Two Zerg Cerebrates are put in charge of two separate broods, each with their own chrysalis. After roughly fifteen game minutes (seven and a half real-time minutes), the chrysali hatch, and out come two warriors for the Cerebrates to use. These characters must survive till the end of the mission, which comes when you place a warrior on each of the two beacons (play the game for more).
The map is extremely difficult, so much so that I've had to deactivate the Terran AI until after the warriors hatch. The Protoss AI will be more than happy to occupy you as you wait until that time.
If you CAN beat it, congrats! If not, and you'd like to win, post your situation here and I'll help as best I can (I've only beaten it once, and my entire force was crippled in the process, and I almost lost my warrior).
The intro to this map is immensely retarded, and then stuff blows up (explosions make everything better) and then you start the mission. There are voices. (they probably aren't the best voices in the world...) If you play with randoms over, prepare to wait for two-twenty minutes as they download it.
Download (3.74 MB):

Enjoy! Post any questions, comments, feedback, and whatnot.