Staredit Network > Forums > SC1 Map Showcase > Topic: Valadorn
Sep 18 2016, 12:26 pm
By: Valadorn  

Sep 18 2016, 12:26 pm Valadorn Post #1

Heart of Rage - will return to this and finish it soon :)

Finally finished a test-like campaign based on the 7th Legion game :D , tryed to make it as faithfull to the red vs blue as possible with adding allies, there might be ppl that like it but there could be some that think its confusing and will hate it, but i toughz that adding allies to some maps makes u feel less lonely and make the Campaign a little more intresting: - The Chosen "Campaign"

Post has been edited 9 time(s), last time on Dec 13 2016, 10:26 am by Valadorn.


Sep 18 2016, 2:49 pm lil-Inferno Post #2

Just here for the pie

Quote from Valadorn
I know some of you guys hate me already
No one hates you.

Quote from Valadorn
I do want to improve, and I cant do it without posting anything and recieving any feedback
We've given you feedback, and lots of it. Keep posting your maps and you'll get more.

Quote from Valadorn
I know my maps are usually simple without any mods or UEDs or anything just regular editor
This describes just about every map out there.

Quote from Valadorn
I dont want to be annoying nor anything like that and I do take even negative criticism and will do my best to improve.
You aren't being annoying, and saying you don't want to be annoying has the opposite of the intended effect.

Quote from Valadorn
I will be posting my Campaigns here if nobody has anything against it
Nobody has anything against it. Just post your campaigns.

Quote from Valadorn
Heart of Rage :
( Random Mission for testing purpose, i would like some criticism about it) -
A few things.
  • Run your text through a spelling/grammar checker.
  • What's the point of the really long briefing? I have no idea what's going on despite all the exposition.
  • The description says "Search for survivors" but there weren't any?
  • You can cheese the whole map by cloaking the ghost and walking to the end. Set the cost of cloaking to ~190, or disable it entirely.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Sep 18 2016, 3:15 pm by lil-Inferno.

Sep 18 2016, 5:24 pm DarkenedFantasies Post #3

Roy's Secret Service

But... I don't really know what to criticize; there's almost nothing on this map. :s We just go from point A to point B with a group of units while maybe killing a few zerglings, and a creep colony if we decide to go the wrong/long way.

Sep 18 2016, 6:21 pm Pr0nogo Post #4

I think the problem you're having is entirely based around lack of experience. Continuing to play and create maps will allow you to become a better mapper. Don't be disheartened by criticism, just use it to become better, and keep experimenting. That's how all of us ultimately amassed our knowledge base and created our own maps.

Sep 18 2016, 8:28 pm Valadorn Post #5

well , this is actually a short campaign mostly story based and with little action , i was just insure if i should post all the maps , so i posted a random one , but i did not get too much hate xd , so I will post the other ones soon :D , THANK YOU :D


Sep 18 2016, 8:33 pm Zoan Post #6

Math + Physics + StarCraft = Zoan

I've found personally that the best way I learned how to map make was by looking at the triggers in other maps to see how they did things, then just trying to mimic that in my own maps.

One of the things that I didn't understand when I first started though and that is really really fundamental to triggers is trigger ordering. Like the map goes through the triggers from the top to bottom, instead of just doing them 'all at once,' like I had initially thought.

To really understand this, I think creating a Bound map would be super helpful. And again, a good way to do that is to open up some bound you already have and then try to mimic their triggers and understand why they work.

Edit: Also, I don't hate you because I actually have no idea who you are.

\:rip\:ooooo\:wob\:ooooo \:angel\: ooooo\:wob\:ooooo\:rip\:

Oct 10 2016, 2:55 pm Rawflesh0615 Post #7

Nobody hates you, and also YouTube have the biggest hatred. When I play those Heart of Rage. The sounds familiar from Warhammer.


Oct 13 2016, 4:02 pm Valadorn Post #8

It is, it is from the Audiobook " Heart of Rage " its a great book and i tought that it could be redone in Starcraft


Dec 11 2016, 11:07 pm Swampfox Post #9

For heart of rage, it was very unnecessary to separate the campaign into so many maps. On top of that, each map was much larger than it needed to be. I understand you were shooting mostly for exposition with these, but there was literally nothing in the maps that engaged the player. As with any piece of entertainment, there needs to be something to hook the player, and a sustained element of fun to keep the player around. I simply left the map where the 4 guys were talking on the bridge because I got bored.

An audiobook is great to play in the background while you drive or do something else. A starcraft map should be engaging.


Dec 13 2016, 10:27 am Valadorn Post #10

Agreed Swampfox, will take it down, fix it and reupload it as a little more engaging :) and smaller in size :D


May 15 2019, 2:05 am Rawflesh0615 Post #11

Just to reminder that this campaign map was based on Warhammer. Now it's Warhammer in STARCRAFT!


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