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StarCraft Fan Campaign Listing v2
Jul 12 2017, 2:07 pm
By: Pr0nogo
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May 20 2018, 9:53 pm Pr0nogo Post #41

With the advent of UEDCommander's remaster of StratosTygo's "StarCraft Alternate", the following changes have been made to the listing:

Added Insurrection and Retribution to 1998.
Added 'Remaster' note to StarCraft Alternate and Insurrection.
Remasters to existing campaigns will now be listed alongside the originals to prevent clutter.

At some point I'll hyperlink all campaigns to improve ease of use. The links will lead to the respective mega archive.

May 30 2018, 4:32 am Pr0nogo Post #42

I've done the above but can't yet post it in the thread due to the character limit. I hope to have that resolved either through changing my formatting or migrating the data to a google document as mentioned in previous posts. No ETA.

May 30 2018, 4:56 am NudeRaider Post #43

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

split it up by editing your 2nd and 3rd post

May 30 2018, 5:31 am Pr0nogo Post #44

Can't without destroying the format, hence my previous post.

May 30 2018, 6:19 am NudeRaider Post #45

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Quote from Pr0nogo
without destroying the format
C'mon, cutting off at a certain year and continuing with the next year next post is not "destroying the format".

May 30 2018, 10:50 pm Pr0nogo Post #46

Obviously the results weren't desirable or I would have done that.

A google drive link is now available on the main page. I have removed the listing from the OP.

Jun 1 2018, 11:36 am Mithras Gnosis Post #47

Did you take a look at the google doc I made? I think it is a mess but I tried to find descriptions and so forth so players don’t go in blind. I thought it would be nice to know stuff like whether something was part of a series, how closely it adhered to canon, when it took place, the races available, if it had a website, and stuff like that.

If anyone has better suggestions for organizing I would love to hear it.

Jun 1 2018, 12:47 pm Mithras Gnosis Post #48

The google doc lists some campaigns as unavailable, but I checked the wayback machine and they are available for download. Here are the links:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 1 2018, 3:28 pm by Mithras Gnosis.


Jun 1 2018, 3:27 pm Mithras Gnosis Post #49

I can't help but wonder if some these campaigns would be improved by remaking in SC2.

Just off the top of my head, simple things like walls of text and cutscenes are much better supported by the SC2 UI, much less really complex things like RPG mechanics and multiple shifting objectives.


Jun 1 2018, 5:30 pm Church Post #50

Stick Insect

Here's some more convenient links to the ones Mithras mentioned:
The Battle for New Troy
The Retaking of Illian
Jim Raynor's Story (despite the zip name)
Terran Prologue Campaign
Return of the Zerg
Retaking Tarsonis
The Dark Templar

And a few more I noticed:
The Odyssey Campaign
Balkhorn's Bad Times
Random Mission Project

All zips provided as is except in the following cases
- The Dark Templar had like 5 useless folders I got rid of
- The Odyssey Campaign was provided with MPQDraft and a .mpq file, which is hilarious, so I converted it into an .exe (but left the source files)

Mithras, it would be cool to see more campaigns converted into StarCraft 2, but that kind of project is a very large undertaking, and I think a lot of people would rather put that effort into new projects. You're welcome to try your own hand at it, and I know I'd be interested in checking out the results.


Jun 1 2018, 7:35 pm DarkenedFantasies Post #51

Roy's Secret Service

Quote from Mithras Gnosis
I can't help but wonder if some these campaigns would be improved by remaking in SC2.

Just off the top of my head, simple things like walls of text and cutscenes are much better supported by the SC2 UI, much less really complex things like RPG mechanics and multiple shifting objectives.
To be honest, they'd be improved by not doing any of these things. Instead of walls of text, have good writing... instead of cutscenes, have actual gameplay... instead of RPG mechanics, have RTS mechanics... :teehee: Multiple shifting objectives can be fine if it's not too unnecessarily complicated.

Jun 1 2018, 8:58 pm Pr0nogo Post #52

Thanks for the updates, Mithras and Church. I used my phone to fix the links and will double check when I'm home to verify them. (edit: done) Now the list is that much more complete!

Mithras - SC2 is an abysmal platform for RTS gameplay because AI can't be implemented without completely destroying performance on any PC. It's a problem of the game being poorly coded, compiled, and optimized. I agree with DF's assessment. We have been having conversations about game design as it pertains to custom content on my discord server, which anyone is free to join. Otherwise my podcast with IskatuMesk deals with several related topics. Hope you find them interesting.

edit 2: in addition to updating the links, I have split the sheet by years, keeping the masterlist intact as the default sheet. Hopefully this helps people sort by era without having to scroll quite so much.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 1 2018, 10:47 pm by Pr0nogo.

Jun 2 2018, 5:51 pm Church Post #53

Stick Insect

Pr0nogo, there is a 'panic' when running your 1.20 exe for The Antioch Chronicles.

Is this due to it being compiled with an old version of Samase or a user error on my end?

Edit: jun3hong's new one seems to work great, in addition to including new portraits! Also, it's fully equipped with the Antioch 2 files as well, so the entire set can be played through seamlessly.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jun 2 2018, 6:05 pm by Church.


Jun 2 2018, 7:06 pm Pr0nogo Post #54

Samase exes are temporary due to blizzard's patches and I have no interest in developing content for the remaster as it is a vastly inferior platform for custom content. The same panic issue is likely present in Birth of a Legend and Palinchron Concordance, so I've removed the 1.2 tag from them. I've updated the doc and the mega listing with jun3hong's work.

Jun 13 2018, 1:28 pm Mithras Gnosis Post #55

I saved a list of website links for the maps in my google doc, most of them dead links now unless you check the wayback machine, but I originally got most of the links from an old version of the fan campaign listing. These don't seem to be included in the masterlist, but some of those sites include supplementary material not in the archives. An archive of my source is available from the wayback machine.


Jun 13 2018, 3:21 pm Rawflesh0615 Post #56

New Starcraft Custom Campaign:


Jun 13 2018, 6:30 pm Pr0nogo Post #57

Quote from Mithras Gnosis
These don't seem to be included in the masterlist, but some of those sites include supplementary material not in the archives.
Are there campaigns within that data that aren't included on my list/in the mega repo? If not, I don't see the point of adding any data to the list unless it would fill a vacant spot in the drive's categories.

Added StarCraft: Interbellum by Juxtapose. Thanks for reminding me, Rawflesh.

Jul 6 2018, 12:28 pm Mithras Gnosis Post #58

Quote from Pr0nogo
Quote from Mithras Gnosis
These don't seem to be included in the masterlist, but some of those sites include supplementary material not in the archives.
Are there campaigns within that data that aren't included on my list/in the mega repo? If not, I don't see the point of adding any data to the list unless it would fill a vacant spot in the drive's categories.
Not missing campaigns, but short stories and biographies that may not be included in the downloads. But if you do not consider it important then I respect your decision.


Jul 6 2018, 11:01 pm Church Post #59

Stick Insect

I agree with Mithras, there needs to be a way to get more information about a campaign before downloading it, the title alone is not enough. A handful of them have links to playthroughs on youtube, but it'll be a long time before that's exhaustive. Whether it's a brief official summary of each campaign or (preferably) a link to somewhere with more information, it would go a long way to fleshing out the list. I could help out with finding links if need be.


Jul 7 2018, 12:48 pm Pr0nogo Post #60

I can add an 'info' tab, though it'll create a lot of extra work for me when it comes to splitting it by year as you can't create references in google sheets. Whoever has the goods can post them here and I'll filter them in when I have time.

edit: info tab is added, just need to put the links in the right places. Not sure what a permanent hosting location would be for information links, maybe pastebin? CC has been down for over a year now so the best bet would likely be to get objective writeups of what to expect from a campaign and link to them from the doc.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Jul 8 2018, 9:54 am by Pr0nogo.

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