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The Anitoch Chronicles Mod for Starcraft Remastered
Jun 2 2018, 3:58 pm
By: jun3hong  

Jun 2 2018, 3:58 pm jun3hong Post #1

Well, I made a mod for the old classic fan campaign : The Antioch Chronicles.
Just added new portraits and sounds.

All of remastered portraits made by me

Nannoth/Taeradun's portrait : me

Dale Gurney's portrait : Cynon


I don't know how to upload screenshots. if anybody tells me how to do it, I'll upload them immediately.

Post has been edited 7 time(s), last time on Feb 24 2021, 5:00 pm by jun3hong.


Jun 2 2018, 6:28 pm Church Post #2

Stick Insect

This is awesome! This goes a long way to improve accessibility for Antioch. I've taken some screenshots for you here:

It's a shame you weren't able to replicate the half-face paint that Ian Anduin had in the original, but I can only imagine the work that went into that for the SD portrait... something like that would take way too much time for HD. Either way, it's nice to have this available.


Jul 8 2018, 10:16 am DaMnUFo0 Post #3

Is there another link you have? It seems my comp won't let me access it.

Btw great work. There should be more recognition for this.

Jul 8 2018, 12:40 pm jun3hong Post #4

Quote from DaMnUFo0
Is there another link you have? It seems my comp won't let me access it.

Btw great work. There should be more recognition for this.

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a problem with a link. Try to turn off vaccine program and download it.


Jul 17 2018, 1:26 pm jun3hong Post #5

Quote from DaMnUFo0
Is there another link you have? It seems my comp won't let me access it.

Btw great work. There should be more recognition for this.

Or could you send me an e-mail address? It seems that mediafire has blocked this file.


Jul 17 2018, 3:07 pm Black_Overseer Post #6

Quote from jun3hong
Quote from DaMnUFo0
Is there another link you have? It seems my comp won't let me access it.

Btw great work. There should be more recognition for this.

Or could you send me an e-mail address? It seems that mediafire has blocked this file.

I recommend this.

Jul 17 2018, 4:38 pm Pr0nogo Post #7

I've already backed up the exe in this archive for the campaign listing:!zsJWDRSC!J8INfTamm1VtTVRjgEff4Q

Jul 18 2018, 7:15 am jun3hong Post #8

Quote from Pr0nogo
I've already backed up the exe in this archive for the campaign listing:!zsJWDRSC!J8INfTamm1VtTVRjgEff4Q
Thank you for sharing this. I fixed my link, too.


Jul 21 2018, 6:43 pm Whiplash Post #9

Hey jun3hong, I'd love to know how you edited the remastered portraits. Did you have to convert them to a diff file type before editing them (I assume premiere) and then convert them back to a webm file? If you want to write a little tutorial or something that would be great.


Jul 22 2018, 7:03 am jun3hong Post #10

Quote from Whiplash
Hey jun3hong, I'd love to know how you edited the remastered portraits. Did you have to convert them to a diff file type before editing them (I assume premiere) and then convert them back to a webm file? If you want to write a little tutorial or something that would be great.

I converted base webm file to png first, then I edited color with paint shop. And I converted png files to avi(playback frame rate is 10), then I converted avi to webm again.

You can convert it from this link.


Jul 22 2018, 3:19 pm Whiplash Post #11

Quote from jun3hong
Quote from Whiplash
Hey jun3hong, I'd love to know how you edited the remastered portraits. Did you have to convert them to a diff file type before editing them (I assume premiere) and then convert them back to a webm file? If you want to write a little tutorial or something that would be great.

I converted base webm file to png first, then I edited color with paint shop. And I converted png files to avi(playback frame rate is 10), then I converted avi to webm again.

You can convert it from this link.

Thank you so much for your help!


Jul 22 2018, 4:21 pm Whiplash Post #12

funny that adobe media encoder webm crashes the game, but the website you linked works fine :D

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jul 22 2018, 4:28 pm by Whiplash.


Oct 5 2018, 4:31 pm Finally91 Post #13

A few days ago a patch released and the mod won't run again...


Jan 15 2019, 11:24 am IlyaSnopchenko Post #14

The Curious

Quote from Finally91
A few days ago a patch released and the mod won't run again...
Quick 'n dirty repackaged exec for 1.22.
I never liked this campaign however - just downloaded it for kicks and was quickly reminded of the old gripes. Should've probably at least fixed the silly issue of the heroes using the same portrait/sound sets as the regular units (therefore arbiters / archons / firebats / goliaths not being available for play), but maybe it's none of my business. :)

Trial and error... mostly error.

Jun 20 2019, 6:20 pm Rawflesh0615 Post #15

I wish there could be more Remastered modified portraits.


Mar 24 2020, 4:07 am jun3hong Post #16

Well, it's been a long time since I uploaded this mod.
I updated with a recent samase version.


Apr 16 2020, 5:35 pm Zincoshine Post #17

I really wish someone would port antioch chronicles chapter 3: thoughts in chaos to brood war.


Sep 12 2020, 4:56 am jun3hong Post #18



Feb 24 2021, 3:49 pm IlyaSnopchenko Post #19

The Curious

What happened to the "mod"? It's no longer accessible.

Trial and error... mostly error.

Feb 24 2021, 5:01 pm jun3hong Post #20

Quote from IlyaSnopchenko
What happened to the "mod"? It's no longer accessible.

Sorry, it seems that the link has broken until I changed it. Try again.


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