7

Rock on. I'm going to try the map in a bit.


Jan 1 2009, 7:50 pm Vi3t-X Post #8

Quote from T-Virus
Quote from JaFF
I'd like to see this map with a difficulty adjustion system, so that it would be fair no matter how many players are in the game: I started alone and got killed by the first zombie ambush before I could even run away. >_<
we considered having a system like that howerver in the end we decided we would rather this map fully be dependent on teamwork.
But will it eliminate micro? :omfg:


Jan 1 2009, 8:46 pm hinoatashi Post #9

Woah. What's with the TEST UNIT wraiths?


Jan 1 2009, 8:57 pm Wormer Post #10

Quote from JaFF
I started alone and got killed by the first zombie ambush before I could even run away. >_<
The same way =)

Something is wrong with the items system, because we couldn't take items/get minerals. We've done it to the place where we should destroy the airplanes and got killed on the first one. The overall impression is nice, but you should fix that.

Quote from hinoatashi
Woah. What's with the TEST UNIT wraiths?
Download the attached map, not the one from the link at the head of the post.


Jan 1 2009, 9:10 pm hinoatashi Post #11

Couldn't pick up items either. I also couldn't figure out what each of the items did.

I might have possibly skipped something, but I got the gatekey... then I went to talk to Ricky. Is it supposed to be this jumbled or did I miss a part of the story?

EDIT: I didn't download the trailer. It was the game, but had 9 or something wraiths called TEST UNIT (random symbols).


Jan 1 2009, 9:18 pm T-Virus Post #12

Woah. What's with the TEST UNIT wraiths?
I mistakenly uploaded the test version prior to uploading the correct public version.

But will it eliminate micro? :omfg:
Not sure i understand the question.

I might have possibly skipped something, but I got the gatekey... then I went to talk to Ricky. Is it supposed to be this jumbled or did I miss a part of the story?
When you picked up the gatekey, you went through the southern gate, which is glitched to be able to sneak through, instead try going to the western gate, that one will open.

Something is wrong with the items system, because we couldn't take items/get minerals. We've done it to the place where we should destroy the airplanes and got killed on the first one. The overall impression is nice, but you should fix that.
ETEFT and I were forced to rush the map due to finding out that the map was due by 11:59pm eastern rather then central, causing us to have to leave minor glitches prior to submitting the map for the SEN winter mapping contest.

The map is OS, so feel free to take a look at what could fix these minor glitches, this version was intended in time for the contest only. I decided to make it a public release even though it had minor glitches because i assumed someone out there would clean it up to play publicly. If you do edit the map be sure to leave me and ETEFT's name in the forces and in the introduction.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 1 2009, 10:46 pm by T-Virus.

Jan 1 2009, 11:14 pm Decency Post #13

Didn't like the map.

First of all, it's 1.5 MB, for which I was amazed I was able to get 4 players in a public game.

- Blue spawned with 2 marines at the start... come on.
- Only Blue could pick up Weapons Upgrades.
- (Intentional?) Barricades are walkable through, at least some of them. If this is intended, you should leave a noticeable open area where the barricade is "broken." My team wasn't sure where to go after the initial zombie ambush until one of the ghosts walked through the southeastern barricade. I'm not even sure if this is where we were supposed to go. Confusing people isn't a way to get them to like your map.

It may have been fun to see what happened, but the game ended as soon as I died, so I couldn't watch my team. I really don't want to spend another 5-10 minutes getting the map uploaded to 3 new players, so that's pretty much the end of my experience with the map.

Best of luck.


Jan 1 2009, 11:24 pm T-Virus Post #14

Quote from name:FaZ-
Didn't like the map.

First of all, it's 1.5 MB, for which I was amazed I was able to get 4 players in a public game.

- Blue spawned with 2 marines at the start... come on.
- Only Blue could pick up Weapons Upgrades.
- (Intentional?) Barricades are walkable through, at least some of them. If this is intended, you should leave a noticeable open area where the barricade is "broken." My team wasn't sure where to go after the initial zombie ambush until one of the ghosts walked through the southeastern barricade. I'm not even sure if this is where we were supposed to go. Confusing people isn't a way to get them to like your map.

It may have been fun to see what happened, but the game ended as soon as I died, so I couldn't watch my team. I really don't want to spend another 5-10 minutes getting the map uploaded to 3 new players, so that's pretty much the end of my experience with the map.

Best of luck.
If you would have read my previous post on the thread, i have listed all the glitches and the southeastern barricade is one of them. It is not intended to be walkable going through there cuts out 95% of the map. I appreciate you taking the time to state the problems, however all are known issues which i have posted.

ETEFT and myself are working hard to fix these minor glitches that make the map less enjoyable. Please be patient while we try our best to smooth it out.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jan 2 2009, 1:45 am by T-Virus.


Jan 2 2009, 1:44 am Decency Post #15

I see, sorry that I missed that.

When you've finished the map, I'll be the first to try again.


Jan 2 2009, 1:50 am T-Virus Post #16

Quote from name:FaZ-
I see, sorry that I missed that.

When you've finished the map, I'll be the first to try again.
One thing i will note, when i released it for the SEN winter mapping contest i didn't realize that these glitches were there. I was testing the map alone and in a rush to meet the deadline i did not have a test with full house, thus leading to the 4-5 known glitches in the map. I thought the map was glitch free therefore i released it publicly. I assure you eteft and i are working hard to release Lost City v1.2 which will fix all known glitches.


Jan 2 2009, 2:07 am UnholyUrine Post #17

Tons of glitches... and it wasn't fun wasting my time going around the forest almost without any enemies..
but yeah.. the final product should be nice. I liked the Corpse things.

However, everything feels really forced and Rushed. The Storyline was rushed.. tons of glitches.. Terrain was badly done... the Cave isn't really a cave, but a tele system.. (Could've added a little cave section =O)... Items weren't working.. the Item section seemed to take an unecessarily large portion of the map too =o. And I keep using the cigarettes (which heals, lol) by accident.. how'd u "give" a cigarette instead of "use" one?....

And it was really frustrating to go into so many barricades.. and walk around until you've exhausted every possible things without any enemies attacking you.

it was boring.... but by simply adding more zombies, this map'd be much better... =D


Jan 2 2009, 2:45 am T-Virus Post #18

Quote from UnholyUrine
Tons of glitches... and it wasn't fun wasting my time going around the forest almost without any enemies..
but yeah.. the final product should be nice. I liked the Corpse things.

However, everything feels really forced and Rushed. The Storyline was rushed.. tons of glitches.. Terrain was badly done... the Cave isn't really a cave, but a tele system.. (Could've added a little cave section =O)... Items weren't working.. the Item section seemed to take an unecessarily large portion of the map too =o. And I keep using the cigarettes (which heals, lol) by accident.. how'd u "give" a cigarette instead of "use" one?....

And it was really frustrating to go into so many barricades.. and walk around until you've exhausted every possible things without any enemies attacking you.

it was boring.... but by simply adding more zombies, this map'd be much better... =D

I want to thank you for your honest review. As you guessed, we were rushed in bits of the map however, the storyline was not rushed at all... The good news is we have already worked out all the glitches and are adding minor things, such as more enemies like you suggested, to the final product to insure all players enjoy the map as much as we did in the making of it. In my own defense, yesterday alone we worked out over 15 minor glitches, and the product you saw had a remaining 4 to 5 glitches. Perhaps you exaggerated a little? However, none the less all the glitches are now gone! Within a few hours, hopefully, we will have the public release, version 1.2 (glitchless) out! STAY TUNED!


Jan 2 2009, 2:58 am Pigy_G Post #19

Are you going to update the submission to the contest or would you like me to play the one you already posted?


Jan 2 2009, 4:05 am ETEFT(U) Post #20

No, the updated submission will be here in about an hour. Unfortunatley T-Virus and I had miscommunication last night and he released a bugged version. I have the final version which should have ideally no bugs at all. Look forward to it being posted in this topic in about an hour. Thanks!


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