Wow, just found this thread. I'd be willing to terrain/add the details to the terrain for you.
I'd like to see a real TS 2.0 in sc2. Reformed, and new, yet keeping the concepts of the sc1 TS. I really wouldn't like if random units were used and just given abilities (which is what sotis did; they used zerratul, tassadar, tosh, etc.).
I approve of keeping general names for the heroes (like "Medic"), who ever suggested that..
UI addition: add SZXC (similar to WASD) triggers to move the screen around. I use the arrow keys to look around the hero to check for possible threats, but they are too far away from the QWER spell buttons.
The ability to zoom out.
Effects and graphics are cool (and terrain textures), but it doesn't really matter in this game (compared to, say, a 3rd person RPG). Limit those things to reduce lag.
Use the ideas from HS and TS7. There were many cool ideas like having sub-hero units (like the dropship), and alternate hero forms (lurker-hydra).
Use some form of random items (seen in HS) and/or a shop (NOT PROVIDING EQUIPMENT ITEMS, but rather a probe, hp potions, etc.)
Keep the probe

. Name it probert.
Keep night/day cycle. Maybe add dawn/dusk if it fits in.
Remove the toggle allies button and donate minerals to button (top right of screen). Remove supply limit (unless applicable; ie: summoner's max lings).
Use dialog boxes for everything, including upgrades (weapons/armor/shield, and other abilities like stim).
****Keep the minerals purchase upgrades system. Don't use the "hero levels up so it get's + stat points." It's ok to use hero levels with the purchasable upgrades, but not alone. It's this system that really sets TS apart from Dota style maps.****
Place the buttons to open the dialog boxes ON the command panel (place with the portrait, buttons, minimap, etc.). Maybe in between somewhere; it's a real annoyance when a random box is on my screen and I can't get rid of it.
Use MetalGear's (what was that one map he made...?) hero system giving all heroes unique(?) passive abilities (that could possibly be purchased with minerals, or skill points, etc.)
Please do not make a "time" hero. It just doesn't seem appropriate in a TS map.
Life time win/loss counter. Possibly create teams in game depending on rank (but first figure out a way to keep party emembers on the same team). ABILITY TO RESET YOUR COUNTER. A 0/0 record is better than 20 losses because you're a noob. Or possibly ~10 games that don't count to your record.
Leader boards displaying all hero levels, and hero kills. Another leader board displaying allied hero status.
Ban menu. # of votes to ban is dependent on # of players playing on each team.
Let players vote on how to pick heroes (Pick fast, each team, random, choose), if there can be duplicate heroes for each team, or no limit at all. Fast game (exp/money gain), or normal game.
**Just throwing this idea out there: Have a limit on the number of times a player swears. ie: A player says nigger 5 times, or gay wad X times, they get booted from the game. Trash talking is part of the game, but being a racist, sexist, etc is just annoying.
DO NOT MAKE HEROES SUPER POWERFUL. LET SPAWN ACTUALLY DO STUFF OTHER THAN DIE FOR MINERALS/EXP.Not to say that the map should/should not be spawn based (which is my preference)...
I would* recommend using the armor system that sotis uses, but I personally believe that heroes should be able to rush defenses (during night?), or do hit and runs.
Just a quick reply to whoever posted this (cafg?), and some comments about the units in general:
I have a hatred for mutant. He's picked in every game. He's not easily countered.
Assault: probably the only counter, even then it's not much of a counter, as you still need multitasking skills to play well
Medic: stalemate early game. Mutant after l3/4
Assasin: is owned
Warrior: Instant death if he l2s. In general, going melee with mutant is asking for death, and warrior is only melee.
Volt: another decent counter, I suppose. Hard to hit with l1 though.
LM: stalemate early game. Mutant after l3/4. Mutant very early game.
Archer: About even
Summoner: can't train well
DM: easy to dodge curses, hard to hit with a mael.
Mech: big l2 target when not in vult. Can usually run away easily, so pretty much a stalemate.
Special ops: About even
Mutant: make it bigger - a big problem with it was being unable to click it. It would be nice if the clicking range was larger than the actual unit area.
Assault: all firebat heros I've seen sucked (cept for flashbeer's firebat map, though I'm not sure any of you have seen it. It wouldn't be that impressive in SC2 anyways.) I like the idea of this hero being a reaper.
Medic: very nice. either don't let it heal shields/mechs, or let it heal everything and nerf her overall healing abilites. Please don't use Nova's portrait for this unit.

Kinda liked the obs idea from HS. Keep the cloak. Keep night time.
Warrior: kinda bland, I like the samurai from HS better.
Volt: I like this guy. I'd like to see more electric looking spells in TS2.
LM: So many versions of this guy... I'm not sure what to think. I think he should be totally redone.
Archer: A good hero. Norm's CoM was also a good hero. Either one works depending on the other heroes.
Summoner: A combination of TS, TSm9, and TS7's summoner would be epic. (specially with more than 4 spells). Please don't make the summoner's lings hp degrade if it gets too far. Instead of using a punishment, nerf the lings, and give them a bonus when the summoner is around them (possible spell idea).
DM: I like this one too; Keep the orb. Don't use kerrigan from sc2, she looks stupid when compared with sc1 kerrigan.
Mech: a cool morphing effect would be nice.
Special ops: I've always like the rine, my favorite. However, he is very hard to balance, even with the new editor's flexibility. For balances sake, I might suggest getting rid of this hero entirely.
Whew that was a lot. Everything off the top of my head; I'll have more after I think about it some more.
I'd really like to help in any way I could (including testing). Or ideas (heroes, spells)