Staredit Network > Forums > SC2 Assistance > Topic: Detecting 2HT->Archon
Detecting 2HT->Archon
Nov 28 2012, 10:15 am
By: payne  

Nov 28 2012, 10:15 am payne Post #1


I want to detect when a player would morph his two HTs into an Archon.
I am currently using Unit Groups to determine the number of units left for a player. But when a player morphs his HTs, it kind of kills the system because the HT units are not removed from the Unit Group, and the Archon isn't added into it.

How do?


Nov 28 2012, 11:22 am DevliN Post #2


You should be able to detect when the merge ability is used in the Event of the trigger.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Nov 28 2012, 12:59 pm payne Post #3


Quote from DevliN
You should be able to detect when the merge ability is used in the Event of the trigger.
But what if the player cancels before it happens?


Nov 28 2012, 1:24 pm luzz Post #4

Run another trigger, but change the ability effect to cancel. There are lots of different point in the ability that you can detect, and I'm pretty sure you can detect when a player cancels as well.


Dec 4 2012, 6:33 pm Sacrieur Post #5

Still Napping

Do you need to know when an archon is created, when the player merges two templar, or when the two templar merge together?


Dec 4 2012, 9:35 pm Ahli Post #6

I do stuff and thingies... Try widening and reducing the number of small nooks and crannies to correct the problem.

Just detect that the morph ability is executed or the actor morphing starts...

Tinker with the event thing until you find one that works for the Archon merger.

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