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Map Nights' Official Thread
Sep 20 2010, 5:50 am
By: payne
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Nov 14 2010, 4:53 am Dungeon-Master Post #121

I tried to join but I came too late D:

Also : lol @ that guy saying "What the fuck is a sen?"


Nov 14 2010, 4:57 am OlimarandLouie Post #122

Quote from DevliN
Regarding the question about Ventrilo, I definitely prefer that to TeamSpeak. The issue is that you'd need someone to pay for a Vent server. They are pretty cheap, though.
But TS looks so pretty compared to Vent :awesome:


Nov 14 2010, 5:02 am DevliN Post #123


I prefer how Vent looks, actually. It's a lot simpler to me. Maybe I've just gotten more used to it after a while, though. That's all my guild uses for WoW.

\:devlin\: Currently Working On: \:devlin\:
My Overwatch addiction.

Nov 14 2010, 11:30 am Devourer Post #124


Man I want to fucking participate, that aint fair :S
However, I'll create a topic about EU mapnights. Also, lol @ "What the fuck's a sen?" :D

Please report errors in the Staredit.Network forum.

Nov 14 2010, 1:32 pm payne Post #125


Quote from Devourer
Man I want to fucking participate, that aint fair :S
However, I'll create a topic about EU mapnights. Also, lol @ "What the fuck's a sen?" :D
Buy a second SC2 game and get on the NA server! :awesome:
(X-Mas gift? ;D)


Nov 14 2010, 7:00 pm Chirus Post #126

I personally prefer vent too. People can actually hear me on there :P

Phantom Dodge Race was really simple but fun. With more obstacles/tracks it could be a really cool game.

I'll look into making "the best Sport map" less of a clusterfuck with a lot of people. I think I'll make it so if you're close to a lot of allies, you do reduced damage. Thanks for playing it, btw :)


Nov 14 2010, 7:37 pm Alzarath Post #127


Quote from payne
It's because you haven't tried Raynor Party and Swarmed Heroes. >:O
I have tried Raynor Party. It's okay, but it's not THAT great. No idea what Swarmed Heroes is though. :\


Nov 15 2010, 3:03 am payne Post #128


Quote from Chirus
I personally prefer vent too. People can actually hear me on there :P

Phantom Dodge Race was really simple but fun. With more obstacles/tracks it could be a really cool game.

I'll look into making "the best Sport map" less of a clusterfuck with a lot of people. I think I'll make it so if you're close to a lot of allies, you do reduced damage. Thanks for playing it, btw :)
The original version of Phantom Dodge Race had a -much- bigger race track, but I came to the conclusion that reducing its size will significantly increase the interaction between players.

Quote from name:Artanis186
Quote from payne
It's because you haven't tried Raynor Party and Swarmed Heroes. >:O
I have tried Raynor Party. It's okay, but it's not THAT great. No idea what Swarmed Heroes is though. :\


Nov 18 2010, 12:23 pm payne Post #129


I've updated the Map Night's description in the OP so people I link to here actually have a better idea.
Anyways, just remembering your guys I will not be present for the incoming Map Night: who thinks he could write the Report?


Nov 21 2010, 8:49 pm payne Post #130


So... was there any Map Night yesterday? A report would be great. :)


Nov 25 2010, 1:11 am PIESOFTHENORTH Post #131

I'm glad Raynor Party finally got featured. That was a cool one.


Nov 25 2010, 2:51 am UnholyUrine Post #132

No mapnight last time, payne..

i went on at 4 and I didn't see anyone on :(


Nov 27 2010, 9:33 pm payne Post #133


Tonight's Map Night is starting in approximatively 1 hour and 30 minutes!


Nov 28 2010, 4:07 am payne Post #134


Started at 6h01 PM. Ended at 10h44 PM.

People that participated:

  • payne
  • Lial
  • aalleecc
  • Temp
  • Silent
  • Urahara
  • SirRoland
  • EvilEntropy
  • Shmu
  • AsmodeuS
  • Jyushee
  • RedFox

Maps we've played:

  • Raynor Party
  • Phantom Mode
  • Swarmed Heroes
  • OPERATION: Labyrinth
  • Uberena
  • Lightcycles
  • NOTD
  • An in-production secret CTF map by Silent >:O


  • Jyushee completely ruined the Raynor Party because he crashed or something. :<
  • So many Uberenas! If you look at the pictures, you'll see one where we had crazy incomes (Temp had 4k!). This one lasted 51 minutes! ... and my team lost (partly because of me :><:) :(
  • NOTD has made great progress since the last time I've played it. The UI needs improvements, though.
  • The Phantom we've played... I was Phantom, and I was the first to die... killed by the other Phantom! ... which died the third I think. (Pictures!)
  • Lial probably wants me to say he passed through 3 lanes in Lightcycles (Tron) >_>
  • The Labyrinth map wasn't really good, though it didn't uber-suck.


Ending note:

That was a great Map Night!
Alec and Lial, don't you dare to arrive 1 hour late next time! :P


Nov 28 2010, 4:14 am aalleecc248 Post #135

Quote from payne
Ending note:
That was a great Map Night!
Alec and Lial, don't you dare to arrive 1 hour late next time! :P
Excuse us for being late. Just because we are there almost every time doesn't mean we can be there on time ALL the time! Be glad we actually came. :P


Nov 28 2010, 5:23 am payne Post #136


Quote from aalleecc248
Quote from payne
Ending note:
That was a great Map Night!
Alec and Lial, don't you dare to arrive 1 hour late next time! :P
Excuse us for being late. Just because we are there almost every time doesn't mean we can be there on time ALL the time! Be glad we actually came. :P
It was a "funny poke", don't take it so seriously. :P


Dec 2 2010, 3:26 am Ipfreely Post #137

Hi! Just wanted to say this is a great idea and I will try to make some of these map nights, as well as spread the word. I also have a couple of maps to throw into the mix if people are up for it. Cheers and see everyone on Saturday.


Dec 2 2010, 3:47 am payne Post #138


Quote from Ipfreely
Hi! Just wanted to say this is a great idea and I will try to make some of these map nights, as well as spread the word. I also have a couple of maps to throw into the mix if people are up for it. Cheers and see everyone on Saturday.
God, it's good to see fresh blood. :)
You've probably heard of it via forums?

Indeed, it's a great idea, yet people don't seem to want to open their eyes and see what is available for them. I've already created a thread about Map Nights on forums, yet no one even looked at it.... :(

So... you are a map-maker? What kind of maps do you create? We'll be glad to try them out. :)

Go show your support! :awesome:

EDIT: And should we still use that TeamSpeak channel? :O

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Dec 2 2010, 5:04 am by payne.


Dec 2 2010, 11:44 pm Ipfreely Post #139

Yeah, I heard about it through the B-Net forums. And I gave your new thread in the custom maps section a bump!

I'm not a map maker, but I do love custom maps. I find it very sad that some great maps are destroyed by the "popularity" system and I look forward to playing some of these with a group of people. Two team maps I was hoping to play are:

Thenk's Team Survival (aka Enfo's)
Team Micro Arena: Legends


Dec 4 2010, 5:44 am payne Post #140


Please note: the Map Night won't happen on the Public Test version of StarCraft II. There aren't any Custom maps there, and I do not have any contacts either. Moreover, the Channels are buggy.
However, it will happen on StarCraft II Patch 1.1.3's server.


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