Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)
Remember the good old days when I hosted a couple of those contests? Well, I think now may be time for another one. I'm willing to fund and judge it like last time as well.
This post is just to assess interest and brainstorm some ideas for it:
* How long should it run for?
* Should it start before or after the remaster?
* What sort of prizes are people interested in?
* What sort of genre should it be?
I say the twilight age of SEN is over; we're ready to step back into the light - who's with me??
Remember the good old days when I hosted a couple of those contests? Well, I think now may be time for another one. I'm willing to fund and judge it like last time as well.
I remember when nobody actually submitted anything to the contests lmao.

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)
Remember the good old days when I hosted a couple of those contests? Well, I think now may be time for another one. I'm willing to fund and judge it like last time as well.
I remember when nobody actually submitted anything to the contests lmao.
You remember incorrectly
Was talking about contests in general, not just yours. But yeah, I'd be interested if the contest was short. If it's like a month long RPG contest, there's no way I'd do it, and I doubt many others would too.

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan
I'm up for one
* Should it start before or after the remaster?
I'd suggest after the release, just because we don't yet know what will still work when that gets released.
Currently Working On:
My Overwatch addiction.
7-10 days. After the remaster. Open gameplay genre with a general theme contestants must adhere to.
I don't really care about prizes contingent only on my schedule. Cash is usually a good incentive for other people though.
Have the first one last a single weekend (so people who have jobs and whatnot have a chance) with a really broad theme (short story was a really good, broad theme from a previous SEN contest, and produced great results) to test the waters.
No need to offer cash incentives, just have glory and an ego boost be the prize.
I think that's a great idea. I've never even completed a map, since when I did map I was quite young and terrible at it, but I think I might be capable of entering nowadays.
Even if I can't make anything good, it'd be great to get some cool new maps out there for the occasion.

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)
What about "must use the dark swarm mechanic" as a theme? I wouldn't mind playing some more RUSH maps
What about "must use the dark swarm mechanic" as a theme? I wouldn't mind playing some more RUSH maps
Nah, a theme shouldn't be a mechanic or a technical limitation imposed on the mapper.
i cant think of a better theme for this patch then valkyrie madness
"Large scale" could be the theme. Testing out the remaster's engine limits.

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)
What about a terrain only competition?
See who can make some dope extended terrain blends that look good in the remaster. Bonus points if they look good in both?

Terrain competition would be cool.
fuck you all

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan
I was thinking "Interactivity between Players" would be cool, since this is sorta like a revival in the number of players of SC, so cool multiplayer maps would be awesome.
I'm thinking like maps where players play specific roles.
e.g. Pokemon RPG, Gladiators RPG, using the Medic along with a tank in Temple Siege, etc.

Let me show you how to hump without making love.
Was actually thinking of hosting one a few days ago and was going to put $50 in the pool. Anyone else who would be interested in making the pot bigger? Any amount would work.
As of now, I would hold off until 1.19 to do the contest because of the rumors regarding SI and that patch. So there is plenty of time to make a list of possible themes. Have plenty of ideas and honestly, would prefer to run the event myself this time around. Most likely have three judges total including myself, but all judges would not be eligible for the prize.

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan
I agree, as it lets me have time to save up for a computer which isn't 15 years old and can run friggin SC lol

Let me show you how to hump without making love.
In the mean time, a warmup or "welcome back" contest would be fun to do.

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)
Loveless u can run it. I will be a judge if you want. I can throw in 50 aud too.