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The NOMAD Saga: The Major - Production
Sep 6 2011, 1:29 pm
By: Jim_Raynor  

Sep 6 2011, 1:29 pm Jim_Raynor Post #1

My name is Church.

Trailer will be updated in higher quality and improved voices soon.

Safe haven - these words could be used to describe Rastar... before the onset of Zerg invasion.

Lieutenant Thomas Johnson is thrust into the fray, fighting to save Rastar from the Zerg menace. Never before being in a real battle, he tries his best... but with the Zerg, your best isn't always enough.


Enjoy, and please send any feedback! Everything you need to know is in the included readme, Jam Mastered Hero.pdf

Thanks for all your support!

Huge thanks to HelpMe, Laconius, and Pr0nogo for beta testing.



--Thomas Johnson
Age 20

Johnson is a quick study and has a quick wit. The all around Rastarian officer, he quickly ascended the ranks to lieutenant and continues to show that he's ready for more. He fights the Zerg with charisma and loyalty, and he is an important asset to the Rastarian militia.

--Mathius Tolrim
Age 29

As a covert intelligence operative, not much is known about Tolrim. Tolrim is very good at what he does; stay in the shadows, extract information, and leave without anyone knowing he was there to begin with. Tolrim is in charge of overseeing the operation to defend the capitol, and he chooses Johnson to intercept the Zerg at key points.

--George Grumanoff
Age 41

The brilliant tactician, charismatic diplomat, and semi-cool leader guy rolled into one, George is the all-purpose Rastarian figurehead. With the invasion of the Zerg, General Grumanoff quickly steps up to fight, commanding forces and issuing orders to his officers. Thanks to the Zerg, he has been very occupied of late.

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Sep 19 2011, 3:40 am by Jim_Raynor.

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Sep 18 2011, 10:30 am Oh_Man Post #2

Find Me On Discord (Brood War UMS Community & Staredit Network)

OK I just finished. [SPOILERS PRESENT!]
-difficulty was intense! noobs beware.
-only things that I could see were modded were some unit portraits, voice of Thomas Johnson, and his wraith-laser shooting ability.
-storyline was not particularly interesting, and the ending was depressing/abrupt and made the player feel like they had fought for nothing. It was even worse that the main character was just being so brash/nonchalant about letting an entire city be destroyed.
-campaign maps no one ever seems to do anything original. Hold for X minutes, kill all enemy bases. You should think outside of the box, sort of like how SC2 campaign had funky concepts, instead of just having exact same gameplay as SC1 campaign.
-why did you put George Grumanoff on the OP? He's barely in the campaign at all.
-the music and voice acting were very good, though sometimes you can tell it is the same person. Why did the ghost have such a whacky voice? Sounded more like a cerebrate. The music is even more impressive considering it was made for the campaign, and not taken from somewhere else.

But this is my first ever mod and I think the first custom campaign I've ever played so, I don't know what the standards are.

Anyway good job!

Sep 18 2011, 1:31 pm Pr0nogo Post #3

The story leads into the full The NOMAD Saga product, which Jim and I co-produced. Most of your questions will be answered then.

Sep 19 2011, 3:36 am Jim_Raynor Post #4

My name is Church.

Quote from Oh_Man
OK I just finished. [SPOILERS PRESENT!]
-difficulty was intense! noobs beware.
-only things that I could see were modded were some unit portraits, voice of Thomas Johnson, and his wraith-laser shooting ability.
It's not like making a huge mod was a requirement. I was planning on adding some custom units, but Rastar is a fringe colony, so they wouldn't exactly have amazing tech.
Quote from Oh_Man
-storyline was not particularly interesting, and the ending was depressing/abrupt and made the player feel like they had fought for nothing. It was even worse that the main character was just being so brash/nonchalant about letting an entire city be destroyed.
The ending was meant to be depressing, although I guess it was a bit abrupt. How was he being brash about it? He knew it had no chance of survival, he was just trying to do his job and doing his best not to get emotionally attached - which would basically make him a soldier.
Quote from Oh_Man
-campaign maps no one ever seems to do anything original. Hold for X minutes, kill all enemy bases. You should think outside of the box, sort of like how SC2 campaign had funky concepts, instead of just having exact same gameplay as SC1 campaign.
I guess so, I tried to add some interesting twists on each of these styles, but I guess it didn't work great. I'll try to improve it in the special edition.
Quote from Oh_Man
-why did you put George Grumanoff on the OP? He's barely in the campaign at all.
He's an important character in the NOMAD universe so I thought it'd be okay, but it seems that I shouldn't have bothered.
Quote from Oh_Man
-the music and voice acting were very good, though sometimes you can tell it is the same person. Why did the ghost have such a whacky voice? Sounded more like a cerebrate. The music is even more impressive considering it was made for the campaign, and not taken from somewhere else.
You'd have to complain to Pr0 about Tolrim's voice, LOL. A lot of people seemed to not like it. Regarding the music: Thanks! I enjoyed making it, I hope it all fit well.
Quote from Oh_Man
Anyway good job!
Thank you! I'll do my best to improve it with your suggestions later on.

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

Feb 17 2019, 1:01 pm Rawflesh0615 Post #5

Playthrough of The Major:


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