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Strange Creatures
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Mar 21 2008, 1:41 pm
By: lil-Inferno
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Mar 21 2008, 1:41 pm lil-Inferno Post #1

Just here for the pie

After seeing a special on the discovery channel about the sightings of mythological creatures, I've become very interested in them, the four i'm most interested in are: Nessie, Champ, Bigfoot, and the Yeti

For those of you who don't know what the Lochness Monster is, read this brief description:
Quote from Wikipedia
The Loch Ness Monster is an alleged creature, identified neither as to family or species, but claimed to inhabit Scotland's Loch Ness. The Loch Ness Monster is one of the best-known animals studied by cryptozoology. Popular belief and interest in the animal have waxed and waned over the years since the animal came to the world's attention in 1933. Evidence of its existence is largely anecdotal, with minimal, and much disputed, photographic material and sonar readings: there has not been any physical evidence (skeletal remains, capture of a live animal, definitive tissue samples or spoor) uncovered as of 2008. Local people, and later many around the world, have affectionately referred to the animal by the diminutive Nessie (Scottish Gaelic: "Niseag") since the 1950s.

This is the most astonishing evidence of Nessie as of now, all of these photos are real:

For those of you who don't know what Champ is, read this short description:
Quote from Wikipedia
Champ is the name given to a reputed lake monster supposedly living in Lake Champlain. While authorities typically regard Champ as legend, some believe it is possible such a big creature does live deep in the lake.

Like the Loch Ness Monster, Champ is generally believed to be a plesiosaur, an extinct group of aquatic reptiles. A few people believe that the animal is a Tanystropheus, leading to Champ being given an unofficial scientific name, Champtanystropheus, although this theory has received little attention by the mainstream scientific community. A recent sound recording of Champ, consisting of numerous echolocation clicks, suggests that Champ may be a freshwater whale or dolphin. However, sightings of Champ do not describe a dorsal fin.

This is the most astonishing evidence of Champ so far, all of these photos are real:

For those of you who don't know what Bigfoot is, read this short description:
Quote from Wikipedia
Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a figure in North American folklore alleged to inhabit remote forests, mainly in the Pacific northwest region of the United States and the Canadian province of British Columbia. In northern Wisconsin, Lakota Indians know the creature by the name Chiye-tanka, a Lakota name for "Big Elder Brother". Bigfoot is sometimes described as a large, hairy bipedal hominoid, and some believe that this animal, or its close relatives, may be found around the world under different regional names, such as the Yeti of Tibet and Nepal, the Yeren of mainland China, and the Yowie of Australia.

Bigfoot is one of the more famous examples of cryptozoology, a subject that the scientific community classifies as pseudoscience because of unreliable eyewitness accounts, lack of scientific and physical evidence, and over-reliance on confirmation rather than refutation. Most scientific experts on the matter consider the Bigfoot legend to be a combination of folklore and hoaxes. Despite that status, Bigfoot is nevertheless a popular symbol, included as "Quatchi," one of the mascots of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, and used to name both a provincial park and the annual Sasquatch Daze event in Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia.

This is the most astonishing evidence of Bigfoot as of now, all of these photos are real:

For those of you who don't know what the Yeti is, read this short description:
Quote from Wikipedia
The Yeti or Abominable Snowman is an apelike animal cryptid said to inhabit the Himalaya region of Nepal and Tibet. The names Yeti and Meh-Teh are commonly used by the people indigenous to the region, and are part of their history and mythology. Nepalese have various names for Yeti like "Bonmanche" which means "wild man" or "Kanchanjunga rachyyas" which means "Kanchanjunga's demon."

Although the scientific community dismisses the Yeti as a fraud supported by legend and weak evidence, it remains one of the most famous creatures of cryptozoology, the study of unconfirmed animals. The Yeti can be considered a Himalayan parallel to the Sasquatch or man-beast.

This is the most astonishing evidence of the Yeti as of now, all of these photos are real:

Most of these creatures are generally accepted as fake, but I believe in most of them, especially with photographic evidence and filmed evidence.
There are plenty of other Strange creatures too, most of them with very weak evidence, like the Jersey Devil.


Merrell: All of this information is from Wikipedia. Do not copy and paste information from other websites without quoting and sourcing. I took this as an attempt to get minerals, so I'm fining you.

Post has been edited 4 time(s), last time on Mar 22 2008, 8:08 pm by lil-Inferno.

Mar 21 2008, 2:51 pm candle12345 Post #2

I think some of the lesser known things are more interesting, like the silver goblin things that attacked a ranch. Freaky.

Loch ness is possible, but probly bullshit.
BF is unlikely, probably an ape, mor elikely bullshit.
Champ is just the american loch ness monster, the yeti is just a cold bigfoot.

That's mah opinion. ^^


Mar 21 2008, 6:32 pm frazz Post #3

This is the most astonishing evidence of Nessie as of now, all of these photos are real:
The biggest problem I have with people like you is that they believe things with almost no evidence, and when evidence is presented, they make no attempt to question it. That first black and white picture has been famously disproved.
Keep reading, more of those photographs are known hoaxes.

You need to critically evaluate stuff, instead of taking whatever junk you're spoon fed. Here's another one for your collection. Aliens are real too.


Mar 21 2008, 7:32 pm Symmetry Post #4

Dungeon Master

Why do most of the pictures of the water monsters look like pieces of wood?

:voy: :jaff: :voy: :jaff:

Mar 22 2008, 12:30 am Syphon Post #5

The surgeons photo was proven fake. I don't know about the other Nessie photos, and the only thing there that's real compelling is the Bigfoot video.


Mar 22 2008, 1:09 am stickynote Post #6

I have to say total bullshit about all those creatures except for the Loch Ness. I thought the big foot video was proven fake, but maybe I'm wrong. As for the Loch Ness, the water is very murky and extremely difficult to see anything, so nessie could be real or fake.


Mar 22 2008, 1:14 am lil-Inferno Post #7

Just here for the pie

Quote from Syphon
The surgeons photo was proven fake. I don't know about the other Nessie photos, and the only thing there that's real compelling is the Bigfoot video.
Yea, it was like a toy submarine with a sculpted head attached or something.

Mar 22 2008, 2:02 am candle12345 Post #8

Some guys called the X-Testers show people how all these hoaxes work.
People come to them with supernatural stuff that's happened to them, and the team has to replicate it, they hae to copy all footage and photos, replicate sounds and events, and 9/10 they can fake it.


Mar 22 2008, 2:02 am ClansAreForGays Post #9

but, but.... They're real!

Mar 22 2008, 2:45 am JordanN Post #10

Lol those pictures are the fakiest fakes that ever faked a fake.


Mar 22 2008, 3:07 am frazz Post #11

Quote from lil-Inferno
Quote from Syphon
The surgeons photo was proven fake. I don't know about the other Nessie photos, and the only thing there that's real compelling is the Bigfoot video.
Yea, it was like a toy submarine with a sculpted head attached or something.
Quote from lil-Inferno's first post
This is the most astonishing evidence of Nessie as of now, all of these photos are real:
Do you have any sort of opinion here?


Mar 22 2008, 5:25 am Rantent Post #12



Mar 22 2008, 9:24 am candle12345 Post #13

Such a well thought out argument proving your point.

Before you say: 'S'not REAL NOOB, GTFO'
Find the source.

If it applies to advanced alien race probability stuff, the same rule applies HERE.


Mar 22 2008, 10:45 am AntiSleep Post #14

pfft, if you are looking for scary monsters that ACTUALLY EXIST, try talking to marine biologists that do deep sea research.


Mar 22 2008, 4:35 pm Syphon Post #15

Let's look at some more convincing proof of cryptids. The skunk ape photos.


Mar 22 2008, 5:26 pm frazz Post #16

I'm not sure if you're all aware of this, but it's easy to make a picture appear to be something it's not. I'm sure you've all seen movies with really good special effects. A picture is often worth quite a bit less than a thousand words.

Edit: Dapperdan! You disappoint me. :notangel:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Mar 23 2008, 10:25 pm by frazz.


Mar 23 2008, 9:51 pm MillenniumArmy Post #17

I find it sad how with today's technology, almost nothing (pictures, videos, sound recordings, etc) can ever be taken with full credibility as they are all prone to tampering.

As for those mystery creatures, I'd like to call a bs on Big Foot and Yetti. As for nessie and champ, i will find it more plausible that such creatures might exist in our seas, but proper and scientific confirmation of their existence has to be done by our marine biologists.


Mar 24 2008, 12:09 am Syphon Post #18

What say you two at the Skunk Ape?


Mar 24 2008, 1:35 am MillenniumArmy Post #19

Skunk apes aren't as cool as big foot, yetti, or the lockness monsters. However its existence is way more plausible.

skunk ape terrorizing 3 girls =-O


Mar 24 2008, 1:38 am Ryan Post #20

That photograph of Big Foot was taken from the video of Big Foot walking through a forest, and that video was proven fake. They said so on Discovery Channel! :P


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