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Week #2 SEN Mapping Contest
May 2 2010, 1:24 am
By: LoveLess
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May 11 2010, 3:05 am CecilSunkure Post #61

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
I don't think the possible loop hole of you having "copy & pasting" things (which is pretty unlikely that you did) really makes you immune to the fact that you had started this map a week before everyone else started theirs.
1 day is not a week. I could also call it unfair that everyone else has two extra days more than me. What advantage did I gain in the contest?


May 11 2010, 3:09 am Jack Post #62

>be faceless void >mfw I have no face

Quote from CecilSunkure
Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
I don't think the possible loop hole of you having "copy & pasting" things (which is pretty unlikely that you did) really makes you immune to the fact that you had started this map a week before everyone else started theirs.
1 day is not a week. I could also call it unfair that everyone else has two extra days more than me. What advantage did I gain in the contest?
It's not about any advantage you gained, it's about sticking to the rules even when it's a disadvantage.

Red classic.

"In short, their absurdities are so extreme that it is painful even to quote them."

May 11 2010, 3:11 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #63

Quote from CecilSunkure
Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
I don't think the possible loop hole of you having "copy & pasting" things (which is pretty unlikely that you did) really makes you immune to the fact that you had started this map a week before everyone else started theirs.
1 day is not a week. I could also call it unfair that everyone else has two extra days more than me. What advantage did I gain in the contest?

You broke the rules. That's the point. Why even have rules posted when a judge (who shouldn't even be participating in the contest as it is) can just weasel his way out of them? Seriously. Take that rule down then.

Here's the new rule to fit your standards.
  • Maps started previous to the starting of this contest are not allowed. UNLESS of course you have something to do any day of the contest. THEN it would only be fair for you to have started a map before everyone else (as of course everyone else has nothing to do all seven days of the contest). OH and you are ALSO exempt of this rule if you are a contest judge. And finally, you are exempt of this rule if you do not know when to just admit you cheated; and instead are able to produce a plethora of bullshit excuses.


May 11 2010, 3:17 am CecilSunkure Post #64

Quote from Jack
It's not about any advantage you gained, it's about sticking to the rules even when it's a disadvantage.
Well it wasn't a disadvantage, or advantage. Sure it was against the rules, and that technically is against cheating, but I don't really like people saying I took longer than a week. The map could be disqualified I suppose, but it doesn't seem worth it at all to me. As always, the goal is to pump out some quality maps before SCII comes along.

I actually feel bad now that I realized I technically went against the rules. I was more focused on finishing a quality map within the 7 day deadline of when I started. Since I turned it in early I could have easily started the terrain over, but I figured that would be a waste of my actual real-life time and just continued with how things were laid out.

My mistake. Not a good idea to try to finish a map in a single day -that just set me up for a waste of time if I planned to actually use it in a contest.

So what do you all think? Should it be disqualified or should we just keep rolling along? Here is a short summary of stuffs:

  • Broke a rule of "No submissions before the contest start"

  • Finished a quality SC1 map
  • Stayed within all other rules, emphasis on the 7 day rule by turning it in within 6 days

And for clarification:
The terrain is all mine, but I developed my style and basic structures long ago. As shown in my terraining video, I copy paste almost everything I do from older maps I've made.


May 11 2010, 3:23 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #65

Well now that you actually owned up to it I really don't care if your map is not disqualified.


May 11 2010, 3:26 am Azrael Post #66

I say just let it be and have it judged, the more the merrier ^^

Post has been edited 2 time(s), last time on Oct 12 2010, 2:09 am by DevliN. Reason: Mineral abuse.

May 11 2010, 3:26 am CecilSunkure Post #67

This entire post was owning up to it and explaining everything, and even explaining that I was refusing to use any loopholes.


May 11 2010, 3:35 am Chia-Tyrant Post #68

Here's my entry. Unlike the others, this is complete. That is, you can reach the end. There are still things I'd like to work on though. For instance, those are the issues I am already aware of: typos, wait for dialog too long/short, enemies are too easy to kill at the end and the final boss' attack patterns do not work perfectly.

Since the theme of the map is short story, there are tons of dialog. It's about 90% dialog and 10% gameplay. So, if you're not going to read every single thing I've written, don't bother playing.

Also, the game contains tons of secrets/puzzles (at least one per area). You can just rush through the map but, again, if you want to do that then don't bother playing it. Try to find all the gems(4 of each) and all the relics(3). It's alright if you don't find everything but at least try.

Entry not updated after the deadline.

Post has been edited 1 time(s), last time on May 11 2010, 3:41 am by chia-tyrant.


May 11 2010, 3:49 am Azrael Post #69

Alright, I'm pretty well satisfied there aren't any major bugs, so I'll just post up the same version. Still gives me some peace of mind to have done a bit of testing beforehand though ^^

Autocracy RPG

Worked on it religiously, and stayed awake for 3 days straight before the original deadline to get it finished. I ran into a lot of issues but thankfully I was able to circumvent or resolve all of them. The map can be played by 1-6 players.

To give some of the statistics that an earlier poster gave, this map contains:

  • Units: 692
  • Doodads: 24
  • Sprites: 94
  • Locations: 256
  • Strings: 950+
  • Triggers: 13000+
  • .Wavs: 230+
  • File Size: 4.15 MB

I managed to reduce the filesize a bit by zipping it, which helps you not at all with being able to play publicly, but Tinymap2 is causing StarCraft to not even open it for some reason. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what, but I'll mess around with it and if I can eventually get the filesize down, I will post it up somewhere.

I'll make a release thread and DLDB entry for it tomorrow morning when I wake up, I'm a bit too tired tonight. Good luck to everyone else ^^

May 11 2010, 4:30 am UnholyUrine Post #70

I still have problems opening it... winrar says it's in the wrong format or smthing.
sheesh why'd u zip it? =_=''


May 11 2010, 4:45 am stickynote Post #71

Can't finish in time. Will turn it in late tomorrow. Finished everything up to the sub boss. Still have to do the final boss and a little easter egg I thought would be funny.


May 11 2010, 5:46 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #72

Quote from CecilSunkure
This entire post was owning up to it and explaining everything, and even explaining that I was refusing to use any loopholes.

I suppose. Rules are still rules. So if you feel that it is okay to keep your map in the contest after breaking your own rules, go for it.

Anyways, I've got a beta-key to offer as a runner-up prize.


May 11 2010, 6:19 am LoveLess Post #73

Let me show you how to hump without making love.

I don't see a problem with people using past ideas or terrain. The reason for the rule, is so that people don't pick up a map that they have been working on for two years and submit it into a contest. Having a terrain mock-up and a loose idea, then combining the two to make a map... I see that as fair. I am not being bias in this decision, at all. I had some of the ideas for Marianne before I ever made that, such as the footsteps. Want to pick on me for it?


May 11 2010, 4:38 pm UnholyUrine Post #74

So far, every map I've played has been outstanding and exceeded my expectations...

just a note that you're all doing awesome work :D
The judging will be difficult ><


May 11 2010, 5:56 pm CecilSunkure Post #75

Quote from UnholyUrine
The judging will be difficult ><
Well just score the maps with the rubric and send me your notes afterward. I'll do the averaging. If two maps come up with the exact same average score, then we can come up with a solution over MSN.


May 12 2010, 12:04 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #76

Quote from LoveLess
Want to pick on me for it?

I don't really see how an idea counts as a map that was started before the contest. I do, however, see how terrain is literally a map started before the contest.

It's alright though, I'm over it. Cecil is a really cool guy and I suppose I should have expected you guys to bend the rules for him; and shouldn't have brought it up in the first place. I will be sure to take in account the extreme leniency of what would seem to be very simple and straightforward rules, and will expect the same exceptions to be made for anyone in the future.


May 12 2010, 12:09 am CecilSunkure Post #77

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
I will be sure to take in account the extreme leniency of what would seem to be very simple and straightforward rules, and will expect the same exceptions to be made for anyone in the future.
As long as things aren't being done just to exercise this sort of "right", then I don't mind. We aren't rule Nazis, though we also won't do anything to inhibit the other contestants or hinder the contest in any way.

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
Cecil is a really cool guy


May 12 2010, 1:09 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #78

Quote from Chia-Tyrant
Here's my entry. Unlike the others, this is complete. That is, you can reach the end. There are still things I'd like to work on though. For instance, those are the issues I am already aware of: typos, wait for dialog too long/short, enemies are too easy to kill at the end and the final boss' attack patterns do not work perfectly.

Since the theme of the map is short story, there are tons of dialog. It's about 90% dialog and 10% gameplay. So, if you're not going to read every single thing I've written, don't bother playing.

Also, the game contains tons of secrets/puzzles (at least one per area). You can just rush through the map but, again, if you want to do that then don't bother playing it. Try to find all the gems(4 of each) and all the relics(3). It's alright if you don't find everything but at least try.

Entry not updated after the deadline.

Wow. That had an incredibly good story. That was my favorite part. Everything else was just decent.


May 12 2010, 2:25 am lil-Inferno Post #79

Just here for the pie

Quote from Leeroy_Jenkins
Quote from Chia-Tyrant
Here's my entry. Unlike the others, this is complete. That is, you can reach the end. There are still things I'd like to work on though. For instance, those are the issues I am already aware of: typos, wait for dialog too long/short, enemies are too easy to kill at the end and the final boss' attack patterns do not work perfectly.

Since the theme of the map is short story, there are tons of dialog. It's about 90% dialog and 10% gameplay. So, if you're not going to read every single thing I've written, don't bother playing.

Also, the game contains tons of secrets/puzzles (at least one per area). You can just rush through the map but, again, if you want to do that then don't bother playing it. Try to find all the gems(4 of each) and all the relics(3). It's alright if you don't find everything but at least try.

Entry not updated after the deadline.

Wow. That had an incredibly good story. That was my favorite part. Everything else was just decent.
I at least hope he meant May instead of April when he said it was released on April 9th... which he did twice. I thought the story was superb as well.

May 12 2010, 4:46 am Leeroy_Jenkins Post #80

Quote from name:Azrael666-
Alright, I'm pretty well satisfied there aren't any major bugs, so I'll just post up the same version. Still gives me some peace of mind to have done a bit of testing beforehand though ^^

Autocracy RPG

Worked on it religiously, and stayed awake for 3 days straight before the original deadline to get it finished. I ran into a lot of issues but thankfully I was able to circumvent or resolve all of them. The map can be played by 1-6 players.

To give some of the statistics that an earlier poster gave, this map contains:

  • Units: 692
  • Doodads: 24
  • Sprites: 94
  • Locations: 256
  • Strings: 950+
  • Triggers: 13000+
  • .Wavs: 230+
  • File Size: 4.15 MB

I managed to reduce the filesize a bit by zipping it, which helps you not at all with being able to play publicly, but Tinymap2 is causing StarCraft to not even open it for some reason. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what, but I'll mess around with it and if I can eventually get the filesize down, I will post it up somewhere.

I'll make a release thread and DLDB entry for it tomorrow morning when I wake up, I'm a bit too tired tonight. Good luck to everyone else ^^

"The .rar is either empty or corrupted."


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