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StarCraft: Inconsummate
Jun 11 2017, 10:45 am
By: Pr0nogo
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Mar 21 2018, 2:54 am Pr0nogo Post #81

I have shipped an update to the 2017 version of Inconsummate that preserves the original difficulty while fixing critical bugs in maps 3 and 6. No other changes have been made, and unless a critical bug is discovered, no further development will take place. The 2018 version will be significantly more difficult, with advanced AI, improved custom terrain, and superior design. This will be representative of the quality and design philosophy you can expect from my projects in the future.

Mar 29 2018, 8:06 am Sato Post #82

Just wanted to stop by and say great job on this, all the time, effort and love put in shine through imo.

Going to fully run through this on stream after I actually finish the vanilla BW campaign, might get a few more people interested in checking it out!


Mar 29 2018, 8:13 am Pr0nogo Post #83

Thanks for the interest. If you're decently skilled at the game you ought to play the updated version once it's out. And let me know if you have any feedback so I can incorporate it into future projects.

Dec 31 2018, 3:18 am RdeRenato Post #84

I am Renato

tomorrow launch INCONSUMMATE 2.0? (2018*)

:unsure: i am RdeRenato, a veteran noob

Dec 31 2018, 8:18 am Pr0nogo Post #85

Nah, maybe next year. Working on hydra these days.

edit: however, since I've put all my inconsummate updates in my server, I'll throw some wip images here for people to check out:

These are from Act of God 2.0, using old assets. I'm currently in the process of remaking all the destroyed doodads so they'll be higher quality in the end, but the other terrain edits (dirt/highdirt ruins, higher dirt, dirt/ruins temple, etc) are pretty much final. I might end up making a copy of the ruins tiles that don't have any grass in them so I can use them in maps that aren't meant to have much grass in the biome.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Dec 31 2018, 8:52 am by Pr0nogo.

Jan 17 2019, 11:44 am lifebot Post #86

Why do you keep bumping a project that is incompatible with SC:R?

Chill out dude

Mar 9 2019, 1:53 pm pit667 Post #87

Just finished it, great stuff!!! :)


Mar 10 2019, 12:05 am Pr0nogo Post #88

Glad you enjoyed! If you have any suggestions on how to improve it, let me know.

Mar 14 2019, 10:03 pm X405 Post #89

I played it in almost one go. I loved it. Amazing work.

I have a small bug report, though. On mission "04. The Harvest" on the final chapter I got a trigger error - a beacon could not be created. It might have been me having units where the beacon should have been.

Mar 14 2019, 11:07 pm Pr0nogo Post #90

Thanks for the kind words! Your explanation seems the most likely cause of the bug. Really I should have just moved all units out of the way and moved Goska there immediately, rather than waste the player's time in the event Goska wasn't brought over the cliff in the final push. I'll rectify that whenever I get around to working on the 2.0 version.

Jul 4 2019, 10:53 pm Hamodebu50 Post #91

Hey there Pronogo! I recently started playing some custom campaigns, and found your masterpiece while searching for more. Upon loading up the Act of God mission and finishing the briefing, I'm instantly greeted by a bunch of WARNINGS, stating that there are units that are unplaceable, and the whole map is littered with black boxes, and they seem to have trapped the Ghost character. I'm using the required Starcraft version here. :(


Jul 4 2019, 11:01 pm Hamodebu50 Post #92

Alright, scratch that last post. I fixed the problem by using the exe instead of loading up the file directly from Starcraft itself... sorry about that :blush:


Jul 5 2019, 1:52 am Pr0nogo Post #93

Hope you enjoy the campaign!

Jul 6 2019, 3:53 pm Rawflesh0615 Post #94

Quote from Pr0nogo
Nah, maybe next year. Working on hydra these days.

edit: however, since I've put all my inconsummate updates in my server, I'll throw some wip images here for people to check out:

These are from Act of God 2.0, using old assets. I'm currently in the process of remaking all the destroyed doodads so they'll be higher quality in the end, but the other terrain edits (dirt/highdirt ruins, higher dirt, dirt/ruins temple, etc) are pretty much final. I might end up making a copy of the ruins tiles that don't have any grass in them so I can use them in maps that aren't meant to have much grass in the biome.

Wait hold on, your re-editing your campaign?


Apr 10 2021, 7:07 am Oh_Man Post #95

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Loved the intro. Do you do your own foley work?

Sucks it isn't playable in SCR. Blizz should really just steal those custom doodads for real. They're that good.

Who were the other voice actors? Friends that helped you for free or did you have to pay some people?

Jun 26 2021, 1:38 pm kamikazes Post #96

Crash report
On the final mission, post credit . When ever I go up the ramp with Strollum after I killed the hatcheries on the low ground is just give me a hard crash.

Edit : I reload an ealier save, before Goska get to the dropship . any save with strollum after killing the low ground hatcheries is corrupted.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Jun 26 2021, 2:35 pm by kamikazes.


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