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Starcraft Fan campaign Listing V3
Jun 20 2021, 10:11 am
By: Zincoshine
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Oct 7 2021, 10:36 pm Bruce Post #61

Zergy, do you remember when you released this campaign on your website ?

New remarks:
- The last update of the campaign "La légende d'Adun" was done on May 2006, the released date might have been even earlier. According to this info we can modify the release date of this campaign from December 2007 to May 2006.
- The official name of the campaign "DĂ©voreurs" is actually "Les DĂ©voreurs" and the author is Zanath
- Very interesting in the Hybrids folder from Zergy we can find one protoss mission named "1. Search for the Praetor, it is the following of his Zerg campaign but I found a more recent version of this map, you can download it from here:
- The author of the Apogée Zerg campaign is Dragoris.
- The campaign "The Saga of Eric Misse" is actually called "La saga d'Eric Misse" and the author is Abriko

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 7 2021, 10:45 pm by Bruce.


Oct 7 2021, 11:11 pm Zergy Post #62

Quote from Bruce
Zergy, do you remember when you released this campaign on your website ?
For the first version of CDA:
  • December 18th 2000 for the very first map (Mission 1. Espionnage.scx), the date my website opened.
  • Around late October 2002 for the last one (Mission 54. Overmind.scx)

For the second version of CDA:

French map maker, not really active these days.

Oct 8 2021, 5:00 pm Zincoshine Post #63

New updates:

- Added never before published campaign Opression, made by Pokix. It's a french campaign.
- updated dune and central research to have the latest files and information
- updated more info on authors and dates and campaign names as usual
- Added 11 newly found campaigns to the bottom of the missing files section. The first 10 have all files missing, the last one has the last mission and the modfile missing.
- Added newly found campaign "War for peace" to the pending review section, it is a modded campaign.
- Due to the pending review list enlarging rather quickly as of late, I have added a temporary column for assessing whether or not I should bother reviewing a given campaign or not. This is especially relevant for the stuff found from 1998 from
- Removed two entries from the missing files section as it turns out that they are campaigns that never actually existed.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 8 2021, 5:21 pm by Zincoshine.


Oct 10 2021, 12:51 pm stalwart ghostess Post #64

Does anybody know where can I find Resilience Rising and Deception of the Khalai by Pronogo? They seem to have vanished out of thin air. Resilience Rising was also available on until some time ago, but now the website states that the mod has been deleted :???:

There was also another campaign by the same author, Rivalry, which was probably never finished (?) all I have are the first 3 maps and a .exe which I'm not able to get to work :crybaby:

~~~ Si vis pacem, para bellum ~~~

Oct 10 2021, 1:19 pm Zincoshine Post #65

I find it funny that he has decided not to include his own campaigns on his old archive (with the exception of inconsummate).
All the more reason why the V3 archive is needed.
If someone can link me to proof that these campaigns exist, show me it so that I can add them to the missing files section.

Aside from that, the files for Vision of the future 4 are now available for download.


Oct 11 2021, 6:29 am Zincoshine Post #66

New update. I have decided that following the conclusion of my QA and fixing of the VotF series I will take a break from 1.16.1 and begin analyzing all the campaigns that have been discovered since I began playing through the votf series. The order of the pending review list has been adjusted accordingly.

This, in combination with the arrival of the steam sale season in 2-3 weeks which lasts from Halloween until Chinese new year means that legacy of the confederation series is very unlikely to begin review this year. There are a lot of good metroidvanias that have been made lately and I intend to play them.

There was also another campaign by the same author, Rivalry, which was probably never finished (?) all I have are the first 3 maps and a .exe which I'm not able to get to work :crybaby:
Oh, by the way, can you send me the files? I can get the exe to work :)

edit: I have made contact with SuperMudz and have found out that starcraft reclamation is still under development. I have moved that campaign to the relevant section.

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Oct 11 2021, 9:11 pm by Zincoshine.


Oct 11 2021, 10:17 pm stalwart ghostess Post #67

The only proof I have are some forum posts, both here and on other websites, even though I clearly remember playing a campaign which featured Strollum way before Inconsummate was made. False memory? Mandela Effect maybe?? :0_o:

Resilience Rising (mod deleted)

Deception of the Khalai

Rivalry (preview?) (mod deleted)

You can download Rivalry here --- it's actually 4 maps and not 3 as I formerly stated!QRlgVKbA!1miJgiZwAI5aVhoA8npjsfWBDWMTou6ZcrYooswfZbE

~~~ Si vis pacem, para bellum ~~~

Oct 12 2021, 6:47 am Zincoshine Post #68

Ok, I know for a fact that only two campaigns were ever completed for the competition that resilience rising was in. A horrible troll campaign called 69-42 saga and resonance which is among the best campaigns ever made despite being in a slightly unfinished state. Therefore, resilience rising can be ignored as it is about as finished as trinity.

There's one person I know who might have all the files anyway. I'll make contact with her later today... Let's hope she is still active...

edit: To run the exe you will need to disable UAC and run as administrator (but I was able to run it without running as administrator). It's a firegraft patch.

edit2: She is NOT still active. In fact she hasn't been online since last july which is just around the time I left the first time. Oh well. Rivalry has been added to the archive at least along with the other two that have been put in the missing files section.

Post has been edited 5 time(s), last time on Oct 12 2021, 5:02 pm by Zincoshine.


Oct 13 2021, 5:59 am Bruce Post #69

A few weeks ago I asked Pr0nogo to share his campaigns (Chronicle of the Beast, The Infestation of Durstrahn, and the three others that stalwart ghostess pointed out) but he replied he is not interested in sharing his old work...


Oct 13 2021, 6:14 am Zincoshine Post #70

Oh god, you did what!? Well that explains why the moddb links are now dead. You shouldn't have made contact with him Bruce....

Still, I find it quite remarkable that no one has copies of these campaigns. I mean, they look like pretty good stuff. Why did no one download them? Well, at least we have two out of six. It will probably stay that way unless my contact comes online.


Oct 13 2021, 1:44 pm Andrea Rosa Post #71

Just a glitch in the Matrix

They seem to have vanished out of thin air.

Quote from Zincoshine
I find it funny that he has decided not to include his own campaigns on his old archive

Quote from Bruce
he replied he is not interested in sharing his old work...

Quote from Zincoshine
Oh god, you did what!?

Pr0nogo's Pasdaran, after beheading the last infidel map maker:
"Hey look, more filthy campaigns with pre-placed buildings and gimmicky gameplay! But wait, who made these?"


Pr0nogo's Pasdaran:

Level Design Workshop

''Go to hell'' is basic. ''I hope your favorite StarCraft character gets voiced by Pr0nogo'' is smart. It's possible. It's terrifying.

Oct 14 2021, 1:30 pm Rawflesh0615 Post #72

Why would Pronogo doesn't want to share with his campaign anymore?


Oct 14 2021, 2:20 pm Zincoshine Post #73


- Fork's campaign has been QA'd. It scored 33% which is better than I was expecting. Still, obviously, this campaign should never be played. It is most notable for breaking the oldest rule in the RTS design book: using the destroy all enemy units win condition in a macro gameplay mission. The files have been uploaded.
- Evangelion has been refused a QA. It is an unfinished adaptation of the Evangelion anime. The files have been uploaded
- Zero 2 hero has been QA'd. It scored 16%. It is simply terrible. The files have been uploaded.
- Rebels has been QA'd. It strongly reminds me of my unfinished and unreleased campaign, but it is much better than mine. It scored 61%. It's a functioning fully complete starcraft sequel (no broodwar) but it offers too little to be worth playing. Indeed, it took less than half an hour to play the campaign. The files have been uploaded.
- The Aftermath has been moved down the list, it will be QA'd at a later date.

Quote from Rawflesh0615
Why would Pronogo doesn't want to share with his campaign anymore?
Who cares what he thinks? If you have the files, just provide them....

- The Hunt has been QA'd. In addition, the name of the author has been found: Evan Tail. The campaign scored 21% and is another typical example of a 1998 campaign. Stay far away from this....

- The order by score sheet has been temporarily deleted. It will be restored when the steam haloween sale starts and I begin my break from starcraft.

- The files for additional story series and unlikely allies have now been archived as it appears that the campaigns are now stable and won't be undergoing more updates.
- Tachyon has been de-archived as the only files I had were a "lite" version, and pr0nogo's useless 1.16.1 patch. After having received more files I am now in a position where the campaign still doesn't work due to the remaining missing files but a firegraft can be made with the necessary added buttons to make the campaign playable until the true stargraft .pat file is found. Accordingly, Tachyon has been added to the pending review list and will be given the "vision of the future" treatment.

Post has been edited 13 time(s), last time on Oct 14 2021, 8:51 pm by Zincoshine.


Oct 14 2021, 7:55 pm stalwart ghostess Post #74

Aw, that's too bad, but thanks for the reply. I can confirm they were good, or at least the one I played (now I'm sure it was Deception of the Khalai). I wish I still had those maps, I could have contributed to this preservation effort.

~~~ Si vis pacem, para bellum ~~~

Oct 14 2021, 11:56 pm Zergy Post #75

Just wondering if you made a announcement on the official StarCraft forum that you were looking for some fans created campaigns, I'm not really sure if it's the best place to ask for this kind of stuff, but as they are quite frequented maybe it could be good to try?

French map maker, not really active these days.

Oct 17 2021, 10:31 pm Zincoshine Post #76

Latest updates:
- My QA of the VotF series is about to conclude, there are only 3 or 4 more missions left to go.
- The Return has been QA'd. It scored 34% and it has won the award for the shortest campaign ever made. You can finish it in less than 5 minutes. It is not recommended, except maybe for speedruns
- Deliverance has been QA'd. It scored 51%. It is not recommended.

Quote from Zergy
Just wondering if you made a announcement on the official StarCraft forum that you were looking for some fans created campaigns, I'm not really sure if it's the best place to ask for this kind of stuff, but as they are quite frequented maybe it could be good to try?
Nah I haven't... which forum are you talking about anyway?

I was thinking of posting it on reddit when I've finished reviewing everything.


Oct 17 2021, 10:34 pm Zergy Post #77

So, after some some more e-mail exchanges with Fabrice/Bruce we keep exploring the ruins of the French StarCraft fansites realm.

While digging the archives of DameChaos we found a campaign named "REVENGE", the author is "punk_myself" and contain 8 Protosses maps, 7 Zergs and 3 Terrans ones.
After a first sight in the map editor, it look like to be a "meh"/F campaign.
The campaign is still available, even if the homepage of his hosting website will lead you to a authentication page.

During that time, I updated my own campaign, the second prologue map had a stupid bug due to Player 4 being "Human", leading you to a black screen as you start the game. I already played this map in the past, so I didn't know how I manage to put this bug inside…
I also started translated it into English, starting with the first prologue, but I guess it's not really the proper place to discuss about it.

Quote from Zincoshine
Nah I haven't... which forum are you talking about anyway?
This one:

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Oct 17 2021, 10:43 pm by Zergy.

French map maker, not really active these days.

Oct 18 2021, 7:18 am Zincoshine Post #78

I wonder, would you and Bruce be interested in playing through the French campaigns and scoring them? You would only need to review the blue coloured ones. If so, I can create a separate section on my spreadsheet for French campaigns similar to the section that exists today for English campaigns. There are around 30 such campaigns in need of a french reviewer.

- Starcraft precursor campaign by blizzard has been reviewed. It has gotten a conditional recommendation for anyone interested in having a story with no challenge whatsoever. It would have been a good tutorial campaign for new players but Episode I in starcraft already serves the same purpose. Not only that but there is so much copied from Episode 1 into this campaign. It has scored a 73% in part because of its high production value, plot, and voice acting.
- Pirate militia Diablo is less notable than an NPC scientist in half-life. It is not recommended, it scored 22%. I probably underrated this and its real score would probably be around 30% to 40% but I really don't care....

Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on Oct 19 2021, 11:28 am by Zincoshine.


Oct 19 2021, 11:28 am Zincoshine Post #79

At long last, Vision of the Future has finished being both being fixed and being QA'd and has been sorted into the main section of the spreadsheet. Playing Vision of the future is now as easy as having version 1.16.1 installed (latest version of the non-remastered version of starcraft) and double clicking on the mods. No more downgrades, no more memgrafts. just run the exe and and enjoy. With all the mod files properly implemented, vision 1 and 2 have all the missing buttons now and Visions of the future 4 and the zeji campaign have all of the modded units available now. Regardless of whether you have played them before or not, now is a great time to start.

Quote from Zergy
So, after some some more e-mail exchanges with Fabrice/Bruce we keep exploring the ruins of the French StarCraft fansites realm.

While digging the archives of DameChaos we found a campaign named "REVENGE", the author is "punk_myself" and contain 8 Protosses maps, 7 Zergs and 3 Terrans ones.
After a first sight in the map editor, it look like to be a "meh"/F campaign.
The campaign is still available, even if the homepage of his hosting website will lead you to a authentication page.

During that time, I updated my own campaign, the second prologue map had a stupid bug due to Player 4 being "Human", leading you to a black screen as you start the game. I already played this map in the past, so I didn't know how I manage to put this bug inside…
I also started translated it into English, starting with the first prologue, but I guess it's not really the proper place to discuss about it.

Quote from Zincoshine
Nah I haven't... which forum are you talking about anyway?
This one:

I'm not able to download REVENGE, I'll let bruce deal with sending me the files for this via email, he's really good at that.

By the way, is the Prologue2 map fix for the remade version of chronique d'alliance or the original?


Oct 19 2021, 5:15 pm Zergy Post #80

My bad, the actual like for "REVENGE" is there :

Quote from Zincoshine
By the way, is the Prologue2 map fix for the remade version of chronique d'alliance or the original?
Only for the remake/v2, I don't touch the original/v1 since 2003

You can have the whole remake/v2 campaign there, as I also updated some other maps since it was added.

French map maker, not really active these days.

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