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Donald Trump is President...
Nov 9 2016, 8:32 am
By: Enkidu
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Apr 12 2020, 9:21 pm Zincoshine Post #101

Quote from Oh_Man
Lol, I can't believe you guys are equipped with this buffoon of a president in arguably the most serious crisis in our lifetimes.

Good luck to you all, seriously though.

The president is the reason why this crisis became as serious as it has now become. In the past, the US treated potential pandemics seriously and worked to stamp them out at the source. Under Trump, the US has done no such thing and all Trump did was to close borders and tell cheerful lies to his supporters, basically what he tries to do with every single problem.

2020 is a completely ruined year, and it is a prequel to what life will be like for the next ten thousand years starting from about 30 years in the future times if nothing is done about global warming. Note how Trump had previously been handling coronavirus the same way he handled global warming.


Apr 14 2020, 6:46 pm NudeRaider Post #102

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

To be fair the Asians did most of the stamping out

May 29 2020, 11:30 pm Wing Zero Post #103

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

So uhhh... Now we have riots. You think we hit apocalypse bingo yet?

May 29 2020, 11:49 pm Dem0n Post #104

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Were you living under a rock the past 8 years or do you really not remember the previous riots whenever a black man was killed by police?

Jun 1 2020, 5:36 am KrayZee Post #105

Quote from Wing Zero
So uhhh... Now we have riots. You think we hit apocalypse bingo yet?
I saw this coming 4 years ago. Yep, America is great now.

Quote from Dem0n
Were you living under a rock the past 8 years or do you really not remember the previous riots whenever a black man was killed by police?
This is far worse.


Jul 11 2020, 2:29 pm ClansAreForGays Post #106

What do you think about his stopping of H1B?

Jul 11 2020, 10:07 pm Christien Chapman Post #107

Here's to four more years my dudes


Jul 21 2020, 5:47 pm Wing Zero Post #108

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

There is just no way people would be that dumb...... Would they?

Jul 22 2020, 3:21 pm Christien Chapman Post #109

I don't get why people hate him so much, we went through two terms of Bill clinton, 2 terms of george w and 2 terms of obama, all lackluster presidents making some poor decisions. Trump is the first one to get it right, especially with his foreign policy. Now coronavirus, yeah, I think he should shut down travel that's the main thing for me. Biden would be a continuation of what made Obama a bad president, at first Obama was actually good, but then we started into the health care failures and then the Iran deal. Just thinking about how biden tried to talk Obama out of killing Osama just makes me think hes not fit for office. bill Clinton had Osama but he decided not to respond when his advisors were trying to tell him, so they let him loose. Just thinking that 911 could have been prevented like that, I definitely don't want biden cutting people loose.


Jul 22 2020, 4:49 pm NudeRaider Post #110

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Trump or Biden? Biden. How many got killed in 9/11? How many by COVID-19?

Jul 22 2020, 7:12 pm Vrael Post #111

Trump's stance on foreign policy is a complete disaster; he is alienating our western allies under the guise of "they aren't paying enough" whining. Every ally we have who is committed to the progress of democracy against authoritarian regimes like China and Russia is a long term investment - and those dollars come back to us in the form of saved U.S. lives, not to mention the dollars we don't have to spend in the first place because of an ally's presence. He is the softest president yet on Russia, and so far has done nothing of merit to hinder Chinese foreign policy except shake hands with them and apparently abuse his office in order to get his daughter Ivanka some chinese trademarks.

Trump has caused problems in every area of government and solved nothing - he has disrupted the chain of command in our military, reduced environmental protections of the EPA, handcuffed the ability of our public schools to progress via the cabinet appointment of Betsy Devos, made a mockery of the U.S. internationally, worsened public race- and sex- relations in our country.

Let's take one second for a very special topic as well - COVID 19. Trump has spent the past six months denying it existed, and failed to implement any response at all, which is even worse than G.W.Bush's slow response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster. Not only has he failed to respond, but he is actively hindering the response of the Center for Disease Control by cutting their funding, and issuing executive orders to strangle their data collection.

If you want to argue that Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama were status-quo presidents, who made only small impacts on the state of the U.S., I can see some merit in those arguments. But there is a clear negative impact from Trump on nearly every facet of our country.


Jul 27 2020, 9:38 pm KrayZee Post #112

I don't get why people hate him so much, we went through two terms of Bill clinton, 2 terms of george w and 2 terms of obama, all lackluster presidents making some poor decisions. Trump is the first one to get it right, especially with his foreign policy. Now coronavirus, yeah, I think he should shut down travel that's the main thing for me. Biden would be a continuation of what made Obama a bad president, at first Obama was actually good, but then we started into the health care failures and then the Iran deal. Just thinking about how biden tried to talk Obama out of killing Osama just makes me think hes not fit for office. bill Clinton had Osama but he decided not to respond when his advisors were trying to tell him, so they let him loose. Just thinking that 911 could have been prevented like that, I definitely don't want biden cutting people loose.

We already went past the point that if you still think the current so called President is good for the country, there's no point in arguing. Everything we will say to try to convince you otherwise will never get into your head. Nothing ever will and it is ultimately pointless to spend time arguing. Election Day is in 99 days as of writing this post. People already know how much of a fraud he is since the 1980's and a lot more have seen this coming when he ran for President. A lot of republicans who voted for him are now turning their backs on him and they are voting for Biden because they want normalcy. If you can't see that, then we are simply wasting our time talking to you.


Jul 28 2020, 1:25 pm NudeRaider Post #113

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

The one thing he has a point with is that what nowadays passes as normalcy isn't actually desirable.

I remember when the US invaded Irak. I wasn't political AT ALL back then, but was shocked that Bush could just do it and nobody would stop it. Not NATO, not UN, not the US people. From my perspective EVERYONE knew that the given reason for the invasion (weapons of mass destruction) is utter bullcrap. (Maybe not the general US populace) There wasn't even much protesting as far as I can remember.

Obama made unreliable drone strikes fashionable. It makes me angry that we Germans are turning a blind eye by letting it happen through Ramstein to this day. Just imagine you're living in a country where you see (or at least know) drones flying overhead that already killed innocent people in your city, and you know you could be next. It could happen anytime. Without warning. I bet you'd think differently about the brand of freedom US is trying to sell. And despite this happening Obama gets a nobel peace price. Wow.

This is not the kind of normalcy I'd want. Trump isn't better though. While outside the country he's only playing economic warfare, inside the country he's fueling hatred between races. This has led to lethal violence. Only difference: You can't make him directly responsible. He still is.

A word to Obamacare: Sure, it's not enough, but I would assume it's all he could get away with at the time. The real achievement is that it started a change of thinking towards social security. And as more and more people realize it's a good thing, future presidents will be able to pass more complete laws for universal health care and possibly other social security.

Jul 29 2020, 11:40 am Christien Chapman Post #114

Well this is my opinion. You hold to yours


Jul 29 2020, 9:04 pm KrayZee Post #115

Quote from NudeRaider
The one thing he has a point with is that what nowadays passes as normalcy isn't actually desirable.

I remember when the US invaded Irak. I wasn't political AT ALL back then, but was shocked that Bush could just do it and nobody would stop it. Not NATO, not UN, not the US people. From my perspective EVERYONE knew that the given reason for the invasion (weapons of mass destruction) is utter bullcrap. (Maybe not the general US populace) There wasn't even much protesting as far as I can remember.

Obama made unreliable drone strikes fashionable. It makes me angry that we Germans are turning a blind eye by letting it happen through Ramstein to this day. Just imagine you're living in a country where you see (or at least know) drones flying overhead that already killed innocent people in your city, and you know you could be next. It could happen anytime. Without warning. I bet you'd think differently about the brand of freedom US is trying to sell. And despite this happening Obama gets a nobel peace price. Wow.

This is not the kind of normalcy I'd want. Trump isn't better though. While outside the country he's only playing economic warfare, inside the country he's fueling hatred between races. This has led to lethal violence. Only difference: You can't make him directly responsible. He still is.

A word to Obamacare: Sure, it's not enough, but I would assume it's all he could get away with at the time. The real achievement is that it started a change of thinking towards social security. And as more and more people realize it's a good thing, future presidents will be able to pass more complete laws for universal health care and possibly other social security.
I'm American and even I knew the invasion of Iraq is 'bullcrap'. There are no weapons of mass destruction over there.

I disagree with Obama's drone strikes but I have a feeling there's a big difference between candidate and President. Obama wanted to withdraw troops from Iraq and Afghanistan when running for President, and then I suppose he was forced to make actions when the withdrawal only made things worse. A civilian wouldn't have as much information when compared to one who has direct contact to military generals. Even Obama himself didn't think he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

The result of the Affordable Care Act is a compromise of what democrats had in mind. It's likely Obama wanted more of his own ideas part of the ACA but the republicans would disagree. He'd have to make some sacrifices just for the republicans to vote for the bill and pass it. Of course the republicans would say no to everything Obama and the democrats proposes.

Bush made the US an embarrassment and caused a recession worse than The Great Depression during his tenure. At lot of countries, especially allies, began to respect the US again under Obama despite some of his questionable policies. It didn't take long until we realize there's someone far worse than Bush who is willing to cause irreparable damage for decades to come. It's already scary enough that his extremely gullible supporters treat him like he's god who can do no wrong and are willing to kill in his name. You know something is completely wrong with the political process when you have people who strongly oppose Bush agree with him and those who are strongly against Obama and Biden are more than willing to vote for Biden more than 200% despite disagreeing 100% of their policies.


Aug 27 2020, 12:12 am KrayZee Post #116

This is spot on.


Nov 3 2020, 10:13 pm KrayZee Post #117

The moment of truth is upon us.


Nov 3 2020, 11:46 pm Wing Zero Post #118

Magic box god; Suck it Corbo

I doubt all the votes will be counted until later this month.

Quote from Zycorax
To be honest though, I doubt things will be as bad as people fear. As much as I dislike Trump, I don't think he'll manage to pull off as much crazy shit as he says.
This however, has aged incredibly poorly lmao.

Nov 4 2020, 8:38 am KrayZee Post #119

Quote from Wing Zero
I doubt all the votes will be counted until later this month.

Quote from Zycorax
To be honest though, I doubt things will be as bad as people fear. As much as I dislike Trump, I don't think he'll manage to pull off as much crazy shit as he says.
This however, has aged incredibly poorly lmao.
You're right.


Nov 4 2020, 7:29 pm Oh_Man Post #120

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

Yall need to stop blaming Trump. The fact that the votes are close enough that he may be elected for another 4 years is clear proof that a huge majority of your people actually want him for President - that's the real problem.

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