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Map Nights' Official Thread
Sep 20 2010, 5:50 am
By: payne
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Oct 9 2010, 9:50 pm UnholyUrine Post #61

I'm joining... if I can.

How do I add you?


Oct 10 2010, 6:46 am payne Post #62


Full report this time, but still left at 9 PM. I believe it's simply because SC2 is still missing a lot of custom maps to entertain 6 hours of straight play. :/

Persons who were present:
- payne
- Artanis
- aalleecc
- Lial
- Kenoli
- UnholyUrine
- Symmetry

Maps we've played:
- Death Race
- Uberena
- 4v4 melee
- Lightcycles
- Runling Run
- Seeds of Destruction

- We have lost the melee game... probably because of my poor macro skills. :P
- FiredRice said he'd be there next week. aalleecc might be there as well, if his computer is repaired by then.
- Uberena and Lightcycles are becoming kind of usual-plays for Map Nights, I like that! ;D
- People say I can't pro-nun-ci-ate and I have a 8 years old voice. :(
- aalleecc sucks at guitar.
- alleecc is Lial's brother, which is why I say he assisted to the Map Night: they were simply sharing the same computer, alternating the plays.
- I have fixed Death Race's spells (thanks to Artanis!). Next week's host should be more interesting.
- I'm still waiting on Temp's "prettyfying wiki" to release Stalker Arena.
- Lail plays guitar. :/

Ending note:
I hate how some SENers I see online are ditching the Map Night for some melee-plays with some cousins (always the same excuse... pff! :P). Anyways, maybe one day KrayZee and Viet will come!
This time, I'll mostly blame Cynical (xYoshix) for doing this. :bye1:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 10 2010, 3:19 pm by payne.


Oct 10 2010, 2:17 pm aalleecc248 Post #63

2. Lial was playing the Guitar
3. Seeds of Destruction
4. L2Melee :bleh:


Oct 11 2010, 5:20 am UnholyUrine Post #64

1. Death Race sucked b/c probes don't respawn at place of death.. making it not much of race but rather a dodge map.
2. And no, it's not a bound. Level up Bound is a bound
3. We rejected Uberena in the end
4. I can't believe you can cross between the lines in LightCycles..
5. We lost at the final boss of Seeds of Destructions. It's all Kenoli's fault for leaving us. Bastard.
6. Melee on Map Night was a bad idea.. especially since my frd's in diamond league, we get grouped with strong players.
6. Run ling Run was the most boring map I've ever played on SC2. It was set a normal speed. Units were slow as shit. the Music choice was small, and all of them were shitty, and shouldn't have been there in the first place. Mute should work for all music. and Finally, why the fuck are there spells and leveling up in a Dodge game? The SC1's Run Ling Run worked fine w/o it, and adding Leveling up just made it stupid. All it should've been was a Run ling Run on crack, and with levels that had drones that hunt you down, or some other cool stuff. NOT spells. NOT leveling up.
7. I had loads of fun... up until the point we played run ling run.


Oct 11 2010, 10:25 pm payne Post #65


Quote from UnholyUrine
1. Death Race sucked b/c probes don't respawn at place of death.. making it not much of race but rather a dodge map.
2. And no, it's not a bound. Level up Bound is a bound
3. We rejected Uberena in the end
4. I can't believe you can cross between the lines in LightCycles..
5. We lost at the final boss of Seeds of Destructions. It's all Kenoli's fault for leaving us. Bastard.
6. Melee on Map Night was a bad idea.. especially since my frd's in diamond league, we get grouped with strong players.
6. Run ling Run was the most boring map I've ever played on SC2. It was set a normal speed. Units were slow as shit. the Music choice was small, and all of them were shitty, and shouldn't have been there in the first place. Mute should work for all music. and Finally, why the fuck are there spells and leveling up in a Dodge game? The SC1's Run Ling Run worked fine w/o it, and adding Leveling up just made it stupid. All it should've been was a Run ling Run on crack, and with levels that had drones that hunt you down, or some other cool stuff. NOT spells. NOT leveling up.
7. I had loads of fun... up until the point we played run ling run.
1. Original map's name was "Dodge Race"... I changed it to "Death Race" because it has more potential :><:
2. Who said so? >_>
3. Still, we played it at some time!
4. Bwehehe. :shifty:
5. Kenoli's a bitch! >:O
6. I call it's 100% your fault of having suggested such a friend to us! :P
7. You just sux and hate it. :awesome: After a while, your character becomes epic... just like my guardian and his epic blink! :)
8. :massimo:

I might not be able to show up to the next Map Night... I have an EXTREMELY huge Math exam and I haven't studied AT ALL... and I work friday and sunday... and the up-coming week is charged as well with 2 exams.
My math exam being monday, it only leaves me saturday to study. :/


Oct 15 2010, 7:09 am JayNLittleAsi Post #66

Hey everyone,
I'm new to map night, but I'm hoping you guys can try out It's a good 4v4 CTF (or FFA/Team deathmatch) map, and I'm sure you will all enjoy it. Don't forget to leave feedback!


Oct 15 2010, 3:13 pm payne Post #67


Quote from JayNLittleAsi
Hey everyone,
I'm new to map night, but I'm hoping you guys can try out It's a good 4v4 CTF (or FFA/Team deathmatch) map, and I'm sure you will all enjoy it. Don't forget to leave feedback!
Map has been added to the play-list. ^^
I hope to see you often in Map Nights! :)


Oct 16 2010, 7:37 pm payne Post #68


Finally, there are high chances that I'll show up tonight: my math exam's date has been moved! :awesome:

Reminder: Map Night starts in 2 hours and 30 minutes!


Oct 16 2010, 10:28 pm PIESOFTHENORTH Post #69

Looks like I am late. I don't know how to get in on this.



Oct 17 2010, 2:02 am xYoshix Post #70



Oct 17 2010, 3:50 am payne Post #71


This time, it ended at 23:39 for me.
I ate bread and Nutella in front of the computer to not miss any second of the Map Night. It was really nice! :)

Persons who were present:
- payne
- Artanis
- aalleecc
- Lial
- UnholyUrine
- Viet-X
- Jay
- LittleAsi
- FishFuzz
- Looke
- Tikels

Maps we've played:
- Phantom Mode
- Lightcycles
- Hugs vs Kisses
- Death Race
- Uberena
- Raynor Party (US)
- Hex'd
- Minion Arena
- Recruit and Fight
- Modern Cop

- We've played 3 Phantoms. There really intense, though every time, we sucked and Phantoms won. Last game lasted nearly an hour, with Artanis trying to survive with 1 probe. :P
- Raynor Party was for sure the best discovery of the year. It indeed -is- the most professional map I've seen out there, and it's very entertaining. I was kept on the edge of my seat and had a lot of good laughs coming from the release of tension.
- Hugs and Kisses is very promising. We played it many times, with Artanis saying the Ghost was OP. I hope there will be more updates until next Map Nights!
- The Hex'd version we've played wasn't localized. Too bad... we left after 2 minutes. >.<
- A Lightcycles (Tron remake) at 7 players is kind of messy, imo, but it was still fun. Viet won.
- Tikels still sux with his goddamn connection.
- Looke loves to SCV rush anyone unvisioning him at start.
- aalleecc is starting a mini-game map!
- I still like Uberena, but it doesn't look like it's the same for everyone. :(
- 2.0 hates UU's new mic! :awesome:

Ending note:
I'm pretty surprised we've maintained a minimum of 8 active players during the WHOLE Map Night! It was really nice. At some point, we were 12 or 13 in the Chat Window! :awesome:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 17 2010, 11:11 am by payne.


Oct 17 2010, 4:30 am JayNLittleAsi Post #72

Raynor Party was very entertaining and I liked lightcycles, but i would prefer a solid trail instead of little rectangles. I had no idea what was going on in Uberena. Thanks to everyone for trying Hugs vs Kisses and putting it in the rotation. Be sure to leave us feedback on our forum.


Oct 17 2010, 5:19 am UnholyUrine Post #73

Stop not mentioning me, i'm getting jealous :(

I got new headphones with a mic for tonight. and nobody could hear me :( (except for lial)

I managed to play Hugs vs. Kisses with Artanis after mapnight.
As he said, it is very promising.. I can drop some suggestions now ^^

Raynor Party was the best... people who aren't playing this are missing out.
... fucking 2.0


Oct 17 2010, 3:21 pm PIESOFTHENORTH Post #74

Quote from UnholyUrine

Raynor Party was the best... people who aren't playing this are missing out.
... fucking 2.0


I originally heard about it from this thread:

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on Oct 17 2010, 3:31 pm by PIESOFTHENORTH.


Oct 17 2010, 4:38 pm Alzarath Post #75


I liked Raynor Party, but I don't find it as good as some people say. There are some good games, and some ones I'm not very entertained by. For instance, the Sentry-Baneling one, not very fond of. The Lurker, I just suck at, and burrow and hope everyone dies recklessly. The Dark Templar one I find quite fun though. And it's no fun being targeted by 4 other Marauders in that bound. :P

Hugs and Kisses was my favorite map. It was nicely put together, and aside from some minor balance issues (That the owner wont admit), it's very fun to play.


Oct 17 2010, 9:29 pm payne Post #76


Quote from name:Artanis186
I liked Raynor Party, but I don't find it as good as some people say. There are some good games, and some ones I'm not very entertained by. For instance, the Sentry-Baneling one, not very fond of. The Lurker, I just suck at, and burrow and hope everyone dies recklessly. The Dark Templar one I find quite fun though. And it's no fun being targeted by 4 other Marauders in that bound. :P

Hugs and Kisses was my favorite map. It was nicely put together, and aside from some minor balance issues (That the owner wont admit), it's very fun to play.
@1st paragraph: The DT one being the "type this sentence" or the "bounce people off" ? I hate second one. :P
@2nd par.: Oh stop it, I pwn any ghost with my assassin. No luck you sucks against ghosts. :awesome:


Oct 17 2010, 10:10 pm Alzarath Post #77


Quote from payne
@1st paragraph: The DT one being the "type this sentence" or the "bounce people off" ? I hate second one. :P

The bounce people off. The typing was was an HT, not a DT. :O
(And I hated the typing one)

Quote from payne
@2nd par.: Oh stop it, I pwn any ghost with my assassin. No luck you sucks against ghosts. :awesome:

I don't suck vs Ghosts, I played as one. I base my theory on my playing as the ghost, not playing against. It's hardly any fun being able to just sit at the back of the base and rape anyone from across the map.


Oct 19 2010, 6:19 pm UnholyUrine Post #78

Luls, the lurker one is the easiest one to understand...

I don't know, the Sniper isn't THAT OP.. It is definitely hard to hit someone from across the map if they're moving.

One way to even this out is to make it so that the sniper doesn't get a 1 hit kill when his opponent is x distance away. But the shot will do enough damage to at least chip away 70% of the health.


Oct 23 2010, 9:44 pm payne Post #79


Starting in 15 minutes!


Oct 25 2010, 11:45 pm payne Post #80


Nothing very special for this Map Night. :/
Thanks to people for showing! :awesome:

Persons who were present:
- payne
- Artanis
- aalleecc
- Lial
- Viet-X
- Jay
- LittleAsi
- We were more, but I've written this report too late and my memory sucks. Sorry. :(

Maps we've played:
- Phantom Mode
- Lightcycles
- Fortress Arena Classic
- Uberena
- Raynor Party (US)
- Minion Arena

- Lotsa Fortress Arena Classic! We've played at least 5 of those if I remember well.
- The Phantom lasted over an hour because of Artanis. :P
- Nexus Word War is back online. I'll make sure we play it next Map Night!

Ending note:
Sorry for writing this report so late. :/


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[2025-2-10. : 7:43 am]
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[2025-2-10. : 12:21 am]
Ultraviolet -- or too much going on in too little space rather
[2025-2-10. : 12:20 am]
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[2025-2-09. : 8:40 pm]
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