I don't have the map like Azreal says; the link he sent me was broken.
The link was most certainly
not broken when you received it and when you posted it in this thread. The only reason the link doesn't work now is because I took the file down some time later when it got to almost a dozen downloads. I haven't had good experiences with distributing unprotected maps, and it's a rather large map file, so I wanted to protect/compress the version being downloaded by the general public before too many people downloaded the unprotected/uncompressed judging version.
It was a pretty reasonable assumption that the only person I sent the link to would have been one of the dozen people that downloaded it, if not the first.
So basically, you copy/pasted the link into the thread and posted it for other people to download, but didn't actually download it yourself

The reason I PM'd the link to you instead of posting it in the thread was to make sure you got it since you are judging the contest.
Anyways, the main reason I just got on was because I got the map protected. I don't know exactly what was wrong with the original map still, whatever it was had to do with the fact I added all 230 something wav files at the same time (SCXE lets you select as many as you want to upload simultaneously). As soon as I did that I started getting the initial error messages when trying to save, which had very little impact at the time because although it says it can't save, it actually was saving with seemingly no problem other than the error message. Of course I realized something was actually wrong when I finished and started trying to protect it (by the way Unholy, I tried Uberation (v3 I believe) and it protected it... while deleting all the wavs and replacing dialogue with location names >_> I'll give it credit that it made it further than the protectors which just blatantly refused to even try).
I ended up copying everything to an identical map file one layer at a time because the file became so corrupt while I was trying to fix it that I couldn't even change anything anymore. I was using SCM Draft to delete and readd strings and wavs to see if I could get rid of whatever was screwing the map up, and at some point I was like "screw it" and I deleted every unit on the map and saved a test file. Well when I opened the map in SCXE, all the units showed up. I deleted all the units in SCXE this time, saved it again (no error messages saving at this point), and immediately reopened it... all the units were still there. The map was so damaged that it couldn't be altered, although both editors seemed to think they were altering it (too bad you couldn't do this purposefully for a map protecting program! >_>).
At this point I had one set of units and shit showing up on SCM Draft, an entirely different set on SCXE, and some other shit going on when I tried playing it in StarCraft. I figured it was pretty much beyond repair at this point, I was pretty upset to be honest, but then I was considering the whole copying the map layer-by-layer notion and wondering if it would still work right and if whatever was corrupt would carry over as well.
What I had to was copy/paste the terrain, units, etc into a new map, remake all the locations identically, then copy/paste the text version of the triggers, add all the wavs again (this time one at a time in SCM Draft and uncompressed!), and redo all the unit naming and stats and such.
After it was all finished, I tried it out and it seems to be functional. I just compressed it with TinyMap2, which worked alright this time, so I'm hoping the rampant data corruption didn't find it's way into this version through some tile of transferred terrain or some other stupid bullshit. It did a good job of compression and protection, although when I hopped on to test if it'd actually worked, I found the wavs now had some kind of slight sound at the end/beginning of them, and for 1 sec continually-playing wavs that's a serious issue, so I ended up not being able to compress the wavs.
So although I couldn't compress the wavs for that reason, I could still compress the rest of the map, which did very little for the file size but seems to work for protection so I'm satisfied I guess. I'd like to be able to reduce the file size for distribution reasons but it makes the wavs obnoxious to listen to, and if I have to reduce the enjoyability of the map in order for more people to play, I'll just end up with less total people who enjoy it.
Well here you go, I'll make the DLDB entry and such later because, surprise, I'm sick of dealing with this map at the moment. If you downloaded the original version, please delete it and download this one instead. I only checked the first 30 seconds of the map after getting it protected, just enough to make sure the map wasn't made unplayable like what the corrupted versions had been doing when been protected, so it's more than likely (especially because the map is a layer-by-layer copy) that something is not going to work right at some point. If you experience some kind of bug or map error, please inform me as soon as possible in as much detail as possible so I can take this down and try to fix it yet again.
http://www.mediafire.com/?nwkgnxdymj0Edit: Quickly throwing together a vFinal with a list of improvements added that I thought of while trying to fix the original, it'll be linked to in a few minutes. If you're not a judge, you should probably just download it instead, it has a music toggle and such. If you're a judge then of course download the original lol.
Edit: Here's the final version. It has the same file name as the other version because I haven't publicly played yet so the only people who need to worry about which file is which are reading this thread. Download this one (NOT for judging).
Final version:
Autocracy RPGI repeat, if you are a judge then do not judge this one, it has a number of additions, improvements, and alterations which were made after the contest deadline. Anyone who downloaded one of the previous versions should download this one instead.
Post has been edited 3 time(s), last time on May 16 2010, 4:07 am by Azrael666-.