Fwops reminds me of the armory place in Deep Blue.
That's exactly what I was about to say xD
This is just like the type of terrain qPirateKing would realize >.<
alright, im going to be gone to new york for the next weekish, but i can probably get on every now and then. Ill be back on the first so it should work out perfectly.
There were a lot of factories already, so I made a ship repair bay.
Not bad but honsetly its a
Little boring, Maybe thats cuzz I'm competeing too though.
It may be a little boring, but it's new.
Soz, I felt like space was the best tileset for this and this is all I could manage with that tileset (soo hard to blend). You should give it a try too. There are some great doodads in space.
Made this on my favorite tile set.
It's a gas mining corporation, and still in construction alongside a cliff to harvest more Vespene Gas.
uhh, I can't really fit the factory in top right, but a piece of it is still there. :]
MNeox, very sprite-intensive but looks simply amazing.
What's it look like in-game?
It definitely doesn't look half as animated in-game, but it's still sexy, nonetheless
I do like looking at terrain not functioning properly in-game as well.
Yeah, I'm not even sure if I'm going to try now, unless I get an epic idea in the near future.
The thing is, I won't feel like submitting one that I
know is going to lose, when I submit something, I usually think it
at least has a chance.
gah i wish i could enter a piece into my own competition...
Anyway lookin sweet, these last 2 pieces are definatly more what i had in mind, but all these are pretty sprite filled, not a whole lot of extended terrain but what ever. Im glad there is a big turn out... i wonder if its just because of the minerals