The terrain forum has had a large lack of interest lately and it's become a little bit peevish to me. So if you make something, post it, if you need help with something, post what you have so far and someone may guide you through it. I don't care if it's 2x2 or 64x64, just post some terrain, even if it's not yours! I'd also like to see maps attached for your terrain.
So I don't seem so hypocritical, I'm going to post some of my own terrain that I've been playing around with lately.
It's a floating island. Not much terrain-wise to see, but I was going for more of an artistic viewpoint. There's tons of room for improvement obviously, but the basic concept is down and I didn't spend that long on it. Yes, we know, it's a sprite-fest.
Based on this Maplantis
Dude, add several waterfalls so the 3d effect comes out better
Best is if you place them in all directions
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Yeah I agree with Devourer. The waterfall doesn't really look right if there is just one of them. Just place some more, but only like a couple, don't overkill it like Devourer said lol. The best way to pull off a 3d effect, is to have some water dripping down from the back, and have part of the land that is jutting out conceal it. That way it looks like it's floating.
Also, that avatar terrain thread inspired me to make a custom cliff blend. Not much, but it was fun making it lol.
I've been trying lately to make cleaner pieces of terrain, which I've strayed from for quite a while. It's nothing special, though.
Dude, add several waterfalls so the 3d effect comes out better
Best is if you place them in all directions
If you add two to three waterfalls on the two bottom sides of the floating island, it will look magnificent.
Yoshi, howler, lil? You are some of my fevourite terrainers
seriously, great work. Can someone try to make a nice room design in 20x12 (screen-size)? Try several tilesets
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Damn yoshi, that is some really clean terrain. I can see each individual square that you used, but it's not blocky at all!!!! That's what I love about good terrain. The tiles are all there, just waiting to be jigsawed together
Yoshi, howler, lil? You are some of my fevourite terrainers
seriously, great work. Can someone try to make a nice room design in 20x12 (screen-size)? Try several tilesets
I might try to do this...
howler i really like your cliff blends and yoshi your terrain is starting to look like CD, looks freakin awesome. I'm gonna post some terrain in a bit when i get on my comp.
I've been trying lately to make cleaner pieces of terrain, which I've strayed from for quite a while. It's nothing special, though.
I like the custom mud patch.
I see a little block near middle left.
I predict vision-problems with that high-dirt patch at the top.
Good job
Btw, look here: JaBoK)
Okay, thanks to qpk for a lot of the ideas. I've been working on this for around 3 days or so, and i think it turned out great.
I like the crystal emplacements and the little pool in the middle.
Yoshi, howler, lil? You are some of my fevourite terrainers
seriously, great work. Can someone try to make a nice room design in 20x12 (screen-size)? Try several tilesets
Messed around with desert tileset and got a good blend goin
Looks like you got an arena going there
I was just trying to cover the basics that a room needs (transition from a walkable floor to walls(top) and "ceiling"(bottom)), but now that you mention it, it looks like an arena lol.
Maybe for a new gladiator RPG
awesome awesome work howler
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That's pretty cool looking, Howler. Nice to see someone finally working with Desert
The left and right corners look a little blocky, Howler, but other than that - it's a great piece.
That's really great... Impressive, Howler.