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StarCraft Fan Campaign Listing v2
Jul 12 2017, 2:07 pm
By: Pr0nogo
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Jul 8 2018, 10:03 am NudeRaider Post #61

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Pr0nogo
I can add an 'info' tab, though it'll create a lot of extra work for me when it comes to splitting it by year as you can't create references in google sheets. Whoever has the goods can post them here and I'll filter them in when I have time.

edit: info tab is added, just need to put the links in the right places. Not sure what a permanent hosting location would be for information links, maybe pastebin? CC has been down for over a year now so the best bet would likely be to get objective writeups of what to expect from a campaign and link to them from the doc.
Why not put it in the masterlist and reference with VLOOKUP using this method (first answer):

I'd even auto fill the years tabs this way, by referencing the sheet name and doing fancy date formatting based on the column B. But I'm not sure if you'd need a real Office suite to use INDRIRECT with sheet names.

Jul 8 2018, 11:22 am Pr0nogo Post #62

I don't know what any of that means, I've never used office and it's hard for me to imagine anything from another program syncing with google.

Jul 9 2018, 2:26 am NudeRaider Post #63

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Pr0nogo
I don't know what any of that means, I've never used office and it's hard for me to imagine anything from another program syncing with google.
Ah too bad then, it could take a whole lot of work and error potential off of you. But if you have never used these functions before you'd probably just end up giving up frustratedly anyway.

Also while I'd never trust my documents to google and would find other means to sync my documents I can respect people doing it for the sake of convenience. In any case, judging from the what I linked to, google docs would at least be able to transfer the info column. Maybe the other thing too. But yeah, see first sentence.

Jul 18 2018, 2:48 am Pr0nogo Post #64

There's apparently been an update to Vile Egression's mod, which I've added to the campaign's archive. Thanks to Black_Overseer for sending it my way.

Jul 18 2018, 6:24 am Black_Overseer Post #65

Quote from Pr0nogo
There's apparently been an update to Vile Egression's mod, which I've added to the campaign's archive. Thanks to Black_Overseer for sending it my way.

just a little bit touched.
because, some old exe(tooth wheel icon) files not opening in Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 environment.

Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on Jul 18 2018, 6:31 am by Black_Overseer.

Oct 12 2018, 12:28 pm Mithras Gnosis Post #66

Someone restored a backup of the Blizzforums just last week, so Drake Clawfang's lost missions are available again. You need an an account to download the attachments.

I have not updated my own google doc of the custom campaigns since April, but I am keeping it up for anyone who wants to mine it for things like campaign descriptions, let's play links, and links to the author's websites or archives where available. I tried to provide additional filters like series, canon compliance, race POV, and such, in case anyone cares.

EDIT: Okay, the Blizzaforums database seems to have problems with attachments, forget what I said about the missions being available again. It seems that this happened back in 2008 and the missions were mirrored at campaign creations, which lost their attachments due to problems with their database. Argh!

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 12 2018, 12:46 pm by Mithras Gnosis.


Oct 12 2018, 3:49 pm Pr0nogo Post #67

Yeah his campaigns have been elusive for many years now. Glad your list is still operational. I've started doing brief writeups of campaigns I've personally played and linking to them in the info tab of my doc, but it'll be a while before that's comprehensive.

Dec 15 2018, 3:35 am Finally91 Post #68

Campaign "The Revengers" in the directory isn't included in the document.


Dec 15 2018, 9:28 am Pr0nogo Post #69

Thanks for the report, I've added it to the sheet.

Dec 16 2018, 8:55 am Finally91 Post #70

Campaign "Unity of the Races: Brood War Aftermath" contents are "Trial of the Protoss".


Dec 16 2018, 9:45 am Pr0nogo Post #71

After finding the same files in Unity's original download link, it appears to be a duplicate. However Unity's mega archive had a map that the 'Trial of the Protoss' archive didn't, so I've combined the two archives and removed Unity from the listing.

Dec 16 2018, 9:59 pm DaMnUFo0 Post #72

Hi Pr0

Requesting to add Impending Doom released in October 2018 for patch 1.16.'s%20Starcraft%20Maps/Impending%20Doom%20Campaign

Dec 17 2018, 12:10 am Pr0nogo Post #73

Will do, just mirror it somewhere else so I don't have to create an account to dl it.

Dec 17 2018, 4:06 am DaMnUFo0 Post #74

Think it should work now. Thanks.

Dec 17 2018, 4:20 am Pr0nogo Post #75

It's up, thanks for reminding me about it.

edit: removed Trials Protoss 12 and replaced it with 12-2. The archive explains that the maps with -2 in them are bugfixes. Still no verification on whether or not Unity of Races is in fact another campaign entirely, more on that if I find anything.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 18 2018, 11:05 pm by Pr0nogo.

Jan 30 2019, 12:00 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #76

The Curious

I need to update my old stuff sometime (I know I will, just give me a free, clean weekend and I'll fix the tech stuff at least). If only I could do the graphics thing as easily as I did before.

Oh, yes, and sometime I'll fix up Vagrants as well, and continue where that left off. I have had the stuff for ages but couldn't make it all rhyme in the end so I just chose the easy way out... bail. :) I need to return that debt sometime.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Jan 30 2019, 2:32 pm Rawflesh0615 Post #77

Quote from IlyaSnopchenko
I need to update my old stuff sometime (I know I will, just give me a free, clean weekend and I'll fix the tech stuff at least). If only I could do the graphics thing as easily as I did before.

Oh, yes, and sometime I'll fix up Vagrants as well, and continue where that left off. I have had the stuff for ages but couldn't make it all rhyme in the end so I just chose the easy way out... bail. :) I need to return that debt sometime.

One question, you made Vagrant or not?


Jan 31 2019, 10:53 am IlyaSnopchenko Post #78

The Curious

Quote from Rawflesh0615
Quote from IlyaSnopchenko
I need to update my old stuff sometime (I know I will, just give me a free, clean weekend and I'll fix the tech stuff at least). If only I could do the graphics thing as easily as I did before.

Oh, yes, and sometime I'll fix up Vagrants as well, and continue where that left off. I have had the stuff for ages but couldn't make it all rhyme in the end so I just chose the easy way out... bail. :) I need to return that debt sometime.

One question, you made Vagrant or not?
Yes, that and Fall of the Gods. I have been intending to update/re-release both for years but both were crippled by some inexplicable technical bugs (different and probably unrelated) that appeared somewhere along the way between 1.10 and 1.16 (I updated from the former straight to the latter) and rendered large swaths of both campaigns unplayable and/or looking broken, at least on my end. Guess I have to start some tech parts from a clean slate anyway.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Feb 10 2019, 2:28 pm Finally91 Post #79

How about replace Antioch 1.2.exe with Antioch_1.22.exe from the last reply?


Feb 10 2019, 4:02 pm Pr0nogo Post #80

Done, but it doesn't really matter since it'll be outdated whenever the next sizable patch hits. You'd be better served downloading 1161 from farty's utility instead.

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