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Post your PIX Pt2.
May 11 2008, 2:08 am
By: MeNtAlPaTiEnT
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Oct 31 2016, 8:57 pm Corbo Post #4581


Really depends on what you're going for and the kind of lense you've got.

I get the better results from an open aperture, lowest ISO possible because noise and the exposure depends on what you're going for, can either do trails or instant.

I usually set my WB to tungsten lights (hot light) because, when shooting the night sky in a city, you'll get a lot of light pollution and can get better results if you compensate for so, like, I can see it on your image because the clouds get this "orange" tone. Try it out.

Shooting fireworks is fun but tedious and also a tripod and remote are a must, otherwise you'll just be moving your camera while shooting at a very far away object that is also moving very fast.

fuck you all

Oct 31 2016, 9:17 pm Fire_Kame Post #4582

wth is starcraft

Quote from BloodyZombie117

Happy Halloween my fellow SENers from this rebellious nun.

10/10 costume.

Oct 31 2016, 10:08 pm BloodyZombie117 Post #4583

I have no idea what to put here... So I guess I'll just put this here.

Quote from Fire_Kame
Quote from BloodyZombie117

Happy Halloween my fellow SENers from this rebellious nun.

10/10 costume.

Aww thanks. If I wasn't overheated from work I would've had the hood on. Physical labor is a good way to not be cold I guess.

Nov 1 2016, 12:31 am CaptainWill Post #4584

Quote from Corbo
Really depends on what you're going for and the kind of lense you've got.

I get the better results from an open aperture, lowest ISO possible because noise and the exposure depends on what you're going for, can either do trails or instant.

I usually set my WB to tungsten lights (hot light) because, when shooting the night sky in a city, you'll get a lot of light pollution and can get better results if you compensate for so, like, I can see it on your image because the clouds get this "orange" tone. Try it out.

Shooting fireworks is fun but tedious and also a tripod and remote are a must, otherwise you'll just be moving your camera while shooting at a very far away object that is also moving very fast.

Yeah I would definitely have brought a tripod and remote release if I'd planned to be taking photos that night. I was kind of caught unawares with my camera in a bag (I'd taken some photos for a Halloween house party) and thought "I've never tried fireworks before!" It was very much a case of bracing the camera so it was as steady as possible, pointing it at roughly where I thought the fireworks would explode, hitting the shutter release and hoping.

I will have a play around with the white balance. Without any neutrals and having missed the fireworks I wasn't even sure what colour they were meant to be.

I did get some better photos from the weekend but they were mainly of people.


Nov 2 2016, 5:42 pm NudeRaider Post #4585

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from CaptainWill
Quote from NudeRaider
needs less zoom

I agree, however I'm excusing myself slightly due to the shooting conditions and having not attempted to photograph fireworks before. I managed to get it sharp at least, and I liked the light trails from the long exposure which seem to have been influenced by the wind.

Plenty of time to practice shooting fireworks in the next few days!
I agree, a sharp long exposure is a feat often underestimated.

Nov 2 2016, 8:57 pm Corbo Post #4586


Will, you should try astro.

fuck you all

Dec 4 2016, 10:12 am NudeRaider Post #4587

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Those are not mine, but they are so great I had to share:

I think we all can learn something here on how to take pictures.

Dec 6 2016, 6:53 am IskatuMesk Post #4588

Lord of the Locker Room

is this a thread where one posts colored ink applied to parchment photocopied to an electronic telegraph terminal operated by cranks to be forwarded to the world wide web????????


btw these are >3 years old because AA batteries are expensive and I don't use the camera any more than that (after we got evicted trivial things like taking photos of cats never happen anymore)

gray fluff, likes to massage arms and make loud noises

gray fluff that perches dangerously close to external drives. That dust buildup is from a week btw.

fluff nugget, this is the little girl that now has worn a cone of shame since 2014 and nearly died innumerable times to chronic eye ulcers. She now takes 4 drugs twice a day forever and it costs every penny I will ever possess. I would do it all again. These cats are my only thing in this world. She still spends all day sitting next to me purring and getting her feet tickled.

Always thought the insane dust buildup that is evident in every photo was the major cause. Turns out persians just can't handle herpes like other cats can. Both cats have issues, the gray cat's just aren't anywhere near as severe.

double fluffs during better days

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Dec 24 2016, 12:45 pm CaptainWill Post #4589

I've not taken that many photos lately.

I'm home for Christmas though and found these memories:

I remember I got the guides with the game as some kind of bundle deal which I'd pestered my parents to get me. This was before I discovered UMS maps of course, and I'd got hooked on Starcraft after having had the demo for a long time. I couldn't afford games as a kid so I had demos mainly. Until, uh, LimeWire came along, and before that a little known file-sharing platform called Hotline.

A skeletal tree:

Some autumnal colours:

The local park at dusk:

And finally, a pigeon:

I think my technical ability has improved a little, but I still have a long way to go especially regarding composition.


Dec 24 2016, 1:56 pm Oh_Man Post #4590

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Awww kitties

Dec 24 2016, 6:57 pm Fire_Kame Post #4591

wth is starcraft

That's a pigeon, dummy.

Dec 25 2016, 6:52 am Jack Post #4592

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

hahaha prima starcraft strategy guide, I remember reading that cover to cover when I was 13

pity it was a load of rubbish xD

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

Dec 27 2016, 4:53 am Generalpie Post #4593

Staredit Puckwork

I still have two copies of each. They're hilarious to read.


Dec 30 2016, 2:27 pm CaptainWill Post #4594

One more before I leave my hometown to go back to London.

Our boiler broke down over the holidays so it's sometimes been warmer outdoors than in, and I've spent quite a lot of time out with the camera as a result. I caught this crow perched in the setting sun. I'm pretty sure the white balance was way off but I prefer how it looks uncorrected.


Feb 27 2017, 2:24 am CaptainWill Post #4595

A random crowd shot at the League Cup Final yesterday. We lost. I thought the guy in the old-fashioned team shirt stood out against a dreary background on what was a typical English day (overcast).


May 22 2017, 1:46 am CaptainWill Post #4596

I made a few attempts at photographing in fairly thick urban fog. My camera unfortunately was not really up to the task (without a tripod at least). But I thought some of the shots were interesting.

The fog was thick enough that, with a light behind me, I cast a shadow into it. I think it looks a bit supernatural. It's a shame about the image quality. Out of sight in the fog is the River Thames.

This one is from my hometown, not London.

This isn't a fog one - but this is where I live.


May 28 2017, 12:31 am CaptainWill Post #4597

This is from a festival I was at earlier today:

And because it's been a long time since I posted a photo which is actually of me:


Jun 3 2017, 6:47 pm IskatuMesk Post #4598

Lord of the Locker Room

I finally have a usb hub so I can plug in my camera!!! I had to find some AA batteries... but I did!!

That means I can become a photographer again!!

Alright, today I will post a look at a genuine Mesk breakfast!!

Show them your butt, and when you do, slap it so it creates a sound akin to a chorus of screaming spider monkeys flogging a chime with cacti. Only then can you find your destiny at the tip of the shaft.

Jun 4 2017, 2:22 am NudeRaider Post #4599

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Bird food and half a cup of ... coffee?

Jun 4 2017, 2:42 am Corbo Post #4600


Quote from NudeRaider
Bird food
I laughed so hard LMAO

fuck you all

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