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Search back on - Experimental
Aug 16 2012, 12:37 am
By: Devourer  

Aug 16 2012, 12:37 am Devourer Post #1


I reworked the search-function, not sure whether it still will crash SEN. Looks good so far, though.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Aug 16 2012, 1:10 am NudeRaider Post #2

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

While you're at it why not link the quick search to the working search function?

I mean it won't be important for any of us veterans because we got used to this quirk, but people new to the site will just assume the site search is broken because first thing they see and try is quick search. And should they later stumble upon the seach hidden in the menu they'll assume it's the same and possible not even try. This isn't even documented anywhere.

Aug 16 2012, 1:39 am Fire_Kame Post #3

wth is starcraft

My last post was contrived as trolling...but seriously, I've been waiting for this moment. I hated stalking people using the google search function.

Now that it is back online I can see what threads I'm mentioned in :kame:

Aug 16 2012, 12:01 pm Devourer Post #4


I'be brought the quicksearch function back up, slightly edited, as it now displays at most 20 posts found to reduce the chance of a crash.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Aug 16 2012, 1:54 pm NudeRaider Post #5

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

I like the idea! Quickly search for the 20 first matches and if that's not enough there's a convenient link to the advanced search. gw! Fire_Kame

Although it did make SEN unresponsive for me for like 2-3 minutes when testing quick search...
But I like the highlighting.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 16 2012, 2:01 pm by NudeRaider.

Aug 16 2012, 2:36 pm Devourer Post #6


Quicksearch appears to make the site crash.
Disabled the quicksearch regarding the forum-posts.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Aug 16 2012, 2:38 pm NudeRaider Post #7

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

Add the link to the advanced search to the quick search results page.

Aug 16 2012, 3:14 pm Oh_Man Post #8

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

First Neo EUDs then this! Next minute someone will be telling me a SCMDraft 3 is in the works.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Aug 17 2012, 8:07 pm by Oh_Man.

Aug 16 2012, 7:08 pm Devourer Post #9


@Nuderaider: Done.

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Aug 16 2012, 11:33 pm LoveLess Post #10

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

Why don't you just be cheap about it and take the contents of the search, then throw it as " __________" in google. Be ghetto.


Aug 16 2012, 11:36 pm Fire_Kame Post #11

wth is starcraft

Quote from LoveLess
Why don't you just be cheap about it and take the contents of the search, then throw it as " __________" in google. Be ghetto.
I'm not actually sure if you're referencing the way it was done three days ago or if you're trying to troll everyone.

Aug 17 2012, 4:58 am poison_us Post #12

Back* from the grave

Probably the latter. LoveLess generally trolls nowadays anyways.

Nice job on the search though Dev.

Aug 17 2012, 2:18 pm Biophysicist Post #13

Searched my name as a test and got the SQL server error thingy (after the site took a minute or so to load).


Aug 21 2012, 3:32 am Fire_Kame Post #14

wth is starcraft

I don't think SEN search is fixed yet. I tried to search for "Kame" and I think I crashed the site, because literally seconds later Demon started to complain about it in either it is a huge coincidence or else search still crashes.

Aug 21 2012, 12:49 pm NudeRaider Post #15

We can't explain the universe, just describe it; and we don't know whether our theories are true, we just know they're not wrong. >Harald Lesch

I've had similar experiences that SEN went unresponsive for me when I was searching.

Aug 21 2012, 10:44 pm DavidJCobb Post #16

I searched for something along the lines of "thiswonteverfuckingappearinapost" to see if it was the number of potential results that caused crashes...

The search page stalled for several minutes, but did finish loading (with, predictably, 0 results).


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